Hong Kong Entertainment’s Life Simulator

Chapter 455 The ends of the hair that were struck by thunder felt electric shock.

On a new day, Zhao Zheng had just bid farewell to the energetic Nina, opened Huashan Giant Panda, and saw his message box flashing crazily.

Similarly, avatars were flashing in the giant panda chat group. When he clicked on Guo Wei's giant panda account to leave a message, he also found a bunch of messages.

"Old Zhao, Brother Zhao, Master Zhao, I've passed your number on to Lao Li. You must be careful and control it. I know Lao Li was a bit pretentious yesterday, which made people unhappy. I beg you, buddy."

"You are still young, so don't go down the road of being a slave to your aunt at such a young age. Aunt Li looks good, and has more potential than the rich, white, rich and beautiful guy chasing you from the Agricultural University, but that is the real mother of your buddy's classmate!! !”

"I also know that I have no right to ask you for anything or ask you to do anything, but Lao Zhao, after two years of friendship, please don't go astray."


Each message is accompanied by a variety of panda emoticons.

Zhao Zheng didn't reply directly and was quite speechless. The aunt yesterday looked good. Her makeup was at an 8-point level, and her temperament was quite gentle.

But he is not Teddy, and he still likes to talk about emotions.

If he had a Teddy temperament, he wouldn't have only had three girlfriends after his sophomore year in college. He would have already had double figures.

Speechless, I clicked on some small speaker messages and found that they were friend applications from Li Le, Jiang Yang and others. Jiang Yang's application also came with some strange news.

For example, messages such as "Master, please take me", "Brother Zhao, I am Xiao Jiang", "Brother Zhao, can you help me take revenge?".

Li Le's application information was accompanied by words such as "Brother Zhao, I was wrong", "I was really wrong", "Please forgive me" and so on.

After thinking about it, Zhao Zheng approved the friend application of the two.

As soon as he passed, Jiang Yang's profile picture began to flicker and jump, and soon there was a series of conversations.

"Brother Zhao, I am Jiang Yang. I have a love rival in college. He stole my ex-girlfriend. A bitch deserves a dog. But that love rival is also quite handsome, more handsome than me. I guess his elders are not as good-looking. Ugly, not as good as Aunt Li, but it can’t be much worse, right?”

"Brother Zhao, can you help me get revenge? His hometown is in Jiangsu Province. Let's go to the provincial capital and meet him by chance? I'll cover all the food and drinks, and I'll give you an extra 30,000 yuan for hard work."

Zhao Zheng had a stern look on his face and blacklisted Jiang Yang!

This guy is so unbecoming of a son, who do you think he is? ?

A few minutes later, he replied to Guo Wei's several messages and saw Li Le's profile picture flashing. He clicked on it and said, "Brother Zhao, I know I was wrong. Please forgive me."

"After the demolition of my house, there were many houses. Mainly because my grandparents, parents, uncles, etc. all became rich during the demolition... My mother usually doesn't bother to care about where I live. The main reason is that I was not sensible before and was too lazy to talk to her and waste time. , but she called me to go home yesterday."

"After I went back, he asked me when I would take Lao Guo and Lao Jiang home to play."

"This drunkard's intention is obviously not to drink!!!"

"Brother Zhao, I know I was wrong. You said someone in those Runren routing groups was lying to me. They must be lying to me. I was wrong in pretending to be cool. How about treating you to dinner today? I'll drink a pound of liquor to apologize."

"Your Majesty, please let me go?"

Is this a matter of letting him go? ? This is letting his mother go.

There is no doubt that Li Le only has one biological mother and a few baby mothers in his life.

Zhao Zheng took a sip of Arctic soda speechlessly and typed a reply, "Don't think too much, I'm not that kind of person. Besides, we don't have any deep hatred. Even for Guo Wei's face, I won't be so mean."

Li Le hurriedly replied, "Long live Brother Zhao, long live understanding."

This is still paired with the exaggerated giant panda emoticon.

