Hong Kong Entertainment’s Life Simulator

Chapter 408 Lives up to his elegant title as a villager in Dakeng Village!

Another half hour later.

When a flight from Hong Kong Island lands at Seoul Airport, there is no need to take the normal exit channel. The elevator and escalator are connected to the cabin door.

Congressman An, who was a little bitch 8 years ago, has already brought his secretaries and assistants to respectfully and enthusiastically welcome Mr. Zhao to Seoul with respectful and enthusiastic applause. Along with Mr. An to pick him up at the airport are William, the current CEO of Goldman Sachs South Korea, Lehman Chris, etc.

After this group of white ghost guys and Zhao Donghuai carved up the Lotte Group during the 1987 stock market crash, they now control South Korea's MBC television network, and also control many other companies such as mining.

Another example is Song Sebin and Jiang Eunhao of the Miracle Era Club, whose total net worth is hundreds of billions of Hong Kong dollars. They jointly control some of South Korea's media, newspapers, magazines, construction, transportation, tourism, catering and other businesses.

Now we are at the airport to welcome Zhao Sheng to Seoul...

Too many people.

The itineraries of many flights here at the airport have been profoundly affected.

When Zhao Donghuai took Ah Hong and Jennifer Connelly off the plane, Mr. An and William quickly walked forward and stood on both sides of the escalator. The applause became more and more intense, and of course the smiles became more and more brilliant.

Samsung Li Dazai, who was watching from the outside, was a little stunned, "Daddy, this guy has a bigger show than you."

Daughter Li glared at her eldest brother, "What is this guy? His name is Uncle Zhao! If Samsung is handed over to you, you will go bankrupt sooner or later."

Li Dazai turned his head disdainfully and was too lazy to argue with the girl.

However, when Zhao Donghuai, accompanied by a group of subordinates, walked towards the Li family, Li Dazai quickly showed a bright and sincere smile to welcome him.

Zhao Donghuai took a few steps again, and Chairman Li also stepped forward and extended his hands, "Welcome Mr. Zhao to Seoul. For the new movie you want to make, I will definitely let Samsung promote the whole process. Even if I need to make a cameo, I can arrange it at will." "

Director Zhao smiled and shook hands a few times before saying, "Lao Li, it's 1996."

President Li smiled warmly, "Yes, it's 1996."

What the hell? What about 1996? What does it matter?

Zhao Donghuai said with emotion, "Next year will be 1997, and the Asian financial crisis is coming."

Samsung Lee almost jumped to his waist, "Asian financial crisis??"

Li's daughter was also surprised and said, "Sheng Zhao, can you predict the future?"

Zhao Doula said, "Big niece, use your brain more. Yin Lun cannot prevent Hong Kong Island from returning as scheduled in 1997, but in terms of economy, big things must be done, and with the bankruptcy of the island country, many industries are in the doldrums..."

"The Thai baht and the Singapore dollar, which have always been tied to the U.S. dollar and the Japanese yen at a stable exchange rate, have a big financial loophole. International speculators exchange the U.S. dollar for the Japanese yen, and then use the Thai baht and the Singapore dollar to exchange for the Japanese yen. Poe and other places exchanged Japanese yen for beautiful swords.”

"This time, it's a lot of profit."

"The financial systems of those countries have been suffering from long-term losses due to this loophole. Sooner or later, they will have to let go of stable exchange rates and let the exchange rates change to market floating. If they let go...it will be a group of international speculators who will bring down buildings one after another."

"It's hard to say whether Asia Finance can survive or whether it will be ruined."

"Our Hong Kong Island, and you, South Korea, will sooner or later be targeted by countless predators."

Not to mention that Li’s daughter was shuddering when she made such a big statement as soon as they met. Boss An couldn’t help but say, “Zhao Sheng, who is the headquarters behind William and Chris??”

William was very calm, "Don't worry, the headquarters of Goldman Sachs and Lehman will not miss this kind of feast. Just like the 1987 stock market crash, they came to dismember the national economies of South Korea, Singapore, Malaysia, Thailand, Indonesia, and the Philippines. This has long been the trend."

