Hong Kong Entertainment’s Life Simulator

Chapter 433 The summer vacation in 2003 was so long

Zhao Donghuai's family has a colorful life in Hollywood.

Spring City.

In a certain Qinling Internet cafe, 14-year-old Zhao Anzheng was yelling and greeting a group of people to play games. The atmosphere of the game party was very enthusiastic. He was already 14 years old. He came to Chuncheng No. 6 Middle School to study in the first grade of junior high school when he was eight years old. He has been there for the past six years. No more skipping levels.

So I took the college entrance examination in June this year and got very strong results.

The summer vacation after the college entrance examination?

Of course he can go back to Hong Kong Island. It's just that he has been studying in Spring City for six years. He has too many friends and classmates here, and they play Legend World together all night. Those are memories of the times.

At this stage, Zhao An is obsessed with (Fantasy Westward Journey).

14-year-old Zhao An is already 1.76 meters tall, and his face is still a bit immature, but he looks similar to other 18-year-old young people who have graduated from high school.

Just when a group of people were having a great time, a beautiful figure came from outside the Internet cafe. When she saw Zhao An, her eyes lit up. She held the food box and said, "Brother Qiang, you didn't eat, did you? I made it at home specially." Chicken stewed with mushrooms, do you want to try it?"

As the other person approaches, there are words.

Li Zhanmin, who was sitting next to Zhao An, immediately winked and said, "Brother Qiang, the class beauty is here."

When I was studying, I still hid it a little, writing love letters or something at most. Since the summer vacation after the college entrance examination, not only the flowers in their class, but also some flowers in other classes were chasing Zhao An more and more. It's getting more blatant.

Again, at a height of 1.76 meters, he is the most eye-catching boy in the school stadium, whether it is basketball or football, etc. He has been studying from the first year of junior high to the third year of high school, and has never fallen out of the top three in his grade. .

Appearance... The second eldest child, Zhao, is the most handsome among the next generation of the Zhao family. He is one or two more handsome than Dingfeng Baigu, Zunlong, and Zhang Guorong. It is simply cheating.

But Zhao An is not ugly either. He is on the same level as Lin Wenlong and Zhang Zhilin when they were young. He is not comparable to Yushu Linfeng Sai Pan An. How can he be placed in the same middle school? The number one school official is undisputed.

For students who have graduated from high school and are about to enter college, they already have longing for their future college career. How about having an outstanding member of the opposite sex like Zhao An standing next to them? ?

Being attracted is fundamental.

Not to mention that Zhao An is not only young and handsome, with a strong eye-catching aura, he also has money!

Starting from the first grade of junior high school, Zhao Anla’s cooking training class provided him with a stable pre-tax income of more than 300,000 yuan every year. After six years, he left the cooking training class and opened restaurants in Chuncheng and surrounding cities and counties, or went to There are too many apprentices working as chefs in other restaurants.

Let’s not talk about connections or not, but let’s talk about a stable annual income of more than 300,000 yuan before tax starting from the first day of junior high school? This is the card game played by Zhao An, who just graduated from high school!

Countless parents are afraid that their children will fall in love prematurely, but what if you say that your crush is Zhao An? ? The parents of the female senior high school graduates from No. 6 Middle School would remain silent and would not object after hearing this.

At this stage, Zhao An is not only a legend in the Sixth Middle School, but also a legend in the entire Spring City Middle School.

Li Zhanmin, my classmate since the first grade of junior high school, is now 19 years old. The older he gets, the more firmly he hugs his thighs. He said that starting from the second grade of high school, he just helped girls send love letters and other things, and he also picked up some snacks when he helped. .

It was super fun.

He has become a friend of all girls in the school.

Zhao An glanced at Qianying and waved his hands wordlessly, "I have told you so many times that I don't like you, so don't give me anything... I just want to play games now!"

A certain class's face turned pale, and they stood there aggrievedly and just wanted to shed tears.

Li Zhanmin stood up and coughed a few times, "Brother Qiang, if you don't want to eat, can I eat?"

Zhao An waved his hands speechlessly, too lazy to say anything.

