Hong Kong Entertainment’s Life Simulator

Chapter 425 Could it be that she, Zhao Sheng’s special guinea pig, can no longer hide her identity?

On September 6, Zhao Donghuai drove Xiao Gao, Bingbing and Jennifer Connelly to a seaside in Dabu New Town. They looked at the bridge corridor and exquisite wooden villas built along the sea in front of them, as well as the starting point of the bridge corridor. Single barrel mailbox.

He immediately laughed and said, "The bridge corridor villa is quite exquisitely and beautifully designed. The crew of (Intouchable Lover) shot many scenes here."

"I estimate that after the filming is completed, if there is a tourism trend after the release, this cabin villa will be overwhelmed by the number of tourists it receives."

In the two different versions of Untouchable Lovers, the male and female protagonists communicate with each other through single-tube mailboxes outside the villa by writing letters and sending gifts, communicating across time and space.

Although the house in the North American version is not ugly, in the style of a love movie, the South Korean version has a more literary and artistic atmosphere. Not only does it face the sea with spring flowers, but the architectural style looks more romantic in the shot.

Zhao Donghuai asked the behind-the-scenes team to build the villa in the Korean style, which was also more optimized and looked more fashionable and beautiful.

After all, he has countless villa modeling drawings spanning several eras.

Xiao Gao said excitedly, "The house is very beautiful. With water, electricity and internet, it is very comfortable to live in. The three of us are directors. How about filming the scenes in the villa, just the three of us will be the ones contracted?"

"How many days can you stay here by the way?"

Jennifer Connelly also laughed brightly, "Yes, it's like when you were filming (Cast Away) on a desert island. You did all the behind-the-scenes work including makeup, and you and Adjani had a lot of fun there. Bar?"

Zhao Donghuai stopped the car in front of the villa bridge and got out of the car, "Okay, anyway, there are a lot of daily necessities and supplies in the large RV. If you don't have enough, you can always go to Taibu or Dakeng Village to replenish them."

Unreachable Lovers has various scenes shot in big cities, whether it's a traffic accident scene, or a white-collar office worker's career struggle, etc.

But in this seaside villa, there are also a lot of scenes in the villa facing the sea when the flowers are blooming in spring.

A house is built to be lived in and used for...

During the commentary, he also waved behind him, and a group of props, pan-Asian bodyguards, etc. began to transport filming equipment and various props into the set.

After a while, other members of the crew and the Pan-Asian bodyguards all retreated. At most, a group of people was left to pull the line a few hundred meters away to prevent ordinary people from entering the crew by mistake.

Jennifer Connelly adjusted the lighting props for a while and said with a smile, "Boss, how about you come and see the lights I adjusted?"

Zhao Donghuai walked over to take a look and saw that the digital camera held by Bingbing was imaging in real time, and the results could be seen on the small screen...

He rubbed Connery's peach with satisfaction, "The lighting is beautiful, the picture is beautiful, not bad. Although you only learned it for a while when you got interested, it is still comparable to a professional lighting master."

Don’t forget the brain-tonifying ingredients produced by Dongtian. After nourishing them, they cannot increase a person’s upper limit of IQ, but they can maintain your energy level at the stage of high school and college, which is the period when human learning ability is strongest.

Only by persevering and studying hard, Gao Yuanyuan will become a qualified director so quickly after making movies again and again. The same is true for Bingbing.

Connery is 28 years old, but she maintains her learning ability. Occasionally she learns something when the mood strikes, and she is very efficient.

Just like now, the family has to film all the scenes and do all the work in the beach villa. Anyone can take on many jobs at any time.

Yuanyuan was sitting on the temporary horse stand on the bridge corridor, waving to him happily, "Come on, boss, I'm waiting for you to do my makeup, my dedicated makeup artist."

Zhao Donghuai, "..."

An hour later, Bingbing sat behind the viewfinder and shouted "click" before happily saying, "This section is over, get ready for the next one."

Individual performance scenes rely on acting skills!

Needless to say, Zhao Donghuai, even Yuanyuan, who used to be a drag on the crew, has been a director so many times and coordinated the entire crew as a director, which has greatly improved her personal acting skills.

