Hong Kong Entertainment’s Life Simulator

Chapter 350: Spending so much money, there’s always going to be some noise

On September 11, after extensive publicity and release, the two films (Bloody Heroes) and (Prison Storm 2) were released simultaneously in Wanjia and New Times Cinemas. The creative team of Xiang Laoshi has already started a road show in Beijing. .

In the ATV office, Zhao Donghuai was thinking about something with a speechless expression. He did not expect that after writing "Hearing Girl", not only Xiaoxian wanted to star in it, but Zhang Min wanted to try it. Even Jiaxin said after hearing the news She could try it.

When it comes to taking photos of your youth, record your best moments with a video recorder? Can I recall and miss you at any time throughout my life?

This project for hearing girls is really suitable.

Let’s talk about age, right? Amin is 22 years old, Xiaoxian is 23 years old, and Jiaxin is only 20 years old. Are they really playing a girl who is about to take the college entrance examination? In terms of age, Ah Xin is the most suitable. There are many people who take the college entrance examination at the age of 20.

There is no shortage of repeat students in this era. Even after the millennium, there are many repeat students. Talking about their age, Xiaoxian and Amin will not be out of the ordinary.

Faced with the competition between the three girls, even if Zhao Donghuai is not a soft-hearted person, he can only publicly say that you three should compete with your acting skills.

The hearing girl is a healthy person, but she grew up in a family where both her parents and brothers are deaf-mute. Whether she is fishing or selling fish, she needs sign language to communicate with her family and the outside world.

Whoever has good acting skills and learns sign language well will be told who will star when filming actually starts.

In the same way, even if you make a white version, Winona Ryder still needs to learn sign language. Even if you hire Al Pacino to play the deaf-mute old father, you still need to learn sign language. He already called Al Pacino the day before yesterday. Xino briefly described the book, and Al expressed great interest.

After he finishes filming (The Godfather 3), he will come to Hong Kong Island to prepare for the movie and said that he will learn sign language from now on.

There’s no big problem. Al in this dimension won the Oscar for the first time with the help of a Chinese-backed movie (Good Will Hunting), and won the Oscar for the second time with the help of a movie (Rain Man).

He has always known the value of Zhao's scripts. Zhao Donghuai wrote the script himself. Whether it was for other purposes or to repay a favor, it was a small matter for him to act in it.

The mother of the deaf mute is also scheduled to be Lola Fanna. It is said that Lola was invited by Hollywood after the big project (Wanted 1) and took on a movie (The Detective) with a salary of 6 million US dollars. This summer is Hollywood's summer blockbuster has a North American box office of US$103 million.

Rial Pacino also stars in The Godfather. He took over filming The Godfather 3 after finishing The Godfather.

Here, Lola replaces the original Madonna, but she is popular enough! If you support Madonna, you will support her.

The deaf-mute brother is Nicholas.

This kind of combination is really a luxurious lineup to star in a blockbuster movie that is expected to win awards.

It's the Chinese version. Except for the heroine, the rest are basically decided. The deaf-mute father is Di Long, the deaf-mute mother is Hu Huizhong, the deaf-mute brother Wu Zhenyu...

Everyone is learning sign language!

And to observe how real deaf-mute people live, and what kind of difficulties deaf-mute people face when fishing and selling fish, etc.

The film project will be approved in early September. When will the filming start? It would be great to start filming in December this year. Sign language and experiencing and observing life are no small things.


Peninsula Hotel.

While sitting in the tea restaurant area and drinking afternoon tea, Mr. Wu of Zhushe scanned the left and right sides from time to time, including the Peninsula Hall. When he saw a graceful blond Yangma walking in from the door, his eyes suddenly lit up.

After a while, after observing Dayang Ma for dozens of seconds, he waved to the waiter. When the waiter came, Old Wu took out a thousand Hong Kong dollar and asked, "Help me find out who Dayang Ma is and where he lives?"

The waiter took a few glances and smiled immediately, "That's Merchen Amick, an actor from Hollywood. He said he was promoting Fox's (Edward Scissorhands) movie."

Old Wu looked at the waiter in surprise.