Chris also smiled and said, "Li, you didn't think we were the only ones when we won Lotte with our boss a few years ago, right? This time it's over at the headquarters. Countless predators are waiting to carve up and dismember your Samsung, Hyundai and other consortiums. .”

"Although we still have to prepare for war and push forward, the knife will fall sooner or later."

Samsung Li couldn't help but take off his glasses and wipe them. "Ma's group rushed to the street. We, Samsung, have developed over several generations and finally built up our family business..."

In fact, he has also sensed a certain trend. After all, if this general trend really takes off, it is not just a matter of pushing it as soon as an idea comes to mind. It needs to be laid out to promote the development of the situation!

The collapse of Big Bear was not the result of one year.

The rise of the Four Little Dragons and Four Little Tigers in Asia is due to the relocation of industries from island countries and in-depth investment in countries such as Singapore, Malaysia, and Thailand. They cannot do without island country investors to help them develop.

With the destruction of the island nation's economy and stock market, after World War II, the exchange rate of one U.S. dollar for Thai baht has stabilized at 20 baht. After 1985, one U.S. dollar was exchanged for 25 Baht, similar to the way that the Hong Kong dollar was bound to 1 U.S. dollar for 7.8 Hong Kong dollars.

But the Hong Kong dollar is bound...it was supported by the pound before the handover, and by the mainland after the handover.

This kind of financial war brought together by international speculators ultimately depends on financial resources. For example, during the 1997 crisis, the Hong Kong government itself had tens of billions of dollars in foreign exchange reserves, and the mainland also stepped up to support the Hong Kong government's hundreds of billions of dollars in foreign exchange reserves.

If you have abundant financial resources, you won’t be afraid of speculation from others.

In the end, both the mainland and Hong Kong Island emerged from the financial war without suffering much loss. However, the financial situation in Thailand, South Korea, etc. has basically been rewritten.

Samsung Lee and his team of financial analysts have long sensed something is wrong, but it is the father behind them who wants to mess with them... What can they do?

After cursing, Sanxing Li turned around and led the way to the motorcade, and said, "Sheng Zhao, you and Hong Kong Island have such a big backing as the mainland. You must not be afraid of this. You can stand on the shore and watch the ocean storm. Come to Seoul this time??"

Zhao Donghuai smiled and patted Lao Li, "When you can't bear it anymore, you can consider giving me some Samsung shares."

"I'm not trying to steal you, but I'm just giving you a suggestion. It's better to have a reliable friend on the board of directors than to be crushed to death by a father."

"Everyone likes to play with me. I'm much kinder to Microsoft than Wall Street."

Li's daughter's eyes lit up, "Yes, Daddy, Gai is the richest man in the world, and Uncle Zhao is also Gai's best friend on the board of directors!"

If Zhao Donghuai intervenes and joins the Samsung Group, then she will have another backer to support her in the Samsung successor war.

This Uncle Zhao is so carefree and dissolute. Should he support her or her brother Li Dazai? In terms of lobbying, it is definitely much easier for her than lobbying her father.

Samsung Lao Li has another headache. Damn it, this is really a combination of internal and external troubles.

It’s so confusing.

Zhao Donghuai is indeed a New Territories boy who was born in Tai Hang Village, and he does not live up to his title of kindness and elegance as a Tai Hang villager!

No matter how nice it is, one is that North America's father wants to rob him, and Zhao has no good intentions. If he doesn't listen to North America's father and lets Zhao join the game, his father's beating will definitely hurt him more in the future.

If you can't beat Zhao Donghuai over there, why can't you beat him?

Zhao Donghuai glanced at his eldest niece again and said with a smile, "Old Li, what you are afraid of is that after I join the game, I will take away a lot of high-tech products banned in North America... That will make them beat you up, but believe it or not, I joined the game. fail."

"All kinds of blockade technologies will be sent to me by your people under Samsung? By then North America will beat you up, and there will be no one to help you talk and break up the fight."

"Think it over carefully."

After saying that, he got on the extended bulletproof train where Boss An and William from Seoul greeted him.

After getting in the car, they had a polite exchange, mainly with these people reporting on their work... The convoy was also driving on Seoul Road. When passing by Seocho, Lao An complained bitterly, "A group of Assi from Seocho, for For a small amount of money, I missed several important positions. Boss, do you think our Seoul Hydra branch should improve the quality of its members??"

