Hong Kong Entertainment’s Life Simulator

Chapter 445 When I return as the king, I will definitely defeat you and A Jing

When Zhao Donghuai returned to the office and sat down, he also arranged for people to send An Feng and Zeng Li away. He had already determined one thing. This semi-original (law-abiding citizen) movie, which was compiled with some creative settings, should be the first one. It will explode very strongly.

At least in terms of the fighting movements, speed, etc. that everyone can achieve, the real shooting and audiovisual effects are often stronger than the special effects.

Let’s just talk about the table showdown between Zhen Zidan and Hong Yanbao in the original track (Ip Man), the decisive battle between Zhen Zou in (The Fuse), the suit thugs in (Slay the Wolf 2), and various classic fighting images of Muay Thai youngster Tony Jaa. .

Then to the (Wolf Warrior) series, the Fast and Furious series, etc., fighting and gunfight action series will explode all over the world in the next decade or two.

No matter which version you want to use to compete, An Feng and Zeng Li can actually shoot those tricks, performances, and occasionally the audio-visual effects that require special effects in real life, and it's very easy.

The duel between the two of them in the movie is enough to attract attention.

In this version (Law-Abiding Citizen), An Feng's character is a second-generation overseas Chinese who founded a martial arts school. He teaches Jingwu and Dankou. Zeng Li is a second-generation villain played by Zhao Donghuai. He is hired from China with a high salary and only cares about money. A cold-blooded female executioner who recognizes people.

He is the bodyguard and lover of Zhao Donghuai's character.

Chaebols can do whatever they want if they have money.

His role this time will still be highlighted as one of South Korea's new chaebols formed by overseas Chinese immigrants, and Lee Sung-min will play a guest role as her secretary.

The eldest niece of Samsung's Li family will make guest appearances as the eldest princess of Samsung, and she will be a beauty pageant for Zhao Donghuai from time to time... And Zhao Donghuai's character has a certain Cao Cao habit. The beauties sent by Samsung for beauty pageants often have boyfriends, and he doesn't have boyfriends or husbands. don't want.

An Feng, the heroine, has no CP, but she has certain Cao Cao habits, but she is not absolutely Cao Cao.

When encountering an astonishing female master like An Feng, a strong female martial artist, the second generation of a chaebol should also give up his hobbies and pursue them, isn't it right?

The first pursuit was fruitless, and he flirted with cold faces several times. Zhao Donghuai was chasing alone, without a female bodyguard like Zeng Li, which was inconvenient after all...Then the villain is also very powerful and can fight. , he just drank a little wine and was attacked and killed by An Feng.

An Feng's skills were greatly underestimated, and his character suffered a loss.

Afterwards, he became angry and said that An Feng had no morals and sneaked into his old man's house before he could kill him. He would definitely find him back next time, run away, and then initiate a relationship to send him to the detention room of the police station.

There are many places where the power and evil of the second-generation chaebol villain can be revealed and displayed.

A Cao Cao habit is not enough to leave the audience with a villain image that is too vicious and ruthless, so the supporting role of Liu Shishi, who has mental retardation as an adult, is... the villain should be cut to death by a thousand cuts, otherwise he would not be able to express the important emotion of common people's anger. booster.

Although it is an absolute kung fu action blockbuster, this movie still has certain requirements for An Feng's acting skills.

The small screen and the big screen are indeed different.

The next moment, Zhao Donghuai said to Azhen, who was working as a firefighter, "Wait a minute and you contact Cai Shaofen. Her martial arts-level athlete boyfriend can try to be a villain in (Law-Abiding Citizens)."

How could his character only be a bodyguard and goon? A thug like Zhang Jin in a suit can be brought in and used.

It's impossible for An Feng to be without a helper, try Wu Jing.

It has to be said that Cheng Long, Li Lianjie, Wu Jing and others who had been flying all over China to collect and hoard top precious Chinese herbal medicine resources since before 2003 also exchanged a certain amount of body strengthening soup and began to practice boxing and stance step by step. Move towards the path of Hong Qinbao, Yuan Biao and others.

At this stage, Cheng Long, Ajie and Wu Jing have not yet exerted their strength, but they are all evolving towards the limit of human physique.

