Hong Kong Entertainment’s Life Simulator

Chapter 362: It’s only been a week since then? ?

Zhao Donghuai was in a good mood, but Zhang Min came over with a little regret, "Boss, it seems that the box office trend of (Hearing Girl) is a hit. Although the media has given good reviews to the movie, it is much better than "Hardcore". "

"But Hong Kong Island only had more than 2 million Hong Kong dollars in the first three days. It's really..."

Amin really wanted to say that he was embarrassed by Zhao Donghuai. Let’s talk about the data. Currently, there are 600,000 comprehensive supermarkets in the 18 districts of Hong Kong Island, which is equivalent to 60 theaters. In this regard, the new towns in the 18 districts are basically three stores, Tai Hang Village, etc. Several new community satellite villages have been opened.

Each theater has 6 halls, which is 360 big screens.

Theoretically, there are 10 screenings a day, some with 200 seats and some with 300 seats. Calculated based on 250 seats, a ticket is 15 yuan.

The limit data for this day should be 360 ​​screens times 10 games times 15 yuan, times 250 seats, which equals 13.5 million Hong Kong dollars! If 12 games can be played in a day, the limit data is HK$16.2 million.

Of course, this extreme data is just an example. It is impossible for every venue to be full, let alone from 0:00 to 24:00 every day. That was before the release of (Wanted) (Spider-Man) (Police Story 4), etc. It only takes a few days to get such treatment.

Not to mention (hearing girls) only 30% of the films are scheduled.

30% film schedule, 10 shows a day, from 0:00 to 24:00, all cinemas are full, the limit is 4.05 million Hong Kong dollars! 12.15 million Hong Kong dollars in three days!

So Hearing Girls only accumulated over 2 million in three days, or more accurately 2.6 million Hong Kong dollars... The average attendance rate throughout the day is less than 30%. From 0 to 8 o'clock, it is almost empty and can be withdrawn. In the afternoon and evening, it is much higher than 30%.

(The Great Sword) has more than 5.4 million people, and the average attendance rate throughout the day is only close to 50%.

This popular New Year's Eve show (Wanted 2) made more than 7 million Hong Kong dollars in three days, and the average attendance rate was over 50%.

This will make Zhang Min extremely embarrassed!

Zhao Donghuai smiled and shook his head, "Don't feel guilty, your acting is already very good, and the movie is not bad. I can only say that the Lunar New Year period is more suitable for family-friendly comedies, and the performance in the mainland is also very good."

"Maybe we can overtake him next!"

Regardless of Hong Kong Island or the Mainland... maybe they will overtake (Mouse Hard). It is said that the Lunar New Year period is more suitable for family-friendly comedies and blockbusters.

But over the years, everyone has watched action blockbusters one after another.

Even in the Mainland, Wanjia has been open for more than three years. If it were not for the lack of entertainment projects in the Mainland, the total number of movie fans who go to the theater to watch movies would definitely fall with the increase in box office prices.

In the 1980s, a dime a ticket could produce several movies with a box office of over 100 million, with billions of moviegoers. In the 2010s, Wolf Warrior, a movie with a box office of 5.6 billion, only had 150 million viewers.

This trend will definitely occur.

With more entertainment options to choose from, people will go to the theater less often. This is not a matter of whether they can afford to consume, but because there are more choices, and the choice lies with the audience.

It has been three and a half years since the opening of Wanjia Cinemas in Mainland China in 1987. The audiences who have been hit by various action comedy blockbusters have opened their eyes and will get tired of watching too many of them.

Occasionally, movies such as "Hearing Girl" that are inspirational, care about families with disabilities, and focus on chicken soup may not be able to make a comeback from the corner.

Chicken soup movies are sometimes very similar, just like the inspirational chicken soup articles that were popular in an era. The hearing girls tell chicken soup fairy tales where hard work will be rewarded and hard work will be rewarded.

If it really develops according to the cruel reality, how can it be that if you have a certain talent, you can be admitted to the world's first-class music school? There are people all over the world who have a certain amount of talent, and those who fail are everywhere.

Not to mention the (hearing girl) heroine has three deaf-mute relatives dragging her down.