Zhao Donghuai asked strangely, "What happened to Ruicao?"

William was overjoyed and explained with a smile, "Last June, a department store with five floors above ground and four floors underground collapsed in a few dozen seconds, burying 1,500 people alive, and more than 500 people died in the end."

"This is the largest casualty accident caused by the spontaneous collapse of a building in the world. A large number of people in Seocho who were bribed by the chairman of Sampoong Department Store were sentenced to a large number of sentences."

This record will not be broken until 2013 by the number of casualties caused by the collapse of the White Elephant building!

Zhao Donghuai, "..."

Chen Hong was shocked, "I'll go, such a big news? You were still filming (King Kong) in the mainland at that time, right?"

She looked at Zhao Donghuai for the last sentence, and Director Zhao nodded...

The department store collapsed in tens of seconds, covering an area of ​​9 floors? ? Bury 1,500 people alive? ?

Ah Hong exclaimed again, "Why did that building collapse?"

William smiled and continued to explain, "It's the chairman of Sanfeng Group. It was originally designed to be a four-story office building. It has been built. Suddenly, he suddenly had the idea to transform it into a department store similar to Wanjia Supermarket and Samsung Supermarket. .”

"Then a large number of load-bearing columns must be removed to make room for the installation of up-and-down tilting escalator elevators..."

"While they were being built and renovated, the president suddenly thought that all four floors had been built. To make more money, add another floor... It opened in July 1990 and collapsed in June 1995. .”

Ah Hong said blankly, "He just makes all kinds of magic modifications in his head, and the construction team agrees to fix it?"

Lao An added and explained, "He opened several construction teams that disagreed, and there were always people who built to get money. As for the management department, they just spent money and lobbied. That's why I said Seocho suffered serious losses."

A building that was just built and has been in business for less than 5 years suddenly collapsed? ? I can't say enough about the quality.

Lao An gritted his teeth and said, "That bastard was sentenced to 10 years in prison. If you don't pay enough money, you won't be able to get out of prison. Our people will slowly beat his marrow and suck out his bones."

"In Wanjia chain supermarkets, brands such as Han Tianxia, ​​Oriental, and Five Thousand Years are the most popular and have the best locations. After the Sanfeng Supermarket opened, it promoted Chanel, Givenchy, Hermès and other ghost brands..."

"At its peak, the daily turnover was hundreds of thousands of dollars, and we received tens of thousands of customers."

"Boss, will this help your new work? I heard that in your new movie, the character is an architect??"

Zhao Donghuai was speechless, "1,500 people were buried alive and more than 500 died? Only ten years in prison?"

Old Anluo said awkwardly, "There are also many people in the judiciary and courts who like his money."

At this stage, the self-collapse of buildings has caused the highest number of casualties in the world? !

Should this case be included in (Introduction to Architecture)? Okay, no problem, just say that the male protagonist is an architect, and he met the female protagonist when he was still in college. He was her first love, and she was also his first love. They ran around Jiangbei together...

They are all poor second generation overseas Chinese.

It's nothing more than Jennifer Connelly's version. It needs more settings. The poor second generation white people who were naturalized in South Korea, for example, were born in Big Bear, the poorest era before the disintegration, and smuggled themselves to South Korea, and it was difficult to figure out their identity.

How normal is it to go to Wanjia Supermarket in South Korea to buy some Hantianxia products and give them gifts when you are in contact? ?

I would like to warn the heroine not to go to Sanfeng Department Store when shopping in shopping malls... He is studying architecture. He once heard that a senior architect who graduated from the college took over. The architectural design of Sanfeng Department Store was obsessed with the boss's various requests. , If you really can’t change, if you don’t listen to Chairman Mitutoyo, you will be expelled from the team.

The male protagonist is well aware that Sanfeng Department Store is in deep trouble and has terrible safety risks, but it can pass the inspection and officially open as a department store.

The water is too deep! !

Shopping at Wanjia is a pleasant shopping experience, but going to Seocho Sampoong Department Store may put someone's life at risk at any time.

After graduating from college, we stopped contacting each other due to a misunderstanding, and then we reunited a few years later.

