Hong Kong Entertainment’s Life Simulator

Chapter 345: Noodles in the Instant Noodle War

At around 10 o'clock at night, in the lobby of a restaurant in Yau Ma Tei, the little bully looked at the more than 200 brothers gathered together with satisfaction. Just as he was about to speak, he saw several uniformed policemen walking up quickly. The leader of the group was an inspector.

"Little Overlord, why did you gather so many people so late?"

The bully rolled his eyes speechlessly and walked over to talk to the police before dealing with them.

Then, he grabbed the microphone and said, "Let me just say a few words. There are bosses from island countries who are spending money to make us do things. Brothers, please take action."

"Starting tonight, you will go into the many Baijia chain stores in Hong Kong one by one. When you see Hua Feng San Xian Yi Noodles or Nong Shim Xin Ramen, you will crush them for me while the salesperson or cashier is not paying attention. "

“The more you can crush, the better.”

"Start going to Wanjia tomorrow and do these things!"

"If you can't handle this little thing, then don't follow me in the future."

As the voice was transmitted, a group of subordinates were in an uproar... The eldest brother hurriedly grabbed everyone, and a large group of people gathered. Is it for this kind of thing? ?

In the uproar, a younger brother immediately raised his hand, "Lao Ding, are you going to destroy the products of Baijia Xing and Wanjia? Are you planning to usurp the throne??"

Immediately, some of the boys nearby nodded wildly. Yes, crushing instant noodles is not a big deal. Sometimes someone will do it when they have nothing to do. But if Baijia Xing and Wanjia are really causing trouble, is it a question of how many bags of instant noodles are broken? ?

The little bully's face turned red with anger, "I plotted against you, Laoqi, to usurp the throne. You crushed Huafeng Sanxian Yi Noodles and Nongxin Xin Ramen. Those can be returned directly by Baijia and Wanjia. No need. What kind of compensation should we pay to the merchants?”

"And when it comes to the brand war, no matter who starts the unconventional business war, Vanguard Group can demand damages from the first one to take action. At that time, Vanguard Group will also go to Nissin Group to negotiate."

The boy who raised his hand thought thoughtfully, "Lao Ding, did you accept Nissin's money? I have eaten Nissin's delicious food before. It turns out that you are so unscrupulous."

The little bully grabbed the microphone angrily and smashed it over, "Hualien Rong, where did you get so many and why? Are you still doing something?"

"Remember, when you are discovered by the salesperson, they will stop you or ask for compensation. If you can run away, run away. If you can't run away, you should pay. At worst, they will buy your crushed instant noodles at market price, which is not worth a lot of money."

"If you have a horse, take the horse with you. Try not to be so conspicuous."

"In the next month, this will be your main job. If you do an ordinary job, you will be paid five thousand a month. If you do a good job, your monthly salary will not only be ten thousand or twenty thousand, you can even expect to earn four to five thousand!"

"The big boss is rich, and the money he pays is still sufficient. If he makes a big deal, the more sensational the public opinion is, the better."


Even if the total monthly salary of more than 200 people is 10,000, it is only more than 2 million Hong Kong dollars. For a movie that earns tens of millions of Hong Kong dollars, it is basically small money.

But if this is done well, and the advertising war is in full swing, it may be possible to attract the Nongshim Group to join in, and the island country Nissin will spray each other across the sea.

The stronger they sprayed, the greater the momentum, and Huafeng Sanxian Yi Noodles became famous. This was much better than an ordinary advertisement on the TV station.

Seriously, why don't you ask Li Ming to shoot a commercial for Huafeng Three Delicacies E-noodles? The salary starts at 2 million, and you go to ATV prime time, such as the time period during the broadcast of "The Voice of Asia" to broadcast the commercial? Advertising space starts at 10 million Hong Kong dollars.

This method is still much cheaper than the conventional operation, which is why Dashiru didn't hesitate to promise Tan Yaowen the leading role in the next movie after he thought of this.


A new day has arrived.

Xiu Qing, a short-haired convenience store owner in Kowloon Tong, entered the convenience store, smiled and greeted the night shift team, then put on his uniform and planned to take over.