Wu Jingke plays An Feng's senior brother. When An Feng was arrested and imprisoned in the detention center, Zhao Donghuai's people kidnapped Master Liu. Old Wu was tortured to death because he resolutely resisted.

The protagonist did not originally intend to kill Liu Shishi, but used her to blackmail An Feng and threaten her to bow her head. It was nothing more than the character of Shishi witnessing the tragic death of his senior brother Wu Jing.

Even if she has an intellectual disability, she doesn't understand anything.

(The Wandering Fat Cat) (Why Me) (Heart of the Dragon) Including (Stupid Kid) and other movies, adults with intellectual disabilities can at least recognize their parents, brothers and other relatives, as well as their blood relationships. The feeling is extraordinary

It was Master Liu who witnessed the tragic death of Wu Jing's senior brother and deeply resented the main villain. He resisted strongly, including helping Wu Jing to avenge him, and then was accidentally killed by the villain...

The villain and the protagonist didn't want to miss it either.

An Feng's (law-abiding citizen) law-abiding to honest person is pushed to the limit, and the emotional transformation and performance explosion that have to break out in silence really require acting skills!

Her kung fu action performance is good enough, but her explosiveness in literary drama still needs to be improved.

Just as compared to the previous 4 months, it only took 4 months to finish filming a movie (Pitch Perfect 1)? It’s too embarrassing to shoot (law-abiding citizens) directly now.

Fortunately, it’s only mid-December, and there are still three months until filming starts.

More than an hour later, Azhen and Axin ran to do things, but there was nothing they could do. During the competition between Zhao Donghuai, An Feng, and Zeng Li, Xiaofeng's triangle choke, cassock solid, cross choke, and lapel choke were too good. It's suffocating.

It's not very lethal to him, but it's very humiliating.

In the showdown between Zhen and Zou, there is also a lack of martial arts techniques such as the knee cross hold. Off-screen moves, continuous strikes, reactions, and editing to the soundtrack and occasionally adding special effects, etc., can create breathtaking, shouting "Fuck" scenes. Film and television audio-visual experience.

She and Zeng Li shot it easily and realistically.


Huayuan Phase 1, Cai Shaofen’s house.

When there was a sound of thunder, bang, clang and clang coming from the house, the movement quickly died down. After a few minutes, Zhang Jin walked out of the door with a pair of bruised eyes. He also wore sunglasses.

After leaving the building, Zhang Jin went straight to Huayuan Phase 3 and knocked on the door of Wu Jing's house with a familiar face.

After knocking for a while, the door did not open. Behind him, the door of Jincheng Wu's house opened. A Wu glanced at Zhang Jin and suddenly couldn't help laughing, "Isn't this A Jin, who was beaten by his wife again?"

Zhang Jin took off his sunglasses and said plausibly, "What are you saying? Don't think that just because you are more popular than me, you can slander me. I was just sparring with Ah Fen and I didn't keep up with her reaction. She made a few mistakes."

"Oh no, you guys who are gradually developing your punches are too strong. I am really like Uncle Ying and Brother Sanmao said. If you practice boxing without practicing Kung Fu, you will be in vain. If you practice Kung Fu without drinking soup, you can just use your fists and embroider your legs. "

"Awu, when will you become more energetic?"

Jin Chengwu smiled and rubbed his chin, "It's coming soon, it should be coming soon. I became famous together with Ah Jing back then. Around 2002, we were flying around to buy various precious Chinese herbal medicines. It was just a few of their seniors. More inland."

"I have been traveling in island countries, Europe and America, and even in Africa for several years."

Centennial ginseng, Tianshan snow lotus, tiger bone, bear gallbladder, etc. are of course not only found in the mainland or Hong Kong, but are also produced in other places around the world. It’s just that there are not so many Chinese medicine practitioners outside and they don’t know how to inherit them.

Many wild treasures are wasted carelessly.

Even if many veteran Chinese medicine practitioners have moved to Europe and the United States and opened medical clinics in Chinatowns, the number of resources is still not as good as that of mainland China and Hong Kong.

Not to mention that starting from the late 1980s, Baicaotang Group began to engage in business wars with Western medicine multinational giants such as Pfizer, Eli Lilly, and Novartis. Whether it was Baicaotang recruiting experienced traditional Chinese medicine doctors from Europe and the United States, or recruiting family after family to Baicaotang.