Li Zhanmin took a portion of chicken stewed with mushrooms and made several gestures with his eyes before walking outside the Internet cafe with the class beauty. Xiao Li skillfully took out a cigarette and lit it, "Li Ting, we all still have the same surname, don't talk about me. If I don’t help you, those beauties from other classes who were rejected by Brother Qiang are now in the game playing games with Brother Qiang.”

"I've been in the same class for a few years, but if you can't go straight, you can try a curved attack."

The pretty girl named Li Ting's eyes lit up, and then she asked expectantly, "By the way, where did Brother Qiang go to apply for a volunteer?"

Li Zhanmin smiled and said, "It seems to be Beihang University."

Li Ting hurriedly took out a red envelope and stuffed it in. "My grades are far behind, but I can also go to the capital to study."

Li Zhanmin hurriedly pushed away, "I don't want the red envelope, but can you help me make an appointment with Yunyun?"

Amin is already 19 years old. He is a young man. How could Yang Jingru have the mentality to play games? It has changed...

Those who dare to pursue Zhao An are naturally class beauties. He doesn't dare to compare with "Brother Qiang". Why not try to talk to a cute and pretty girl? After all, summer vacation is so long.

In terms of appearance, the Yunyun in his mouth is naturally inferior to Li Ting. She can be considered a young and beautiful girl, mainly because of her childlike appearance and cuteness.

Li Ting said decisively, "Then you help me ask Brother Qiang to go shopping and date, and I will help you get Yunyun."

Li Zhanmin rolled his eyes wildly, "No, you think too highly of me. The most I can do is help you get your game account into our gang."

He is very self-aware, not just himself, but his parents lost their jobs in 1997 and lost their jobs during the wave of layoffs. Later, he learned cooking from Zhao An and opened a restaurant to support his family. It was his eldest brother who was in college at the time. .

When I came back after graduation, with Zhao An's help, I was admitted to the Municipal Education Bureau as a civil servant. It's an iron rice bowl in the Northeast. Do you know how expensive it is?

His parents and eldest brother all warned him how to know how to behave appropriately.

He is young and doesn't know much about society, but he knows how many laid-off workers' families have been saved by the cooking training class run by his brother Qiang.

I heard that during the worst period, many laid-off workers went to work to earn that kind of money.

After chatting with Li Ting for a few more words, Li Zhanmin returned to the Internet cafe and told Zhao An what happened before. Zhao An complained about the game, "These guys are really annoying... But if you play with your heart, let's help make it better." If you are stronger, it will be beneficial to fight with gangs."

Those words made Li Zhanmin of Versailles want to cover his heart.

Do you know how much he, a single man, envies Brother Qiang? ? Aqiang is a bad student. Let alone a second-level undergraduate in the capital, it is hard to even go to college, and he will probably have to pay more.

But his parents and eldest brother all supported him to spend more money to study in the capital. With a man like Zhao An, it would be easy to live a peaceful life.

At this moment, the mobile phone rang on the computer table. Zhao An turned a deaf ear and the ringing continued to ring on the table. Li Zhanmin looked at him and whispered, "Brother Qiang, this is your mother's phone number..."

Li Zhanmin was also very curious when it came to this.

During his six years as a classmate, he had never met Zhao An's parents, and even during long-term contact, he rarely found Zhao An talking on the phone with his parents.

Zhao An, who was having so much fun, was startled, hurriedly connected his cell phone, and ran out with a smile on his face.

Not only was Li Zhanmin dumbfounded by this look, but other gamers nearby who were playing games with "Brother Qiang" were also dumbfounded.

All they saw was the domineering Brother Qiang, who was also so domineering when facing the principal. They had never seen Brother Qiang be so flattering and scared.

After a period of time, while the game party members were still discussing among themselves, Zhao An came back and packed up the things on the table with a gloomy look on his face, "I won't play any more. My mother will come to take me home. If I don't go back, I will be beaten." Already..."

"Damn it, my happy summer vacation, see you in college, brothers."

After the summer vacation, Guan Jiahui had long shouted for him to go home, but he dragged her away after shouting several times. Now her mother flew to Chuncheng to find him in person.

