Hong Kong Entertainment’s Life Simulator

Chapter 436 Her martial arts dream is to work as a waiter in an inn?

The Zhao family's three blockbusters, which are competing for awards and word-of-mouth box office, have been produced since July. None of them have big special effects, and there are no life-threatening moves that are easy to get injured and difficult to shoot.

In less than December 2004, two films were completed quickly.

It has begun to impact the minds of movie fans around the world. There is no need to put too much effort in publicity. (Black Swan) is a matter of lineup. Dong Gao and Xiao Tong, the combination of Storm (Crazy Stone) has triggered a lot of topics within a few minutes of its debut.

The two came together again to perform a black swan, a white swan, and a ballet.

There are two random scenes in the trailer, which are scenes of Dong Ao and Xiao Tong dancing ballet. Countless people will be dazzled when they watch it, not to mention that Dong Ao is a third-generation thigh-high face.

He has starred in many classic films and has a huge fan base.

As soon as the blockbuster was released on December 9, 2004, it began to generate massive box office sales in East and Southeast Asia, and it is still selling well in Europe and the United States.

Of course, this kind of movie is still more literary and artistic, and it is unlikely to have the blockbuster power of (Spider-Man) (Pirates of the Caribbean) and other blockbusters.

It's also far behind (Transformers 1) and (The Hunger Games 2), but it started out as a standard that crushed "Color is Empty".

The time came to December 23, and Christmas Eve of the new year was approaching. It was Zeng Li, Li Zhi, and Dong Ao who mainly hosted the premiere of (Gone Girl), including running a road show to promote the movie.

Zhao Donghuai has already entered the lazy mode. Not to mention that he himself never performs road shows or hosts premieres. His reputation as a nominal director has gradually become a standard among Gao Yuanyuan and Bingbing.

Bingbing was too lazy to deal with premieres and banquets, and all the banners of resistance to box office were left to them.

Dong Ao continued to guest star as a policewoman in the movie "Gone Girl". The male protagonist discovered that the heroine was missing and called the police. The police sent people to investigate. The more they investigated, the more they suspected that the hero had killed the heroine.

The role of the policeman is very important, and there are many scenes. He is telling the story to the audience as half of the codebreaker.

What follows are various reversals.

So, can they carry the banner? Of course it can. Not to mention that Dong Ao's Black Swan is still in theaters, and the topic is already huge. In addition, with the popularity base attracted by Li Zhi's third film (X-Men) Storm, Zeng Li is so popular even though she only plays a small role.

The three beauties are enough to attract attention.

And after a premiere, the movie began to be released on a large scale? How should I put it? (Gone Girl), countless people who watched it had mixed views and felt that there were no good people in the protagonist group, and there was also a feeling of being stabbed and stunned.

Afraid of marriage! !

There are really too many people who feel that marriage is a tomb after watching the movie.

Many couples entered the theater happily and prepared to watch the movie. After watching the movie, they felt silent and depressed. I couldn't help but wonder if everyone should separate first and calm down for a while?

However, the fear of marriage cannot stop the appeal of this suspenseful and reversal crime movie in the market. After the original version was released in 2014, it has been the weekly box office champion in Hong Kong, South Korea and other places for many weeks.

The original version was not released in the mainland, perhaps because it could easily cause fear of marriage, or perhaps due to film schedule restrictions... It still took in US$368 million worldwide.

This version stars Zhao Donghuai, who pretends to be an old man with a beer belly. Bingbing plays the female lead. Zeng Li is a student and lover at the same university where the male protagonist goes. Li Zhi comes to play Bingbing's first girlfriend because he has too much control over her. , he wanted to control Bingbing's character, but was designed to counterattack by Bingbing.

After calling the police, Bingbing was acquitted and continued to control the male protagonist after police investigation and investigation.

People who are too controlling are really scary in life, but there are quite a few such people. Bingbing also has acting skills. After each wonderful screening, the reputation of Gone Lover spreads, and all kinds of discussions are heated up in the circle of friends.