At this stage, she has also realized her dream of becoming one of the simple role models in acting.

One shot after another, under a methodical shooting plan, it was not until noon that Winona drove a convertible sports car and parked the sports car at the beginning of the bridge corridor. She also picked up the car from the passenger seat. A big wooden food box came down, and he smiled as he walked, "Hey, you guys are going to help me promote the Winona fashion brand in the new drama."

"Hey, I took some special ingredients to the Good Luck Lai flagship store and asked a national-level chef to cook them. During the cooking time, the national-level chef was so greedy that he cried..."

"This is the first time I've ever seen a chef make myself cry. It's so funny."

The family stopped working, and Zhao Donghuai walked over to pick up the barrel, "It's not light."

It is normal for (Untouchable Lover) to continue to help her promote fashion brands. The brand image is established step by step in this way. The male and female protagonists in the crew all wear Winona casual clothes.

Winona nodded, "Eight dishes and two soups, both large portions, enough for us to eat. Should we eat inside or on the bridge while enjoying the sea breeze?"

Zhao Donghuai laughed, "Come in and eat."

When the crowd moved into the living room of the wooden villa and placed the dishes waiting to eat, Winona suddenly said, "By the way, boss, the science fiction author Da Liu you asked Sister Zhen to pay attention to has submitted a science fiction novel to the Kowloon Daily It’s called (Wandering Earth).”

"After today's publication, it seems to have aroused discussion and love among some book fans."

"The Kowloon Daily also said that the screenwriters who have read the entire draft of (The Wandering Earth) all spoke highly of this novel. It is among the top-notch among mainland science fiction authors. Originally, Sister Zhen planned to call you to report. of."

"After I found out, I stopped by to say, here is the full manuscript. Do you want to take a look?"

Zhao Donghuai said with a hint of surprise, "Give it to me. I'll read the book first, and you guys eat first."

Liu wrote (The Wandering Earth) in September 1998? It’s not surprising, this is 1998, not 1988…

Since the early 1990s, Liu followed his original habit of contributing articles to the Kowloon Daily News in Mainland China and Hong Kong Island. After his first novel was published in the Kowloon Daily News, Zhao Donghuai paid attention to this name.

To put it bluntly, this science fiction author has good potential, compared to Ni Ji, an indecisive alien... Well, Ni Ji is a pseudo-science fiction, this is a good science fiction author.

Not only did Qiu Shuzhen pay attention to each of his new works, but he also directly gave him a royalties of two hundred and a thousand words.

Stimulated by the high royalties, Da Liu worked hard to create, and created The Wandering Earth two years in advance. It is not surprising.

As long as you give enough money, the talented group of people can surprise you first.

The original work of "The Wandering Earth" has only 23,000 words. The original trajectory he submitted to a Mainland (Science Fiction World) magazine only received 2,800 yuan in royalties. This standard is not low for the mainland of the millennium. It is close to more than 100 yuan per 1,000 words. royalties.

But as early as the early 1990s, Liu's salary at the Hong Kong Kowloon Daily News was 200,000 words. Several science fiction works published in the previous few years gradually increased to 500,000 words.

According to the current price, (The Wandering Earth) can also earn 11,500 Hong Kong dollars. Well, the price is still very low, but there is no way. Liu is not good at word count. Others’ martial arts and science fiction works are only at the level of 1,200 words per 1,000 words. , but it can easily reach millions of words.

Liu only produces novels with tens of thousands of words, so his income will definitely be limited.

Even the three-body trilogy that caused a sensation in the world only has a total of over 800,000 words.

After briefly watching "The Wandering Earth", Zhao Donghuai said with emotion, "When you finish eating, call Azhen and tell him that the standard for Liu will be raised to 1,000 words and 1,000 Hong Kong dollars, and then let ATV buy the movie "Little Broken Ball". The adaptation rights are set at HKD 5 million."

Winona, who was eating steamed buns and eating vegetables, said in shock, "The royalties are only 10,000 yuan, but the copyright is so high? Boss, are you very optimistic about this story?"