The waiter continued to smile brightly, "Wu Sheng, a beautiful girl of this quality is always a highlight wherever she goes. As a man, I will naturally pay more attention to her."

"In order to promote the movie, you have to take the initiative to go to TV stations and newspapers. Murdoch is already pushing to print newspapers."

Lao Wu stuffed the thousand-yuan bill into the other person's pocket, "As long as he's an actor, you can try to contact me later and tell me that I have a new movie that I might shoot. Ask him if he's interested. If you're interested, you can call me anytime. Telephone."

While joking, he also took out his business card.

Seeing Amick in a red dress with high heels and attractive black stockings, Old Wu had to admit that even though she was in the prosperous Hong Kong entertainment circle, Meichen Amick was still at the top level.

The big screen often shoots actors' faces to look a bit bigger. If you notice on the screen which beautiful or handsome actor has put on weight... in fact, when you see them in real life, you will find that they are not really put on weight.

Those who dare to leave a stunning figure on the big screen can see it up close in reality, and it is an upgraded beauty impact.

The waiter said in surprise, "Wu Sheng's Xiao Lin Boy is going to film the third part?"

Only then did Lao Wu complain, "No, I don't plan to film Xiaolin Boy for the time being. I'm going to hit the street. The two parts, Hong Kong Haowan and East Asia and Southeast Asia each earned 20 to 30 million Hong Kong dollars, and the mainland earned more than 100 million yuan in total." .”

"But I spent 25 million US dollars twice on promotions in Europe and the United States. In the end, the profit was less than 3 million US dollars, which was too little."

"Our company's next plan is to make blockbusters!"

Lao Wu was obviously stimulated. For example, Xiang Laoshi, Deng Yurong, Wang Yu and other people actually united and planned to film the Oriental version (Titanic)?

He also mobilized his men and asked them to try their best to find screenwriters. Well-known screenwriters in the Hong Kong Haowan film and television industry were preparing to find blockbuster stories and make blockbusters.

Within one year, two movies (Laughing Lin Boy) only made a profit at the box office, and Europe, Canada and America had more than 3 million US dollars? Net profit of more than 20 million Hong Kong dollars? Quite a lot?

But comparing the two films (Laughing Lin Boy) within a year, he earned more than 100 million yuan in net profit from mainland theaters. It is obvious that he earned more in the mainland.

Over in North America...he felt like he was losing blood!

Don’t forget that in the first Laughter, the adult heroine was Winona Ryder, and she was given a salary of 6 million Hong Kong dollars. In the second Laughter, the adult heroine was Nicole Kidman, who was enough. He gave the other party a salary of 8 million Hong Kong dollars.

Nicole Kidman has a higher status than Winona Ryder. After all, she is the heroine of (Die Hard) 1 or 2, (Juno) heroine, (Crazy Givenchy/Big Shot) white man Version of Hua Zai’s girlfriend.

The high salary and the fact that the first and second parts cost 10 million US dollars and 15 million US dollars respectively to publish, the net profit of the two European and American movies was only over 3 million US dollars, which made Lao Wu very sad.

Now that he is sitting here, it is just that Zhu Yanping, under the offensive of spending a lot of money, said that he got a good script from a well-known screenwriter...

Waiting for Lao Zhu to report.

There was no script, but he discovered Meichen Amick? It's normal. Many talent scouts see pretty girls and boys passing by on the street and directly send them business cards to invite them to join the industry, such as Yuan Jieying.

Watching the waiter leave with his business card, Lao Wu picked up his tea cup and took a sip. He was in a good mood. Hong Kong Island actually has no shortage of white celebrities, pretty girls, but they are expensive.

Winona Ryder and Nicole Kidman, you can get them for 6 million or 8 million, but now you go to Jennifer Aniston or Cameron Diaz, Julia Roberts, etc. ? If you don't get a check for 15 million Hong Kong dollars, you'd be embarrassed to ask, right?

Julia's salary has soared to 6 million U.S. dollars in Hollywood, so that's 46.8 million Hong Kong dollars for a movie!

Off the charts!

Already famous white female stars simply cannot afford to hire them. Can a male star like Bruce Willis be more expensive? Therefore, newcomers who have just entered the industry and have not made a big splash are the most popular.