Or Eli Lilly, Pfizer, etc. remotely planned those famous doctors to go to Baicaotang to work as undercover agents.

This competition has further intensified the flow of famous Chinese medicine practitioners from around the world back to Hong Kong Island!

Therefore, when Hong Qianbao went to Cheng Long, Ajie and others to collect and purchase various resources, they all focused on the mainland. But focusing on the mainland does not mean that they only buy things in the mainland. For example, Cheng Long can let his wife and girlfriend fly back and forth together. .

You can also direct Lu Huiguang, Feng Ke'an and other family members to go to Europe and the United States to purchase.

The same goes for everyone else. As long as you have money, it is not difficult to arrange for a few boys and Chinese medicine assistants to go find, inspect and purchase resources, especially tiger bones and bear bile, which are extremely rare in the mainland. , there are many outside.

Jincheng Wu turned against them, because A Wu was not stupid. Sanmao and the others collected a lot and took away a lot of things. Cheng Long and others continued to collect. He was a junior. He was not even like Wu Jing in the mainland. Those who have the advantage of local snakes are far inferior.

He first turned to the other side and collected buyers in the markets of island countries, and then got involved in Europe and the United States, including Africa. At this stage, he and Wu Jing are in the same situation. The Bajiquan boxing pile is still the same. He is not bad at practice, but it still takes a long time to really develop his strength. a period of time.

His physical fitness steadily climbed towards the limit of the human body step by step. If he really practices hard, he will break the limit. Another point is that in 1991, he started practicing Hongquan including Zhanzhuang. A few months later, he switched to Baji and continues to this day. How strong is Cai Shaofen...

However, men and women have different physiques. At the same level of strength, men are often better at fighting than female martial artists due to their physical and weight advantages. And he has been boxing for more than ten years and has much more fighting experience than Cai Shaofen.

The next moment Ah Wu said with a smile, "Ah Jin, you are often beaten up by a beautiful girl like Ah Fen. It won't sound good if you tell me about it. How about we practice. Next time you go shopping without wearing sunglasses and someone sees you injured, you can If you push it on my head, I'll help you carry it!"

Zhang Jin looked annoyed, "Thank you!"

After complaining, Zhang Jin changed the subject, "If you really want to help, can you give me some ointments that can speed up the recovery of injuries, especially bruises like this?"

He is a martial arts-level athlete, but he has really lost his temper in the past few years.

However, he fell in love with Ah Fen when they first met through their cooperation in (Shui Yue Dong Tian). Later, he started to pursue her in (Legend of Spirit Mirror). If Cai Shaofen agreed, it was considered a high achievement on his part...

He never expected that the relationship between the two would be very good after they got together. He also knew that Ah Fen was a good girl. He had talked with Wu Qilong for a while in his life, and his emotional experience was very pure.

But Ah Fen, who is so clean and pure, can actually fight so well? !

All the resources were given away by Li Jiaxin for free. The two have been old classmates, old best friends, and super good sisters who have known each other for 21 years. This is no worse than a romantic relationship.

And the constant quarrels between him and Cai Shaofen were actually related to resources, the body-building soup. Ah Fen could use the soup at any time to make her stronger, practice her punching power, and even continue to improve after gaining strength.

But Ah Fen is a bit lazy. When there is no shortage of money to spend, he is not so motivated to work hard. It feels like I am already very good and do not need to continue to work hard. I practice boxing and stand for three days, fish and dry the net for two days. Look, Zhang Jin's heart aches.

Do you know how long Brother Long, Brother Jie and the whole family, including the brothers, have been running around to make a living? You have such good resources and good opportunities. Is it a waste of resources if you waste them like this?

He suggested urging Ah Fen to work hard. Ah Fen would try hard for a few days, but after a few days it would start to fail again.

In her words, in 1986, she started starring in the series "Home Alone" and became a global hit. She worked hard for ten or twenty years and made a lot of money. She also invested in many real estate properties of listed companies and bought many houses.

The health-preserving pills and body-strengthening soup can be regarded as Sister Xin's nostalgia for old friendships. In addition, they have accumulated favors from their hard work in helping Ah Xin take care of the children. She is not afraid of aging quickly. With practice, she can lie down in this posture.