If he didn't go back, he would be like hanging from the rafters and being whipped into a shabby sandbag with a feather duster.

Li Zhanmin and others blinked and could only send Brother Qiang home warmly!

That night, when Zhao An saw a helicopter on the rooftop of Huazhi flagship store, before Zhao An had time to beg her mother cutely, Guan Jiahui grabbed a feather duster and whipped it over, "If you haven't gone home yet, something happened, right?"

"Do you know how long your grandparents have missed you?"

Guan Jiahui, who already had the strength of the Blood Training Realm in Chinese martial arts, was really...a loving mother and a filial son when she whipped her son, which made Zhao An kneel down and beg for mercy.

Zhao An wanted to hide but didn't dare, so he could only cry and beg, "Stop fighting. If you fight again, you will die. Aren't there Zhao Yan and Zhao Kang at home..."

He came to this world in 1989. In 1991 and 1993, he had a sister and a brother respectively.

Guan Jiahui slapped her with more force, "Zhao Yan, right? Zhao Kang, right...how did I give birth to you useless snacks? Do you know that Xiao Cheng, your aunt's family, can please your father more?" "

There is only one Zhao Cheng in He Qing's family, which is far less festive than her daughter and two sons. However, there is only one Zhao Cheng who is 9 years old this year. Not to mention well-behaved and cute, Zhao Donghuai especially likes him for his obedient words and good knowledge of things. It is these aunts like him. , are often coaxed into a happy mood by nine-year-old children.

There is no comparison between people. Zhao An is a legend in the Sixth Middle School and the entire Spring City Middle School, but in a big family, he is really not worth mentioning.


Two days later, Zhao An, who had a bruised nose and a swollen face that ruined his good looks, stood on the streets of Tsim Sha Tsui, looking at the pretty boys and girls around him who were pointing fingers at him, and felt so angry that his heart ached.

Until a guy in a suit walked around in front of him a few times, came over and showed his business card, saying that he was a talent scout. He felt that Zhao An was very good-looking and had the potential to become famous. I wonder if he would consider signing a contract with the company.

Zhao An angrily kicked the other person, "My father is Zhao Donghuai. I need you to arrange it if I want to join the circle? Fuck, get out of here..."

The scout who was kicked was dumbfounded.

When he called out who my father was, the pretty boys and girls nearby who were having fun were also dumbfounded. Everyone instinctively thought it was impossible. I heard that the eldest son of the eldest son of Zhao was only 14 years old, wasn't he?

The Zhao An in front of me looks seventeen or eighteen years old...

But where is this place? Who in Hong Kong Island or Tsim Sha Tsui dares to shout that sentence so arrogantly?

The crowd was dumbfounded when a figure suddenly came up from behind, smiling like a 200-pound fool, "Nephew, if my brother-in-law knew you were so arrogant, he should hang you up and beat you!"

Zhao An turned around with a confused look on his face, "I was hung up and beaten by your sister Guan Jiahui for several hours, and my face was disfigured. Uncle, you won't tell me a story, right?"

It's really his uncle Guan Shihua. Guan Shihua, who is 30 years old this year, looks very young. Even if he is not as handsome as Zhao An, he is still a school boy in an ordinary elementary school. Of course, the most important thing is that he has a lean body and fair complexion... which makes him look more handsome.

At this moment, Guan Shihua came with two beautiful girls, one island and one white, with different styles.

Under the words, a beautiful girl from an island country exclaimed in passable Mandarin, "Oh my God, is this really Mr. An? The eldest son? The boss lady is too cruel."

A certain talent scout and the pretty boys and girls nearby who were watching the fun seemed to come to life one after another. They all came over to say hello, smile and say hello. Those who were eager to take the initiative wanted to stick to Zhao An, even if they were out shopping with their boyfriends. .

He was able to stick to Zhao An on the spot regardless of her boyfriend's expression.

Each voice is sweeter than the last, and each body is softer than the other...

A young model who looked fashionable and beautiful said excitedly, "Young Master An, I am holding down your nose. You are 16 years old. Your injury is too serious. Do you want me to buy you some medicine?"