After a while, after calling the waiter to change the tea twice, Old Wu saw Zhu Yanping who hurriedly walked into the hall. When he raised his hand to say hello, Zhu Yanping also turned around and walked over with joy. He sat down and drank as soon as he arrived. Taking a sip of tea, "Brother Wu, it's almost done."

"I took an idea called (Chilling) from a screenwriter named An Xi, which included archeology, ancient cities, and exploration. I copied the idea of ​​the (Raiders of the Lost Ark) series. (Raiders of the Lost Ark 3), which was released last year, That’s US$474 million worldwide, equivalent to a box office of HK$3.69 billion!”

“As long as it’s done well, it won’t be worse than what Brother Wang and the others are preparing (Taiping Wheel).”

Lao Wu's eyes lit up, "Following the trend (Raiders of the Lost Ark)? It's a good idea."

One of the most copied articles in the world, (Titanic) was copied from (Titanic). They found a screenwriter to copy the Tomb and City Adventure series of the (Raiders of the Lost Ark) series. Isn't it very stable?

When Lao Wu grabbed the egg tart and took a bite, he seemed to have just come to his senses. He frowned slightly and said, "Anxi? Why haven't I heard of this name?"

Zhu Yanping explained with a smile, "I started working as a screenwriter for ATV in 1977. I also wrote a film (Inaudible Speech) in 1986, which was directed by David Jiang. It was an excellent depiction of marginalized people in society in Hong Kong movies in the 1980s."

"It's the three movies (Why Do You Have Me) (The True Story of a Mad Man) and (Inaudible Speech) that are the best representatives."

"She is not a great talent in the screenwriting world, but she is not bad either."

Old Wu thought for a moment, "Where's the script?"

Zhu Yanping shook his head, "There is only an outline now. For example, the lost ancient city of Loulan was turned into an underground city, and modern people went to explore the secrets and hunt for treasures. The other things need to be perfected. Anyway, copy it according to the Raiders of the Lost Ark method, and the ancient Loulan country really does exist in reality."

"At worst, we can build an underground city in the northwest and use the ancient city of Loulan for filming."

Old Wu touched his chin, "Well, you'd better find a few screenwriters to help her improve it together. For a blockbuster, the script must not be bad. Wu Yusen came out with the first version of the script (Taiping Wheel) at the beginning of the month, and it is still in the blue Under the guidance of the director, let him continue to improve and revise."

"Poor that guy is doing a road show and saving a notebook at the same time."

The bigger the investment, the less careless it is.

The next moment he smiled and said, "I accidentally discovered a beautiful white girl named Mei Chen Amick. I can try to contact her later. How can we not include a beautiful girl in the ancient tomb and city exploration genre?"

"The ancient ruins of Loulan are built in the northwest. If we really want to take pictures, we have to be mentally prepared to spend several months or even half a year in the desert or Gobi."

Zhu Yanping rolled his eyes speechlessly, "I'm the one making the plans. You're the producer who coordinates everything. What are you afraid of? Just deliver the supplies to us."

Old Wu laughed, "Haha, don't worry, as long as you take good pictures, I will definitely give you less money! By the way, I heard that Mr. Li wants to invest in the Taiping Wheel? I'll go visit him later and see what he thinks about this." not interested."

"As the only investor, I'm really afraid of losing money. After all, it's a big special effects movie. It feels safer to have Mr. Li on board."

"It's best to use the Li family's money to build the Loulan Ancient Kingdom dungeon and create special effects, use his money to hire actors and publicity, and then we'll split the bill."

Zhu Yanping was stunned, "Go and lie to Lao Li?"

Old Wu raised his hands indifferently, "How can this be called cheating? Can Wang Jiawei's filming Days of Being Wild be called cheating?"


A few days later, Zhao Donghuai looked at Xiaoxian doing things in sign language with a speechless expression, feeling a little melancholy.

Did this person bring his sign language learning to work? It can be said that she has done her best, not only her, but also Jiaxin and Amin have integrated sign language into their work and life.

Seeing his speechless look, Azhen smiled like a little fox and brought a cup of coffee, "Boss, I should be honest, right? I won't argue at all."

Zhao Donghuai took a sip of coffee and didn't want to reply to her, after all...