While he was still busy, he heard an exclamation from the store, "Damn it, Grandma, why are so many of the Huafeng Sanxian Yi Noodles here crushed to pieces?"

"Aaron, what's going on?"

Hearing the voice, Xiu Qing knew it was Brother Qiang, the store manager on the morning shift. He hurriedly dressed up and ran over to watch the excitement. He soon discovered that not only the dozen packs of Huafeng Sanxian Yi Noodles on the shelf had been crushed in half. .

Even Nongshim Group’s Shin Ramyun was crushed into pieces.

Of course, this is a problem with bagged noodles. Cup noodles seem to be fine. The crushed noodles do not mean that a bag of instant noodles is completely crushed into crumbs. It just breaks here and there, and it becomes very... Scattered.

Xiu Qing scratched his head in confusion, "Is there anyone else doing this kind of thing? Who is so wicked? Is Wanjia Instant Noodles okay?"

The store manager, Brother Qiang, shook his head, "The Wanjia brand is fine, and the island country's Nissinhe flavor is fine, too. Damn it, don't let me find out who it is, or I'll have to beat him up and make him unable to take care of himself."

The next moment, he greeted the night shift group with crazy and graceful greetings. The night shift store manager also turned red anxiously and was confused for a while.

At the end of the shift, Brother Qiang walked up to Xiu Qing and said, "Ah Qing, you are an actor and you have been practicing. Keep an eye on me during the morning shift. If anyone does this kind of thing like giving birth to a child without an asshole again, I will beat you if you catch him."

"If something goes wrong, I'll be responsible!"

Brother Qiang dares to say such things so boldly, not because he is so strong, but because of the group. They are members of the group!

In East and Southeast Asia, who doesn’t know that this is Zhao Sheng’s industry? Or Zhao Sheng’s cash cow group? If something like this happens, the loss is not big, but it is annoying and disturbing.

He also knew that Xiu Qing was invited to play the role of Xiao Li Guanghuarong in the ATV TV series Water Margin. He passed the first round of interviews, but there was still a second round. The second round required them to pass one round and prepare for the role in three more rounds. After a few months, the interview continued.

The second round is the final round.

And Xiu Qing became a member of the Hong Kong Drifters as early as last year. He comes from a family of opera and is a member of the Zheng City Henan Opera Troupe. However, in this era, it is very common for people from various troupes to join the Hong Kong Drifters.

He worked as a waiter here last year.

Regardless of whether Brother Qiang was optimistic about Xiu Qing's dream before, now that Water Margin has passed the first round, Xiao Li Guanghuarong is also an important role. If the other party can pass the second round, he will really make his debut.

Maybe he will become a big star in the future.

At this stage, he still takes good care of Xiu Qing. He offered to let him take a few months off to prepare for Hua Rong, but Xiu Qing said that he didn't need it and it was fine to go to work.

Acting in Henan opera is definitely different from that in TV dramas, but current big stars such as Hong Yinbao and Cheng Long also made their debut in the Peking Opera troupe.

Besides, although Baijia Xing does not have the high benefits and high salary of Wanjia, it is full of holidays. It works eight hours a day and basically does not work overtime. Overtime work is paid overtime, so there is plenty of time.

Xiu Qing smiled and nodded, "Brother Qiang, don't worry, I will stick to my post."

The family has a hundred surnames, and there are five people in a team. There are warehouse managers, store managers, and cashiers, and there are two people patrolling every day. After all, in an era when surveillance equipment was less developed, convenience stores also had to guard against thieves and the like.

Xiu Qing, who is 1.8 meters tall and tall, said... he still wants to see who is so shameless.


An hour later, Xiu Qing yelled and grabbed a young man. The young man tried to run away, but he caught up with him!

"Don't fight, I'll pay you!"

Faced with a certain bad guy's begging for mercy and surrender, Brother Qiang couldn't care so much, so he just took care of him with his fists as big as sandbags.

Another moment later.

Faced with the intervention of the uniformed patrol police who came over, he even yelled and scolded him. When a certain bad guy was finally free and stood on the street with a bag of broken instant noodles, he complained with a broken face, "Damn, it's hard to make money. Now, Got beaten up on the first day?”