What can Zhao Zhengneng say? He could only continue typing, "Well, it's not a good thing to waste time all day long. Please spend more time with your parents."

If they are a couple with a stable relationship and a harmonious family, no matter how handsome he is, he cannot tell a woman to give him a credit card as soon as she sees him. That is nonsense.

I have never seen how many families were divorced by the ATV version of F4 at its peak.

The situation of the Li family here is nothing more than that the father is wandering around, the son is wandering around pretending to be cool, and a middle-aged aunt who has nothing to do every day will be irritated if she is idle for a long time.

Making things worse for each other, stimulating each other? !

Li Le replied very quickly, "Brother Zhao, among the beautiful girls studying art that Lao Jiang invited to sing yesterday, there is indeed one who is super pretty. Look at this picture of her..."

He then posted a dozen beautiful photos at once, which were not taken at KTV, but were daily beautiful photos copied in the giant panda space with Huashan giant pandas added to them.

A dozen photos were taken in four or five different locations, both day and night.

How should I put it? In Zhao Zheng's eyes, she had to give her a score. In terms of rating, her level and quality could make her a campus beauty even at Dongda University, but she was still not as good as the top beautiful female stars.

The appearance is more gorgeous and the figure is also good. If the full score is 10, it is nearly 8 points.

He replied again, "Okay, stop posting, I don't even recognize you..."

Li Le typed very efficiently, "Brother Zhao, I will introduce you to each other as a middleman. If you want to go somewhere, I will pay for the treat."

Zhao Zheng, "..."

What is this all about? How did it develop to this stage?


Two hours later.

Go to an Internet cafe in Shanghai.

In the private room, Li Le looked nervously and said to the pretty girl not far away, "Hey, it's this guy. Look, he's handsome, isn't he?"

At the moment he turned on the computer, some photos of Zhao Zheng were displayed on the desktop, including selfies and photos with a beautiful girl.

This was not copied from Zhao Zheng’s space, it was given by Guo Wei. Before Zhao Zheng and his ex-girlfriend from college broke up, it was sometimes taken by Guo Wei as a photographer at the request of Zhao Zheng and a beautiful girl.

The effect of the photo can only be said... I am stunned by a certain pretty girl.

"I'll give you 50,000 yuan, and you can help me get him, just like having a serious boyfriend-and-girlfriend relationship, but it's best to squeeze him dry so that he doesn't have the energy and time to play around with women outside."

"Not only is he about 1.9 meters tall and handsome, but he is also a top student from a top university like Dongda University. He has been dominating the architecture school for the past two years. In the future, whether he is an architect or a designer, he hopes to become a middle-level executive in a real estate group. big."

"You're just a college student. It's not easy to find such a good-looking and handsome boyfriend. You can ignore the girl in the photo. She's his ex-girlfriend. They broke up with her a few months ago."

In this private room is the female college classmate who was called by Jiang Yang to sing at KTV yesterday.

This is also the photo of myself that Li Le sent to Zhao Zheng before.

After looking at many photos, a certain pretty girl's eyes were a little bright, but she still said in disbelief, "You called me early in the morning, dunked on me repeatedly, and asked Jiang Yang to beg me? Are you talking about such outrageous things? Pay 50,000 yuan to hire me to chase other handsome guys?”

"Who do you think I am?"

Although her tone was questioning and cold-calling, her words were neither harsh nor angry. Zhao Zheng was so handsome...

Men like to look at beautiful women, and women also like to look at handsome men.

Is it similar to a handsome amateur guy, if someone invites you out, the other party will pay you to chase a top beauty? If your mood is chaotic, you won't be too angry if you are angry.

"Also, a few sisters and I went to sing with you yesterday. We didn't mean to hook up with anyone or cheat you out of money. We just watched the development seriously and took a walk on the road to find the other half of our lives."

Like Jiang Yang, she is also a junior in college after the summer vacation.