Putting aside the hottest few days of the release of various blockbusters, if you only count the performance of three blockbusters on the first, second and third day of the new year, you will find that the daily box office limit is HK$13.5 million for Wanjia local theaters. The combined total of blockbusters only exceeds HK$5 million a day. Why?

Hong Kong Island is more developed at this stage. After the initial release period of "Wanted", every household can basically watch TV, newspapers, magazines, novels, comics, radio stations, game arcades, billiard rooms, mahjong parlors, drag racing, disco, and one-stop nightclubs. And then to the concert...

Thanks to the support of Zhao Donghuai, computers in this era all have pinyin input methods, and BBSs in the Zhao family have appeared.

When there are more choices, many citizens are dazzled by spontaneous choices.

Movie theaters are optional. After all, (Wanted 2) has grossed more than 45 million Hong Kong dollars on Hong Kong Island since its release. This is including the more than 7 million box office figures from the first to the third year of junior high school.

In another ten years or so, the TV station’s ratings will easily reach 80% or 90%, and the situation of empty houses will no longer happen easily.

Under his words, Amin was surprised and asked, "The Mainland has been surpassed so much by the Dragon King. I still have a chance to overtake it?"

Zhao Donghuai nodded calmly, "Just wait, there is hope."

He was sure. As for whether he would be slapped in the face...it didn't matter. He just told Zhang Min that even if he failed to overtake, it wouldn't matter.

When he said this, it was already the fifth day of the first lunar month, February 19th in the Gregorian calendar, and (Wanted 2) had 40% of the film schedule, (More Than Hard) 35%, and (Hearing Girl) 25%.

When the 20th came, Zhang Min was waiting to receive the data in the middle of the night. He was surprised to find that on the 18th, the number of movie theaters with 5% more screenings on the 18th was HKD 1.77 million. It seemed that it had no effect. On the 19th, it was even more so. I only took over 1.59 million Hong Kong dollars.

On the other hand, hearing girls took 1.09 million and 1.16 million respectively on the 18th and 19th.

You must know that in the first three days, the daily average was less than 900,000 Hong Kong dollars. The number of theaters arranging films has decreased, but the box office has increased? Naturally, this also means that attendance is on the rise.

Then plus... well, at around six o'clock in the morning, Amin felt that there was no need to add anything more. Mainland Wanjia added the new era to compile the data, and the results came out. 25% of the film schedule, the hearing girl was on the 19th It took in a box office of 29 million yuan.

You must know that 30% of the films scheduled in the first three days exceeded 50 million yuan, which is just over 18 million yuan per day.

On Wednesday the 20th, Girl took 35 million RMB in one go with 25% of the mainland movie schedule, easily breaking 100 million. On the other hand, Hard Man and Dragon 35% of the movie schedule only made 21 million at the box office, with daily new additions plunging by more than 10 million.

Zhang Min was almost dying of curiosity when he asked. Zhao Donghuai just explained calmly. No matter in terms of kung fu or comedy, there were too many brilliant previous works. Ajie and Liu Xiaoli performed well, but everyone has watched too many better movies in the same genre. too much!

The taste is boring.

When you get tired of eating too much of a certain flavor, you will take the initiative to change flavors. You eat fish and meat every day, and there will always be a time when you like tofu and vegetables.

Hearing Girl is not a bad movie, it just features an inspirational fairy tale ending.

This is also more in line with the current mentality of the people in the Mainland. The Mainland is currently talking about an era of hard work in the sea, and an era where if you work hard and dare to venture, you will be rich and gainful!

Starting from the 21st, Hearing Girls got 35% of the filming, and the box office hit more than 48 million yuan in one day, which is equivalent to the first to the seventh day of the Lunar New Year. It broke 150 million yuan in seven days, while Lao Wang's movie only made 160 million yuan in seven days.

The same story is almost playing out in Haowan, Hong Kong.

The movie "Original Track" has attracted more than 6 million viewers in France. In the same way, there are too many Hollywood blockbusters and popcorn movies...

Last year's hit "New Love" also had certain similar reasons.

From now on, the reverse suppression of Wang Jing really begins.

Fatty Wang is in a stable mood. He has already made a huge profit of 160 million in the Mainland in seven days, okay? Hong Kong Island has also exceeded 10 million Hong Kong dollars. In seven days, the big trend can easily make back the money in Hong Kong Island.

Everything else is profitable!

