Hong Kong Entertainment’s Life Simulator

Chapter 440 Being too generous can also be the biggest shortcoming

Zhao Donghuai came to South Korea this time to film and travel with his girls. He didn't expect that he would unexpectedly have a new work plan.

That's when Li's eldest niece found a large group of people and planned a TV series (Legend of the Blue Sea), which was the 2016 Korean drama ratings champion in Original Track... Wang Ji-hyun's comeback after giving birth and won the ratings crown.

The eldest niece confessed that the team she assembled fully borrowed the framework settings of major idol dramas from ATV such as (Meteor Garden), (Blue Life and Death), (Winter Sonata) and later (My Love from the Star). .

Including borrowing from and plagiarizing movies such as (Legend of Mermaid) and (Mermaid).

Such a project was created by using the mermaid legend of Uyo Yedam from the period of Gwanghaegun in South Korea in the 16th and 17th centuries.

I hope Zhao Donghuai can play the male lead, the female lead is Lee Sung-min, and the second female lead is Wang Ji-hyun...Samsung Life supports people, and at this stage, with the size of Samsung Life, it is directly tearing up the South Korean entertainment industry, and implements the idea that top beautiful women only deserve to be owned by Chinese Subtle propaganda.

Whether it was the Northern Song Dynasty a thousand years ago, when the Northern Song Dynasty scholars who fled to South Korea served as county magistrates in South Korea, they belonged to the previous life of the protagonist in "The Legend of the Blue Sea", or they happened to meet a mermaid a thousand years later when the second generation of overseas Chinese immigrants met and got to know each other. Falling in love and so on, it is Zhao Donghuai, the Chinese male protagonist, who is picking up beautiful South Korean girls.

It goes well with the hidden main lines such as "Color is Emptiness" and "Parasite".

Zhao Donghuai was quite speechless, but he had nothing to do. While traveling with his family, he filmed this South Korean TV series.

A big idol drama, rich, handsome, silly and sweet, with a domineering boss who can be both masculine and warm...

He also didn’t expect that he would have cut out so many big idol dramas. The film and television production in South Korea is still growing rapidly. Not to mention (The Legend of the Blue Sea), there were still (The Spies of Life and Death) in the past few years ( Films such as "Spring Dies" (Friends) and "The Drunk Painter" have begun to enter the international stage as they originally did, and have participated in the three major international film festivals in Europe.

The details of this version (Legend of the Blue Sea) starring him are definitely different from the 2016 version, but the main line remains the same. The structure and professional routines of the big idol dramas that grew up in South Korea have also begun to mature.

Patting and patting... Zhao Donghuai was speechless.

He found that Li Chengmin's acting skills were a bit stretched when she was performing a silly and cute image. She only did kissing scenes and the like. She was quite unrestrained and got too involved in the scene every time she started filming.

Just like his guest appearance last year (Sex is Empty), Amin always appeared for one or two minutes, and there was a few seconds of kiss scene with his character of Professor Huaxin. She was set as a super good wife, and she sent Professor Huaxin out in a few seconds. Go play with a love kiss goodbye.

At that time, she took hundreds of shots to get it right. It was her first kiss both on and off the big screen, until she became a speech expert.

On the other hand, Wang Ji-hyun, who plays the second female lead who has been secretly in love with the male protagonist for seven years, is much better than Lee Sung-min in terms of silly acting and other aspects.

It’s not Director Zhao who looks down on Lee Sung-min, it’s Wang Ji-hyun himself, who has already won the Best Newcomer Award at the South Korean Baeksang Arts Awards with the help of (White Day) 5 years ago, even though the old Wang in this dimension has risen in his original trajectory (My Sassy Girl) and (Untouchable Lover) were both intercepted by Zhao Donghuai in the 1980s and 1990s.

However, she has appeared in various other local movies in South Korea, and her acting skills have been clearly demonstrated. She is 5 years older than Lee Sung-min and has been in the industry for several years. Since joining the industry, she has acted in two TV series before the millennium. Jubilee has always been a movie buff.

Wang Zhixian is 24 years old this year, and Li Chengmin is only 19 years old.