In a college with an art-oriented atmosphere, it naturally accepts more art students. Jiang Yang's ex-girlfriend is also her classmate.

A few boys paid for a treat and invited a few of our female classmates to hang out and see if there was any chance of making friends with whomever they liked? ? It's almost like a college dormitory hangout.

She also knew that after playing all afternoon yesterday, Guo Wei, Li Le and others were paying close attention to her and asked for her contact information to make an appointment to play together next time...

One night passed, what happened? ?

If it weren't for Jiang Yang's face, and Jiang Yang had called her before to plead for mercy, she wouldn't have come to this Internet cafe for an appointment. After all, she just met Li Le yesterday.

Li Le opened his mouth, not knowing how to explain it. What should he say about something? If you tell me, the club will die!

He could only complain, "You are really not attracted to such a handsome guy, a top student, and a great prospect??"

A certain pretty girl said with disdain, "You want me to chase other boys? You think so."

Li Le gritted his teeth, "I'll pay you 100,000!! You're not a big star in the entertainment industry. Even if you want to become a famous painter, how many years will you have to wait to become a famous artist?"

"Besides, you are single and he is also single. It is not illegal or morally wrong to pursue each other?! Why should you refuse if you have money?"

A certain pretty girl looked at Li Le speechlessly. After thinking about it, she turned around and left, "You guys are not serious, I won't be fooled."

Could it be that the handsome guy in the photo fell in love with her after seeing her photo, but he used this weird trick to get her to pursue him? ? She is not a star candidate in the film and television academy, nor is she a genius in the field of painting, but her family is not short of money.

Just want to trick her into delivering one hundred thousand yuan to her door? Stop making trouble, Zhao Zheng himself appears. If the conditions are really similar to what Li Le said... and he starts to pursue her with all his heart, then she will consider whether to agree or not.

Well, even if he is not as outstanding as Li Le said, he is not a top student in a prestigious school, and he does not have a bright future in the workplace, as long as he is really that fair, tall and handsome.

It's not like she can't think about it.

But these men's tricks were too many and too bizarre, and she almost fell into them.

She is also over 1.7 meters tall, and she can reach 1.75 meters in just some shoes. She also hopes to find a boyfriend who is taller than her and can make her love her.

When they reached the door of the private room, a certain pretty girl stopped again and said suspiciously, "That guy named Zhao Wensheng, is he really 1.9 meters tall? Mermaid line? Have you Photoshopped the pictures?"

There are some photos of Zhao Zheng that show off her figure too much. Not only is her mermaid line amazing, but her well-developed chest muscles also make her heart beat faster.

Li Le slapped his thigh, "Sister, if you don't believe it, I will take you to the hotel to block him. He lives in the Huazhi flagship store near the Pearl Tower. He stays in five-star hotels when he comes out, even in the most ordinary suites. .”

"The family situation should not be as bad as my brother Guo Wei said. He must be middle class at the level of ordinary people in ancient times."

A certain pretty girl, "???"

What kind of mess is this? What the hell are the common people and the middle class? ?


Huazhi flagship store near the Pearl Tower.

After Zhao Zheng was greeted respectfully by several greeters from outside the door, he glanced at the hall a few times when one of the female greeters showed a sweet smile with eight teeth and said, "Young Master, Sister Ru is in the private reception room in the rest area. I will take you there." Are you going there?"

Although this Azheng only came to Huazhi to live here for about a week in April, and this time he came to Shanghai to accompany Nina, he lived not in Huazhi, but in a duplex mansion in Shaofuyuan in Sanjiu Shuyuan.

But everyone in the five-star hotel, from the receptionist to the boss, remembered this person. After all, this was the future prince of a trillion-dollar empire. He had no biological brother, only one younger sister.

In the eyes of several female greeters, including the girl at the front desk, Azheng could not be better than Prince Charming...it is said that he is more handsome and taller than the richest Chinese man, Zhao Sheng.