The popular New Year's Day and Christmas schedule is on January 2, 2005.

In a cinema in Beijing, wearing a hat and sunglasses, it was also during the screening period of "Gone Girl". The theater was dark except for the big screen. Fengzi pulled down his mask and said to Wang Jingwen beside him, "Big Boss This acting skill is amazing, even if I try to catch him, I can't catch him."

"Obviously everyone knows that he is the richest Chinese in the world. He is the richest man on the planet on Gai's rich list. He is quite impressive. If a big boss just randomly combines the properties of a few boss ladies, then he will surpass Gai's wealth, right?"

"For someone like him to play the role of a soft-boiled guy with no great abilities, I couldn't help but watch it. It's amazing..."

As early as 1999, when Wang Jingwen and Dou Wei divorced, Feng Zai pursued this idol. The two got together. At the turn of the millennium, their relationship was exposed to the public, causing an uproar in the Asian entertainment industry like a small earthquake.

After all, it was Feng Zai who became famous with the Princess Pearl trilogy, and Feng Zai who became famous in the music industry with (Thank You for Your Love 1999) and sang (Together Together in This Life) on CCTV during the Spring Festival Gala.

According to the original trajectory, at this time, he was almost the little king who took over from Hua Zai and others, and was the last little king carrying the flag in the Hong Kong circle.

In this dimension, even though Huang Xiaoming, Deng Xiaochao, Liu Huohua and others became as famous as him and took away too much halo, at a certain period of time, he and the previous three were praised by many media as the fourth generation of the millennium in the Chinese entertainment industry. Large and small.

Among the four major students, insiders knew that Deng Xiaochao had held hands with Hao for a long time. The outside world didn't know, and they kept it secret from the outside world. Fengzi was brave enough to directly hold hands with Wang Jingwen in a high-profile way. The entertainment sensation was really higher than when Wang Jingwen was exposed by the media. Jingwen emptying the toilet in a courtyard in Beijing was even more outrageous.

Well, it was first exposed to the public in the millennium, and then the two broke up twice, and then reunited this year. When Feng Zai commented on the acting skills of Zhao Donghuai and others on the big screen, Wang Jingwen watched... …

She suddenly whispered in a gossipy voice, "Hey, the kiss scene between Big Boss and Zeng Li?"

Fengzi said blankly, "What's wrong?"

Wang Jingwen smiled and said, "You said after so many years, the big boss confiscated Zeng Li? The kiss scene is so beautiful and pleasing to the eye, doesn't it have nothing to do with it? In terms of qualifications, you have been in the industry since your parents' generation. Haven’t you heard any gossip about this?”

"The kissing scene lasts for more than a minute, and there are dozens of seconds of hazy boat scene in the background. Is it fake or real?"

Fengzi rolled his eyes speechlessly, "You are too gossipy. I have never heard of housing 15, but Sister Li is also a new generation action star who has succeeded Uncle Long, Brother Jie and others, and her status is higher than ours Much taller, right? Uncle Biao and the others have respected her since a few years ago, right?"

"You can't afford to criticize me in private."

"According to what Uncle Biao and the others said, in the Republic of China, Sister Li was also a great master like Huo Yuanjia and Li Shuwen, so we must respect her."

Zhao Donghuai, who is wearing make-up to look older on the big screen, looks like a middle-aged unemployed fat man. Bingbing also pretends to be old. The 23-year-old Bingbing’s makeup is also difficult to achieve with the deliberately yellow-faced look... she can only use wrinkle props, Change your skin color to give yourself a yellow-faced look.

On the contrary, Zeng Li, who is 28 years old, is 5 years older than Bingbing, but she plays a female college student, and her face is still full of collagen, which is no worse than many 20-year-old young people.

She is even in much better condition than many 20-year-old girls. There are also normal young people who are sloppy in life, but the image on the big screen is the most beautiful image specially created for the camera.

Just talking about her image on the big screen, Zeng Li looks much younger and more tender than Bingbing.

Audiences of the Technology and Hard Work Show can have first impressions, and I really feel that Bing Bing will be older than Zeng Li in the same movie.