The filming of the TV series stopped while filming. Zhao Donghuai came to travel with A Hong, He Qing and Bing Bing. He flew back to Hong Kong Island in September to work, leaving Gao Yuanyuan here with the team to film (Parasite).

Li's eldest niece said it didn't matter. The script is here. Whenever Zhao Donghuai is free, we will start filming. If he doesn't have time...


It doesn’t matter if a TV series takes a year or two to film.

She also has a close sister, and she also hopes to be appreciated by Zhao Donghuai to control other sub-groups of Samsung.


Time flashed to December 2005, and the Christmas and New Year's Day schedules of the new year once again exploded with great power. Big movies (Parasite) and (A Small Favor) directly dominated all major theaters in East Asia and Southeast Asia.

Like last year's "Gone Girl", "A Little Favor" is Fan Bingbing's personal show and Xiao Tong's big-screen stunning show, directly combining The East, Five Thousand Years, Han Tianxia and Winona, etc. Fashion brands have reached new heights.

The protagonists of this movie are each more bitchy than the other, but on the big screen, Xiao Fan has a full aura, and the aura of a queen is enough to win over countless female fans...

Even when she was finally sent to prison by the characters played by Xiao Tong and Zhao Donghuai, at the end of the movie, she wore prison uniform and played basketball in the women's prison during the break. Her temperament and demeanor were still as domineering as a queen, and even the prison uniform was revealed. High fashion feel.

Countless movie fans who watched it were stunned.

Xiao Tong's character's bitch skills are even higher than Bing Bing's, which also refreshed the audience's horizons. I feel that her on-screen contribution is several levels more outstanding than in "Black Swan".

As for the male protagonist played by Zhao Donghuai, he is really just a tool for the two female protagonists.

(A small favor) Purely relying on the fashion show of Fan Bingbing and Xiao Tong, the characters and plot of Bitch King Duel attracted box office. (Parasite) is different. This movie bombarded the film critics, like it was against the film critics at the end of 2005. , the academics dropped a super bombshell.

It shocked countless film critics and academics and reviewed it over and over again.

Countless media people even shouted that Director Gao should be made a god... Are you talking about Zhao Donghuai, who is officially the director? Don't make trouble, Zhao Donghuai has been a god in the global film and television industry many times.

This is the case in the film industry.

TV circle...

Transformers girl An Feng became famous for her role as Guo Furong in "Wulin Gaiden", and she really gained countless people's favorability.

(Wulin Gaiden) was completed in August and aired for the first time in September, and then started a round of rebroadcasts. By the end of 2005, it had become a phenomenon-level drama king.

The ATV version (The Legend of Two Dragons of the Tang Dynasty), which started filming in August, started to spread outside Wulin. Regardless of whether An Feng was on the crew or not, as soon as filming started...there would be a swarm of nearby Tianxian fan groups, blocking the crowd. crew.

As time goes by, not only does this situation not fade away, more and more fairy fans come to block the crew. In Wulin Gaiden, her Guo Furong calls herself Fairy Furong.

Along with An Feng, in addition to the starring cast of Wulin Gaiden, there is also Sister Furong...

Sister Furong, the first-generation Internet celebrity, started making waves on the Internet last year in 2004. Waiting for An Feng, the Furong fairy, to gather a huge amount of heavenly fans.

Sister Furong was discovered by the fairy fans again? ?

The Songshan Forum, Songshan Tieba, and even the Huashan Giant Panda, Giant Penguin, etc. were all brought down several times by fairy fans.

Sister Furong's own post has been criticized dozens of times.

(Wulin Gaiden)'s live-level explosion has not spread to foreign countries, but it has also been a super powerful boost to Zhao's business empire. Since the first round of broadcast in September, it has been replayed and broadcast on Internet video platforms. An Feng has filmed several editions. The advertising bombardment of her personal notebooks lasted until Christmas and New Year's Day. The Oriental Notebook Anfeng model sold 10 million units in the mainland in four months, and almost occupied the entire notebook market in the mainland for more than a quarter.

All other brands have almost no performance...

The Huashan video platform and free film and television projects are interspersed with a large number of commercials shot by An Feng, which plays a key role. Anyone who watches the videos will understand the commercials.