This time he came over because after dealing with a bunch of trivial matters such as Guo Wei and Li Le, he received an email from Yang Christine. The other party said that he had bought the copyright of a love novel and wanted to remake it into a youth love movie.

Filmmaking usually has nothing to do with Zhao Zheng, but that Aru said he might go to Tokyo University where he studied? ? This has a lot to do with Zhao Zheng.

Aru originally wanted to visit his home, but Zhao Zheng refused, so they switched to a hotel to discuss the matter.

After a while, he was accompanied by the female greeter to the reception room in the first floor rest area. The front desk also brought a glass bottle of ice-cold Arctic soda and various snacks.

Yang Jingru quickly ran out of the reception room and said with a smile, "Young Master Zheng, it's really hard for you to make this trip. Are you tired? Please help Master Zheng sit down happily."

Although Zhao Yihuan was speechless, it didn't stop her from taking advantage of her. She came over to help others. Zhao Zheng waved his hands in a dumbfounded voice, "Okay, sit down. I'm about to be a junior in college, so I don't need so much care." "

After a few people sat down and others left, Yang Jingru stood beside Zhao Zheng and massaged him, "This novel is called (To Our Perishable Youth). It was only published this month, but it started to be published in April this year." It has been serialized on Taishan Reading Girl’s Channel. It is written by a talented woman and is a beautiful college student love story.”

"I also asked people to go to many different universities to select scenes, and then several assistant directors of the scenery all fell in love with Dongda, where you were studying under."

"I promise not to let the crew disturb you during the filming, and I won't let anyone in the school find out your identity. What do you think? Okay?"

The novel "To Youth" was indeed serialized online and then published in August 2007. The original track was that Wei Zhentian took a liking to it in 2013, adapted it into a movie, and then made it into a TV series in 2016.

The original film was shot at Tokyo University. It is not just a university, but there are many beautiful scenery on the campus of Tokyo University.

There are precedents for Samsung Group to operate (The Legend of Two Dragons of the Tang Dynasty), Da Tiantian (Zhu Xian) and (Wangshi/Search). Aru, who has not taken on a few good movies and TV series in the past few years, also plans to Try being a producer.

This is so smooth. She witnessed with her own eyes that Li Zhi opened a film and television company with Cameron Diaz in the 1990s and produced the (female version of Spider-Man) trilogy. Zhao Donghuai also held 51% of the film and television company. .

As long as it is a serious film project, it will of course be vigorously supported.

Although that company is far less successful than 100 Years Pictures, Debao, New World Pictures, etc., when it comes to operating projects, as long as you get the start-up capital, the two female bosses Li Zhi and Cameron Diaz nodded. .

Next is the assembly line.

While she was talking and winking at Zhao Yihuan, Huanhuan quickly took out the novel from her bag and explained, "The script is still being adapted, but it shouldn't take long."

Zhao Zheng glanced at it casually and complained, "I won't watch it. As long as the crew doesn't affect my study, it doesn't matter. You can film as you like. By the way, Sister Ru, do you plan to play the heroine?"

Yang Jingru smiled as brightly as a flower for a few seconds, then shook her head again, "I'm a bit old, so wouldn't it be suitable for me to play this role? Originally, I wanted to recommend Huanhuan to play a college belle. She is of the right age, but try I had to audition for her acting skills, but her acting skills were too good."

"When preparations are underway, Huanhuan will play a supporting role. It will be considered his official debut."

She really had the urge to act at first. After all, she is 33 years old and maintains her appearance in her mid-twenties with the help of advanced health pills. Do you think she can play a female college student in her early twenties?

If it were to be acted out, it wouldn't be too inconsistent.

But after thinking about it, it doesn't matter if she makes a cameo, but it's better to play the heroine. It's the first time in her life that she will be a producer and producer.

Zhao Zheng took a sip of soda and said with a smile, "I thought those of you who are behind the scenes of Hua Dan's transformation would prefer books or film and television projects about women in the workplace like (Du Lala's Promotion). How come Sister Ru, you are already 33, and you are still like this?" Do you like youth romance projects?”