Wang Jingwen had a gossipy look on her face, "Let's talk in private. The big boss will definitely not care about this trivial matter. You can find someone to ask."

Fengzi opened his mouth, but there was so much he wanted to say, but he couldn't speak. Why did he ask? Are you too free to find trouble for yourself?

Didn't he make it clear before? Yuan Biao and Hong Yinbao both respected Zeng Li, although Feng Zai didn't know whether that kind of respect was that of a martial arts practitioner for a great master, or...

But they can’t afford to offend him!

When he sat up straight and watched the movie again, he suddenly became energetic as he glanced around in a daze, and he leaned into Sister Jingwen's ear again, "Look in front, the fourth row in front of us, does that person look familiar?? Damn it, Isn’t that Mr. An?”

"You are really an eldest prince, Mr. An."

Wang Jingwen put aside the gossip between Zhao Donghuai and Zeng Li in the blink of an eye, "Where is it? Where is it?"

Some people in the circle know that Zhao An has been studying in the Mainland since 1997. Now entering the New Year's Day of 2005, he has been studying in the Mainland for 7 and a half years.

where? We really don’t know much. In the circle of big stars, not many people know what Zhao An looks like or can remember Zhao An’s appearance.

Wang Jingwen was right. In terms of connections, Feng Zai had much deeper connections than she, an Asian diva. Back then, it was Yuan Biao who went to ATV to intercede with Zhao Donghuai and was sent to the child star class.

Yuan Biao! So far one of the minority shareholders of Wanjia Group and one of the most popular action superstars.

Fengzai touched the man sitting next to him with his elbow again, "Brother Wu, you are an elite member of the Pan-Asia Group. Do you know Mr. An? Do you think that is right?"

Although they went out to watch a movie with Wang Jingwen, they both brought their own bodyguard groups. Otherwise, if they were recognized in public, there would definitely be a traffic jam or even a stampede.

He became popular after playing the role of Gregor Falcon in The Original Princess.

Fan Yawu also looked at it carefully for a while and nodded, "It is indeed Mr. An. I occasionally heard from some leaders that Mr. An is studying at university in the capital."

The next moment, even Ah Wu started gossiping, "Hey, the young master is watching a movie with a girl? Are we having an explosive meal?"

Really... Before, Wang Jingwen pestered Fengzi to ask about the gossip about Zhao Donghuai and Zeng Li. Ah Wu was not interested in hearing it. With the status of a big boss, is there any other development in filming a kiss scene with someone? Is it interesting?

There are fourteen people in the family, and there are a lot of children.

There's no point in studying that.

But the eldest son of the big boss, the eldest prince, just turned 16 after New Year's Day this year, right? Taking a young girl to the movies near a college town?

Isn't this big melon more powerful than the last one? Who is that girl?

After eating this kind of melon in the cinema, everyone lost their mood to watch the movie... After all, it was not the first time for Feng Zai and Wang Jingwen to watch Gone Girl, this was their third time watching the story.

After a movie screening, Feng Zai and Wang Jingwen were fully armed. When they followed the crowd and went out, they stared at Zhao An and the young beauty beside him from a distance of more than ten meters.

A Wu, the leader of Feng Zai's bodyguard team, quickly walked towards a seemingly ordinary passerby after scanning the cinema.

The two parties shook hands and exchanged words with smiles. Awu came back and explained, "Young Master An is definitely not short of bodyguards, but they are all secret guards. Good guys, they have all applied for jobs as security guards and dormitory managers at Beihang University..."

"The one with Mr. An is a student from Beijing Normal University."

There are many universities near Beihang University, not only Qingbei University, but also Beijing Normal University, Jiaotong University, etc., and it is not far from Shichahai.

Fengzi felt that he was full from all he could eat, "You're not from the industry? But there are a lot of beauties in normal universities and the like. I'll go say hello when there are less people."

