Hong Kong Entertainment’s Life Simulator

Chapter 360: Driving a little too fast on the road, I got a little scratched

After watching Wu Zhenyu's clarification interview program, the three people in Yongsheng's office fell into silence, smoking cigars and looking at each other.

It wasn't until Xiang Shisan picked up a glass of red wine and shook it for a few times that he said quietly, "It turns out to be Xuanfa. I understand. I just said that cooking rice fields behind the scenes is too harsh, and it kind of ruins celebrities like Lao Wu and Ouyang Pangpang." .”

"It's fine if you boil it in canned food. At least it won't make you feel nauseated or nauseated, and it will taste more delicious. But it can give a strong boost to film and television promotions."

"After the short-term stigmatization, the movie box office has exploded. Let's clarify the matter and get back to the topic. If it hadn't been in the legal news for so long and the lawsuits were fought with each other, I really didn't expect it to be a public announcement."

"But... what is canned herring? Is it so smelly?"

Wu Yusen was silent for another few dozen seconds and asked curiously, "Brother Thirteen, how about we buy a few cans to try?"

Xiang Laoshi looked at Lao Wu in astonishment, opened his mouth, and didn't object for a moment. He just thought... everyone is curious? ?

After thinking about it, he decisively picked up the phone and called his secretary, asking the other party to ask where they could buy canned herring. Is he really curious? How much higher is it than cooking rice? Is there still a smell at home after half a month of cooking? ?

Think about the basic routines used by loan shark groups on the road to urge people to repay debts, such as throwing paint and rice fields. Then canned herrings can also be used as one of the collection techniques?

At this stage, Lao Ten and Thirteen have not been involved in Xinji's illegal business. Isn't it nice to make a clean fortune by playing movies and opening a winery in the mainland? After a flash of imagination, he just wanted to learn more out of curiosity.

Thirteen looked like he wanted to complain, "I said it doesn't matter if you want to open your eyes, don't drag me along, I can't even eat stinky tofu, let alone this weird can."

"Let's talk about movies, Lao Wu, when will work start?"

Director Wu perked up. Yes, they were talking about movies. Didn't you bring in the weird food topic of canned herrings, Brother Thirteen? ?

"The protagonist group has been decided. Three pairs of men and women with different identities, either lovers or couples, will show different destinies, mainly for different markets. Originally, I wanted to invite Fa Ge and Liang Jiahui. Afa accepted the script, but Jiahui declined. , he didn’t like to play the role of prisoner of war assigned to him in the island nation.”

"We chatted with similar big stars and recommended them. I want to try Kim Sung-oh, an island actor who just arrived from Benzhou. He is an island citizen, and he can speak Mandarin, English, and Japanese. Use him. It’s much cheaper, I’m afraid it will take too long to train his acting skills.”

"Chow Runfa, Depp, Zhao Yazhi and Liu Xiaoli also accepted the script. I just want to ask who should be the white female lead, Cameron or Aniston??"

Xiang Shisan thought for a while, "Please invite Aniston. I heard that the first season of Friends is not only popular in Europe and the United States, but the second season has also been filmed and may be broadcast at any time."

"As for the Jin Chengwu you mentioned?? I heard it wasn't Wang Jiawei from 100 Years Pictures who asked him to shoot (The Grandmaster) and went to practice boxing? Wang Jiawei was a bit bloody. That shooting (A Fei Zheng) (Biography) almost killed us."

"Jin Chengwu got into his car, who knows how many months it would take before he could get off? Maybe he wouldn't be able to get off in a year."

Lao Wu shrugged, "You can do it without him, but use Kurata Yasuaki? Wouldn't that be too old and not handsome enough? The main focus of our movie is not martial arts action, but love and disaster."

"Revealing the beauty of love, the preciousness and preciousness of life in the face of disaster, life and death."

Not to mention the current stage of the Hong Kong film and television industry, even in the original trajectory, when Hong Kong film was at its most prosperous, there was no shortage of actors and actresses from the island country to come and have dinner. Yasuaki Kurata is the most popular male star.

Xiang Shisan was speechless.

Xiang Laoshi waved his hand, "Then let's give it a try. Contact him and you can go for an acting interview, or film other actors' scenes first, let him study for a few more months, and focus on shooting his scenes in the later stage."