Not only did Ah Fen not want to work hard, she also suggested that she pay for Zhang Jin to follow the example of Cheng Long, Jie Ge, and A Wu who collect resources from all over the world. In that case, the resources collected can be exchanged for physical strength. Tang, Zhang Jin can also practice...

No matter what happens, invest in more film and television projects. If it becomes a big hit and makes Zhang Jin famous, you can also use the fame of the new kung fu star to make money and then collect resources.

It's Zhang Jin's turn to be embarrassed. Cai Shaofen is happy enough to be his girlfriend. How about spending his girlfriend's money on a large scale and being promoted to a position by the other party?

He couldn't get over that hurdle in his heart for the time being.

Then, you talk about me and I talk about you. If you talk too much, it will have no effect. You will always have a temper, and then you start practicing? ? Not to mention that he was reluctant to do it, but if he was really willing to do it, he would still be beaten by Afen.

Affen had to practice boxing for several years before he could use the body-strengthening soup to develop a body that is close to the limit of human beings. His physique is close to the limit. That is all-round strengthening of strength, speed, reaction, eyesight, hearing, smell, etc... …

Coupled with above-passing training methods, fighting methods, etc., the overall actual combat is not bad.

Zhang Jin's current situation is known to Wu Jing and others, not to mention Jincheng Wu.

Either you are really laughing at someone's joke, or everyone is practicing martial arts, and who doesn't have the idea of ​​​​being competitive? Before Zhang Jin gets up, yes, as long as he puts down his pride and spends Cai Shaofen's money to buy resources on a large scale, plus Ah Fen's good sisterly relationship with Li Jiaxin and Hong Xin.

Both Jin Chengwu and Wu Jing knew that the Ajin in front of them had no chance to enter Jin before them, or even go further on the road to Jin.

After all, Cai Shaofen is also cheating. How many people are in Zhao Donghuai's family? She has very good relationships with many people, such as Winona Ryder, and she was the first child star that Zhao Sheng promoted!

She and Zhu Yin also helped Zhao Sheng raise his daughter to elementary school.

Isn't this cheating? If Ah Fen really wants to go and plead for mercy, Zhang Jin has not acquired any resources. It is not surprising that he can drink the body-building soup in advance in credit mode... Haven't you seen that Ah Fen and A Yin have always been free resources? There, they use it casually without working hard.

Of course, the real story is that Cai Shaofen and Zhu Yin saw the hard work of Cheng Long and others, and were embarrassed to continue using so many decoctions for free, so they stopped taking advantage in the name of not working hard and lying down, but they couldn't explain it to the outside world.

This has resulted in the current situation.

People with good foundation, such as Hong Qinbao, Lin Zhengying and others, as long as they have enough body-building soup, they can basically break the limit of the human body and gain strength in one or two years, and their strength can compete with the legendary martial arts masters and grandmasters in the late Qing Dynasty and the Republic of China.

Zhang Jin, do you think it was easy for him to get the title of Wuying-level athlete? Wu Jing is so good at fighting, but he's not even at Wuying level!

Ah Wu and Wu Jing often tease Zhang Jin about not being able to beat his wife. Most of them just feel that one day they may be overtaken by this guy... While there is still a chance, try to tease him first to avoid being beaten by him later. I can't even take advantage of words.

Zhang Jin also knew this very well, otherwise he would not have come to Wu Jing after being beaten. He had often obtained high-end wound medicine from Wu Jing in the past.

At this stage, various body-building soups that break the limits of the human body, become stronger step by step, and take steps toward Superman are steadily appearing and are supplied in batches, at least for one person, which is a year-round batch.

Therefore, various advanced versions of the prescriptions developed by "Baicaotang", such as fractures, would only last for a hundred days no matter how you deal with them in the past. At most, teenagers will grow stronger during their growth period and recover quickly, maybe in their thirties. The sky can go down to the earth.

In Baicaotang, the maximum effectiveness of healing plasters for fractures has been reduced from 100 days to 20 days. For skin injuries with bruises and swollen faces, it will be faster. For wounds and lacerations, there are more drugs for hemostasis and analgesia. .

Wu Jing and others can afford to take the body-building soup to gain energy step by step, and there are many similar recovery medicines.