Azhen continued, "By the way, Mr. Wu from Zhushe handed over a book, saying that he wanted to shoot (Call of the Tomb) and copy the (Raiders of the Lost Ark) series. If he really started the project, he would need to go to the northwest to build an underground ancient city. Right? It will take several months to build the city..."

"I would like to ask you to help set up a connection with the film and television city project in mainland China."

"Including special effects production, we also need to place orders for the special effects base."

Zhao Donghuai sprayed directly.

Waiting for him to wipe his mouth, including wiping the coffee residue on his desk with a paper towel, "Chilling??"

Azhen was confused, "Yes? Ci Ling!"

“I feel like there’s nothing wrong with comparing the ruins of the ancient Loulan Kingdom or treasure hunting in dungeons to the (Raiders of the Lost Ark) series, right? (Raiders of the Lost Ark) is one of the strongest and most popular blockbuster series in Hollywood, and The same thing as the (Star Wars) series.”

Zhao Donghuai took a deep breath and said, "You are right, it was me who made the fuss."

What a fuss he made!

First, Wu Yusen filmed (The Taiping Wheel), and then Lao Wu took Zhu Yanping to film (Ci Ling). Isn't it reasonable? Anyway, they were just copies of homework, and just followed the trend of magic modification.

Whether it is now or after the 21st century, the original Taiping is just like Titanic, and The Tomb is also in the style of Raiders of the Lost Ark. It's just that the script may be well written, and the actors are really included in the cast. It's just soft.

For example, Zhu Yanping praised the original heroine of Ci Ling, praising her for bringing him creative inspiration. She was just Ci Ling, but not (Tianji·Dwelling in Fuchun Mountain)! Not even (Shanghai Fortress)!

The same is not true (Pure Heart·Dream Showbiz)!

Thinking so, Zhao Donghuai couldn't help but asked curiously, "Now that the general direction has been set, they are going to build the ancient city of Loulan. Is there anyone chosen for the male and female lead?"

Azhen nodded, "Yes, the heroine chose Mei Chen Amick, and it seemed that he won it for 3 million Hong Kong dollars. The hero chose Hu Jun and gave him 5 million Hong Kong dollars."

Zhao Donghuai took another sip of coffee, feeling a little confused. Such a prick? Doesn't it look like a bad movie? ?

It feels much more reliable than (Taiping Lun). At least Tai Ping Lun still has a problem with the market direction. It is easy to get wrong. As for the script provided by Wu Yusen, will it not be changed? Then it will be difficult to have a chance to sell well in the mainland.

Without the mainland market, the bigger the investment, the easier it is to lose money.

But in this kind of assassination, handsome men and beautiful women go exploring the ancient underground city of Loulan in the northwest of the mainland? If this was a little bit more on the supernatural side, would it be (Ghost Blowing the Lamp: The Dragon-Seeking Technique), or maybe Zhu Yanping (The Mummy 1)? ?

This doesn't seem to be a big problem?

He was careless and was frightened by (Ci Ling)'s name.

However, can Zhu Yanping make a serious (Tomb Adventure Movie)?

An Xi, the original screenwriter of "Chilling", you can't say that he has no talent. He wrote "Sweet Honey" with the original trajectory, and he also won the Academy Award for Best Screenplay and the Golden Horse Award for Best Screenplay.

(Man Forty) is also the Golden Horse Best Screenplay, the Academy Award for Best Screenplay, (Sanchakou) (A Match Made in Heaven) (Moonlight Hennessy), etc., are not bad, she is also magical in (Chill 1) Producer!

(Ci Ling) In the original track, it was so bad that the actors interfered with the script and actively asked for additional scenes to be changed. This was the biggest reason. The actors did not mess around just because they were famous. In fact, many scripts would not be so bad.

After thinking about it at the end, Zhao Donghuai also calmed down. With this wave of competition-style blockbusters made by Zhushe Lao Wu or Xiang Lao Shi, both groups of people may lose money, but Zhao's Film Special Effects Base cannot lose money. The Taiwan Super League is just waiting to make money from special effects.

"Contact the mainland, mainly the northwest. We need to build an underground city at the ruins of the ancient Loulan Kingdom. It cannot be completed in two or three months."