He didn't know where Zhao An was studying before, and he didn't dare to ask around. But when he met him in real life, wouldn't it be appropriate to go and say hello? This is all etiquette. To put it bluntly, each of their stars is a cash cow supported by Zhao Donghuai.

A wage earner who makes money for the Zhao family.

A Wu nodded as he walked, "The girl from Beijing Normal University doesn't know Mr. An's identity yet. The two of them met in sororities at different schools and walked together for less than two months. We'll talk about it after they separate."

Wang Jingwen nodded excitedly, "That's easy to say. I haven't seen Mr. An before. He's 1.85 meters tall? He's so handsome. He's only 16 years old..."

Zhao An, who was walking in the crowd in front, was wearing sneakers and Han Tianxia sportswear. He looked handsome, tall and capable, and he was considered a golden boy with the girls from Beijing Normal University next to him.

The world is so big, China has a population of more than one billion, and there are actually a lot of amateur beauties.

Needless to say, Zhao An's appearance is comparable to that of Lin Wenlong and Zhang Zhilin. He is 40% similar to Zhao Donghuai, and his eyes are more like Guan Jiahui. Standing with Xie Tingfeng in his peak period, he is not much inferior.

Coupled with his height and temperament...the Han Tianxia sportswear costing several hundred yuan a piece can give him the aura of a super-luxury supermodel dating back five thousand years.

Wang Jingwen, she really didn’t expect to eat such a giant melon after her first day in the Asian music scene.

As she said that, she started to say to the female bodyguard beside her, "Where's the camera? I'll ask Mr. An for a photo later."

As soon as the bodyguard said he didn't bring it, he was immediately urged to buy it quickly. Wanjia Cinema is on the fourth floor, and there are many specialty stores on the third and fourth floors with a lot of products...

Some time later, Zhao An and a girl from a normal university were shopping on the side of the road. Something happened... A luxury car stopped the two young men, and a man with a gold chain got out of the car, full of charlatanism. , and two young guys with short hair.

The very vulgar nouveau riche uncle wanted to pick up a beautiful young college student. After being rejected, he wanted to stage some social drama. The young boy with short hair just wanted to teach Zhao An a lesson.

Feng Zai and Wang Jingwen's bodyguards rushed to do it.

Some Pan-Asian bodyguards who carry the identities of Beihang University's doormen, security guards, dormitory managers, and cleaners are equally efficient in their work.

Even the big brothers in society and the upstarts with golden chains can't do it.

Who the hell brings double-digit bodyguards when they go shopping? ?

In the center of the crowd, Zhao An was speechless. The sister from Beijing Normal University whom he had known for a short time was also shocked. She looked in shock at the dozen or so bodyguards abusing people. A certain senior sister pointed at the scene of the abuse, and then looked at Zhao An, " Zhao Xueqiang??This??"

In the midst of shock, Fengzi walked into the crowd. Even though he was wearing a hat, sunglasses and a mask, he still smiled and said, "Young Master, you go first, I will handle the matters here."

Zhao An looked at Fengzi speechlessly. He had a lot of equipment on his face, but he still recognized it.

After all, Feng Zai is currently popular.

A certain senior student was even more shocked, "Are you Xie Tingfeng? Your name is Zhao Xuequiang?"

She didn't recognize Feng Zai at first sight, but she recognized Feng Zai's voice through the conversation. First of all, Feng Zai is a singer, a big singer! Not to mention how recognizable his voice is, but at least in the third film (Princess of Returning the Pearl), he also dubbed the original Mandarin voice.

This plane's Mandarin is very standard.

Zhao An calmly smiled and said, "Senior sister, I originally wanted to get along with you as an ordinary person, but in the face of such an accident, there is nothing we can do. I am indeed a member of the Zhao family, and my mother is Guan Jiahui. You want to fall in love with me?" Maybe it’s time to reconsider.”

"Moreover, even if we really get along, many accidents will happen. For example, my job after graduation has long been decided. I will go to Ben to study for graduate school and serve the people. I will work there for decades. "

Zhao An's roommates at Beihang University were indeed talented, but he didn't know how to socialize with some girls' dormitories at Beijing Normal University. He went out several times to give face to his roommates, and was chased by many people.