“It’s too difficult to earn a monthly salary of 40,000 to 50,000 yuan!”


after one day.

In the ATV office, when Zhao Donghuai got the report and Da Shitou came to visit, he immediately smiled and asked Azhen to make tea.

After Da Shitou came in, he first thanked him. After all, (Peerless Two Prouds)'s box office in East and Southeast Asia, if he wanted to turn it into Hong Kong dollars and pocket it smoothly, how could he not say thank you?

After thanking him, Da Shitou smiled bitterly and said, "Sheng Zhao, can you tell the salespersons from Baijia or Wanjia not to be so angry?"

"Originally, it was enough to pay the little bully two to three million as a younger brother's fee every month. But within one day, dozens of people were beaten, and people over there were clamoring for more money."

Zhao Donghuai took a sip of tea and said calmly, "How much extra money does this cost? Compared with your business plan, Huafeng Sanxian Yi Noodles is the most famous in this craze."

"The normal situation is that you spend money to buy advertising space for ATV or print media groups. When things get serious, newspapers and TV stations will compete to report the news for free."

Da Shitou knows that this is the truth, but... "So Mr. Zhao, can I have the contact information of the president of Nongshim Group?"

He can't be the only one paying!

You have to ask for Nongshim Shin Ramen.

He wouldn't feel bad at all if it cost RMB. Not to mention that the two martial arts movies each earned him hundreds of millions in net profit. As one of the major shareholders of New Era Cinemas, every big movie released will have a box office profit of Give him the corresponding part.

In other words, throughout eastern Guangdong, the box office division of theater chains is basically Dashu’s own small money. He is the oldest New Era theater chain in Guangdong Province.

But when you work on Hong Kong Island and hire a bully, you have to give the bully a portion of the profits, right? The actual wages paid are also rising.

Zhao Donghuai thought for a moment and nodded, "Okay, I'll have someone find it for you later."

The next moment he spoke again, "Your San Xian Yi Noodles still has too little flavor. It is a bit weak when it comes to conquering the market. It needs to be researched and developed."

Da Shitou nodded, "That's easy to say. I've already urged Lao Xiong to develop new products."

Wanjia instant noodles are there, spicy beef noodles, spicy beef noodles, black pepper beef noodles, tomato braised noodles, mushroom stewed chicken noodles, Laotan pickled cabbage noodles...

Of course, Wanjia's Laotan pickled cabbage noodles will not be trampled by groups of barefooted men. The food system has been well established from the beginning.

At this stage, Huafeng only has three delicacies and one type of noodles.

In fact, South Korea's Nongshim's spicy ramen currently only has two flavors: shrimp flavor and spicy cabbage. The other various flavors are mainly developed in the later stages.

In this market, within the Hong Kong Haowan area, Wanjia instant noodles account for 80%, and the remaining 20%... still have to fight fiercely to determine the winner.

Comparing this with Master Kong's future sales of 10 to 20 billion a year in the Mainland, this refers specifically to instant noodles and does not include Master Kong's beverage series.

This is also Master Kong’s own, and does not include the sales of brands such as Uni-President and Baixiang, so this big market is really big.

The current Haowan area of ​​Hong Kong has nearly 28 million residents and tens of millions of tourists a year. The annual sales volume is 1 to 2 billion Hong Kong dollars, which is still very stable.

Calculated at 1.5 billion, that’s hundreds of millions of Hong Kong dollars a month!

Sales are one thing, production costs, transportation costs, taxes, deductions... well, neither Wanjia nor Baijia surnames charge channel fees, and transportation is also the lowest cost price. Zhao's logistics is not free.

Therefore, Wanjia Instant Noodles still provides Zhao Donghuai with a stable net profit of tens of millions every month, which basically starts with 7 or above.

This is only Hong Kong Haowan, excluding South Korea, Singapore, Malaysia and Thailand markets. After all, with the opening of thousands of Thai theaters, his instant noodles, Jianlibao, strong beer, etc., can be delivered to retail terminals without paying channel fees!

If the instant noodle war is over, Big Stone can take away 10% of the market share of Hong Kong Haowan, and it will not be difficult to make a few million every month.