Are you talking about the collapse of Sanfeng Department Store? The incident of burying 1,500 people alive? Visit the ruins of Sanfeng Department Store?

By writing this selling point in, not only can it be used as a social news stunt (Samfeng Department Store buried 1,500 people alive), but it can also promote Wanjia's brand and reputation.

There is a Jennifer Connelly version, which shows that it can be sold in Europe and the United States. There are no Wanjia supermarkets in Europe and the United States.

(Introduction to Architecture) is about each other's first love, separation due to misunderstanding, meeting again after entering society for a few years, regaining a small dream, and finally separation.

The original version was about reuniting after 15 years, so this version doesn't need to be limited to that long.

As long as it can describe some people and some things in life, once you miss it, it will be really difficult to have the charm of a pure love movie.

The male protagonist misunderstands the female protagonist. She has a rich senior student from Jiangnan who also wants to pursue the female protagonist. The old playboy is very suitable for using money and luxury goods to make the female classmate lie down. When she gets tired of it, she dumps her and finds a new target.

Not only did he set his sights on the heroine, he also sarcastically ridiculed the hero for being a poor guy from Jiangbei. He could not afford expensive Chanel, Givenchy and other luxury brands in his life. He could only afford to wear a few hundred Hong Kong dollars in order to save face on important occasions. The Han world and the East could not afford it.

After the senior set his sights on the new prey of the heroine, he used high-end luxury brands from the Western world to hit the heroine, but she was rejected.

The society is in turmoil, and they meet again after a few years. The hero and heroine stand in front of the ruins of the collapsed Sanfeng Department Store. Let’s talk about the supporting character’s body buried in Sanfeng Department Store. How fitting is the situation? That role is scheduled for a South Korean actor to guest star.

The original trajectory included a scene where the female protagonist was sent home drunk by her senior, and was given support, but the male protagonist saw it and misunderstood her. Because he was too poor and had low self-esteem, he broke up with the female protagonist and did not express his feelings.

Under the changes here, there is a senior who sends someone home at night. He is not drunk and does not support him. He is rejected just after he is delivered to the door. The senior stands at the door and wants to go in and sit down many times, but he is always rejected.

But because of the angle when peeking, the male protagonist didn't see the door scene.

In fact, the same is true in the original version. The first love of the girl was the boy. She never learned anything. She sat next to the boy while waiting for the bus late at night, sleeping on his shoulder. The boy kissed her secretly. She knew it and pretended to be asleep.

They were both their first kisses.

No matter how much the female protagonist yearns for wealth and hopes to change her class by getting rich, her first love is indeed the poor boy male protagonist, and it has not changed. She has been waiting for the male protagonist to confess his love to her, but, in daily interactions, that kind of The longing for wealth, the dream of getting rich, the goal of finding a rich boyfriend, the words of conversation, etc., have deeply affected the male protagonist's confidence. He is too poor.

The girlish version of the actress also became South Korea's national first love because of this role.

Ah Hong once starred in (My Sassy Girl) and became a hit in her own right. She was the first love of Asians for a period of time. This time, she is 28 years old. Her face is tender and maintainable, her long black hair is long and straight, and she wears the 90s style. The most fashionable college students' clothing will once again strengthen her image of Zhoumin's first love.

The scene after the reunion was changed to a more mature look. The two confessed to each other and talked about their respective situations. In the end, although the hero wanted to immigrate to North America with his fiancée, before leaving, he helped the heroine build the house he designed for her when he was a student. big house.

When they reunited, it was already a few years later. The male protagonist did have a fiancée, and various plans had been made by both parties. This is the practical reason why it is still difficult to be together even if they reunite, missing people and things.

The heroine lives in a beach house with her seriously ill old father.

In this version of the fiancée and the married couple, the Chinese version has Zhang Min as a guest star, and the white version has Monica Bellucci. Anyway, they are the fruits of their own family, and their scenes are just guest appearances in wedding dresses.


After the luxury motorcade arrived in a certain district of Seoul and arrived at the five-star hotel of Huazhi flagship store, (Introduction to Architecture) the main creative team of the film settled here for a short period of time.