He complained casually.

Aru's eyes lit up, "Du Lala's Promotion? Whose novel is this?"

Zhao Zheng explained with a smile, "My ex-girlfriend read an online article before. She liked it when it was serialized and recommended it to me several times. I guess it won't be too difficult to publish. The standard is not bad."

"But it's still a bit far behind (The Queen of 5,000 Years), an inspirational movie about women working hard in the workplace."

Aru massaged more attentively, "Thank you, Mr. Zheng, for the recommendation. I'll try it later and start a new project."

The story of Du Lala's promotion in the original track made the author ranked 7th on the fifth rich list of Chinese writers. Those who ranked above her that year were Lang Xianping, Nian Mingyue, Guo Xiaosi and others, Han Han, Tianxiaba Chang, Nanpai Third Uncle, etc. are all under her.

It’s enough to testify to the popularity of this novel.

Film and television adaptations, including drama adaptations, are all okay. What’s especially outrageous is that the 2010 film version also allowed “Xu Talent” to sneak into the circle of the mainland’s billion-dollar director club. The last person to enter the mainland’s billion-dollar director club was in 2009. Ning Hao borrowed (Crazy Racing) to enter the circle.

If we only count mainland directors, "Xu Talented Girl" ranks fifth.

But I have to say that the movie version is a bad movie...it all depends on the box office generated by book fans.

This is also due to the increasing number of theaters in the mainland in 2010, and the mode of going to the theater to watch movies has become more popular... Otherwise, in the same year, the animated movie (Pleasant Goat and Big Big Wolf 2), Liu Zhenwei's big bad movie (Koshikoshi Treasure Box) , and they will not all get a higher box office of hundreds of millions yuan than (Du Lala's Promotion).

The ratings on the film board, Du Lala and Yue Guang Bao Box are only about half as good, and both are far inferior to Pleasant Goat and Big Big Wolf 2.

Of course Zhao Zheng didn't know that, but when he read the online article before, he felt that it was pretty good.

after a while.

When Zhao Zheng walked out of the reception room with Yang Christine and Zhao Yihuan, he planned to go home. Before he reached the door of the hotel, he heard an exclamation from the public area of ​​the rest area, "Zhao Wensheng??"

Zhao Zheng turned around and saw Li Le, looking at him stupidly with a beautiful woman, mainly looking at Yang Christine who was holding his arm in disbelief.

Zhao Zheng was not surprised at all the changes, "My college classmate's friend, Sister Ru, you play the role of a rich celebrity woman who wants to spend money to support me, but I reject her..."

Yang Jingru burst into laughter, and even Zhao Yihuan laughed hard.

But they do know that with Zhao Zheng's good looks and figure, regardless of his status as the prince of Huazhi Group, there will be no shortage of rich women who want to support him in reality.

The next moment Zhao Zheng glanced around, mainly looking at the hotel waiters, cleaners, and security guards who were paying attention to him, including the general manager who was also waiting in the lobby. He said the last time he stayed here, hotel practitioners can Knowing his identity, I serve him more attentively.

But don't spread his identity to the outside world.

Looking at the general manager and vice president, he knew that these top-notch workers should have a clear understanding of this.

Then he walked towards Li Le and said helplessly, "Lao Li, I really have no idea about Auntie. You don't have to fool around like this. I will go back to my hometown after spending a few days in Shanghai..."

It's not that Zhao Zheng speaks outright, but he has made it clear many times on the Internet that he has no idea about his aunt. This guy has not only introduced beautiful women to him on the Internet, but how long has it been? Just bring a beautiful girl to the hotel to block him?

He didn't want to expose that he also owned a lot of real estate in Shanghai, so he casually told Guo Wei that he would live in Huazhi.


This is Zhao Yihuan spewing soda. It's not that she has no money. She has been Sister Ru's bag-carrying girl and assistant for several months. Her horizons and various career experiences have improved a lot, but the younger brother is still too arrogant.