Zhao Donghuai nodded and said, "This may be one of the benchmarks of Chinese science fiction. However, if you want to make a good story at this stage, the special effects production is still a bit behind. It will take a few years to release the copyright."

Liu was also miserable. Yuan Lu wrote the first part of The Three-Body Problem in 2006. Before the sensation was so great, a small director bought out the film and television adaptation rights for 100,000 yuan.

At that time, Liu's monthly salary was only 4,000 yuan, but he was knocked unconscious by 100,000 yuan. Then he went round and round. In 2015, he relied on winning international awards. He won a lot of Hugo and Nebula awards, and it exploded...

But the explosion had nothing to do with him at the time. The young director changed hands and sold the copyright that he had held for nearly 10 years to Lin Qi, the boss of Youzu.com, for 120 million!

The copyright was a big mistake. After Youzu got the copyright, it failed to operate it because Lynch was the symbol of the high-end business war being poisoned in the 2020s.

Of course Zhao Donghuai must invest in advance to encourage Liu and let him continue to create various good works.

Today's technology is not enough to make the movie "Break Ball". At least it has to be close to the year (Transformers 1) to make "Break Ball" better.

Before he time traveled, he had seen the movie "The Wandering Earth", which is a benchmark masterpiece of Chinese science fiction in the original circle. Before time traveling, he had also heard that the movie "The Wandering Earth 2" and the "Three Body" TV series were in production.

It's a pity that I wore it before I could watch it...

He doesn't know how the TV series "The Three-Body Problem" went, but "The Wandering Earth 2" should be good. The director is one of the last consciences and bottom lines in the Chinese entertainment industry.

Even the starring cast is not bad.

It's already 1998. In the Mainland's rich list, aside from the Zhao family, other rich people also use billions as a unit to calculate their wealth. For example, Wang Dashou from eastern Guangdong is also a filmmaker worth more than 2 billion.

But for the 35-year-old Liu, buying out the film and television rights for HK$5 million is also a windfall.

After a sumptuous lunch, Winona didn't leave as soon as she came, and she also did some part-time work on the crew. The heroines in both versions have best friends, and both Bingbing and Winona can guest star as best friends.


More than ten days later.

The filming of "Untouchable Lover" went smoothly. Zhao Donghuai and Yuanyuan, Connery and Winona have visited every corner of the villa these days.

When a new day came and all the shots related to the shooting near the villa were completed, they rushed back to the ATV headquarters to make the next shooting plan.

Sitting behind his desk, waiting for Fan Bingbing to make plans, Zhao Donghuai casually asked Azhen about the progress of the filming of several real blockbusters, whether it was going well or not, etc.

Xiaoxian and Azhen answered steadily.

(Godzilla 1998) and (Resident Evil 1) all happened on Hong Kong Island and were filmed on Hong Kong Island. Only (Pirates of the Caribbean 1) was produced in the Americas. The three movies that have been in production for more than half a year, some It has been completed and entered into the special effects process.

Some are still being filmed.

After understanding this, Zhao Donghuai nodded casually and let it pass. Azhen then said, "By the way, boss, Ah Xing's (King of Comedy) has made a finished film and is sending it to you for review, and please confirm the next schedule." .”

Zhao Donghuai smiled and said, "Okay, let's go watch the new movie."

This dimension started in 1984. Zhou Xingxing met the comic police male partner in (Super Body), and then the little monk in A Chinese Ghost Story 3.

His career as a walk-on actor was five years shorter than his original trajectory. I don’t know who he is as the King of Comedy... However, Ah Sing still played a walk-on role from 1980 to 1984. That experience was enough to give him a lot of creative motivation.

After a while, when he felt Xiaoxian's long black stocking legs, and the warmth was pleasant, Liu Piaopiao appeared on the big screen in a white sailor suit, twin ponytails, white shoes and white socks, Zhao Donghuai said in astonishment, "This actor??"

The opening of this version of The King of Comedy is similar to the one in my memory. It is nothing more than the action star Du Juaner in the movie, played by Zeng Li. Zeng Li’s performance is very good, at least on the big screen, and it is captured beautifully. Cool and handsome, charming and top-notch.