Cai Shaofen also has one at home... It's just that he, a grown man, was "domestic-violated" by Ah Fen at every turn. After being injured, he was too embarrassed to take medicine from Ah Fen. He only used Ah Fen's medicine on the set of a Kung Fu action movie in a movie or TV show. He was injured at work. Medicine will make you feel at ease.

Anyway, Wu Jing has been teasing him about his failure to beat Ah Fen, and it has become a habit for him to come to take medicine. Lao Wu is not here today, but Ah Wu is here? the same.

Jincheng Wu happily waved, "This medicine is easy to talk about, come in. After watching "The Sword" last year, that guy A Jing suddenly had the idea of ​​​​confrontation war or military dramas. A while ago, I heard from friends in the industry that the Bayi Factory opened The team filmed a TV series (Soldier Assault) and it was completed.”

"It will probably start airing soon. The internal test screenings have been well received. I ran back to find connections to get a sneak peek."

The original track of "Soldier Assault" was to premiere on December 24th. Today is December 17th. The reviews of the previews have already spread in the circle.

As early as November 1st, Wang Baoqiang, the protagonist of Soldier Assault, came to Hong Kong Island, and together with others, he took the Samsung little princess to the crew to learn acting skills.

Zhang Jin couldn't help laughing, "Stop it, you made Young and Dangerous and became famous. He also endorsed Viagra for several years, and he went to join the military? Isn't this too rude?"

"I can't even imagine him filming the military..."

Jin Chengwu, he has a hard fist, and he is not very optimistic about Wu Jing's transformation, but you don't look down on Young and Dangerous becoming famous, right? Can we never leave Young and Dangerous for the rest of our lives?

At this moment, Zhang Jin's cell phone rang. When he answered it while walking, he quickly became ecstatic, "I understand, I understand. I'm going to find Brother Sanmao and Uncle Ying."

After hanging up the phone, Zhang Jin's face was filled with excitement. Even if his eyes were a little bruised, it didn't stop him from flexing his eyebrows. "The big boss's new project is to start shooting a Kung Fu movie about the heroine An Feng after the annual meeting. The action scenes will be similar to (Quick Speed) Chase), I took the supporting role of the villain and his minions.”

"Zhao Sheng himself plays the role of the big villain, and I am his second general, Heng Ha. ATV asked me to visit Brother Sanmao and Uncle Ying first, and discuss with them how to study fighting routines, as well as a little bit of martial arts tasks..."

"Hey, I finally got the chance. Ah Wu, you are a fool. When I return as the king one day, I will definitely beat you and Brother Jing to pieces."

After saying that, he turned around and ran away without applying the plaster to reduce swelling and bruises.

The villain? Didn’t Zhang Yaoyang become famous with the help of his identity as a villain? In the past, Zhen Zidan often ran into villains. If he could be famous, he could make money. In this dimension, Dan became famous in the first round with the help of the most capable villain in "The Flying Tiger".

Besides, as a martial artist, he can also participate in action design and provide advice to San Mao and Lin Zhengying.

Jin Chengwu, "..."


On December 24, the new year's Christmas and New Year's holidays are coming as expected, and the Chinese Spring Festival is not far away after this period. The new year's Lunar New Year period opens, and there are still a large number of blockbusters.

In the cinema line, Cheng Long and Louis Koo starred in one (Baby Project), the heroine was replaced by Zhang Pozhi, Ajie took out one (Huo Yuanjia), plus Zhou Runfa and Chen Hao partnered (Aunt's Queen) modern life).

A Mou came up with one (Big Steamed Buns in the City), and Lao Feng Du continued to raise funds from Wu Jing to make another one (The Night Banquet), which can be regarded as a period costume that followed the trend of blockbusters such as (Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon) and (Hero). Fengfang, I want to make a big one.

Denny Yen, Chow Siu-long, Goo Jai, and Lui Liangwei also came up with a version (The Fuse). The only difference from the original trajectory is that the heroine was replaced by Hu Jing.

Six movies can last a long time.

If we look at the summer schedule, except for (World War Z) starring Lin Zhengying, Hong Yanbao and Yuan Biao, and (Intern) starring Guan Jiahui and Guan Shan, the others are all produced by Zhao Films, with a large proportion of white actors. Marvel's special effects blockbuster.