Regardless of whether he has money on the surface... Zhao An's good looks and daily demeanor are indeed very attractive.

The senior student in front of me cannot be said to be a real senior student. Zhao An is a sophomore and the other party is a freshman at Beijing Normal University. It’s just that Zhao An is only 16 years old after New Year’s Day and Spring Festival, while the other party is 19 years old.

A certain senior said, "..."

She was so shocked that she felt dizzy and exploded for a moment. Anyway, her thoughts were very confused.

Feng Zai directed the bodyguards to take the two wealthy men with short hair and gold chains to the nearby police station. He also said, "Young Master, Sister Jingwen and I are in the nanny car. Why don't you get in the car and talk?"

He was also screaming in shock. So after graduation, where is Mr. An going to serve the people? That's enough, from now on, this is also a big shot that can often be seen on TV.

Just how many people over there in Chongwan eat with Zhao Donghuai’s large number of enterprises? How many families have to pay for their meals? Coupled with the era of voting...how many celebrities can appeal to how many fans?

Feng Zai also often appears on TV, as do many celebrities including Wang Jingwen.

But An Shao, who serves the people, is different from them. He is of a different nature. That is really serving people. An Shao’s foundation is here, and other big guys may have money and sex. material.

Will Zhao An be short of money? In the future, he will become a small leader from the grassroots level. If anyone bribes him with money, it will probably be the biggest joke in the world.

Zhao An smiled and nodded, "You send a car to take the senior back to school first. My matter is not urgent."

Obviously, I have experienced the business war in North America, and I also went to impoverished mountainous areas and villages to teach in the summer vacation, and held free summer training courses to recruit students.

After two waves of experience, in just half a year, Zhao An said goodbye to the mentality of a teenager who was once obsessed with games.

He still likes to play games when he has nothing to do.

But playing games is just a hobby and relaxing.

As for first love? He felt that his relationship with this Beijing Normal University girl was not yet a formal relationship. He was just somewhat interested, had a few dates, and was a little attracted to her, but it was not necessarily her.


a new day.

In a big hotel in the capital, Sanmao rubbed his head and washed himself before ringing the door to Yuan Biao's guest room next door. When the two brothers got together and chatted for a few words, Sanmao said in surprise, "I didn't expect Zhao Sheng to be interested in this." Will Mr. An’s arrangement be like this, go to graduate school in Ben?”

"I feel that the few in my family are too weak to hold up the wall. With so many resources, none of them can become famous. They might as well send them to Wan first and serve as a pioneer for Young Master An."

No matter which circle you are in, the more friends you have, the better.

His three sons and one daughter from his ex-wife have all grown up. His sons followed him into the entertainment industry and received a lot of praise. They also spent a lot of film and television resources, and they were all trash.

In this case, it is better to take another road and go to Bend to work as a civil servant.

Hong Qinbao is also a minority shareholder of Wanjia and a major shareholder of Debao, so he is not short of money.

As for why they are also in the capital? Since practicing boxing, he has become more powerful in Hong Quan and has become a master-level strongman. Yuan Biao has become more powerful in Wing Chun.

Since then, he has been traveling all over the country in the summer, continuing to acquire all kinds of precious and rare Chinese herbal medicines. In the future, he still wants to go further.

In the mainland, the capital is their permanent stop.

No matter where you collect Chinese herbal medicine, it is easiest to collect it in big cities such as Jingshangyang. Last night Fengzi and Wang Jingwen invited Zhao An to dinner, and they agreed casually. They ate, drank, and chatted. Sanmao They also heard the news and went over.

Not to mention, the 16-year-old Zhao An easily knocked down a group of them who were highly motivated martial artists. There was no Hongquan Strengthening Soup before, and Sanmao was an empty kung fu superstar who started out as a martial artist and got mixed up little by little.

At this stage, he can be called a Hongquan master.

Yuan Biao smiled and said, "Okay, the eldest nephew and the second nephew are both in their 30s or early 30s. It's not too late to take the exam to become a police officer. It's just a step up."