Notebooks are different from ordinary products. For every notebook sold, the celebrity will receive 50 yuan.

Ten million multiplied by 50... Anfeng Notebook took a commission and made a huge profit of 500 million before tax. This grand occasion was not to mention the new generation of actresses, and the seniors were shocked.

Da Tian Tian is so sour that Sister Feng is sour. She Fairy Sword 1 is still an old TV series, but Da Tian Tian’s Oriental Notebook has only sold more than 1 million units so far. From Star Matai and Daohan Market.

A total of more than 1 million units were sold in 10 months, which is equivalent to a pre-tax income of more than 50 million, which is quite a lot. But the market is so big, and all-stars are competing within the Eastern Group to sell notebooks. The star lineup is too luxurious and bright...

Other brands? The internal competition among all-star brands has almost wiped out all other brands.

After Christmas, it’s the vigorous Chinese New Year, and the Spring Festival belonging to Chinese people all over the world is coming.


January 5, 2006.

In Huayuan Phase 1, Tsim Sha Tsui, An Feng and Da Tiantian were strolling for a post-dinner walk when they saw a figure coming out of Building 9, smiling sweetly and waving, "Xiao Feng, is this a holiday?"

An Feng smiled and nodded, "Yes, we will start filming (The Legend of Two Dragons of the Tang Dynasty) in August, and we can only take a break during the holidays. We have five days off during the New Year's Day holiday, which is the longest holiday. How about you?"

At this moment, Megan Fox came, two Transformers girls of the same model, one focusing on Europe and the United States, the other radiating to Asia, and the overseas Chinese group around the world.

After greeting, Megan came over and said with an envious look, "I'm so envious of you. Can a sitcom sell 10 million units with a bonus? The mainland is really getting richer and richer."

"Unlike me, it has been a year and a half since I became a big hit, and my personal Oriental Notebook has only sold 2 million units in total. It is not as powerful as Da Tiantian's Fairy Sword. I am so greedy."

"Why don't those brands Apple, Dell, and Samsung die? They are attacking us in the East all over the world, and they are blocking them too hard..."

More than 2 million units are also a share of more than 100 million Hong Kong dollars before tax. It cannot be said that Megan has no fans in the mainland. She, the enchanting Transformers girl, has also sold more than 200,000 units in the mainland.

Others are sold in Xingma, Thailand, Korea, Europe and the United States.

It was already the time after New Year's Day in 2006, when she entered the age of 20, An Feng was 19, and Tiantian was 18... But Megan tragically discovered that she was the authentic heroine of Transformers in Europe and America.

Bringing goods around the world is not as good as creating revenue from Datiantian? Are you angry? ? She was referring to the combined conditions of the Metamorphosis two-part series taking one and a half years, and Tiantian being less than one year old. Tiantian is still radiating over 1 million units in East and Southeast Asia.

No matter how you look at it, apart from being a bit shorter, she has a petite and delicate figure with a slim waist and a fruity figure. Her overall charm should not be worse than these two.

The sales performance of Oriental notebook personal models is equivalent to the comprehensive performance of personal plasma ultra-thin color TVs, VCDs, DVD players, Han Tianxia series, Jianlibao, Strong Beer and other products.

Since the broadcast of "Wulin Gaiden", Anfeng has drawn 1 cent for each endorsement of all personal models other than notebooks, including Jianlibao, Strong Beer, etc., and Han Tianxia clothing, shoes and hats, etc. have drawn 1 cent for each endorsement. 10 yuan……

With all the results in the past few months, her pre-tax income has already reached the 1 billion mark!

An Feng herself is also confused. (Wulin Gaiden) How much is her salary? She acted as a friendly guest star and received an income of 1 yuan.

Various film and television groups and companies outside have offered her film contracts worth RMB 10 million.

Rumor has it that the crew couldn't afford it, and after she was really attracted by the comedy plot, she didn't bother to have conflicts with the crew over trivial matters like remuneration, so as not to make the filming unhappy.

Who made her mother rich?

But she still never dreamed that a sitcom would allow her sales income to skyrocket to one billion before tax in just a few months!