Ogame, more than 53 million U.S. dollars in seven days, is not the result of Winona Ryder alone, but the family lineup of Al Pacino, Laura Fernandez, and Nicolas Cage!

Moreover, Europe and the United States are not as good as East Asia and Southeast Asia. The trend of pulling ahead at the beginning and overtaking later is explosive from the beginning. The star flavor is so strong!

Al Pacino who just broke out in The Godfather 3? Winona and Nicholas, who had just blasted Spider-Man... Lola had been a little depressed in the past two years, but that was only a little quiet. After all, how long had it been since Wanted 1 bombed?


February 23, 100 Years Pictures.

Fei Jing looked at the strange trend of "Mouse Days" with a look of confusion and incomprehension on his face. For a movie that was so popular at the beginning, it was nothing to over 5 million in three days in Hong Kong and over 100 million in three days in the mainland. Zhao Sheng did not suppress it. His schedule.

The opponent also did not perform any operations other than regular announcements.

It was just putting up posters, broadcasting trailers on TV, and doing the last talk show to boost the popularity of the movie. Why was this trend so weird that he couldn't understand it?

What's even more outrageous is that he (Mouse Hard Man) was provoked by the host during the announcement program, and asked him if he was deliberately mocking and satirizing Cheng Long? There were no big waves.

The big star played by Zhang Xueyou, through a series of actions, fits the image of Cheng Long so well. He is still waiting for Aaron to come out and shout from a distance to continue building momentum.

This is...

When there was a knock on the door, Fei Jing shouted to come in. Zhou Xingxing opened the door and came in, saying, "Lao Wang, let's study and prepare for the filming of "Play Back to School 3". The project decided in March last year was pushed to 11 months."

"But there's nothing wrong with starting filming now. The white version of the billionaire can just play Winona Ryder. She's only available after the Spring Festival, and will go to Hollywood to film during the summer vacation (Nun is also crazy)."

"As for her female assistant, Charlize Theron? That girl is only 16 years old, but she is tall and has long legs, so she can play an adult. She has also studied Asian opera for a year and a half, and she will finish college this summer. Second, his acting skills shouldn’t be too bad.”

Wang Jing nodded, "Okay, but Ah Xing, please give me some advice. Why are the box office trends of these two movies so weird??"

Ah Xing also fell silent, taking the box office trends of Mainland China, Hong Kong and Haowan, and then went to South Korea, then to Thailand...

The trend is almost the same everywhere.

Ah Xing scratched his head and said, "Could it be that Ajie's martial arts action is not as good as Wanted, and the big scenes are not as good as Police Story 3 and 4, and in terms of comedy, it is too different from my comedy?" Don’t rely on it?”

"Then the audience felt that the reputation was not good?"

Wang Jing rubbed his forehead and said, "That's not right. In fact, the movie has a pretty good reputation. Although some fans of Aaron scolded me, it hasn't become a big deal yet."

Ah Xing continued, "Ajie is not very popular in the field of fashion action? The sales of his two films, Black Man, are average."

Wang Jing could only shrug helplessly, "Probably so. Since the white version of the heroine and supporting role have been decided, who will be used in the Chinese version?"

The role of Xiao Yingying, the former female teacher He Min, will definitely remain unchanged, and he is asking about the newcomer.

Ah Xing thought for a while, "Let's make appointments with Yuan Jieying and Chen Derong. One will play Tang Judy and the other will act as an assistant. If these two endure it, they will be able to take on the role."

Chen Derong is cooperating with him (Wan Sheng Lingling Qi), Yuan Jieying is a double-sword turkey in (God of Cookery), and he has no idea of ​​​​finding anyone new to play with him for the time being.

This project was delayed from March last year to the end of February this year. The good news is that Fei Jing has already written the script completely and properly in his spare time.

In fact, when Zhao Donghuai was planning to track the traces of mermaids in reality, when filming "Legend of Mermaid", he also mentioned that Zhou Xingxing should also act in one. After all this time, Xing himself has written half of the mermaid script.

The next moment, Wang Jing asked curiously, "That Jin Chengwu returned to the (The Grandmaster) crew to learn boxing again?"