Even if you are in your early 30s and become a civil servant at the lowest level.

You also have to look at Sanmao's ability to promote people. Among other things, Wang Zuxian's two brothers, one is making a lot of money in business, and the other is a big shot in the sports field over there.

Today is January 3, 2005. Lin Qingxia, 50, married a rich man a few years ago. The couple is doing well and has a daughter, not to mention how Aunt Qingxia is doing with her husband.

Her group of brothers, sisters, sisters-in-law, brothers-in-law, etc. on the other side are not without serving as minor leaders. Lin Qingxia is like this. Hu Huizhong, Xiao Yingying, and Chen Derong's circle of celebrity relatives also have many who are minor leaders.

Another example is that Qin Xianglin did not go to North America to develop in this dimension. He still turned around and became a moderately wealthy man by playing real estate. Then there are Zhushe, Sihai and so on.

All in all, Zhao An will graduate in two and a half years, and will go to Wan to study for graduate school in two and a half years.

In fact, the basic foundation...

The two were still chatting, and Lin Zhengying also came over. Lin Zhengying, 53 years old, was controlled by Zhao Donghuai in the 1980s. He has no cancer. At this stage, he is also using boxing to gain strength. He... feels like Mr. Zombie The situation in the movie is similar.

San Mao and Yuan Biao used high-end health pills and boxing techniques to maintain their appearance at about 40 years old. In fact, their physical condition was much better than when they were 40 years old.

Ah Ying and he are now remaking the 1980s version of Mr. Zombie without having to put on makeup to look older.

Lin Zhengying sighed a few times before speaking, "Brother Sanmao, what do you think of me making a modern version of Resident Evil zombie movie? I've been reading online over the years, and they say I'm the best and most interesting person in zombie and ghost movies. Taoist priest of security.”

"Many fans also hope that I will make more zombie movies, but they feel that those are not very interesting, but the series of zombie movies made by Adjani and various zombie movies in North America."

"I also have Hurricane Rescue, a series of old movies that are modern and action-packed, to fuse modern kung fu fighting and zombies together? Have you got a head start?"

Aying was busy working on the (Wanted) series in the early 1990s, so ATV first filmed a few episodes of "I Date a Zombie". Then, in the late 1990s, he couldn't find a new direction of development and went to Filmed two films for ATV (Zombie Taoist).

A series of Mr. Zombie movies and two TV series (Zombie Taoist Master) have established his super status in ghost films just like the original track.

After entering the millennium, he is getting older and older, but because his boxing skills have become more vigorous, his physique has surpassed the limits of human beings and is still evolving. He is stronger than when he was the youngest and most capable.

Through Internet messages and forums for several years, he was stimulated by fans to have more ideas and a creative direction.

He also didn’t know that what he was describing at the moment, the movie, was actually very close to the original novel (World War Z) published by a North American writer in September 2006. This novel was also made into a movie in 2012.

Starring Not Hot Pitt, it was a blockbuster that grossed US$197 million in North America and more than US$500 million globally in 2013!

Not Hot Pitt was also nominated for the North American Saturn Award for Best Actor with this film.

Lin Zhengying didn't know this, but what he had in mind was that he was gradually approaching and perfecting in that direction.

Sanmao was happy, "If you want to do it, you can definitely do it. Our company is not short of money. Computer special effects are becoming more and more advanced. Transformers can be made. It is not expensive for us to make this zombie movie."

"However, if you watch Resident Evil and other zombie movies and TV series too much, will the audience get tired of watching it? You have to come up with something that can stand out."

Lin Zhengying nodded, "I know this. What do you think of all the zombies that have been changed by the virus? Once they turn into zombies, they will run and chase after the 100-meter flying man, and they will be as scary as jackals?"

"They are all such powerful zombies. Ordinary people are almost certain to die when faced with this virus. Let's increase the tension and excitement... and then show off our kung fu inside??"

"All zombies are so strong. We masters of martial arts will be embarrassed when we show our true strength."