Just off the mark!

Speaking of which, the summer release of Transformers 1 in 2004 hit East and Southeast Asia, including mainland theaters. Her total sales revenue accumulated in the following six months, including Oriental notebooks, has exceeded 100 million before tax.

In the first eight months of 2005, the cumulative total income before tax exceeded 100 million.

But compared with the post-(Wulin Gaiden) explosion phenomenon...it's like going from 9 figures to 10 figures.

She was still in a daze and didn't know what to say. Megan said a little impatiently, "Hey, when will your Tang TV series be finished? If you don't finish it, there will be no schedule, and our Transformation 3 won't start filming."

"You may not care much about the project of changing to 3 anymore. I'm still waiting to make a fortune."

Tian Tiantian was very happy, "Meghan, you can't make as much money as Sister Feng, but you have a good family. Why are you anxious? You might as well take advantage of the ample time to improve your acting skills. From February to August last year, I After working hard to improve my acting skills for half a year, I still feel like I'm being held back when I join the cast of Datang, and that's not pleasant."

"Besides, when Hollywood makes series blockbusters, it's normal to only release one every three or four years. In other words, our series of blockbusters in Hong Kong can stably produce one blockbuster a year."

For many original Hollywood series, from X-Men to Wolverine series, to Pirates of the Caribbean series, The Matrix series, etc., it is normal for sequels to be released in two or three years.

In fact, Hong Kong production should be like this.

After all, for every series, you are most nervous when filming the first one. Will it do well at the box office and get good reputation? Should you make a sequel? ? Everyone doesn’t know.

Only after the filming is completed and the results have been reviewed, can we actually start preparing for the sequel. Naturally, it will develop normally and it will naturally take a long time.

Is Hong Kong's blockbuster series stable at one sequel a year? ? That started from the preparation for the filming of the first part, and the production of prop models for the second and third parts was also put on the agenda...

Are you going to do big special effects after filming the first part? From the beginning of special effects production to the completion of the film, the prop models for the second and third films are still in continuous production.

This is the reason why many series have a steady sequel every year.

Those who have read the answers and copied homework will definitely have different efficiency. During the filming of the Jurassic Park series, the prop model team at that time, including the industrialized computer special effects team, were all in the initial stage, development and learning stage...

They were all immature, which is why the blockbuster series lasted for two or three years.

Around the turn of the millennium, various large behind-the-scenes teams not only became experienced and experienced, but also expanded their recruitment time and time again, making the team larger and larger.

Just talk about Pengcheng’s special effects base? ? It first started to develop in 1984. It was just a newly constructed building. The earliest special effects were when Zhu Jiaxin led the team to work in a two-story factory building in another factory.

This is already 2006, and the Pengcheng Special Effects Base has already developed into a behemoth covering an area of ​​more than 4,000 acres, larger than Peking University in the capital...

Of course, Peking University's campus is not that big. Among many universities, it is considered average in terms of area. For example, the provincial university over there has a total area of ​​510,000 acres, which is equal to more than 80 total areas of Qing and Peking.

Otherwise, Pengcheng's special effects base would not be able to handle multiple blockbusters such as The Matrix, Pirates of the Caribbean, and There are also many special effects orders from other companies in China Entertainment.

Megan was a bit dumbfounded, "You are all the rich second generation, rich and beautiful, how can you understand the motivation of someone like me who comes from a poor family to want to get rich?"

The next moment she lost her urgency and gossiped, "Have you heard about it? At the end of October and early November, the gymnastics goddess Raisa, who represented our Hong Kong team in the East Asian Games, seems to be a girl friend An?"

"Really? That Raisa won two silver medals and three bronze medals in the East Asian Games. She seems very powerful. Can she catch up with Mr. An?"

Da Tiantian and An Feng looked at each other...

In the (Wulin Gaiden) crew last July, they witnessed Zhao An taking Raisa to visit the crew, but they didn't expect that Raisa would really enter the Olympic gymnastics field again? Did you win a medal at the East Asian Games? Playing on behalf of China Hong Kong Island Team?

East Asian Games? ?