During this Christmas, New Year's Day and Lunar New Year schedules, it is traditional Chinese directors and actors who are working together to bring about the overall situation.

It doesn’t matter whether these movies are good or not, whether they are exciting or not, or how much criticism they will cause after they are released.

At least in terms of publicity, the show is still booming. A group of celebrities who are gradually getting older are proving that they can still be active on the big screen.

As for the small screen...it's still the reruns and those on the Huashan Video VIP list (The Legend of Two Dragons of the Tang Dynasty) that dominate everything.

The premiere of "Soldier Assault" also created a certain amount of buzz, with good reviews from film critics. However, due to the suppression of period dramas, there was not much turmoil. Looking at the trend, it is just like last year's "Hong Kong version of Dwelling". .

At the same time, Duan seemed to be unable to make waves under the suppression of (Wulin Gaiden). He only became popular after the year after entering rounds of replays and the Huashan video platform.

As time went by, in mid-January 2007, Zhao Donghuai was sitting in the ATV office, looking at the film list, and couldn't help complaining, "Is this about to start the stage of failure? How many movies have been produced by a group of big stars? Among New Year films, only Adam's (The Fuse) can be considered a sincere film."

"Aaron's treasure plan, and Ajie's Fearless are just barely there..."

"There is no need to give face to anyone. The theater chain depends on the market and adjusts the schedule. After the release of Big Steamed Buns, Night Banquet and Aunt's Life, the film schedule will be set at 10%. Let the Taishan movie rating control be fair, and don't let the navy set the pace to cheat the box office. .”

After entering the Internet era, traditional paper film critics, including some academics, who wrote reviews for movies and boosted box office sales, have moved to Huashan Blog. They opened blogs to attract fans and then publish film reviews.

Those who do well can grasp the pulse of the times and are naturally good at it. Those who fail to grasp the pulse of the times will be eliminated by the times.

However, Taishan movies, which function like Douban, are purely for the spontaneous ratings of audiences and fans. The products of the era such as the navy army do not need to be spontaneously formed. Wuyue Group took the lead in launching a wave of regular publicity troops, divided into several teams, ready to listen at any time. Order something to be done.

There are a lot of bad movies in this big time this year.

Azhen, who took note of the order, asked curiously, "Which movie is Big Mantou?"

Zhao Donghuai was speechless, "Ah Mou, that golden armor."

Strictly speaking, Fuse is not much better than Project Baby and Fearless, but as you can see, the New Year films produced by Cheng Long and Ajie can only be regarded as relatively ordinary or even failed works in their careers.

The fuse is one of the most sincere and capable masterpieces of Adan, a long-time second-tier action star.

Under the influence of the butterfly effect in this plane, Hong Yinbao, Yuan Biao, including Wu Jing and others spontaneously robbed the (Ip Man) series and (Sha Po Lang) in advance.

It's not easy for Donnie Yen to be able to bring out the fuse. I need to give him special treatment in the film schedule... That's because there were too many bad films at the same time.

The North American movies (Night at the Museum) and animated movies (Cars) can steal a lot of box office. After all, these are blockbusters that received US$250 million and US$244 million respectively in North America.

They didn't make it into the summer film schedule, but they are here for the Lunar New Year film.

At this moment, Xiaoxian came over and said, "Brother Huai, Xiao Anfeng came to you again to learn action and kung fu performance skills..."

Zhao Donghuai couldn't help but support his waist, "Let her wait first while I go change my clothes."

Starting from the first competition on December 13th to test An Feng's action and kung fu performance capabilities and study her limits, we continued there for several days.

Director Zhao didn't have back pain, but complained that his waist was too good.

It’s already mid-January 2007. Dongtian specialties have not only spread to the fields of food and medicinal materials, but also include textiles... Evolved sources of textiles such as cotton. After being carefully made, you will look like you are wearing an ordinary garment. Suit and trousers.

But the top-level bulletproof effect can surpass stab-resistant clothing, body armor and the like, and it is lighter and more comfortable than normal clothing.

Zhao Donghuai seldom displays this kind of things to the outside world. For the time being, few people in his family know that Chinese traditions are here, special grade, ancient special ingredients for the emperor. The common people will spontaneously be willing to believe that. This level is definitely better than the private one.