Wu Yusen touched his chin again and said, "If we really use him, would Zhao Yazhi be too old to play with him? Then find a young island actress? Izumi Sakai or Shinobu Nakayama are both fine. ah?"

Xiang Shisan nodded, "Okay, go and apologize to that Sister Zhi. The deposit you gave her will be considered as a gift. Let's talk about voiding the contract and using Sakai Spring water. This new idol in the island nation's entertainment industry in the 1990s, in It’s so hot over there.”

The project has been decided. Tomorrow we will officially read the script, and after some annual holidays such as New Year's Eve and New Year's Eve, we can officially start work on the sixth day of the Lunar New Year.

Speaking of which, the Xiang brothers were also in a daze. They did not expect to be in charge of such a large project, with an investment of 340 million Hong Kong dollars. It took nearly half a year of preparation before the project started. It was not easy.

But when they think about the blockbusters produced by Zhao Films and Hollywood, they feel that it is not a loss. After all, everyone's achievements are here.

After chatting and joking for a while, Xiang Shisan asked curiously, "By the way, how far is the progress of the (Ciling) led by Brother Wu of the Bamboo Society and Zhu Yanping?"

There was not much time left to start a big project. After they learned that a huge amount of 100 million Hong Kong dollars had been invested, they first built an underground drainage system for the underground palace and worked on it for a few months. They were also shocked.

Wu Yusen said happily, "It's not bad. The underground drainage has been sorted out. After almost four months of work, the palace has officially started to be repaired. After a few months of repairs, it will be ready for use."

Xiang Laoshi said in surprise, "Why didn't we build the palace on the ground in the first place? Then we wouldn't be afraid of being flooded during the rainy season."

Xiang Shisan waved his hand, "It's not that algorithm. The underground palace was built near the Water Margin of the Three Kingdoms Film and Television City. It was clearly intended to take advantage of the tourist attractions and make money from tourists afterwards. The palace complex that took place underground in the movie, you can build it above ground to make it tourist-grade." Cut in half at once."

"It will make tourists complain about being cheated."

"The reservoir studio we built, including the Taiping Wheel model, will not be in vain as long as the movie becomes a hit. It can make money from tourists like Jurassic Park."

At this point, he looked at Director Wu with burning eyes, "Director Wu, as long as the movie doesn't suck, once this big project is successful, we will make a lot of money, and you will be upgraded to a world-famous director."

If the shot is bad...

Lao Wu swore, patting his chest and saying, "How could it possibly be a failure? If you guys, Thirteenth Brother, didn't believe me, how could you have let me save for such a big project in the first place?"

He has a record of success. Let’s not talk about the era before A Better Tomorrow. Aren’t the two-part series A Better Tomorrow and The Bloody Heroes medals? ?

Xiang Laoshi also smiled and handed over the cigar again, "If the investment of three to four billion Hong Kong dollars fails, it will be really..."

They also vaguely had the idea of ​​what to do if the movie failed. Now it’s just a little bit of Wu Yusen.

The filming was bad, and they suffered serious losses, but they didn't go bankrupt. You, Lao Wu, suddenly became famous all over the world, and your career was ruined! Mainland box office prices have increased, what does it mean? Everyone understands so well! My heart is warm!

Old Wu was still high-spirited, and his chest was filled with the confidence to pee in the wind.


In early February, as the Lunar New Year approaches, the biggest project in the film and television industry is (Wanted 2) sweeping everything. For Zhao Donghuai personally, the biggest good news is that Zhou Huimin and Guan Jiahui are pregnant ten months later.

The babies were successfully delivered on February 5th and 6th, one day apart.

A Min's family's name was Zhao Zheng, which had been decided a long time ago. Jiahui's second child was a girl, named Zhao Yan, whose name was as ordinary as Monica's Zhao Ting.

Now, Zhao Donghuai not only has a son and a daughter.

In just over two years, we had two sons and two daughters.

Both of them started confinement together in a manor villa in Dakeng Village. Zhao An, who was almost one and a half years old, was nearly 90 centimeters tall and could run and talk. He really took Zhao Ting, who was half a year old, in the big villa. Like a little devil, jumping up and down.