For Big Stone, who has no shortage of renminbi but only U.S. dollars, he really needs to fight hard. If he kills the Japanese Qing Dynasty and then suppresses Nongshim, he will only make more money.

One thing to say is that since he bought a stake in Huafeng Sanxian Yi Noodles, in the mainland market, he has been following Wanjia's soup diet. He can occupy 10% of the market share without any battle. In the mainland, Huafeng Sanxian Yi Noodles and Yu Instant noodles in the provincial capital are the second and third best.

Wang Dashuo took a sip of tea and then suddenly changed the subject, "Sheng Zhao, I plan to spend some more money to ask the employees within the group to turn on the switch on time. I will claim to the outside world that Nissin is spending money and let Hong Kong Island CLP turn on the switch for me." Already??”

"Maliciously shutting off power and crushing competitor's instant noodles... all kinds of obscene insults are all done by Nissin. When will the announcement be made??"

Zhao Donghuai almost spit out his rice and couldn't help but sigh, "You are so hot buns."

This really doesn't cost a lot of money. You can bribe a senior executive of CLP Hong Kong to spread gossip when necessary. You don't need to be too obvious, just vaguely hesitating.

As for Dashiru asking employees to initiate power cuts within the group without letting ordinary employees know about it, it would be fine.

His Hua Feng San Xian Yi Noodles has been selling in Haowan, Hong Kong for more than a week. The Hong Kong Island headquarters has also been established. He rented an office on the first floor of an office building in Tsim Sha Tsui.

Da Shitou didn't mind being trash-talked, but continued to smile, "By the way, the Shanghai Stock Exchange and Pengcheng Stock Exchange will open together at the end of this year. I feel like I can make a lot of pocket money just by buying something."

"Do you want Mr. Zhao when the time comes?"

Zhao Donghuai was speechless for a moment. Yes, the mainland's stock market era is coming. In a word, the Shanghai Stock Exchange opened on December 19th. Stock indexes similar to the Hong Kong Hang Seng Index and the Japanese Nikkei Index are 96 point!

To be precise, it was 96.05 points. By May 26, 1992, it had climbed to 1,429 points, a 1,400% increase in one and a half years.

Then from May 26 to November 17, 1992, the price plummeted from 1,429 points back to 386 points in just six months. Then in February 1993, it rose to 1558 points!

Zhao Donghuai has been making hundreds of billions of Hong Kong dollars in profits from short selling Nikkei. This profit source has dropped from more than 38,000 points back to 20,000 points. Just talking about multiples, this is only a drop of more than 40%.

You certainly can't go short on the mainland's stock index, but if you buy some stocks, the RMB you can hold in your hand is equivalent to winning and taking off.

On the Shanghai Stock Exchange, only eight stocks were listed when it opened. If you buy them with your eyes closed, they will appreciate more than ten times in more than a year.

But again, Zhao Donghuai is not short of RMB... In fact, he is not short of money. When his wealth reaches his status, it is really just numbers.

"Let's talk about it then."

After finishing the topic, he thought for a while and wrote it down in a notebook so that his girlfriends could buy some to increase their RMB wealth.

Hong Xin also has two rivers of cash in her hands: Maxam shampoo and Panda laundry detergent, but she still owes Jiaxin hundreds of millions.

Da Shitou nodded, and then asked curiously, "Zhao Sheng, I have a question. It seems that your various products are rarely dumped to the White Elephant Kingdom? Assana also has a population of nearly 900 million, second only to China, right?"

"Is that market very big?"

This doubt is not a temporary question, but looking at the territory of Zhao's business empire, there are basically no traces of sales to White Elephants. That was last year's census. It was a big country with 852 million people, more than 800 million. This is instant noodles and the like. If sold to White Elephant, how much can it be sold for?

Stars, Malaysia, Thailand, island countries, South Korea, etc., the total market is actually not as big as a white elephant.

Even if it is the film industry, how much box office can you get if you enter? In the Mainland, a movie ticket costing only one yuan can generate a box office of around 400 to 500 million yuan.

White Elephant is also very poor, even poorer than the mainland at this stage, but 50 cents per ticket can generate a lot of box office, right?