Ah Xing was stunned for a moment, "Yes, I was originally sent to the (Taiping Wheel) project to play the role of a peninsula country prisoner of war. Didn't Taiping Wheel collapse? I couldn't write a new script... The role of A Wu was naturally deleted. Even if a new script is written, the scene involving the island nation’s prisoners of war can be deleted.”

"Sunglasses Lao Wang asked him to continue practicing boxing. It is tentatively decided to be Hong Quan, but what he will learn in the end may change. Lao Wang has not finished the complete script yet."

Wang Jing clicked his tongue and said, "It's been a month and a half since the Grandmaster started the project, but he still doesn't have a concept for the script? Can't decide what kind of boxing he has learned? Isn't that all practice in vain?"

Zhou Xingxing was also speechless, "It's not a waste of time. Wang Jiawei told Ah Wu's agent that he has never experienced formal training since his debut as an amateur, so he still needs to spend more time and energy practicing his acting skills."

"Hong Quan may be replaced, but if you learn it, it is a kind of technical pressure. Sooner or later, you will not lose."

Everyone following him sighed, "I really didn't expect Wu Yusen to deceive people like that...I almost sent a large group of investors to the crematorium by just a hair."

"By the way, your (Geek in Disguise) prop model hasn't been finished yet??"

Wang Jing took a sip of tea and said, "It's almost time. I got the copyright in early December last year and contacted Jim Carrey. He has already done some immersion. It would be much faster to shoot. After all, it is your film (Hundreds of Years). Bianxingjun) route."

"Don't worry, even if the filming suddenly starts in March or April, it will not affect (Truy School Dragon 3). How fast we can cooperate."

From the beginning of December to February 23, it’s been more than two and a half months. (Ghost in Disguise) hasn’t even been started yet, so it took a long time to model the big special effects movie props.

But if those people catch up and you ask Wang Jingshuang to play, he is confident that he will be able to do it.


a new day.

At Kai Tak Airport, when a cross-border flight from Tokyo landed steadily, Liu Luanxiong stepped out of the exit aisle, took a few breaths of fresh and free air, and couldn't help but cursed at the low altitude, "Enter" His mother!!”

"I'll never go to this shitty Tokyo again in my life."

Following Da Liu's words, Luo Zhaohui smiled awkwardly and said, "Brother Xiong, you have bought several houses, all in prosperous areas like Shinjuku and Chiyoda. Wouldn't it be a pity not to go?"

It's okay if I don't mention the house. When I mention the house, Da Liu's face turns black.

In August last year, he went to Tokyo to investigate and make contacts to see if he could find world-class investment banks such as Goldman Sachs and Lehman to open CFDs for him when it came to shorting the Nikkei Index.

On a plane, you can also encounter the situation where a stranger was tricked by a stranger. He was involved in it inexplicably. The guy actually robbed the execution site and snatched him away from the police.

The yellow mud is dripping down my crotch!

From the beginning to the end, Liu Luanxiong did not attack anyone, did not attack the police, and was shot inadvertently. The powder hung in a suitcase checked in his name by a certain idiot did not have his fingerprints.

This lawsuit?

Da Liu finally lived in seclusion in a gang of gangsters for a while, looked for opportunities to escape, surrendered voluntarily, and asked for a lawyer...

With his financial resources, as long as he has money, he can always clear his identity and come out.

But the Tokyo barrister's lawsuit is outrageous. He does not directly charge money or legal fees, but discusses it. I will help you fight the case, clear the suspicion, and walk out of the court with a clean body. You can help me to get me. Bought a house?

There were several houses in Dazhuang, all of which were owned by him. Unable to support the real estate boom in Tokyo in 1985, he made a down payment and a loan for a new house, and then used other properties to mortgage the bank, and continued to make a down payment and a loan for the new house.

In 1990, Tokyo’s housing loan system already had a financial lending model with zero down payment, and you only had to repay it slowly over a few decades after you took it out.

Compared with the increase in house prices in 1985? ?

In December last year, Jim Carrey bought a house in the first phase of Huayuan, Tsim Sha Tsui. The market price was 2,300 per square foot, 23,1 square meters, which was one of the highest prices in Kowloon. At that time, the average price in Kowloon was 1,480 per square foot, nearly 15,000 Hong Kong dollars per square meter.

The average price in Kowloon Tong in Yau Tsim Mong is HK$20,000 per square meter, while in Tseung Kwan O and Tsz Wan Shan the average price is HK$10,000 per square meter.