Children of this age are so cute that people regard them as treasures, but they are so cute that even if Zhao Donghuai had predicted this, he would almost get so angry that he wanted to hit him after just staying with little Zhao An for a few days.

Little Zhao An is one and a half years old, but already extremely energetic. On average, he only sleeps five or six hours a day. The rest of the time is spent playing, with four or five nannies taking care of him in shifts.

New Year's Day.

Zhao Donghuai did not stay at home and wait for anyone to come to pay New Year greetings. He just drove around the Baicaotang Group, which was roughly planned, and looked at the basically completed theme building, filled with emotion.

It has been almost a year and a half, from drawing up the design drawings to laying the foundations and then to the themed construction of the building complex. After a year and a half, the tallest building is a ten-story building, and the shorter Baicaotang complex, which is only three or five floors, only needs to be renovated. It will be ready for use in about half a year.

Those three- and five-story buildings have been renovated. Enough furniture, tables and chairs have been stuffed in, and construction can begin.

Baicaotang Group is currently promoting two projects. One is a Chinese decoction for treating hypertension, which is developed and converted into proprietary Chinese medicine granules for sale on the market. The other is Baicao Health Pills.

As for the sildenafil that was cut off from Pfizer, there is an insider involved. The project has been approved and brought to Hong Kong Island in accordance with legal procedures. It was Chris, the former CEO of Pfizer Asia Pacific, who switched jobs and started a new company.

Zhao Donghuai accounts for 80%, Chris accounts for 20% and CEO, and has recruited a large number of medical personnel to continue investing in research and development. Why is this project not integrated into Baicaotang, but independent?

Even Zhao Donghuai felt a little weird. He didn't want Baicaotang's name to be called the father of... XX in the world?

After driving around for a few times, he said to Qiu Shuzhen who was accompanying him, "After the fifth day of the Lunar New Year, let's let the decorated places in Baicaotang operate. In the past, they were produced in other factories found in the mainland."

"Now that the new factory is available, we can move in."

Baicaotang occupies an area of ​​more than 100 acres, the size of more than a dozen football fields. In addition to a R\u0026D center building, it also has its own production workshop, dormitories, canteen areas, etc.

Azhen nodded to indicate that she had taken note of it, and then asked curiously, "On the first day of the new year, "Hardcore" and "Hearing Girl" released today, each received 30% of the film schedule? Isn't that too little?"

Hardcore is nothing, but Hearing Girl stars Zhang Min.

That good sister also went back to her home for the Chinese New Year. She always got together with her parents and the like, and spent some happy days together. Xiaoxian and He Qing, Ah Hong, Ah Xin, Ah Xin, Monica, Jennifer Connelly, etc., Same thing.

As for Azhen, she didn't run away. Azhen felt that there were seven parents and brothers and sisters in her family. That was a family of nine, and she was just as good as her.

Having many brothers and sisters makes me so confident.

Zhao Donghuai smiled and shook his head, "It's not bad. Now (Spider-Man 1) still accounts for 10% of the film lineup, and (Wanted 2) already accounts for 30%. The two new films will equally share the remaining theaters, which is not bad."

Now, the three to four hundred Wanjia theater chains in Anhui and Jiangsu that have been brought to counties have been open for a while. With nearly 2,000 more large screens, the overall data is even better.

In fact, the filming of "Dragon Man" has been completed a long time ago. When he was just preparing for "Dongpo Flood Control", Wang Jing wanted to take advantage of Cheng Long's kung fu star bonus and hype it up to deceive the box office. After all, you haven't seen it before. Li Lianjie came to open a film company in November last year. Will he film (Fang Shiyu)?

At this stage, even Fang Shiyu's first film has basically been filmed. It was due to schedule factors that it was scheduled to be released during the Chinese New Year.

Azhen thought for a while, "I feel that Amin's (Hearing Girl) may have a somewhat mediocre box office performance. If it is poorly contrasted by Wanted 2 and Rat Hard, should we have a protective release?"

She has also watched two versions of "Hearing Girl". She also admitted that from an artistic point of view and from the themes of growth and inspiration, the movie is well acted and shot. In terms of music themes, it is not as good as (New) Not sentimental) bad.