Megan continued with a face full of gossip, "I heard that the entire China Hong Kong Island team only won 2 golds, 4 silvers and 12 bronzes in all events from track and field to gymnastics, basketball, swimming, diving, weightlifting and so on. "

"That pretty girl won five medals by herself and was hailed as a glory in the sports circle. Last year there was the East Asian Games, there was the entire Asian Games in 2006, and in 2008 it was the Global Olympics... If she continues to win medals, even if she only gets one gold medal , and it will also make many people look up to you."

She immigrated to Hong Kong Island from North America at the age of 7. She is 20 years old this year. She encountered opportunities to make a fortune here and constantly improved her family environment. Her mother was still together with the tour guide Uncle Long Fang... she was not married. Obtaining the certificate means that the boyfriend and girlfriend have been friends for many years.

Meghan feels like she is a Hong Konger from the inside out.

The Chinese Hong Kong Island team played in various competitions and won medals on behalf of the Hong Kong Island team. She also had a certain degree of favor and a sense of honor, but... why was she still concerned about the girlfriend of Zhao An, the father-in-law of the Zhao family? A little jealous?

Of course, for a short period of time, Megan wanted to be the elder of the young masters like Zhao An and Zhao Zheng, but she was already 20 years old and had no chance.

After listening to An Feng and Da Tiantian refuting a few words, saying that they didn't know whether the news was true or not, Megan changed the subject, took the initiative to compare their heights with the two women, and said with a smile, "I heard that the big boss has not confiscated it for many years. Fifteen is so great, he is now dedicated to high-level directors and director Fans who are tall and plump chariots??"

"Do you think a petite like me still has a chance?? The most beautiful women in his family are Chinese. Isn't he tired of it after so many years? Will the taste be improved?"

"There are only three beautiful white women in his family, which is too few."

An Feng and An Feng were messed up in the wind again. A few seconds ago, you were inquiring about Zhao An's gossip, and in the blink of an eye, you want to be an elder to those young men?

After being perfunctory with Megan in a weird mood for a while, Megan said speechlessly, "Forget it, you two are unhappy, I'll go talk to Jessica..."

It's already 2006, and Gao Yuanyuan is still the well-deserved richest man in mainland China. Not to mention that Legend World Group has a market value of more than 200 billion Hong Kong dollars, but before the global Internet bubble collapsed, she successfully cashed out US$5 billion.

At the bottom of the bubble, Gao Yuanyuan took advantage of the trend to buy unicorn groups such as Yahoo and Amazon, each with a 5% stake.

Now the market value of companies such as Yahoo and Amazon has soared... I heard that even the Big Apple, which has returned to the hands of Steve Jobs and has a new lease of life, Gao Yuanyuan has 5% of the shares. It can only be said that Gao Yuanyuan's personal wealth is already unmatched by other non-Zhao rich people on the rich list. One can only look up.

Ranked second is Bingbing, and third is Sister Hong, whose Oriental Luxury Group has a market value of hundreds of billions. In addition to other companies she holds shares in, and the copyrights of various major idol dramas she has hoarded, her wealth is also very scary. .

In fact, Sister Hong's wealth is not as good as that of Sister Xin. It's just that Sister Xin is a Hong Konger and is not included in the mainland's rich list.

Under such circumstances, An Feng has made billions in pre-tax income with the help of "Wulin Gaiden", which has already made her the envy of Megan Fox. How can she be tempted by the fifteenth wife? ?

After Megan had completely gone away, An Feng sighed, "Although I am very grateful and respect the big boss, I still feel that he is a bit too solicitous,..."

Da Tiantian was also dumbfounded, "He is too generous. I didn't expect this to be a shortcoming. Since the birth of the Mainland Rich List, he has been the richest man for seven years, and others are completely unable to challenge him."

"The existence of that list for one day is equivalent to..."

Being on the list for one day is equivalent to declaring his generosity to women all over the world, and he can easily become a billionaire or even a trillionaire.

"At its peak last year, Amazon's market value was US$180 billion. Sister Gao and Sister Bingbing each held 5%, which added up to US$18 billion. Other Yahoo, Apple, etc. are also similar, worth at least more than 200 billion Hong Kong dollars?"