At this, Zhao Donghuai was stunned by the question. He stared at the big stone for dozens of seconds before he waved his hand, "If you want to go to Baixiang, I won't stop you. Why don't you try it first?" ?”

White Elephant does have the reputation of being the second most populous country in the world, and it will become the first in the future, but its reputation as a "cemetery of foreign companies" is not just for show.

Not to mention that Chinese companies are going to make money. Anyone, including American investors, will be trapped.

Wang Dashi was stunned and scratched his head. He seemed to have asked something wrong. But it shouldn't be. "I heard before that Mr. Li is planning to go to Baixiang to develop the telecommunications industry? Including investing in Mumbai real estate and so on. The plan is big?"

Zhao Donghuai was surprised and said, "How could such a thing happen? Lao Li has great vision. I hope he can have a safe journey."

In fact, it is not surprising. Hutchison Whampoa, which was originally owned by Li Chao, has invested in the development of the telecommunications industry in Baixiang. Although Hutchison Whampoa has been robbed by Zou Wenhuai, Shao Yifu and Lei Juekun in this dimension, it will not hinder the development of the telecommunications industry. Is Lao Li eyeing Baixiang's telecommunications market again?

Without Hutchison, there is still Changshi.

Isn’t it enough to develop Baixiang’s telecommunications and real estate in the name of Cheung Kong? I hope Lao Li and his family have a safe journey.

Of course, safety is impossible. From Microsoft to IBM, to Nokia, McDonald's, etc., which company has not been cut up by white elephants in the cemetery of foreign companies? From this aspect, Bai Xiang does not have Amei's strength, but he is more hooligan than Amei.

There is a saying that Zhao Donghuai’s influence on Bai Xiang was only from (Kung Fu Yoga) and (I am not the God of Medicine) in the early years. It was in that year that he traveled back in time, and in January, he accidentally saw the news that Mi’s phone was fined by Bai Xiang. It was a deeper step. Learned about the glorious history of foreign enterprise cemeteries.

Isn't it just that Mr. Lei went to build a factory in Baixiang, providing tens of thousands of jobs, working hard for Baixiang, and making a little money...

Then Bai Xiang decisively fined, froze, and evacuated the money. A set of tricks to trick Mr. Lei was equivalent to Bai helping Bai Xiang for ten years.

It is completely meaningless to file a lawsuit, because even if you win the lawsuit, the worst they can do is change the law in time and continue to punish you.

Vodafone in Yinglun wanted to take over the telecommunications industry of White Elephant from Huang Gengyun, but was fined by White Elephant. After winning the lawsuit, they changed the company and changed the law...a fine of several billion dollars.


On August 22, not only the time-travel version (Ip Man 2) continued to bombard big screens around the world, but (Long Night) also dominated the TV market in mainland China and Hong Kong Island for a certain period of time.

Under such circumstances, some media in Hong Kong, including many citizens, were shocked by the news that the Nissin hired gangsters to crush Nongshim Shin Ramen and Huafeng Sanxian Yi Noodles in Wanjia and Baijia chains. 's stunned.

Although there are not many news cluster reports.

However, after some media reports, some people even led melon-eating people to stay at some instant noodle sales areas in Wanjia, waiting to watch the instant noodle maniacs.

Just eat melon and watch the excitement.

The vast majority of citizens are actually people who have fun.

For ordinary people, such a down-to-earth business war is a bit beyond their imagination and understanding.

The business war in their impression is that Li copied the ant and gnawed the elephant. After controlling the layout, he bought Hutchison Whampoa with a small amount of money, and the chartering king took over the Wharf while chatting and laughing. It was a time in Central where suits and leather shoes ruled the world, and people went out to sea on yachts to buy things. Buy and stir up the storm.

Crushing instant noodles...a little too down-to-earth.

In the main office of ATV, Zhao Donghuai just took a sip of tea when he received a report that there was a Minister Ando from the Nissin Group who wanted to visit him, and he was still making an appointment.

Director Zhao thought for a while, "No, just send him the bill directly. Wanjia and Baijia chain stores have spent a lot of energy and material resources fighting against the noodlers hired by Nissin. The bills will be settled on a daily basis."

Qiu Shuzhen said happily, "Hey boss, I heard that Ando's father is Chinese? Isn't the father of instant noodles Chinese?"