But for movies that focused on special groups in the 1980s, the box office of "Why Are You Me" in Hong Kong was 7.06 million, and "The Story of Mad Men" was 9.35 million? Therefore, the box office performance of Hearing Girls may not be as strong as that of a popular movie (Mouse Hard and Dragon).

Award nominations are more reliable.

You said that the movie she starred in that year (The Queen Who Went Through Five Thousand Years) was a box office success with both honors and honors? Don't be ridiculous, just look at the Hong Kong Fashion Week that was organized to promote the movie.

The operation of the Five Thousand Years brand itself is a continuous accumulation of big movies and TV series one after another to lay a solid foundation.

Hearing girls are also average in their publicity.

Zhao Donghuai shook his head, "There is no need for a protective release, let's see the normal trend of the market."


On the third day of the Lunar New Year, Zhao Donghuai was sitting in the ATV office. He was just about to review last year's work summary when he saw Azhen come over and say, "Boss, Wang Dashuo is here."

Zhao Donghuai nodded, "Let him come in."

When he saw the big stone, this person also brought a new figure, no longer a bearded man, but Yu Rentai from Hong Kong Island. After the polite greeting period, Zhao Donghuai smiled and said, "What, Lao Wang, please change Partnered up?"

Da Shitou grinned and said, "I have been thinking about new film plans since the release of "The Two Heroes" in July last year. Da Shitou thought that Jin Yong's martial arts could not be adapted because Cha Sheng had blacklisted him, so he wanted to continue studying Gu Long's works. "

"I have been filming Chu Liuxiang, Lu Xiaofeng, Ximen Chuixue and so on. I haven't released a book yet because there are too many excellent TV series predecessors."

"He was still holding back his notebook. I heard that Director Yu wanted to film (The Legend of the White-Haired Witch), so I contacted Director Yu and had a chat. I paid for it and he filmed it. It was a perfect match."

Director Yu is also a talented person. After the decline of the Hong Kong film industry, there are not many teams that entered Hollywood. However, this director rose to prominence by making ghost movies, such as one (Freddy vs. Jason). This gave him the reputation of the Ghost King.

He originally filmed the two-part film "The White-Haired Witch" in 1993. The first part had a box office of nearly 20 million Hong Kong dollars in Hong Kong Island, and the second one made more than 11 million Hong Kong dollars, which was very strong.

After all, 1993 was an era when all kinds of people were massacred by Ajie on a double Monday.

His version of The White-Haired Witch by Zhang Guorong and Lin Qingxia is indeed a classic version that will be difficult to surpass later. He has been a director since 1979.

Zhao Donghuai nodded, and then asked curiously, "Make a movie, and use your financial resources to set up any project. You don't have to come here to ask me, right?"

Only then did Lao Wang look at Yu Rentai. Director Yu smiled and left with a few polite words. It was Lao Wang who took him to meet Zhao Sheng. He gained a lot of experience and brushed his face. Although he became a director in 1979, this In the past ten years, he has not been doing well.

Last year, I was roped in by the big brother of the society, Cai Ziming, to film a film (The Dragon and Tiger Club). I originally wanted to hire big stars such as Andy Lau and Wan Ziliang, but no one from the orthodox old acting school would take such an order, so I went to hire Jiao Enjun, Starring Xie Junhao and Zhi Jingwen.

It’s finished...it didn’t go to Wanjia Cinemas, but went to Golden Harvest, which grossed 1.7 million at the box office, which was not as high as Jiao Enjun and Tse Junhao’s single films. It also cost 1 million Hong Kong dollars to hire Zhi Jingwen. After all, Fei Jingpeng Guo Zhi Jingwen, the heroine Rose in Chasing the Dragon.

Jiao Enjun's salary was 3 million, and Xie Junhao was 4 million. The salary was 8 million, not to mention other production expenses. Good guy, Jiahe Zou Sheng didn't let Cai Ziming launder money at the box office.

Lao Cai didn't even have the courage to tie up celebrities with guns for filming.

After the movie was released on Hong Kong Island, it could not be sold in the mainland, nor could it be sold in mainland theaters. If Cai Sheng hadn't seen that he was an orthodox filmmaker, he would have thought of sinking into the sea.