No one knows Kwan Shi Wah, and this little Kwan has always kept a low profile in Haowan, Hong Kong.

It was nothing more than Zhao An directly calling out the names of Zhao Donghuai and Guan Jiahui in public. Adults always felt that ordinary people did not have the guts to pretend to be their children and cheat like this.

Do you know how many hidden pan-Asian bodyguards, police, and groups of big brothers and little brothers in dynamic social groups there are on the streets?

Zhao An was held down and Beibi was startled, "Damn it, you need to straighten your teeth first."

Guan Shihua was anxious, "Get out of my way. My nephew is only 14 years old and has grown a little too fast. What do you goblins want to do? Do you want me and my nephew to be hung up and beaten together?"

"Come on, some smart ones, and drive these girls away!"

With good brothers-in-law like his biological father Guan Shan and Zhao Donghuai, Guan Shihua was also very promiscuous when he became an adult. The example is shown in front of him. He was only 30 years old and had already passed the stage of bifurcated urine and dripping non-stop. He also knew very well that if he Is 14-year-old Zhao An misled?

Don't ask what happened to Zhao Donghuai's brother-in-law. Guan Jiahui could hang him up and whip him for a few days with her own hands. Don't ask, it was his own sister who he couldn't beat.

That's something no one from a young age can beat.

Fortunately, no matter how smart the pedestrians on the street are, at least the beautiful girls from the island country and the beautiful girls from Europe who followed Guan Shihua are smart enough to chase people away as if they are protecting treasures.

Several hidden Pan-Asian bodyguards also came out to clear the scene. After clearing the scene, a certain bodyguard said with an expressionless face, "Young Master An, what you shouted before has been recorded and reported to the boss."

Zhao An looked broken, "No way, you guys..."

Having said this, he stared at the earliest talent scout with a look of resentment on his face. The scout was so scared that he was paralyzed. He mustered up the courage to explain, "Yes, Mr. An is in a bad mood. Look at how badly he was beaten. He was kicked." My kick is my luck, this little thing shouldn't be reported to Zhao Sheng, right?"

Look at the feather duster marks on Zhao An's disfigurement. Because he shouted domineeringly that "my father is Zhao Donghuai", will he be taught love again? ?

The eldest prince must hate him to death.

The kick he received was not painful at all. He was just kicked away and took a few steps back. The hidden Pan-Asian bodyguards showed up. Do you need to doubt anything?

A certain bodyguard didn't say much at all. He just stood a few steps away and formed a protective wall with his colleagues.



(Transformers 1) has officially started the filming process. The preparation and development of this film is actually very smooth. Zhao Donghuai really has too many connections in the film and television industry.

Didn't it go well? That's because Zhao Donghuai's daily life is a little too exciting.

While he was sitting on the crew, watching Bingbing orderly directing the crew, the phone rang, and Zhao Donghuai answered the call and listened.

He put down the phone after a while, his expression was also very playful.

He's only 14 years old, and Zhao An, that little bastard, has already shouted out "My father is XXX"? Yes, you still need education.

Seeing the unspeakable emotions on his face, Bingbing immediately came over and said nervously, "What's wrong? Something happened?"

Zhao Donghuai shook his head, "It's nothing about children's education. It's a trivial matter."

He has been mentally prepared. When Zhao An goes to study at Beihang University after the summer vacation, let him teach in the mountainous areas while he is studying. After he graduates, he can also arrange to take the civil service examination.

After a few years in the yamen, you won't be so naughty anymore.

But should I take the civil service exam in the Mainland, in Hong Kong, or over there? This needs to be considered. After struggling for a few years, it’s not bad to go over there and serve the people, isn’t it? For example, after completing undergraduate studies in the Mainland, you can go to Ben for graduate studies.

China's top talents will never be in the film and television industry.

If there are so many famous celebrities in Wan Province calling for support, Zhao An will do well in the future.

Bingbing was stunned, "Whether this kind of thing is big or small, forget it, you can make the decision. By the way, the scene where the heroine repairs the car is a bit sexy. Can An Feng's face be effective?"