Deep Water Bay villa.

Li Chaoren, who had just returned from the White Elephant inspection, looked at the plan handed over by Ah Ju. His brows knitted together, and the question mark between his brows almost turned into reality.

Akai couldn't help complaining, "I'm telling you, boss, you don't spend money as money. (Taiping Wheel) You want to invest 50 million, so forget it. Why hasn't that project been completed yet? The final script is all gone." It hasn’t come out yet, so you want to invest another 100 million to shoot (Ci Ling)??”

"Is there any mistake??"

Ah Ju looked at A Kai calmly, with an air of magnanimity and calmness as if he was too lazy to refute, and the attitude of a child not to interrupt when an adult is talking about something. A Kai's nose was almost crooked with anger.

Until the copyist coughed and looked at Ah Ju.

Ju Shao then smiled and said, "Daddy, Xu Jinheng's Xu Pictures hired Ah Xing and the white star Jim Carrey to film "New Love". Ah Xing's salary was 10 million Hong Kong dollars, and Jim Carrey's was 500,000 Hong Kong dollars. 3.9 million Hong Kong dollars.”

"In addition, we also hired some white supporting actors, which cost several million more. Until the film was made, not counting the script money, we invested almost 30 million Hong Kong dollars."

"That's not all. Ah Heng plans to spend 20 million US dollars on publicity in Europe and the United States. That's 156 million Hong Kong dollars in publicity expenses!"

"Daddy, if you don't believe it, just call Xu An and ask."

Akai's face darkened, and he opened his mouth to refute something, but Ju Shao smiled again, "Raiders of the Lost Ark 1 in 1980 cost 384 million U.S. dollars globally, and Raiders of the Lost Ark 2 in 1983 also cost 179 million U.S. dollars in North America, and nearly 400 million U.S. dollars globally. , last year’s Raiders of the Lost Ark, which grossed US$474 million worldwide.”

“It’s just the box office!”

At this point, Ju Shao coughed heavily and emphasized his tone, "Just three movies have grossed US$13.4 billion at the box office, which is equivalent to more than 10 billion Hong Kong dollars."

"The video tape market is also creating tens of billions of Hong Kong dollars in wealth as it continues, not to mention the output value of other peripherals such as dolls and cultural shirts."

"The three major movie series are higher than the current total market value of our Changshi!"

Akai, "..."

What Akai originally wanted to say was that the total market value of the Cheung Kong Group is only over 20 billion Hong Kong dollars, and the cash flow it can generate is even more limited. Last time, the 300 million it took out to help you pay the ransom was already a lot.

How many days have you been back? Want to take out 150 million in one go?

Do you think of yourself too much as the master of the Li family? Have you considered the mood of his second young master? Doesn't the Li family's money belong to him, Mr. Kai?

But after reading a bunch of data, Akai was speechless and even breathing heavily.

Yes, the Raiders of the Lost Ark trilogy. As a handsome boy who has studied in North America for ten years, how can he not know this? ?

Mr. Li frowned, put down the plan and said, "Zhao's big projects, such as Jurassic Park, Twilight, Wanted, etc., all make money this way, but we have no chance at all. No wealthy club can get on board, after all, they are all guaranteed to win."

Ah Ju nodded excitedly, "Yes, Daddy, who will give us an advantage on a big, sure-win project? If we want to make this money, we have to start from scratch. How much money did we make in Cheng Long's Police Story 1?"

"In fact, Hong Yanbao and Yuan Biao's Ip Man didn't make much money at the beginning. This was accumulated one after another starting from the first film."

"Although Lao Wu from Zhushe was born as a short mule, he really knows about movies. Before he entered Green Island to cultivate the earth, he was a half-filmmaker, and after he came out, he became a professional filmmaker."

"Although the two films (Laughter Boy) only made more than 3 million US dollars in Europe and the United States, which can be regarded as a loss, but in the long run, the video revenue of the two films (Laughter Boy) in Europe and the United States may not be able to accumulate tens of millions of dollars. .”

"In the Mainland, Hong Kong, East Asia and Southeast Asia, we have made tens of millions of Hong Kong dollars and hundreds of millions of RMB. There will also be video revenue in the future. This is how investments can bear fruit quickly!"