When the Huazhi five-star hotel opened in Seoul, Lao An, Song Shibin, Jiang Enhao and others begged to come. The Huazhi Hotel in Seoul has always been the favorite place for Chinese people to live. In one word, it provides an explosion of security.

After a night of grand reception and welcome.

On March 14, Huang Bo had just finished his hangover. He opened the door to the guest room and walked out. He was shocked when he saw Song Shibin with a row of...beautiful girls? Waiting in the hallway.

Huang Bozai plays Zhao Donghuai's college classmate and best friend in "Introduction to Architecture". He likes to pretend to be a love saint and teaches Zhao Donghuai how to woo girls. Although he is an idle person, at least he and Zhao Donghuai are good buddies.

Important supporting role.

Of course, Huang Bo is very fond of such opportunities. He is also 22 years old this year. The older he gets, the more he looks a little crooked. He graduated from his senior year in the summer. His development in the music industry has not improved. He can star in a big movie starring Zhao Sheng. How can an important supporting role not be happy?

But this is what is happening in front of me? ?

Song Shibin walked over quickly and said with a smile, "Huang Sheng, these are the most popular female stars and singers in our South Korean film and television industry. Which one or several do you like? Let them stay and be your close assistants in Seoul?"

"They are all the most popular locals, providing you with the best service 24 hours a day."

Huang Bo was dumbfounded, "The reddest one?? So... straight??"

He is 22 years old and is about to graduate from college. He is not a fool. He had a girlfriend when he was still studying in the mainland. It was his first love and the relationship was very good.

The entertainment industry on Hong Kong Island? ? Isn’t this also a normal development of love?

Are you going to send the popular one right in front of you? ? Just pick? ? What the hell kind of close assistant in Seoul?

At this moment, before Song Shibin could speak, another door opened next door, and Li Yingai and Jin Xishan walked out together. They were also shocked when they saw the situation in the corridor.

And a group of more than a dozen South Korean local red stars who lined up to wait for Huang Bo's selection are also...

Song Shibin quickly walked over to say hello to Li Yingai and Jin Xishan, and chatted a few over-the-top topics. After being rejected, he walked back and asked Xiao Huang.

When more than a dozen local red stars witnessed this, whispers began to spread.

Song Shibin turned around and yelled, "What are you talking about? What's your status? What's their status? Stand up for me and show off!"

"Don't violate taboos regardless of life or death. If you offend a big star from Hong Kong Island, it will be difficult for you to die!"

This time he cursed in South Korean instead of the Mandarin he used to greet Huang Bo, Li Young Ae, and Kim Hee Sun, so...

Huang Bo looked at Li Yingai with a strange look on his face. Li Yingai said, "..."

Li Young-ae looked at the female stars with a super complicated expression, then pulled Kim Hee-sun and passed them through the corridor beside them.

They are all celebrities, working in the same profession, but they are part of the Hong Kong entertainment industry and are no longer the same species as these local left-behinds!

It wasn't until she was far away that Li Yingai patted her conscience and complained, "Fortunately, I was admitted to the Asian Opera School back then, otherwise..."

Needless to say, Jin Heishan was extremely grateful that she could be admitted to the Asian Opera.

Otherwise, it was one of the group of products standing in front of Huang Bo today.

In the end, Huang Bo ran away. It was not that he was not moved at all. A good man will loosen his will when encountering a big temptation. However, not to mention his stable relationship with his first love, he did not dare to flirt with Zhao Donghuai's crew. Whether Song Shibin gave him away or not , the arrangement or not is the good intention of President Song of his Miracle Era Club.

Will he answer it? It's his business.

But Xiao Huang suddenly felt that Cheng Long, the SP, would be like a fish in water when he came to South Korea to work on a new movie.

What a wonderful bunch of little cabbage!

It was not a pity for Song Shibin that Huang Bo refused. He could just continue to recommend it to others. Although there were not many Chinese stars coming from Hong Kong Island, the crew also needed to recruit a large number of practitioners from South Korea to perform.

But he can give benefits to the director's assistant, lighting and prop masters behind the scenes.

Zhao Sheng personally came to Seoul to shoot a love movie that took place in Seoul. It was their honor and pride in Seoul. This was to promote the elegance and style of Seoul in 1996 to movie fans around the world.