In the scene where the heroine is repairing a car in Transformers 1, she doesn’t doubt Megan Fox’s strength, it’s just An Feng... she looks a bit fairy-like, right? Not as sexy and exposed as Meghan.

From a director's point of view, she felt that An Feng was more suitable for a role like Little Dragon Girl.

Zhao Donghuai laughed, "Let's take turns filming, An Feng can be sweet or salty sometimes."

Have you ever seen Xiaofeng wearing a black silk leather skirt? Her original trajectory was in her early years when she was filming the Divine Condor and Tianlong Tianxian with Zhang Dabeard.

after a while.

When Megan Fox contributed her classic performance in the original track to the crew... Looking at the super interesting scene in the picture, Bingbing said happily, "Okay, you don't go through the hole? It seems that we have worked hard in the past few years. Not in vain.”

After four years of being an old married couple, she still understands Director Zhao very well.

The day's filming ended smoothly. When the work was over, Ivanka came to visit the crew. After distributing some small gifts to the crew, Bai Fumei took the time to curiously ask Zhao Donghuai privately, "Uncle Zhao, I Dad is already very carefree, but you have opened my eyes to another kind of thing."

"I would like to ask, how do you maintain harmony in your family when you have multiple girlfriends?"

The eldest niece, who is 22 years old, is no longer a rookie. There is no proverb in the Western world: "There are only exhausted cows and no damaged fields."

But there are always similar ones, right? ? She was just out of curiosity.

Zhao Donghuai coughed twice and leaned back tactically, "Don't ask, don't be curious."

The eldest niece was not polite and said with a smile, "Uncle Zhao, my boyfriend is not in Luo City anyway. Let's learn from each other when we have time? No one will suffer anyway."

Zhao Donghuai, "..."

Zhao Donghuai looked at her speechlessly for a few seconds, and then said calmly, "Be nice to your boyfriend, but I don't want to send you such a summer surprise."

Although he is a bit scumbag, he is not Cao Cao.


After the crew returned to the hotel where they were staying, Zhao Donghuai also began to plan his own new project, which is to adapt Da Liu's science fiction novel (Rural Teacher).

As early as September 1998, Liu created "The Wandering Earth" in advance. The standard for royalties for a thousand words and a thousand words was not high. He only earned a little over 10,000. However, the film and television rights of 5 million Hong Kong dollars were lost. Bian started to get excited.

The past few years have also been his most productive period. Even if he hasn't written the (Three-Body) trilogy yet, "The Country Teacher" is still worth adapting.

Ning Hao filmed the original track, but he adapted it and made another film (Crazy Alien). That version of Alien also took in a box office of 2.2 billion yuan in 2019.

How can I put it this way? The movie has both funny and embarrassing moments, and overall it’s okay. However, it was banned because it too vilified the image of A-Mei’s family. There are very few online platforms where you can watch it.

As early as 1998, Zhao Donghuai had made plans. When Transformers could be filmed, the special effects level would basically be able to keep up with the filming of Breaking Balls. Now it is good to start with (Rural Teacher).

He doesn't plan to shoot according to Ning Hao's version, just according to the novel... Just write the novel however you want, just special effects, special effects!

The human protagonists are teacher Li Baoku and the children.

These are easy to shoot, and the main task is to be handed over to the special effects base in Pengcheng. If we start working on it now, if we can have a finished product in 2005, it will be considered efficient.

Zhao Donghuai was still writing the script and planning alien images, warships, etc., when Winona came over eating ice cream and said, "Boss, Li Zhi is here to visit the team. It's not called a visit. After all, we are filming in Hollywood." , she just came over."

"Now that I'm resting, I'll come and visit you."

Director Zhao was in a daze and said, "I'll just disappear. Let Bingbing go talk to her and just receive her."

Li Zhi is also 42 years old this year. If he didn't have abundant high-end health pills, his age would have declined. Fortunately, Storm, who became famous with the help of the first and second movies of (X-Men), still maintains her early 30s. The charm.