Much better than the original Mok Wen Wei.

The undercover agent is no longer Wu Mengda, but Wan Ziliang.

In this dimension, there is no such thing as Wan Ziliang pushing Zhou Xingxing to accept the role of male supporting actor in (Pioneer of Thunderbolt), and there is no TVB TV series (he is from Jianghu), but it is the first time that Zhou Xingxing plays the role of Zhao Films, Wan Zi Liang Ye is Ding Qing, the God of Elevator War in New World.

Since that period, Wan Ziliang has also known Ah Xing, and in this dimension, there is an old Chinese medicine expert from the Baicaotang Group who can treat and significantly alleviate diabetes. He also introduced the North American version in advance (bought in New York home club).

At this stage, he is not very overweight, and he has not offended people in the media circle and was blocked together.

When this is shown in the movie, it is a very classic interpretation and dedication.

Azhen asked curiously, "Why, you're attracted to it? You shouldn't be. You haven't even eaten Bingbing yet. You are still at the stage of experience and proficiency in hand, foot, and mouth liver."

Xiaoxian explained with a smile, "The person who plays Liu Piaopiao is called Xiaodong, and she has just turned 18 this year. The child actor Miaozi studied at Asia Opera for four years. Although she is 4 years younger than Zeng Li, she just turned 18 this year. 18, but they were from the class of Zeng Li and Liang Yongqi.”

"I graduated from Asia Opera last year."

Zhao Donghuai laughed, "No, I'm not interested in her. I just feel that in terms of the image of a young beauty, she does a pretty good job, no worse than Azhi..."

In a shocking move, Azhi rejected Liu Piaopiao, the queen of comedy, and replaced him with an 18-year-old Xiao Dong? This teacher Xiao Dong’s sexy skills are no ordinary flower.

He even suspected that a certain teacher Pan in the original trajectory might be Ah Wei's green glove... Later on the Internet, Xiao Dong tried to take advantage of Lao Pan, and even broke the news about him and Da Zhi.

Indeed, many people said that Dazhi was taking care of Awei. The reason why this was so outrageous was because during the period when Dazhi was exposed and White Lotus was beaten, one of the female assistants around Xiaodong was Awei. ’s former assistant.

Ah Wei's former assistant was the main force who slandered Lao Pan as a gambler, rough and in debt, and found someone to follow Xiao Dong! Lao Pan was so hacked that he couldn't explain anything. He just broke down and said, "How could this be possible?"

It’s all Ah Wei’s former assistant who serves as the vanguard general!

Xiao Dong and Teacher Pan got married in the same year that Ah Wei and Jia Ling got married.

After Dong Pai Wan (Golden Pink Family) became a hit, during the years when Hong Kong Island was developing, she and Ah Wei were inseparable, showing off their affection to the public at every turn, and even Jia Ling Man Yu was suppressed.

It is also said that it was Jia Ling's suppression that made her unable to get along in Hong Kong and was put in cold storage. She could only continue to return to the mainland after a few years to look for opportunities, but she always took Ah Wei's former assistant with her.

I really didn’t expect that Xiao Dong would become Liu Piaopiao in this version of The King of Comedy.

Azhi and Dong? For a while, it was hard to tell the difference.

There are still secrets in the entertainment industry. Who is Da Tiantian’s financial backer, who is A Kun’s child, and who is A Zhi’s third child? ?

Azhi's fate has changed a lot in this dimension, and Dong... It is probably difficult for him to be with Ah Wei. Last year, Zhao Donghuai casually asked Wu Yusen to make suggestions and help a few ghost guys. Constantly defrauding funds from MI6 and CIA.

Lao Wu felt that he couldn't be the only one injured, so he took Ah Wei to do things together.

The two of them are super low-key at this stage. They have stopped taking any projects such as movies and TV series, and have lived a secluded life in advance.

What about before that? Ah Wei has the qualifications to earn a monthly salary of several thousand yuan from TVB. He took over the filming of "Blood in the Streets" and his reputation in the video tape market has returned. His subsequent sales are not bad, but those profits have nothing to do with him.