Is it expensive? Very expensive!

But compared to Tokyo's 23 wards, it was much cheaper. At the end of 1990, a big lawyer approached him and asked him to pay his lawyer's fees by buying a house. The average price in Tokyo's 23 wards was US$11,000 per square meter! !

Converted into Hong Kong dollars, the average price per square meter in District 23 is more than 80,000 Hong Kong dollars.

In the same year, Hong Kong Island was more prosperous than Tokyo. Comparing the average price in Kowloon with the average price in the 23 districts, it was much cheaper.

And this thing about average price? ?

With an average price of more than 80,000 Hong Kong dollars, how could he be so desperate that he, Liu, should buy a house? ? Shinjuku, Chiyoda? ? What a husky sinkhole!

Is he, Liu, that kind of person who jumps into traps? In a different situation, the new guy still offered to help him with the lawsuit by selling him a house.

At that time, the Japanese stock market had collapsed, and many wealthy people with gold-collar income had their stock market assets collapsed. They still had houses in their hands, but those without mortgages were fine. How could they save houses by playing financial games? It's not just that it can't be sold anymore.

He still owes a large amount of mortgage loan to the bank!

Shareholders lost money on their stock investments, and many went bankrupt, liquidated, and delisted. By the time Liu asked for a lawyer, many of his properties were already in negative equity. He wanted to sell his house but couldn't find a buyer, and they all owed a huge amount of wealth to the banking group. You can't Pay off the mortgage? Collect the house directly for auction?

Or fuck you in any other way?

Liu, a foreign tycoon who wanted to prove his innocence, suddenly became the target of the big lawsuits. Please ask me to file a lawsuit? Okay, let's study the case. Hey, your case actually has a lot of room for operation.

As long as you play some legal games, clear up the relationship, and come out clean, it's really not that difficult.

The richest man in Hong Kong? This is so great!

Rich man, do you want to go to jail carrying your grievances, or do you want to walk out? As long as you buy the house that I owe the bank mortgage for, everything is easy to negotiate.

This happened to several lawyers, and one lawyer told him that if you help a certain judge buy the house that he bought from him, I guarantee that you will appear in court as soon as possible and walk out clean.

Da Liu was fooled by Tokyo's real estate schemes.

In the end, he really couldn't find a lawyer who could help him fight the lawsuit with just money. He could only grit his teeth and ask, the average price in District 23 is more than 80,000 Hong Kong dollars per square meter. Can I buy a house in a remote and backward district?

I'm sorry, lawyers and judges don't have real estate in those areas. Those places are too low. And as a well-known rich man and sniper in Hong Kong Island, how can you go to those places when you settle down in Tokyo?

Shinjuku, Chiyoda, Bunkyo-ku, Minato-ku, etc. are proof of Liu Sheng’s heroic spirit!

Liu bought several apartments with tears in his eyes, and then walked out with a clean conscience! Those houses include not only duplexes with an area of ​​200 to 300 square meters, but also villas with their own exclusive courtyards.

If he stays in Tokyo for a while longer, the cherry blossom trees in a certain villa will be in full bloom.

But Liu couldn't stay any longer, even if he was innocent, he couldn't stay any longer. The year had just entered 1991, and housing prices in Tokyo plummeted after the beginning of the new year! !

He bought a villa in a bustling neighborhood of Shinjuku. Can you believe it when the price was HK$130,000 per square meter? ? Outrageous. Her mother is home! In 30 years' time, Hong Kong Island and Beijing may have such housing prices, but this was 1991!

Similar to the average price in Kowloon of 15,000 square meters, the first phase of Huayuan in Tsim Sha Tsui is 23,000 square meters!

It was only late February at the beginning of the new year, and the price plummeted to just over 100,000 Hong Kong dollars per square meter.

Not just Shinjuku, but the entire 23 wards of Tokyo, including the Osaka metropolitan area and the Nagoya metropolitan area, collectively plummeted like the Nikkei stock index.

All the barristers and judges who forced him to sell the house ran away, and he fell into a deep hole.

Before I flew back from Tokyo, the most common social news was that someone had committed suicide somewhere, jumped off a building, jumped into the sea, hanged himself...