An Feng was unable to complain, "Sister Gao and Sister Bingbing are like this. Sister Zhen and Sister Xin are not bad either. In 1986, Sister Zhen and Sister Min each spent US$7 million to buy 1% of Microsoft. In 1999, they peaked Microsoft’s current market value is US$600 billion.”

"It expanded from 700 million to 600 billion, and 7 million US dollars expanded to more than 6 billion US dollars. At the peak, capital was withdrawn, and at the bottom of the bubble, 1% or 2% was acquired again. Last year, Microsoft's market value once again exceeded 600 billion US dollars."

"Sister Xin spent 400 million U.S. dollars to invest 1% of the shares in 1995 when she was filming "King Kong 1996"... Sister Qing and the others also followed at that time. At that time, Microsoft's market value was 40 billion U.S. dollars. It was sold before the bubble burst, and it was bought at the bottom. Now it is more than 600 billion U.S. dollars. Market value, 1% is $6 billion.”

"Just a quick calculation, which one of the Zhao family is not a rich woman worth hundreds of billions of Hong Kong dollars??"

At this stage, in Hong Kong Haowan, leaving aside Zhao Donghuai and the fourteenth... if you rank the rich list, no other family can make it into the top ten.

When you think about this, you can only say nothing to those little-waisted girls like Megan who want to sneak onto the ship.

The next moment, Da Tiantian complained, "Sister Feng, you are also tall and plump. Fortunately, I am smaller and can't be like you..."

An Feng, who has graced the stage with a fairy-like appearance and swept Chinese film and television performances in China and around the world, is 1.77 meters tall at the age of 19. Even though he has stopped growing, he has not caught up with the high pressure of Miss World like Zhang Zilin.

But her figure is even more voluptuous than that of Li Chengmin, and her height is 9 centimeters higher than that of Amin.

Da Tiantian is sighing. Fortunately, she is smaller. She is too enchanting and does not match her sweet face. She eats too much special ingredients, especially meat, eggs and milk. Enjoy it for enjoyment. Special for practicing boxing and standing stances. The medicinal materials are also very tonic.

But you are too tall, and it is difficult to play with male actors in some projects. No wonder Megan Fox complains. She is petite and exquisite in front of the two of them.

Da Tiantian feels that it is good for her to maintain her height at 1.73 meters, and it cannot be any higher. She is also 18 this year, so she should not be able to move up.

An Feng played the music to Da Tiantian and then laughed and said, "The songs Jay Chou wrote for me are almost ready for an album. I will officially enter the music scene in 2006."

Her mother funded Jay Chou's 500,000 yuan in advance in 1999, which greatly promoted his transformation from a composer to a singer... In February last year, he had to pay for 10 songs to put together an album? ?

Ten months have passed, and Jielun has been forced to compose many songs.

Like (Chopin in November) (Snail) (Nocturne) and so on, you can feel these works after listening to them. They are not perfunctory works by Jay Lun, but fine works created with care.

Da Tiantian decisively hugged An Feng's arm, "Sister Feng, take me!!"

An Feng was speechless. He couldn't bear Da Tiantian's begging and acted cute. He could only say with a little heartache, "I can give you a song..."

It’s 2006. Jay Lun, who has appeared on the Spring Festival Gala, appeared on the cover of the Asian edition of Time Magazine, and can sell millions of copies of an album, is already the little king of the music industry.

It is not as good as the four great kings of Zhang Guorong, Liu Dehua, Tan Yonglin and beyond, nor can it be compared to the four little kings of Zhang Xueyou, Aaron Kwok, Lai Ming and Yam Xianqi.

But the title of the new four little kings of the millennium is still very stable. The others are Chen Yixun, Xie Tingfeng, Wang Feng, Zhang Xinzhe, etc...

Combinations like Yu Quan are not included in the single-player New Millennium King category.

You said there is a beyond in the first generation of kings? That was an accident. It was because the Four Little Heavenly Kings could not secure their fourth position among the Four Heavenly Kings in the previous version and could not convince other fans.

Depp transformed from Spider-Man into a rock band player and became popular all over the world. That was 1991, 15 years ago. Times are different.