That was a project saved by the second son of the Li family. The Li family has long been bankrupt and has become an ordinary citizen. Li Er is counting on the income from video tapes and discs to improve his food every year.

After the first bankruptcy of the Li family, they still owned a large villa in Deep Water Bay, which had a market value of one to two billion Hong Kong dollars in the early to mid-1990s. However, when they later wanted to turn around and start a new business war, they were tricked again by the White Elephant.

A group of white elephants flew to Hong Kong Island to buy goods from the Li family. If the order is one billion, you can make it for me and transport it to me. I will give you a deposit of 300 million first. It's all right, no problem.

In order to start a new business, the Li family got the order contract and deposited 300 million yuan. Naturally, they had to make goods and get goods. When they got 1 billion goods, they shipped them to Baixiang...

The Baixiang businessman directly tore up the contract and refused to pay the balance. This product is worth one billion. Don't expect us to pay the balance. That's it, bye.

Nothing is left.

There is a high probability that Xiao Dong will not meet Ah Wei's bad fate in this plane.

But it is uncertain whether Dong Jinlian's fighting power will be the same as the original trajectory. She married Lao Pan and had children, and used all kinds of dirty tricks during the divorce. She also refused to let Lao Pan see her son for many years, which caused Lao Pan to post news and ask for help.

There are also many photos of his son for comparison with those of Ah Wei when he was a child.

There are suspicions about the green glove incident in every circle. I feel that Lao Pan is the worst, worse than Baoqiang. Lao Pan's father is critically ill and wants to see his grandson, but he has been begging for a long time but he is not allowed to see him.

Baoqiang was not ruined, was not hammered to death, and could still take care of his son.

Whether it's the role of the bride being held by Feng Zai on the Millennium Spring Festival Gala, or Leng Qingqiu in (Golden Pink Family)...it's really blind.

The bloodiness can be regarded as a big movie script!

At the end of a movie, Zhao Donghuai was in a very complicated mood. In addition to the changes in the actors' roles, the overall story of "The King of Comedy" was more than 90% similar to the original version, with most details and lines changed.

It's a good comedy.

Zeng Li should be able to become famous together with Dong. She is not sure what Dong will be like in the future. Zhao Donghuai is too lazy to simulate the future for her. How to arrange it.

After returning to his desk, Zhao Donghuai said, "Let's arrange it for him during the National Day and Mid-Autumn Festival. Some holidays and weekends are not bad either."

In this dimension, the National Day schedule itself is becoming more and more popular, and it is a good schedule that attracts the attention of blockbusters. The mainland is already the strongest ticket warehouse in East and Southeast Asia. October 5 this year is also the Mid-Autumn Festival.

The 3rd and 4th are weekends.


October 1st arrived as scheduled.

Zhou Xingxing held a premiere in Beijing yesterday and publicly announced to the media that all box office proceeds from (The King of Comedy) and global box office profits will be donated to help with the damage caused by the horrific floods in the summer of 1998. reconstruction.

From the premiere to the zero o'clock slot on the 1st, the King of Comedy's favorable reviews, online word-of-mouth expectations, and ticket grabbing trends have completely aroused national enthusiasm.

There are many summer blockbusters this year. Director Gao Yuanyuan (Slumdog Millionaire) also accumulated more than 500 million yuan in mainland box office during its release. Hong Kong Haowan Island Korean star Ma Tai made 390 million Hong Kong dollars. With strong publicity in Europe and the United States, That's $150 million.

The total number in mainland China is only over 500 million, which is due to the floods that swept across the country.

In many places, Wanjia's first-floor comprehensive shopping malls and supermarkets were flooded, and theaters and other places were naturally greatly affected.

If it is placed in the right time and with the quality of (Slumdog Millionaire), Mainland China will definitely have no problem breaking one billion.

Starting from last year’s Lunar New Year release (Kung Fu), mainland movie tickets have been priced at 3 yuan a ticket. Kung Fu grossed more than 500 million in box office in the first four days of its first weekend in the mainland.

Fans booked the venue, and many families came to watch the movie.