He wanted to go to Tokyo to make a fortune, but he accidentally got shot, lived in a detention center for a while, and was saddled with sinkholes in several large houses. Those houses still have huge mortgages. He wanted to repay the loan in advance, but the bank wouldn't let him.

Now that I am paying off the loan, those houses were sold just two or three years ago. It was an amazing four years. No matter how many hands it was transferred in the middle, the first player who made a down payment and a loan took the loan for 30 years, and the interest in the 30 years has almost caught up. The principal is gone.

If he wants to repay the loan early, how much less interest will the bank charge?

Now fan Liu only has one impression of Tokyo. Let’s get some more AK tut tut tuts. After all, if you buy a 200 square meter duplex house for 120,000 Hong Kong dollars per square meter, the full price is already 24 million Hong Kong dollars.

Plus a huge 30-year mortgage...

This was sold to him by a certain judge.

The big ticket that asked him to come out was to sell him a villa in Shinjuku with a garden full of cherry blossom trees.

He stays in jail and comes out of jail, the loss is too great! There is a saying that he can turn a loser like Luo Zhaohui into a billionaire. He is not particularly sorry that he has lost the market value of several houses. It is because he is so aggrieved, depressed and angry at being cheated.

After taking a few deep breaths, Da Liu said angrily, "Don't offer me a house. Sooner or later, I will support my little brother Awu and stage a carnival of adze digging..."

Everything was caused by that idiot Chen Awu.

But now, if Awu can stage a carnival party in Tokyo, he will be super angry and relieve his addiction.

Although Da Liu was in the old home of A Wu and others, he sneaked out and surrendered after observing honestly for a while... But when he was in the detention room, someone from the Tiger Gang came to visit him. Da Liu explained that he was feeling bored while recovering from his gunshot wound. I was going crazy. I finally managed to move. I went out for a walk and took a breather. Then I was caught on the street.

I still fooled Awu and the others.

After complaining like crazy, Da Liu waved his hand, "Let's go home! I miss home so much!"

It was only after I had been in prison that I realized how fragrant and sweet the free air outside was.


On the tenth day of the first lunar month, Zhao Donghuai sat in his office and watched the global trend of Hearing Girls. The more he watched, the more satisfied he became.

After the mainland has taken 40% of the film schedule at this stage, it made a box office of 57 million yuan yesterday. Based on the previous one-yuan ticket price, it was more than 28 million yuan, but the two-yuan ticket is so explosive.

Nine days after its release, the figure has already exceeded 250 million yuan, and it is expected to exceed 300 million yuan in ten days. Today is only the tenth day of the first lunar month, and it is Sunday. The box office will not be much worse than yesterday's Saturday.

On the other hand, the gap has been completely widened, and at the end of ten days it will exceed 200 million.

Everyone must have made money. The reputation and reviews of both movies are not bad. Overall, hearing girls are more popular.

The current stage is only 1991, far from being the time when anti-Chicken Soup and Poisonous Chicken Soup were in vogue, it is the period when the real Chicken Soup trend is about to explode.

Zhang Min was very happy that the movie she starred in was such a hit in Asia. After coming over with a cup of milk tea, she smiled and said, "Boss, when are we going to have a celebration banquet? In the past few days, Di Long, Wu Zhenyu and others called me frequently to thank me."

"Sister Hui Zhong said that Brother Di Long has made a huge turn in his career with the help of this movie. I want to ask Sister Hui Zhong to treat me to dinner as a thank you, so I just want to have good luck and come to the flagship store. Time will be up to me."

Zhao Donghuai smiled and nodded, "You can arrange this as you like."

Zhang Min nodded and changed the topic, "By the way, as you asked, I have been observing the housing market in the island country. It has continued to plummet for a month. When do you plan to buy it?"

Zhao Donghuai then shook his head and sighed, "It's still early. It's still early. The price dropped by 10% or 20% at the beginning of the year, but this price drop is compared to the average price of more than 80,000 Hong Kong dollars per square meter in the 23 districts."

"Now it has dropped by more than 10,000, but compared to 1987, it is still ridiculously high, let alone compared to 1985."

Starting this year, the real estate bubble in the island country was completely burst, and it plummeted until 1995, when Tokyo fell back to 30,000 Hong Kong dollars per level. In the same year of the original trajectory, the average price in Hong Kong and Kowloon was already HK$37,000 per flat, surpassing Tokyo.