When I heard that Da Shitou, a mainland film and television tycoon, wanted to make a Cologne movie, but he had been struggling for half a year and it still hadn't been produced, he took the initiative to contact the other party and proposed to film "The Legend of the White-haired Witch". The director of the second film is also one of the screenwriters.

It’s not that he likes this martial arts movie that much. He has never made a martial arts movie before. He has made a series of ghost movies such as Seven Heroes Chasing Ghosts, The Aura of the Incredible, and Monsters and Buddhas Jumping Over Walls.

But he really doesn’t want to be asked to make a movie by someone like Cai Ziming again.

If you can see Zhao Sheng today, no matter what a strong man like Cai Ziming wants to do in the future, he can also proudly claim that he has met Zhao Sheng and paid his New Year greetings to Zhao Sheng. It depends on whether you dare to Dare to touch me?

As a flash guide, Wang Dashuo grabbed a cup of tea he brewed and said curiously, "Zhao Sheng, I heard that Wu Yusen and his group have done great things. I have heard about it for a long time. After all, whether it is building a huge Reservoir photography studio, large ship model, custom-modified passenger liner, or even go to Shanghai to build a few streets that match the times..."

"I've been busy with these big things for half a year."

"I'm just curious, why have they never asked whether the script can pass the review? No one tried to ask??"

"Before the new year, when the crew was preparing for filming, Liu Xiaoli got the entire script. I asked, why did it feel like there was such a big risk? It couldn't be released in mainland theaters after filming was completed."

"I've waited until the end of the year?? Movie tickets have entered the era of 2 yuan, but no one has ever asked? Whether it's me or other people, even if they ask, we have to ask more before we know. But go and review it.”

Zhao Donghuai, "..."

Azhen, who was making tea for Director Zhao, was shocked, "Huh?? Can't pass the trial??"

Da Shitou smiled and said, "Wan Province has banned certain movies, and there are too many. Although we have to be generous and not care about others, but... this year is the era of the release of The Final Battle, and top bosses will attend the opening ceremony. "

"Now they are filming love stories about defeated armies and even Japanese prisoners of war, using love to highlight the theme of life and death? How to set the tone of the Armageddon series? The big villain?"

Azhen said in shock, "The Final Battle Series??"

Da Shitou nodded, "Yes, the tone set the year before last, even some people will describe it fairly and objectively, with special actors starring as great men. Liaoshen and Huaihai should be released this year, and Pingjin is expected to be next year."

"At this point in time, how many people have been paying attention to the project since the project was established?"

"Both my father and my father-in-law are qualified to be film consultants..."

"That script of Taiping Wheel?? There's something wrong with it. Didn't you ever think about releasing it in the mainland? Like Wang Jing's God of Gamblers, The Gambler, etc. That fat guy never thought about releasing it in the mainland. At most, he could make some video money."

Azhen was almost dumbfounded. When she looked at Zhao Donghuai, Director Zhao coughed twice, "That's right, maybe they haven't thought about showing it in the mainland. After all, you see, white people are looking at the European and American markets, and island countries The actor is looking at the island market..."

"Afa and Liu Xiaoli's characters are targeting the provincial market??"

It’s very clear where the three pairs of protagonists are aiming.

Wang Dashi suddenly realized, "Why don't you, Zhao Sheng, ask for me? It's just a small matter for me to propose (The Legend of the White-haired Witch). I just want to say that we don't want to cheat anyone's money, but your tone can't be too outrageous." ."

What is the significance of the Armageddon series in the past two years? Tai Ping Lun is completely playing devil’s advocate, is it hard and dark?

Fighting in the air? ?

Some kind-hearted people think that you are renovating the film and television street in Shanghai, and you have also ordered two refitted ships at the mainland shipyard... We didn't deliberately cheat you of your money, why don't you ask? Anyway, various engineering projects are almost completed now, so they should not be abandoned directly.

But the script? ? There's no problem in revising the script. Today is only February 17, the third day of the first lunar month, so the crew hasn't officially started work yet, so there's still time.

I heard that Director Wu worked on the original script for three days and three nights and then finished it?

Zhao Donghuai, "Okay, I'll ask you."