The total value of (the slums) was more than 500 million yuan. It was affected by the floods. Other subsequent blockbusters also failed at the box office in the mainland. Gao Yuanyuan also directly donated hundreds of millions of the global box office of the slums to post-disaster reconstruction.

The outbreak of the new version (King of Comedy) is equivalent to taking over from last year's Lunar New Year show (Kung Fu), which directly grossed more than 600 million yuan in box office in five days from the first to the fifth.

This certainly does not mean that 200 million people went to watch the movie. Again, fans reserved the theater... Three yuan for a movie ticket. For the nouveau riche, the reckless families worth millions or even tens of millions, the rich second generation can do whatever they want. Take out a few hundred yuan and invite the whole class to watch a movie, regardless of whether everyone comes together or not.

The tickets were really bought, just chasing stars.

When it was a new day, Zhou Xingxing finished a road show and went back to the guest room to rest. When he arrived at the door before the door opened, he saw Xiao Dong, who was also very tired, enthusiastically coming over with mineral water, "Master Xing, congratulations, we Great success, are you tired? Drink some water and take a rest..."

Ah Xing held his waist in embarrassment and said, "Xiao Dong, there is no need to please me like this. Well, with your acting skills and (The King of Comedy)'s debut hit, you can smoothly follow the normal route and develop in the right direction." Can become popular."

"Ahem, I'll take the water. I'll give you and Zeng Li a big red envelope at the next celebration party. Don't worry, Global Box Office has donated it, and we'll still have video revenue in the future."

"Especially after I made the decision to donate the box office profits, it was reflected in the market value of 100 Years Pictures. Our group's market value soared by two to three billion in just a few days, and it is still rising."

"The celebration party won't be simple. Go back and rest."

He took the water and waved his hand to interrupt Xiao Dong, and he entered the house.

Actually, Ah Xing is not a dedicated and good man. He was caught stealing food from Juanmei, and he was just suspected without evidence. Several times, the original trajectory of the little white flower like Dong was so enthusiastic, and he definitely couldn't handle it. Weakness challenge.

It was nothing more than that in the summer of 1996, during the filming of "Kung Fu", Juanmei suddenly wanted a child. With Ah Xing's wealth and status at the time, he could afford it. Juanmei was his first love, so it was natural for him to have a child.

His first child, a daughter, was born near summer last year, and his second child soon followed, a son, born this summer.

Two more children have been born in the family for two consecutive years.

Juanmei worked so hard and accomplished so much that he would not cause trouble during her recovery period. Even during the filming of "The King of Comedy", when Ajuan was still developing her second child, he was honest and honest.

He was quite emotional when he met a seedling like Dong who wanted to take detours, and hoped that the other party could go on in a clean way, instead of taking shortcuts when he became famous.

It’s another new day. After resting for a few hours, I felt a little tired after getting up. When Ah Xing walked to the cafeteria, he accidentally saw Zeng Li chatting with Dong A. He immediately picked up some food and walked over, "Xiao Zeng , your spirit is better than mine, you even outshine me."

The road show has been running for a week since the National Day. No matter which city they arrive in, the enthusiasm of local fans will skyrocket.

Many people swipe twice or three times to support their idols.

After running for a week after the release, there were no other publicity activities before the release. Ah Xing, who is already 36 years old, felt a little physical and couldn't keep up. After all, he didn't take the high-end health pills. All the ones he bought at the opportunity were for A-Juan. of.

He didn't expect that 22-year-old Zeng Li would be in such good energy after running for so long! Can he tell you that you are still young?

Zeng Li smiled hurriedly and modestly, and Dong Ao also interjected, "Master Xing, you donated all the box office for post-disaster reconstruction after the flood fight, which triggered a terrifying momentum on the Internet. Many people are volunteering to help build momentum, why are you still running like this? Come and run."

Axing laughed, "I have two children at home. In addition to making money to buy milk powder, I also have to accumulate some virtue. By the way, why are you here? Are there any activities?"

Dong Ao shook his head, "No, Mr. Xing, I also interviewed Liu Piaopiao at the beginning. Although I lost to Dong, the gain or loss of a role doesn't matter. How about I also call you Thigh Times to help your crew? To increase your popularity?" "

Axing said happily, "Then why are you so embarrassed to ask your help for free?"