The average price dropped from more than 80,000 to around 30,000 for four years! In 1987, the average house price in Tokyo was almost the same.

Then in 1999, it fell back to 10,000 to 20,000 Hong Kong dollars per square meter. By 2022, the average price is almost 50,000 yuan per square meter.

Buying at the bottom...it’s not easy to buy at the bottom either. The big cycle is too long.

In fact, it is worth mentioning that housing prices in Hong Kong Island, like those in Kowloon, climbed to HK$50,000 per square meter in 1997, but since the turn of the millennium, they have been stable at HK$20,000 per square meter for many years, and it was not until 2009 that they rebounded back to HK$50,000 per square meter. .

It was after the Olympic Games that wealthy people from the mainland rushed to Hong Kong Island to buy houses and speculate on them.

However, in their original trajectories, Zhong Zhentao and Lin Jianyue continued to speculate in real estate in Tokyo in 1990 and suffered huge losses in 1997.

Qiu Shuzhen came over with a script in hand and said, "Boss, Yongsheng and Zhushe handed over the (New Taiping Wheel) script, do you want to read it?"

Zhao Donghuai was slightly surprised, "It's only been a week? Is the script finished?"

Surprised, he took the book and started reading it. After reading it, Zhao Donghuai looked melancholy. What a talent.

It's really talented that the Taiping Wheel can be transformed to this extent by magic. Zhou Runfa, the captain of the Jianyuan Wheel, plays the male lead, and Liu Xiaoli plays his ex-wife and the female lead. They are basically living in memories. Bingbing and Gao Yuanyuan play their daughters.

This is a story about the revenge and martyrdom of the oppressed and exploited captain and sailors of the ship after the Jianyuan cargo ship discovered that the remnants of the Taiping ship were defeated in the three major battles.

The unexpected encounter turned into an active death blow, a collision.

After being speechless for a while, Zhao Donghuai said with emotion, "This book has good special effects, and it is very likely to make a profit. The mainland is such a big market, so it won't be too bad. After all, there are only a few protagonists now."

"I heard that Aju's original investment of 100 million was converted into the 62 million Hong Kong dollars in salary that Depp and Aniston had received plus new film contracts. Calculating the loss of more than 37 million, he went ashore and ran away?"

Azhen nodded, "Yes, it is said that during the meeting, it was Wang Yu who first proposed that he and Ke Junxiong admit their losses of tens of millions and bring Depp and Depp's new movie to the shore. The Xiang brothers and Deng Guangrong refused to let go. They said they would die together. die……"

"Anyway, when it comes to the Final Battle series, no matter how you set it up, the Tai Ping Wheel won't be able to shoot. Let's just accept the loss together, and then the giant fisherman will gain."

Zhao Donghuai couldn't help laughing, "It's outrageous. You have only been playing Ah Ju for a few days, and you have already handed over a mature script. Are you not afraid of Ah Ju's revenge?"

You should at least delay it for an extra month or two. An extra month or two can also explain that the new script was too hard to come up with at the time, and it took a month or two to find a way out.

It’s only been a week since you stopped performing? ?

Qiu Shuzhen said happily, "On the surface, it seems that Ah Ju finally grabbed the opportunity. After all, Depp and Aniston have new film contracts. Even if they only get half of the salary each, if the new film is completed, they will have to pay the other half of 62 million. Hong Kong dollars…”

"But with this first-mover advantage, if you just write a romance script and find a partner to invest the other half of the salary, there is no hope of making money back."

Zhao Donghuai was too lazy to say, "Let's make arrangements and let the second season of (Friends) be released on various channels. At the end of February, we need a viable sitcom to continue to gain ratings."

At this stage, Friends can be filmed stably for about ten seasons. After all, the popularity of Depp's little spider is still sweeping the video market, and peripheral products such as cultural shirts are also very popular in Europe and the United States.

He also knew that the contract signed by Ah Ju was very biased towards Depp and Aniston. Not only did the new script need to be approved by the two before filming could begin, but the remuneration also increased along with the market conditions.

Depp’s current salary is US$10 million. As it becomes more and more popular, it will rise to the US$15 million and US$20 million clubs.

If the market goes up, the subsequent payments on Ah Ju’s contract will also have to go up.

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