Not to mention Li Zhi, Zhao Donghuai himself is 39 years old. He was born in 1964 and is only two or three years younger than Li Zhi and Guan Jiahui.

The X-Men series has now begun filming its third installment (The Last Stand). Storm in the original comics is obviously a black man, but she was replaced by Li Zhi. Li Zhi has been scolded by black people in Europe and the United States since its release...

But it doesn't matter, she should be popular or popular, and she will receive a lot of money.

And after Isabel Adjani, Li Zhi once again proved the powerful efficacy of Baicaotang's advanced health pills, which expanded Zhao Donghuai's circle of friends of old men and women.

Among white movie fans, Li Zhi is still very popular. He is handsome, has a good figure, and has a great ambition. His familiar killing style is still very powerful.

After working and intermittent leisure activities until midnight, Zhao Donghuai turned on his computer and started sending emails to the Pengcheng base.

Just after sending an email, he found that his account on Songshan.com had already accumulated a batch of emails. When he opened a few and looked at them, it was for daily work reporting and handover, and he could simply handle them.


Zhao Donghuai took a sip of tea. This was similar to the scene when Jennifer Connelly and Aniston sneaked up on him.

A South Korean girl took dozens of artistic photos, which were very high-definition. After reviewing and criticizing them, Zhao Donghuai was speechless, "That's not right. How could this little girl know my email account?"

He was impressed by the beautiful photos in front of him. Li Chengmin is 17 years old this year. Although he is of South Korean descent, he was born in Europe. He later immigrated to Hong Kong Island with his parents to study. He was a member of Asia Drama's 1994 child star class.

Back then, when he and Yuanyuan went to the Asia Theater Headquarters to select four little girl actors for "The Summer of Jeans", when looking at the resources of child stars such as Zhao Liying and Elizabeth Olsen, they also saw Li Chengmin's information.

Whether this girl is from the original track in 2016 (Love Saint) or 2021 (Big Red Envelope), she is generally pretty, but her figure is really strong.

He was not surprised that there would be a small-waisted spirit who wanted to sneak up on an old man like him. Azhi and Youyou, two little maids, brought Zhao Zhong from a few months old to six years old!

As for the kindergarten pick-up and drop-off issue, Wang Zuxian didn't have much to do with it. It was all handled by them. They had been busy sending Zhao Zhong to primary school for more than five years!

It's not like Dong Ao didn't find opportunities. When the third generation thigh era was just established, Dong Ao was waiting for him in the underground parking lot. When he entered the elevator, he wanted to get some benefits, but Winona stopped him with her complaints.

Even so, Dong Ao still looked for opportunities many times in the past few years...

But just Li Chengmin, okay, where did she know her email account? Aren't you afraid of sending it to the wrong person?

Before he finished looking at the photos, his computer received a notification that there was a new email. It was from Dong Ao. After reading it, Zhao Donghuai directly replied to Dong Ao, "Don't send it again next time. Once this information is leaked in the Internet era, everyone will be dead." destroyed."

How many people have seen the moon at 2 o'clock in the morning in Los Angeles?

Zhao Donghuai said that these moons are really not round.

The Internet era has given small-waisted men a new way to sneak attacks? ? He's a little angry now.


About the same time.

In a Huazhi five-star hotel on Hong Kong Island, the afternoon wind was very warm and it was raining heavily outside the window. In a large suite, two professional female photographers were cleaning up the previous set.

The eldest daughter of Samsung's Li family said to 17-year-old Li Chengmin with excitement, "Just send it out. This is Uncle Zhao's private account, and it will be managed by the non-secretary team."

"Your appearance has no advantages, but your body is really hot. After so many years, I haven't seen Uncle Zhao accept anyone else. Don't expect to get in and be able to be handed walnuts for a while. If you have the opportunity, help me say it in front of Uncle Zhao." Saying something nice is the ultimate dream.”

"My three stars can support you to become a top idol in South Korea."

Amin, "..."

She still feels a little dreamy. She has finished studying in the child star class of Asian opera. It has been a few years since graduation and she has not found any reputation or resources, but...but she still yearns for the prosperity and enthusiasm of this circle and is pursuing her dream.