Dong Ao smiled like a flower, "It's not in vain, it's not in vain. Just think about me more next time you have the chance."

After all, Ah Xing is only 36 years old. Whether he is a director or an actor, he is the most talented age group. After a few polite words, Zhou Xingxing chose another meal to eat.

Dong Aocai grabbed the tableware and put some delicious food for himself, and whispered, "Sister Zeng, you said I want to board the big boss's ship and make a sneak attack. How can I succeed?"

"Director Gao and Bingbing are prettier than me, and their figures are much better than mine, but I feel like I'm not too bad."

Zeng Li rolled her eyes and complained, "You ask me this question? Is it appropriate?"

Dong Ao didn't mind either, he chuckled, "I've been observing for so long, and the relationship between you and the big boss must not be simple. It's not just a relationship when you filmed a movie (Dajiang Dahe)."

Zeng Li tensed up, "What are you talking nonsense about? I simply admire Zhao Sheng and regard him as an idol."

Dong Ao curled his lips, "Don't come here. We're the same pretty girl. Let's not talk about your appearance. Just your skin is white, tender, elastic and smooth, and your long hair is black and smooth. You are much better than me."

"You are almost in a state like that of a boss lady. Is this something that simple and ordinary maintenance can achieve? I also heard that for a while, you also ate and drank a lot. Long before Sister Bingbing took out the advanced version of the slimming pills, you Dare you eat and drink so much?"

Zeng Li, "..."

Could it be that I can't hide my identity as Zhao Sheng's special guinea pig? Is the secret about to be revealed? However, it didn't seem to matter if she was exposed. She was not the only guinea pig. Xiao Yingying and Chen Derong were the first, and she and Liang Yongqi were the second batch.

From the first time I tasted the special ingredients, to whether I could grow taller during my growth period, to become more ambitious, to how my skin could become more supple and fair, to how to take care of my black hair.

In the slimming pill series, the four of them are all guinea pigs.

In the winter of 1994, during the Lunar New Year period, after filming "Dajiang Dahe 1", Zeng Li was only paid 10,000 Hong Kong dollars, and she took on the filming of Maxam, Liushen toilet water, Jianlibao, Oriental lipstick, facial mask, and the Five Thousand Years series of commercials.

From 10,000 Hong Kong dollars for a commercial, it rose to 50,000 Hong Kong dollars again and again.

It can be said that in 1995 and 1996, she was the most popular advertising queen. She did not receive much film and television project resources and relied on her advertising salary to survive. Also since the beginning of 1995, in addition to regularly getting recipes, Chinese decoction formulas and medicinal materials from Zhao Donghuai, she also practices boxing all year round. She has practiced Wu Qin Xi, Baduan Jin and Tai Chi for several years.

And with her current appearance, figure, skin, black hair, etc., just being a professional advertiser for a series of beauty and fashion brands is very profitable.

It was a pity that she failed to become the thirteenth wife first and let Xiao Gao and Bingbing attack her first. However, Zeng Li felt that her life was beautiful as a child. She was becoming more and more famous in the advertising industry, mainly because of her good image.

In the later period, it was no longer a question of 10,000 or 50,000 yuan when accepting advertisements. She also joined in and took a profit share of HKD 1 from the sale of one of her personal products.

I can't say that I'm very wealthy, but my life is quite interesting and leisurely.

She is now running a series of various promotions and road shows, and her energy level is so good. Naturally, it is due to various food trials and the physique she has developed through several years of boxing.

Ah Lao, the mediocre third-generation singing and dancing successor with good looks, came to the (King of Comedy) road show team out of nowhere and volunteered to help? Did she really discover her other identity?

Thinking of this, she was a little panicked, but she still complained, "You still want to be fifteen? Save it, unless you find a beautiful girl who looks very similar to you, then the temptation of one plus one is greater than two is more reliable, But is that possible?"

"You can follow Azhi's example and work as a 24-hour nanny for the middle school boy. You have to work hard and work hard. It's more reliable than this."

Dong Ao was stunned, and then seriously considered these two suggestions.

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