"Much faster than real estate."

A trace of relief flashed across the face of the copycat, and he felt as if his stupid son had grown up and learned something. "Okay, I'll just say these words to you. Even if I lose all 150 million, it's just a test of the waters."

Three hundred million yuan was spent to pay the ransom. Even if Changshi is short of money now, if you squeeze it, you can still make up a sum.

What if (Taipinglun) and (Changling) both make huge profits?

That's not right. I heard that if the film and television industry deceives amateurs, even if they make a lot of money at the box office, there are ways to get you a loss-making bill. Short mules like Zhushe Lao Wu will not dig holes here to wait for their family. Bar?

Lao Li took the initiative to spread a cigar for A Ju, "What if the accountant named Wu deceives you?"

Ju Shao was startled, and after thinking for a few seconds he said with uncertainty, "Of course I don't have the confidence to say that the other party is 100% afraid to cheat me, but I want to invest in (Taiping Wheel). I asked Zhao Sheng, and Zhao Sheng has no objection." , I just ended up??"

"Anyway, I have also filmed (The Dissolution of the Stewardess), and I have contributed to Hong Kong movies, and (Crazy Givenchy/Big Shot), which has taken the world by storm and sold 1.5 billion Hong Kong dollars, is ours. The name of the Li family, the villain is Young Master Li, is it also a contribution?"

Lao Li thought for a moment and nodded, "What you said makes sense, then it'll be fine. I'll call you and ask."

After a while, Lao Li put down the phone and said happily, "No matter Yong Sheng, Deng Yurong, or those short mules from Zhushe, no one dares to use black money to make movies at this stage, and they never dare to launder money at the box office."

"Every money invested in film and television production can be traced back to its origin. It is all clean. Don't worry about doing things. I will support you to the end."

Ah Ju was ecstatic. He even thought about joining the project as an actor. Hu Jun would play the leading role. It would be no problem for him to play a supporting role. Once he joins the team, plus his status as an investor, he would also have the wealthy Li family. ’s bonus, is there any chance to take a dip in Mei Chen Amick’s exquisite Ocean Horse?


As time goes by, in late September, (God of Cookery), who had been ballasting for two months, finally launched a big promotion plan, including Zhou Xingxing, Wu Mengda, Liang Jiahui, Yuan Jieying, and Chen Huiling.

Such a lineup was announced and the poster was posted, which directly ignited the enthusiasm of countless movie fans in East and Southeast Asia, especially Chen Huilong...

Having just taken advantage of the great success of (The Voice of Asia), and debuting as a guest in concert tours, the Mandarin version (Don’t Give Up) and the single (Notepad) have been blessing in many directions. This Ah Lok is the most popular in Haowan, Hong Kong recently. One of the new singers.

Her single album, not counting mainland sales, has sold more than 600,000 copies, reaching 12 platinum figures in traditional sales, and its popularity is soaring like a peacock spreading its wings.

During the ongoing concert tour, every time Ah Lo finished singing a song and called on fans to support Xingye's new work (God of Cookery) at the end of September or October, he would be met with applause or a small amount of boos.

Of course, even the boos are mostly friendly jokes. Ah Lo, who has just turned 18, is a beautiful girl with long legs and long legs. She also sings so beautifully. At the concert, she promoted the popularity of Ah Xing's new movie. , and how many people would really be angry and bored?

Many spectators will be shouting at the scene, asking Ah Xing and A Le to combine and sing "Shaolin Kung Fu is Good" on stage. As long as they dare to show up, they will dare to support the (God of Cookery) movie with their whole family.

There's nothing wrong with that. When Shaolin Football was announced, Zhou Xingxing's Chen Baixiang often held concerts singing "Shaolin Kung Fu is Good". There was only one song, so how could he hold a full concert? After singing one song, you can let Chen Baixiang continue to sing. A Le is a singer who started his career.

It was under such circumstances that when the tour led by Andy Lau really entered the mainland capital, Zhou Xingxing and Chen Baixiang also really came. When they first appeared on the stage, they played a memorable song that even made the audience want to roll over with laughter. "Shaolin Kung Fu is good".