He had completely ignored it. When Lao Wang mentioned it, he finally remembered with his extraordinary mental power. 1991 and 1992 also had different weights for the original mainland film and television industry.

This standard of treatment, compared with the people's nominal ranking and the final battle, is not even considered a younger brother. What level is a film and television consultant?

The next moment Zhao Donghuai asked curiously, "Why don't you find those investors yourself?"

Da Shitou said awkwardly, "Aren't you afraid that they won't pay attention to my humble words? Fortunately, we haven't officially started a group. We are all celebrating the New Year, so there is still time."

"Compared with The Gambler, God of Gamblers, etc., I think this script will give them a chance to sell the video tape."

Having made his intentions clear, the boulder quickly moved out of the way.

Azhen laughed so hard, "It's better to have a lot of good people, remind him in time, otherwise Director Wu will be locked up in a dark room by a group of people, and they will be subjected to water torture and electrocution 24 hours a day, right?"

"The total investment is almost 400 million Hong Kong dollars! The film remuneration, various model production, and the renovation of Shanghai Times Atmosphere Street all cost more than 200 million, right?"


Half an hour later.

Xiang Laoshi, Deng Yurong, Wang Yu, and the young master of the Li family arrived at the ATV headquarters one after another. It seemed that these people had different stories on their way here?

For example, Xiang Lao Shi and Shi San had a bruised nose and face, the young man had blood flowing from his mouth and was wearing pajamas, and Wang Yu was smelling of alcohol and still not sober, covering his left arm and grinning...

Zhao Donghuai asked curiously, "What's going on? Isn't there something wrong with the (Taiping Wheel) script and it needs to be changed? You're not so impulsive, are you?"

Xiang Laoshi quickly apologized and said, "I was driving a little too fast on the road. I ran through a few red lights and Xiaoxiao got scratched by a car a few times. Mr. Zhao? What's wrong with the script?"

The others didn't say anything, they were all nervously waiting for a response. More than 200 million had been spent, and the total investment was close to 400 million.

The script doesn’t work? has a problem?

Drunk Wang Yudu...

Zhao Donghuai first paraphrased some of Da Shitou's words, focusing on describing the significance of the (Armageddon) series, and then said, "Everyone knows Da Shitou. Who is his father-in-law? The trilogy is not the villain."

"Even though this is not a movie sequence, you have gone too far in your dissent. Fortunately, although you made your own pictures without considering the review issue at all, others saw that you had not officially started filming yet, so they took the initiative to make suggestions."

"Just let Lao Wu rewrite the script. The investment that has been spent, the remuneration and the contract given out can still be used without affecting the overall situation."

As soon as the call ended, Xiang Lao Shi was so frightened that he broke out in a cold sweat. Xiang Shi San grabbed a handkerchief and wiped his face, "Yes, yes, they are all back soon. Damn it, that person named Wu is hurting me!"

After learning about the film and television project of The Final Battle, he suddenly realized that many things were connected in a thread. He used to always feel that something was strange, but his own perspective on the problem was hindered, so he could not conclude what the problem was. .

It's like not knowing the true face of Mount Lu, just because you are in this mountain.

Now I have an epiphany. Isn’t it possible that this film can be filmed according to the original script and released to mainland theaters? This is a crime committed against the wind and is extremely rampant.

A group of people are very black, right? Braver than the "Iron Lady"?

Really... isn't this even more arrogant than Wu Zhenyu cooking rice at home? Who gave them the courage? Where is Zhou Huimin? Jay Chou is very happy to have the second prince of the Zhao family, so he is very busy!

Even if the filming is completed according to the original script, it will not be released in mainland theaters or made into video tapes. At this critical point, you can create this kind of movie? ? What is your purpose?

are you? ?

Are they the property of the Xi family that was almost cheated by Wu Yusen? !

The young man waved his hands and shook his head crazily with a white face, "Zhao Sheng, you must give us a hand. We really don't mean that. That's not how we seek death. Please help us explain this book." Creation is entirely the result of Wu’s own will.”

"Director Lan, yes, yes, Lan Naicai. Director Lan called him back several times and asked him to change it, but he just didn't listen? He even pushed Director Lan away because of a movie about Two Heroes that made him feel uncomfortable. Damn it. !”