Apart from anything else, she has a good appearance and figure, and has been classmates with Megan Fox, Zhao Liying, Elizabeth Olsen, etc. for four years.

Hu Hu and Wang Kai were also boys in their class.

Just by looking at these classmates’ connections, there may not be opportunities for development in the future. Wouldn’t it be better to hug a classmate’s lap? If you move around a lot, it's a favor. Once they become popular, you can take them with you and take off.

Haven’t you seen Hu Hu, Megan Fox and An Feng all go to North America to film super blockbuster movies like (Transformers)? When they become popular, as long as she keeps a low profile and is a girl carrying bags, she will get the chance.

She just endured it silently... She was drifting in Hong Kong. She had obtained a Hong Kong Island ID card, and she also belonged to the Korean-Hong Kong people of the new era.

It was really surprising that Princess Li Chang of Samsung flew from South Korea, found her, and directly gave her the opportunity to stab Zhao Donghuai in the back? This is too direct!

But she likes it!

If you can get close to the big boss, who cares about the friendship between Megan and Zhao Liying, those scumbag classmates.

Niece Li is still very decisive, "Next time I will arrange various uniforms, and sometimes wear something more exciting. The most top-notch female behind-the-scenes photographers in South Korea will definitely be able to take pictures of your advantages..."

"After the 1997 financial crisis, white guys took away 30% of the shares of Samsung's major groups. Uncle Zhao had more than 20%. My father was just a working man. As long as Uncle Zhao supported me, I would be a loser. What’s the big brother?”

"Before you, I also called Kim Hee-sun, Lee Young-ae, and Wang Ji-hyun to give them a try, but it turned out that they had no charm at all. Amin, you are my new hope."

"If you can't do it, then I can only continue to screen... There are so many young cabbages of the right age in South Korea, I don't believe that he won't be tempted even once."

"As the godfather of Asia, he cannot discriminate against us South Koreans."

Amin blinked, wasn't he the first one? It’s because those seniors weren’t interested in the past... It seems right. Zhao Donghuai, that Asian godfather, has never sold walnuts to Korean beauties? ?

Is this discrimination? Is she trying to gain glory for the South Korean ethnic group? ?

The next moment, Princess Li ordered her female assistant to collect new clothes, and continued to Li Chengmin, "I will make a proposal to Uncle Zhao in the evening, and spend 100 million Hong Kong dollars to buy the South Korean remake rights of "The Last Days"."

"It's been 18 years, and the box office and video tapes, including peripheral profits, have basically been eaten up by this big movie. Let's remake it and see if Uncle Zhao is interested in starring in it himself. I'll give him 100 million U.S. dollars for starring and directing. You are a woman. main character."

"That kind of romantic movie, he can help you build the road while filming."

"As long as you can get on the road, you can help me out, take away the power of several sub-groups, and make sure you don't lose money. Just use the Sino-French friendly communication method like Adjani, the international movie queen, and you will win."

Amin was shocked again, is there such a good thing? It was a super classic masterpiece of the era, "The Love Between Ghosts". Can she be the heroine of the remake? ?

Originally, she had been waiting patiently for her classmates to explode. She grabbed her bags and used resources. Because of her advantage as a Korean, she joined the three-star eldest princess. The situation in this road was completely different all of a sudden!


The sun is shining at around eight o'clock in the morning in Los Angeles.

When Zhao Donghuai was having breakfast, the phone rang. When he answered it while eating, he understood the routine of South Korea's niece Li, and immediately swallowed his coffee and complained, "I said, how can a little transparent girl have me?" email address."

"Uncle, thank you for your kindness. This project has been rejected. I don't have the time or energy to play house with you."

"Instead of thinking about these off-the-chart tricks, you should pay more attention to your sister's physical and mental health and be a good big sister."

100 million Hong Kong dollars plus 100 million U.S. dollars, asking him to direct and star in a love movie, and he still wants to lead action, right? The eldest niece's way of trying to promote newcomers to the top is very wild.

The eldest niece’s third sister in the original track is about to commit suicide, right? That one is the example of a wealthy daughter’s pursuit of love.

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