Zhao Donghuai’s New Year’s Day holiday is also very festive.

January 8, ATV headquarters office.

He received a call from his eldest niece in South Korea. Li Chengmin's "The Legend of Two Dragons of the Tang Dynasty" was completely completed, and he was just waiting for Zhao Donghuai's schedule to film (The Legend of the Blue Sea).

He was also speechless, "Let her improve her acting skills first. If she can't portray a silly and cute image well, she won't be able to make the character more likable. Even good idol dramas will be ruined."

Gao Yuanyuan filmed "Parasite" in South Korea for more than two months. After Zhao Donghuai returned to Hong Kong for the first time, he flew to Yuanyuan after half a month to reward the great hero, and filmed the TV series for another ten days.

Two opportunities before and after, more than a month ago, wasted a lot of time because Amin couldn't keep up with his acting skills. It's not a great bonus that your oral scenes are getting better and better.

Li's eldest niece smiled and agreed on the phone, "Don't worry, Uncle Zhao, I will ask someone to take care of her. All the female seniors in the industry in South Korea can turn into personal trainers at any time. I mean she can wait for you to start her at any time." .”

Zhao Donghuai nodded, "That's okay, I understand."

After hanging up the phone, Ah Xin came over to report, "Boss, I heard that An Feng has collected several good songs and plans to enter the music scene in the new year. Will this affect the filming of Transformers 3?"

Zhao Donghuai said in surprise, "She also wants to develop in film, television and singing??"

The original track was that she went to the music scene to develop after relying on the Blood and Blood trilogy... Her achievements were average, not bad, and her singing skills were just okay.

Just lack of confidence.

That's not right. Taking so many cave ingredients and tonics in this plane will also improve her foundation, including her singing skills and lung breathing...

Ah Xin smiled and nodded, "It was Jay Chou, the little king of the new millennium, who wrote some excellent songs for her. I heard people say that these songs are very good and have the potential to be big hits."

Zhao Donghuai was stunned, is there such a thing? ?

After thinking for a while, he suddenly said, "I have a plan for a series of musicals like High School Musical. I originally wanted to arrange a director to film them, make a lot of money at the box office, and get a general reputation. Since there are new people who want to break into the music industry, let's Give her a try."

He is talking about the (Pitch Perfect) trilogy. Pitch Perfect 1 is a project launched by Hollywood in 2012. It is a group of beautiful women singing and dancing and starting a band. It focuses on youth, song and dance, and music movies. The heroine is the original (Twilight) 1) The white girl who plays a small part in the film.

It wasn't until Pitch Perfect 1 began that the three consecutive films grossed more than 500 million US dollars at the global box office, and she was promoted to the ranks of first-line actresses.

500 million U.S. dollars globally, which is more than 4 billion Hong Kong dollars.

The first film, in which seven college girls form a band to sing and dance... grossed US$115 million worldwide, the second film grossed over US$287 million worldwide, which was the highest opening weekend ever for a musical movie, and the third film broke US$100 million at the North American box office. above.

The perfect pitch of the original version really vilified the Asian women in Ichiban.

There are five white men, one black man and one Asian woman in the seven-person group. What if the Hong Kong version is in charge? An Feng, Da Tiantian, Dong Ao, Xiao Tong, the rest go to Jessica Alba? Megan Fox? Is this too pretty? ?

The last one to take advantage of Li Chengmin? It's not like I paid special attention to her... Well, after all, I have worked with him in a movie and a TV series, and he promoted me to a kissing master from the first kiss.

With Samsung Life supporting her, can they also give her one or two resources?

Pull out any one, and they are more beautiful than the original (Pitch Perfect 1) seven-girl group...

At this moment, Winona came over and said, "Boss, I saw that during the previous holiday, Ivanka from North America called and left a message. She wanted to consult you. Have you forgotten what you said in 2003 to praise her? Are you talking about her eldest niece?"

Zhao Donghuai was sweating violently, and he really forgot that he couldn't be blamed for this. He was a flower, and a green man was immoral. That summer, the eldest niece wanted to have a friendly discussion with him behind her boyfriend's back.

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