Just leave the filming to Zhao Sheng.

They locals in Seoul only need to provide good reception services, and they must make the script feel the warmth of Seoul.


In the presidential suite on the top floor, Zhao Donghuai put down the phone and said to Ah Hong and Jennifer with a smile, "Lao An has made arrangements. We will visit Jiangbei starting today..."

In the character design of Introduction to Architecture, the heroine, a college student played by Ah Hong, moved to Seoul from Jeju Island to study in college. The second-generation overseas Chinese in a small area are envious and yearn for the prosperity of Seoul. The male protagonist is a second-generation native of Jiangbei.

It was the professor of Introduction to Architecture who gave the students an assignment to plan their own routes from home to school, and the two discovered that they lived very close to each other and were neighbors.

In daily life, the male protagonist and the female protagonist often travel through the streets and alleys of Jiangbei, getting to know each other and then secretly falling in love with each other...

If the heroine hadn't been so straightforward and said that she wanted to find a rich boyfriend and had all kinds of ideas about getting rich, the male protagonist would not have misunderstood.

Shooting a large number of scenes in the streets and alleys of Jiangbei, Seoul, requires selecting locations in advance, closing roads, etc. These arrangements are made by Lao An, a brother in Seoul. It is too simple, not to mention the Four Heavenly Kings, the number one society here, also want to Do something for Zhao Sheng and refresh your face.

The two girls, Ah Hong, were also sifting through a variety of clothing, and both began to worry about which one to wear to better showcase their beauty.

During their screening, Zhao Donghuai complained, "Are the clothes you chose too expensive? The settings are all for poor people. Jennifer, you were a smuggler to South Korea during the poorest period of Big Bear. You have to wear cheap clothes and sell goods from street vendors."

"We all meet on important occasions, and a set of Han Tianxia worth a few hundred Hong Kong dollars is the best display."

As he spoke, Ah Hong said happily, "These are pirated A products. You can buy them at street stalls. Hey, I have a single ponytail today? Do you prefer a single ponytail or a long, straight black hair?"

A movie about shopping and visiting Seoul with Zhao Donghuai, and later flying to Jeju Island. Under the leadership of Zhao Donghuai, he built a big house on a dilapidated island and in the countryside by the sea... It is another kind of travel experience.

This is a new experience compared to visiting Hong Kong Island and China.

Connery quickly chose a pair of jeans and a white shirt. It was simple and concise, and showed off her infinitely good figure. The main reason is that she is pretty and looks good in anything she wears. She even took a photo of her big mop with pride. "I am the most stubborn, but unfortunately I will soon be overtaken by Xiao Gao..."

"The body-shaping effects of those special ingredients you provide are amazing."

Ah Hong was speechless, "Forget it, I'll wear a skirt..."

In terms of body shape, if compared with Jennifer, she would be very unhappy.

While the two women were comparing each other's clothes, Zhao Donghuai started another simulation. When the simulation ended, he happily called and developed new members of Hydra.


June 1st.

When a flight back from Seoul landed at Chek Lap Kok International Airport, Zhao Donghuai felt a little emotional when he got off the plane.

Originally, the first simulation could be shot in May (Introduction to Architecture) in just over a month, but he dragged me to June. It was a crime other than war.

The people of South Korea are so welcoming!

When Monica and Zhang Min also flew over to film those guest appearances wearing wedding dresses and wedding scenes, it almost started a wedding dress battle.

Even if it was the identity of the character in the movie, the fake name was still taken by them to be stamped by the relevant departments in South Korea. The fake name was also obtained with a serious identity certificate, which came from the most authoritative relevant agency...

During the two-month trip to Seoul, Director Zhao caused countless murders in Seoul.

Hydra is now three to five times the size it was before he left!

The Pacific Express branch and Zhao's Logistics also opened accordingly. A group of leaders were transferred from the Greater China region, and the recruitment of South Korean workers was a matter of process.

The era of long-lasting suffering for the South Korean conglomerates has officially begun...

When he returned to the ATV headquarters, he directly arranged for the announcement of (Introduction to Architecture). The announcement was also simple. The Sampoong Department Store in Seocho collapsed, 1,500 people were buried alive, and more than 500 died. The families of the casualties organized , demanding more compensation from the chairman of Sanfeng Department Store.