The feudal society of about two thousand years left a strong and deep-rooted impression, so he gave Dongtian ingredients a special coat. Thousands of years of traditional Chinese medicine inheritance, as well as unscientific legendary warriors in history and the achievements of modern masters, gave Dongtian Chinese herbal medicine. Covered in age-limited and super-precious, lost and then rediscovered soup recipes, it can be reasonably and smoothly believed by outsiders.

But a suit that is more comfortable and lighter than a Han Tianxia suit, and stronger than a bulletproof vest, is outrageous...

Zhao Donghuai is going to change clothes.

He is old and established. After Bingbing, he really wanted to stay like this for the rest of his life and stop being a prostitute. However, encountering an attack from a small-waisted spirit would shake his bottom line.

His will is not firm, and he is gradually failing.

Who doesn’t know about this situation? Otherwise, when Yuanyuan and Bingbing are filming a movie, and he guest-stars as a scumbag or cheating villain, will he take the initiative to arrange for Dong Ao, Xiao Tong, and Zeng Li to act in a kissing scene with him? Let him return to his senses after satisfying his curiosity.

Xiao Gao and Bingbing, who are small-waisted people on the set, are afraid of being followed. They rehearse two or three times without going to the second step. They follow the rules, and Zhao Donghuai naturally exceeds them.

When encountering unruly people like Li Chengmin, An Feng and even Zeng Li, his bottom line and integrity have been wavering.

He complained more than once, why he is 43 and still has a heartbeat? He is too tolerant to those female stars. He has been a guinea pig to Zeng Li for many years. His hard work is making him sway. In 2004, the two scenes were rehearsed for several years. Ten times, and then the other party would come up with some minor problems with boxing practice from time to time, and asked him to be a martial arts teacher in the first phase of Huayuan.

To put it more outrageously, Xiao Zeng has been waiting for him since he finished filming "Dajiang Dahe 1" in 1994.

Director Zhao hopes that An Feng can return to the good and lawful camp in time. It doesn't matter to South Korean little Amin. She has three stars to support her... The two nieces have already arranged their future plans for the rest of their lives.

He experienced novelty and gave Xiao Amin some verbal advantage. No matter how much advantage she took, there was no psychological burden. It also paved the way for the future third child Zhao Jing to go to South Korea.

After receiving the gift, when Zhao Jing graduates and goes to South Korea for graduate school, his niece will feel more confident in recommending Zhao Jing.

Fathers should work harder for their son's future development.

So far, he has not allowed Li Chengmin to take advantage. At most, he helps her with makeup, which is not as much as he did to Zeng Li, so he is not famous for being fifteen.

A moment later, on the basketball court on the 11th floor, when he saw An Feng, who was wearing yoga clothes after taking off his windbreaker, shoes and socks, Director Zhao said decisively, "Xiao Feng, you are still young. You must not go down the road of crime."

An Feng was confused, and after a few dozen seconds, he launched his Jingwu kick-shooting stance, "Boss, you're not married, so how can you commit a crime?"

"I feel like I have been practicing boxing for so long. It seems that I broke through a big level yesterday. It's similar to the change from not being strong to being strong. My physical fitness has improved a lot."

"Come here and ask me, boss, to check it for me."

Zhao Donghuai's eyes lit up. An Feng had already mastered skin training. Has he entered muscle training? It has been so many years. I started practicing boxing piles and Dongtian decoction in March 1999. An Feng became active around 2003, which was January 15, 2007.

Unofficially outside the Zhao family, she is the second person to practice Jinjin, second only to Zeng Li!

Even if they are not very martial arts wizards, such as Hong Qianbao and Yuan Biao, they drink the Chinese decoction soaked in external baths and use it intermittently.

Only she, Da Tiantian and Zeng Li can use it for free, with no limit.

This is not a talent hang-up but a resource pile.

He also said seriously, "You have entered a new realm. Your strength has greatly increased, and the limits of the movements you can display have also increased a lot. The movement design of (law-abiding citizens) must be of a higher standard."

An Feng nodded, "Yes, I came here to scientifically study the new limits of my physical fitness. Boss, can you help me do a physical examination by the way?"

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