Sanmao's eyes lit up, and even Yuan Biao clapped his hands, "This can be done."


Time passes.

On February 15, the seventh day of the Lunar New Year, An Feng happily arrived at the (Wulin Gaiden) crew with Da Tiantian and got her Guo Furong's script, as well as the entire script.

After watching it for a while, An Feng was confused and a little annoyed, so he immediately shouted, "Senior Brother Sha, is this the Guo Fu-level heroine of Guo Jing and Huang Rong's family you are talking about??"

"I was trapped in Tongfu Inn working as a busboy in my first battle as a monk??"

Co-writing her martial arts dream, the hero dream, just doing odd jobs in the inn? Waiter? ?

This is completely different from the martial arts blockbuster and TV series she dreamed of when filming Transformers 2, okay?

Da Tiantian squirted, "No, Senior Brother Sha, you are not as good at cheating on schoolmates as you are? Sister Feng has been dreaming about this role and script for a long time... Her position is worth tens of millions of Hong Kong dollars spent by the crew. Did she get paid to be the heroine?"

Half a year after the release of Transformers 1, Anfeng only brought goods in East and Southeast Asia, and he earned almost 100 million Hong Kong dollars in total. He is so arrogant and inhumane. There are all kinds of Anfeng products, ranging from Jianlibao and iced tea to large ones. Come to Han Dynasty clothing and shoes silhouette style.

Then to Pacific VCD, DVD player, plasma ultra-thin screen large color TV, Oriental notebook personal star model and so on.

She, the popular Transformers girl, has amazed countless movie fans and fans, and has gained many fans.

In the mainland’s huge audience market of more than one billion, how many people have contributed their wallets to her? You can't even count this in detail.

Her ability to bring goods and attract money in the mainland market is much greater than that of Hong Kong, Haowan, Matai, Island and South Korea combined.

She has never played the role of a fairy or a little dragon girl, but her looks and figure are really impressive.

Sha Yi hurriedly apologized and explained, "Sister Feng, don't be upset. You don't know. Although our crew is a sitcom, the script is very solid and the sitcom is also very fun."

"You forgot that Director Gao has starred in more than 100 episodes of (I Love My Family), and our team previously filmed (The Story of the Cooking Class), which were all super popular sitcoms."

"You should read more about the script first. If you are not satisfied after reading it, the crew will promise not to harass you again."

It's been half a year since Da Tiantian told him on the phone in August that An Feng was indeed interested in a martial arts blockbuster or TV series. Is there really a chance that their crew would ask the Transformers heroine to play a role? ?

Just to wait for An Feng, the screenwriter has been working hard to come up with scripts, ideas, and jokes for the past six months.

From the TV station to the production team, everyone couldn't be more attached to An Feng's role as Guo Furong. This pretty girl has earned almost 100 million from selling goods in half a year.

Nothing can better prove her strong ability to attract money and her huge popularity among the people than this.

Sha Yi and other main creators also became popular with the help of (Story of Cooking Class), and it is very popular within a certain range. However, compared with An Feng, their profit-generating value is not on the same level.

If An Feng can come, the crew will start official filming and go to beg for alms... he can directly earn back all the investment!

Under the condition that An Feng may come to star, any other normal female star Hua Dan will have too much priority over her. Da Tiantian... Da Tiantian's (Legend of Sword and Fairy 1) starring Da Tiantian has been filmed and will not be released in the later stages. it is done.

It was broadcast on the TV station at the end of January, and the ratings were very good, but it was criticized by countless viewers as a bad film, and the reputation was very polarized.

At this stage, Da Tiantian is being criticized by the audience and fans.

Of course, there are also many people who don't pay attention to acting skills and whether the TV series is exciting or not, but just fall in love with Tiantian's good looks and become sweethearts.

It seems that this sweet party is still growing rapidly. There are countless fans in the post bar who are actively protecting Tiantian. It is estimated that it will take a few more years before Sword and Sword 1 will gradually be set off as a classic of the era of fairy tale dramas.

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