Zhao Donghuai waved his hand, "That is already a naturalized island guy, so you don't need to care about this identity."

If it hadn't been for this reason, he wouldn't have agreed to Dashi's commercial war plan to attack the Japanese Qing Dynasty first. The identity of the Chinese was very weak... This was not just as simple as a Han taking a new island country's surname.

During the period of the invasion of China, he opened a factory to steadily provide goods to the island country's ghost army. In 1948, he became a well-known figure in the island country's food industry, producing nutritional supplements that not only supplied the island country's ghosts, but also the allied forces in the early 1950s.

After completely choosing to naturalize in the island country, his ex-wife, former ex-wife, and several Chinese children in Wan Province were all left behind.

Business wars are fought.

Azhen suddenly nodded, "Then what if Nissin chooses to cut prices and start a price war?"

They are all similar instant noodles, with differences in the ingredients and sauce packages at most. That is to say, the retail prices of Wanjia, Nissin, Nongshim and other products are similar, with a difference of one or two cents at most. Otherwise, Wanjia is also in Haowan, Hong Kong. Can't get 80% of the market.

Zhao Donghuai was amused, "Why should he start a price war?"

As the largest retail group in your hands, are you afraid that your competitors will start a price war with you?

"By the way, A-Zhen, book a flight for me and I'll go visit the crew of (Dongpo Flood Control)."

Azhen said in surprise, "Visiting class??"

There is nothing wrong with flood control in Dongpo...

Zhao Donghuai waved his hand, "Artificially created floods are not as terrifying as the real Yellow River floods. There will be certain special effects processing in the later stage, but this shooting method still has certain dangers and risks. Go and see."

A week ago, Liang Jiahui and Cheng Long had already renovated a wave of Northern Song Dynasty-era earthen city walls near a suitable river in Jiangsu Province, and were also trying to rehearse and rehearse.

But in this kind of anti-disaster movie, when floods are caused by local methods, a little bit of uncontrollability can lead to big trouble.

Besides, from He Qing to Xu Jinheng, Liu Jialing, then to Cheng Long, Hong Yanbao, Yuan Biao and Lin Zhengying, to Wang Zuxian... a group of big sisters and brothers in the film industry donated one billion Hong Kong dollars in engineering equipment, vehicles and ships one after another. It is used for dredging the Huaihe River, Yangtze River and Jiangnan water network.

It has been a month since I started working.

Zhao Donghuai walked around again to inspect the progress.


Amid the turmoil, time passed to August 27, and Li Ming became famous. During this period, Li Ming's aura among the stars almost overwhelmed everyone's limelight.

(Long Night Is Hard to See) The finale was last night!

The scene where Jiang Yang, played by Li Ming, commits suicide and seeks law and justice is broadcast. It is really a high-energy scene that can make people cry in China except for Bensheng. It is not shown in Bensheng.

After all, Shao Yifu had already promised that after one round of TVB broadcast, he would sell it to ATV, and Zhao Donghuai would not be stingy with the buyout fee.

The scene where the male protagonist Jiang Yang commits suicide really made Ah Ming popular in the Chinese circle. The highlight contribution of this role really belongs to... I heard that Ah Ming was having dinner with Zheng Yi Jian last night. Halfway through the meal, a group of masters came in. girl.

Everyone was gathering around Jiang Yang's name, and many people were glad that he was still alive and not dead. Handsome guys like Zheng Yijian were ignored by the fans.

On the 27th, almost all the media devoted a lot of space to commenting on the TV series "Long Night", including the protagonist Li Ming starring Jiang Yang.

Even a group of superstars in the currently popular film (Ip Man 2) have to make way for Ah Ming.

As for bringing goods? As early as three or four episodes of "Long Night" was aired, his personal products in Hong Kong basically skyrocketed, and it was as if they were cheating.

Therefore, when ATV broadcast the second round of screenings on the Mandarin channel, Cantonese channel, English, South Korean, island country, and Thai channels at noon on the 27th, the number of viewers on Hong Kong Island would initially cover nearly 4 million people in Hong Kong.