After finishing the song, Ah Xing retreated backstage. When he saw Ye Qianwen who was also preparing to come on stage, he curiously walked over and said hello, "Awen, are you back in Beijing for a roadshow again? Roadshows can really play a role in the sales of movies. Isn’t that a little help?”

If he remembered correctly, Ye Qianwen started to hold a concert in Beijing on September 9th, followed by a live road show starting on the 11th, singing a few songs, and then Zhou Runfa, Zhang Zhijian, etc. chatted with the host and faced Reporters ask questions and so on.

After the first stop in Beijing are Nandu, Chang'an, Shanghai, Yangcheng, Hangzhou and so on.

Are you back in the capital again? ?

Ye Qianwen nodded happily, "It seems pretty good. Originally, when they were released on the 11th, we had 35% of the film schedule for both "The Two" and "Prison 2", and the box office on the first day was about the same, both around 20 million yuan. "

"However, with the road show, no matter which city we appeared in, the box office of that city would surge by more than 5 million on that day. In one week, (The Bloody Duo) took 160 million, and in the second week we took 40% of the scheduled films Measured, (Prison Storm 2) becomes 30%."

"Today is the last day of this second week. Even if today's box office has not been calculated, the total box office has exceeded 300 million yuan."

The remaining 30% is of course still the time-travel version of Ip Man 2, or even the Peerless Twins and Xiaolin Boy: The New Oolong Courtyard. The latter account for less and less, but they can always be found in theaters.

Ah Xing couldn't help but exclaimed, "If you travel to a city, you can get an extra 5 million yuan that day? Tsk..."

He was so excited!

Then Zhou Xingxing smiled again and said, "Have you finished revising Director Wu's (Taiping Wheel) script?"

At the beginning of September, Lan Naicai signaled me to revise the script and make it better. Now it's late, and it's not far away from the release of "God of Cookery" on September 30th.

I didn’t say much in the past, but now (The Bloody Duo) took in 160 million box office in the mainland in the first week? Breaking 300 million in the second week? There will be a period of slowdown in box office sales after the summer season, but it can make a comeback every weekend.

Is 300 Million the masterpiece where Director Wu once again proves his talent? illustration?

After proving it, will Director Wu’s confidence swell? Are you starting to get impatient with Lan Naicai’s revision suggestions? Everyone who knows knows that because of disagreements over creation, Lao Xu interfered with Wu Baige's freedom, the two had a falling out, and Lao Wu was banned.

People who have been good friends for many years can fall out, but Lan Naicai...

A trace of weirdness flashed across Ye Qianwen's face, "I mentioned the second script. After reading it, Director Lan still said the same thing. The script is okay, but it would be better if it could be revised better. It involves a big project worth more than 200 million, so be cautious. After ordering, Director Wu was so angry that he didn’t eat for two days and two nights.”

It was okay for Lao Lan to say that the first time, but it was still the same reason the second time?

Ye Qianwen began to wonder if Director Lan was deliberately making things difficult and tormenting Director Wu. He wanted to fix Director Wu's thorn in the side before starting the movie, so that he could be in charge after the movie was started.

Zhou Xingxing, "..."

The two of them really don't know now, how can Lan Naicai have the time to torment Director Wu? It's purely because your butt problem is not fixed, and it will sit crooked from the beginning. No matter how you modify the details, it will be meaningless.

Will ignore a certain issue... Mainly from Xiang Laoshi, Deng Yurong to Ah Xing, Ye Qianwen, Wang Yu, etc., in fact, they are all the ones whose parents escaped by boat around 50 years ago.

After being speechless for a few seconds, Ah Xing smiled and said, "It's okay, it's okay. Anyway, the base has started to be built, and the big ship that was about to sink has also started to be refitted. There are so many investors, and I heard that the young man of the Li family has also spent 50 million to come in. "

"Such a big project, with so much money spent, always has to be heard. It is definitely more beautiful than fireworks."

Ye Qianwen rolled her eyes and didn't know how to answer. Originally, before Ju Shao came in, it was more than 100 million or 200 million. Ju Shao came in with 50 million, and the investment really exceeded 200 million.

This is a big deal in the entertainment industry.

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