The next moment, Ju Shao hurriedly looked at Xiang Laoshi and Thirteen, "Lao Shi, Thirteen, you mentioned the book. You took the lead in saving up this game. You can't be so unscrupulous and want to cheat my family's money." Let’s go die.”

Their family is a banana people, but the banana people don’t want to be called out by a group of big guys and keep a small book. Facts have proved that they and the "Iron Lady" are not the same family. The shared area and the top class people are two different things.

The public stall is a ghost, and the Li family is a fairy!

Deng Yurong was more direct, "Thank you Zhao Sheng for saving our lives. I will go find the man named Wu right now. If he keeps failing to make changes to the script to meet the standards, there will be no need to wake up next time he falls asleep."

"Old Shi, go visit Director Lan. In the worst case, we'll find another director to complete the script."

If Wang Jiawei's Days of Being Wild is an assassin in the script, Lao Wu is no longer just an assassin. How about facing the Armageddon trilogy, and what kind of version of Tai Ping Wheel? Do this before returning? Isn’t this wishing them death and the whole family?

Old Wu is so cruel! It’s too damning! No wonder Lan Naicai asked him to change the script many times. Damn it, it’s a plant!

A group of people come and go in a hurry.

When the big office was clear again, Azhen couldn't help but laugh and said, "Big Stone's intentions are a bit too particular. It will definitely be more fun at night... for a few months."

Zhao Donghuai was speechless. It was indeed more fun in the evening months. Da Shitou would come over and take the initiative to mention this matter, which proved that no one above took this version of the script seriously and did not think much of anything weird.

It was purely out of good intentions and I didn't want each investor to lose too much, so I reminded them promptly. In this era, the mainland is really kind to Hong Kong businessmen.

Filming hasn't officially started yet, how big a deal is it to change the script?


On the third day of the Lunar New Year, in the first phase of Huayuan, when Liu Xiaoli returned home after running for a lap, the house with three bedrooms and one living room was very lively. Not only Zhou Wenqiong and Tao Huimin were there, but her mother and An Feng were also here to celebrate the New Year.

After hugging An Feng and teasing her for a while, Tao Huimin came over and said, "Sister, I answered a call for you earlier when she was about to wash up. (Taiping Wheel) has temporarily postponed the filming. What happened? There was no explanation over there." That’s a lot, I just mean that there’s no need to rush to Shanghai on the sixth day of the lunar month.”

"It has not yet been determined when filming will begin."

"This investment is close to 400 million. You are the second female lead, second only to (The Queen of 5,000 Years of Life), right?"

Liu Xiaoli rolled her eyes speechlessly, "I knew it, but I didn't expect it to stop so quickly. It's not a big deal. More than 200 million were spent. In order to stabilize Depp and Jennifer Aniston, they directly gave We paid half of the film’s salary to allow them to prepare carefully for the war, which is HK$62.4 million.”

"In order to prevent Ah Fa and I from overthinking, we also received half of the remuneration in advance instead of the 30% deposit model."

"It's no big deal, just change the script."

When she first learned that she had the hope of joining this project, it was the first time she met Zhao Donghuai at the Huayuan Sports. Zhao Sheng warned her not to take it too seriously, as this book was crooked and might not be a hit in the mainland.

But she didn't know that it collided with the Final Battle series at first. Dashi's father-in-law couldn't even be a film and television consultant, and Liu Xiaoli's family... that was too far behind.

It was when Wang Dashuo asked her about the content of the script that she complained about more things. It was the 22nd of the twelfth lunar month. In this year, maybe everyone else was preparing for their roles, but Sister Liu didn't think much about it at all.

I haven’t thought about how to play the original character at all, I will change it anyway.

At this stage, her starring role in "Mouse Hard" is also in hot release. It has taken more than 3 million Hong Kong dollars in box office in Hong Kong Island in two days. It doesn't seem high, but the film schedule is low. This is a good result, and it can definitely be in Hong Kong. The island has exceeded 20 million.

And the movie starring Tao Huimin (Yang Naiwu and Xiao Baicai) that she proposed last time has been filmed and is in post-production for a month. She is just waiting for the schedule.

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