Zhao Donghuai stayed in the mainland for a few days. When he returned to Hong Kong Island on the 28th, he looked at the ratings report and couldn't help but sigh, "Sure enough, it is easier to enter the market of South Korea and island countries. It covers thousands of people at the beginning. Tens of thousands of viewers, this is stronger than the re-edited (Big Era)."

So far, the remastered version (Big Era), which is aimed at the island country market, has been broadcast for more than ten episodes. It relies on various good Japanese songs to boost the ratings, as well as Lan Jieying, Li Lizhen, and Zhou Haimei, who are already very popular in the island country. Actresses lift together.

The number of viewers barely exceeded 10 million.

But (The Dark Night) started with 15 million viewers, and South Korea also exceeded 10 million, because this TV series was not broadcast in the island country or South Korea before, but... the ratings in Hong Kong Island and the mainland were sold out, and countless people were chasing Jiang Yang , Hou Guiping, the fame of the protagonists, and the story.

These news are killing it.

I just wanted to see what kind of TV series could make Chinese audiences so obsessed and fascinated. Coupled with Li Ming's popularity, it created such a terrifying start.

At one o'clock in the afternoon, Zhao Donghuai had just finished watching an episode of the TV series while having lunch, when the ATV camera turned and showed an interview with Howard, the president of Procter \u0026 Gamble Asia Pacific. On the camera, Howard, who was blocked by reporters, instinctively wanted to moisturize, so they blocked him. There are a lot of reporters.

"Mr. Howard, are you using Rejoice too much, like Chen Xiaoer?"

"Sir Howard, in just two months, your hairline has receded a lot, and your flow has become thinner. Is it because of P\u0026G shampoo?"

"As a big boss of Procter \u0026 Gamble, have you been tricked into this by your own brand?"


Zhao Donghuai was almost pissed off. Howard on the camera had worse hair than Big Brother Cheng and Di Long in A Better Tomorrow. When the wind blows, it's just...

Howard, who was slapped in the face by the microphone, explained urgently, "I'm not, I don't have it. This has nothing to do with P\u0026G products, it's..."

Before he finished a sentence, the reporters became even more excited.

"Sir Howard, are you saying that as the president of P\u0026G Asia Pacific, you yourself don't dare to use P\u0026G products?"

“It’s true, Head \u0026 Shoulders and Rejoice can really cause massive hair loss. The president of P\u0026G Asia Pacific has personally confirmed it!”


When all kinds of comments were going out, Howard was so angry that he hit someone directly in front of the live camera!

Zhao Donghuai had to admit that some reporters are really annoying sometimes. The next moment, he said to Xiaoxian, "Tomorrow is August 29th, the summer season is about to pass, and (The Voice of Asia) has also come to an end."

"How are the sales of Ren Xianqi and Yang Gangli's singles?"

The five songs of the five new singers have passed the period of radio and television charts and are now fully available for sale. The last episode of Good Voice was broadcast on the evening of the 26th, during China’s Chinese Valentine’s Day.

Xiaoxian said with emotion, "After Ren Xianqi won the championship on The Voice, just yesterday, Wanjia and Baijia chain retail terminals sold 70,000 copies in Benzhou. In one day..."

"Over in South Korea, that song (Heart Is Too Soft) is also a killer version, selling 100,000 copies in one day."

"Yang Gangli's single (Tell You Gently) is also good. Yesterday Hong Kong Haowan sold 50,000 copies and South Korea 60,000 copies. It is not as good as Xiao Qi, but it can still be regarded as a new star who made a big debut."

In fact, the release of Sakai Izumi in the island country is the most anticipated. It is simply that Wanjia and Baijia did not enter, and had to be entrusted to the retail terminals of other record companies to sell the goods, and a large amount of profits were shared.

Not to mention the Japanese version of the song (Don’t Give Up), which has been brainwashed by countless citizens of the island country along with the broadcast of (Big Time) and (Long Night).

In this dimension (The Voice of Asia), the star-making effect is much stronger than in the original track. It is ridiculously strong. First of all, selling physical albums in the album era is easier for singers to reap big dividends than selling electronic music in the Internet era. In addition to the record group making a lot of money.

The second is each singer's first masterpiece, which is already one of their most glorious masterpieces.

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