Lao An promoted the project at his suggestion.

In social news, they protested that the chairman of Sanfeng Department Store was only sentenced to 10 years in prison, which was too short. Compared with the more than 500 people who died, it was too cheap for him.

ATV reported more and hyped up this news, which is tantamount to binding (Introduction to Architecture) to promote it. In the movie, the president of Sanfeng Department Store who was in prison also appeared as a supporting role.

Before the male protagonist flew to North America, he and the female protagonist went to the prison to visit a certain president. When the building collapsed, the senior supporting character went to Sanfeng Department Store. He did not go alone, but took his prey, another female classmate, Jin Xishan, with him. Go.

The plot is set that before the playboy senior pursues the heroine, he smashes Jin Hee Sun, fails to pursue the heroine, and continues to hit Jin Hee Sun for aftertaste.

After all, they are classmates, and their lives disappeared in a blur in their early 20s. I took a look at a certain president's prison career and found that because he was rich, he lived a good life in prison. He smoked cigars and drank coffee in the visiting room. Eat steak.

Life is better than that of many working people.

The male and female protagonist complained angrily and protested to the prison guards. The president of Sanfeng Department Store looked down at the two of them calmly. In this society, if you are rich, you will show off. Are you rich? Poor guy.

Without money, even a marriage cannot be successful!

Although it is a viral clip, it is also very realistic. This is how South Korean Nagada does things! Otherwise, there would be no movie like the 2016 version (Prison), let alone South Korea, which is the most cyberpunk social model in the world.

This is the main focus of the announcement, which can attract a lot of gimmicks for the film around the world.

After the movie is released, will the scene of a certain president being so arrogant and domineering cause physical discomfort to countless people? Will South Korea re-sentence him...

How could Zhao Donghuai care.

Azhen ran to do things, and Director Zhao also started post-production. He was busy until about six o'clock in the evening, when he heard a knock on the door. He sensed that Xiao Gao was outside the studio, so Director Zhao paused production and opened the door.

Gao Yuanyuan happily slipped in and said, "Boss, you are finally back. My (sound engineer) has also finished filming. I'm just waiting for you to come back and continue to teach me how to do post-production."

Zhao Donghuai said unexpectedly, "You also shoot so fast?"

Yuanyuan nodded repeatedly, "Yes, on the set, Zhou Xingxing and Liu Zhenwei are also very helpful. They are both anonymous assistant directors. In addition to shooting the film version, we will also ask the assistant to hold the DV camera to shoot the DV version."

"You can see the effect of what you shot on the same day, so you can tell at a glance whether you need to reshoot, repair, etc."

Zhao Donghuai smiled and said, "Okay, I'm doing the editing and other post-production work on the introduction to architecture. You can continue to follow along."

This summer, it’s true that the Zhao family’s own movies are almost dominating the screen. Kwan Jiahui and Monica continue to guest star as the principal of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry (Harry Potter 4), and last year’s (King Kong) was released in the summer. It can be (King Kong 1996).

Plus Feature Film Mixer and Introduction to Architecture.

When he prepared a Dongtian version of Grade C fruit platter, Yuanyuan was even happier, but she was also curious, "Boss, Bingbing also wants to improve her image. Are you really not going to give it to her?"

"Her role as Hermione has swept over the world's movie fans even more than the original roles of Cai Shaofen and Cameron Diaz."

Director Zhao was speechless, "She is only 15 years old, so she is really inappropriate. She would be over 1.8 meters tall if she was given the supplement too early, which would limit her acting potential."

Beautiful girls who are over 1.8 meters tall can also be very beautiful. For example, the future Zhang Yin, the overall winner of the Miss World beauty pageant, has also participated in some filming, but during the filming, she definitely needs some hard work.

Just like when Andy Lau starred in "Juno" with Nicole Kidman, Nicole was so anxious that she wanted to kneel down and star with Hua Zi.

He explained again, "You don't want to become 1.9 meters tall, right? If you are too tall, it will affect the next generation. If the next generation reaches a height of 2 meters, the impact will be even greater."

Gao Yuanyuan broke into a cold sweat and said that she really had to stop.

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