Even the pretty college girl who was invited by Li Le to chase Zhao Zheng was also shocked by Lei's hair.

Li Le, "..."

Li Le didn't know what to say. Yang Jingru couldn't help laughing. She was about to break her guard. She said decisively, "My little friend, I want to keep him but I've been rejected. I don't know what happened between you. But Vincent is so good, so he shouldn’t have much conflict with you.”

Li Le was shocked again, so stunned that he didn't know what to say. After all, this was Yang Christine, alive? Real person? ? Did you say it yourself that you wanted to protect Zhao Zheng?

The other party is not only a beautiful star of the generation, but also a rich woman. At least since Yang Christine debuted, the money she has earned from commercial endorsements in various popular series is definitely much more than their family's fortune through demolition, right?

No, hasn’t such a beautiful girl only had scandals with superstars such as Bai Gu, Zheng Yijian, and Li Ming? You haven't really held hands with those superstars in real life, so you want to marry an ordinary junior? ?

So thirsty? Wouldn't it make all kinds of gossip magazines and media go crazy if word spread?

A certain pretty girl was also stunned and overwhelmed by these words. When she saw Zhao Zheng in person, she felt that she was even more stunning than when she saw the photos in an Internet cafe... She was indeed a school beauty, but compared with Yang Christine, she was indeed not even close. .

The difference is not only in appearance, but also in temperament.

In the end, Li Le gave Zhao Zheng a thumbs-up with tears in his eyes, "Brother Zhao, you are so fast, but the big stone in my heart has finally fallen..."

It's not easy. I almost killed myself when I was showing off at a dinner party yesterday.

Zhao Zheng's ability to eat soft food is too strong, but as long as he doesn't have a fever, he will be fine.


On August 15, when Zhao Donghuai and his party came down from Wudang Mountain and got into the special large RV, Azhen whispered excitedly, "There is a signal, there is finally a signal."

"Although I had a great time in the mountains before, only the satellite phone could be used, and other 2G networks were sometimes not working. It was too uncomfortable."

While talking, she turned on her Apple 2G and landed on the Huashan Giant Panda first. After all, apart from life, love, and family ties, what A-Zhen is most concerned about at this stage is the daily life of her two twin sons.

She didn't take her baby with her on this trip, and she hadn't seen Zhao Xin and Zhao Xing in almost a month.

As for Xiaoxian, who we traveled with when we were in the Zhangjiajie mountainous area, he returned to Hong Kong as early as the beginning of the month. At this stage, Ah Xin is taking advantage of the tour group.

As the car started, Ah Xin suddenly said, "Hey, I received a giant panda message from A Yin, saying that Depp and his ex-wife divorced and he was getting engaged to a new girlfriend. A Yin's boyfriend is also a member of the band beyond. …”

"Tsk, tsk, his French ex-wife also helped him give birth to a son and a daughter. She was dumped just a few years ago?"

An Feng, who was also surfing the Internet, was shocked, "Huh? Spider-Man and Captain Jack Sparrow? Divorcing his ex-wife for a new girlfriend? Who is his new girlfriend?"

Needless to say, there is no need to say much about the relationship between Li Jiaxin, Zhu Yin and others. In a roundabout way, as one of the major contributors to making Beyond popular around the world, and having been in the band for more than ten years, the relationship between the two men there is indeed strong.

Depp is still Spider-Man and Captain Jack Sparrow. There are only a handful of white male stars around the world who are more popular than him.

An Feng had also followed the Spider-Man series when she was a child, and when she suddenly ate something like this, she couldn't hold back her gossip.

Ah Xin turned on her mobile phone. On the big screen of Apple, it showed Depp in his 40s, holding a beautiful blond woman in her 20s. Just looking at the appearance, of course the man was handsome and the woman was pretty. They were a perfect match. "What is this called?" Amber? She can also be considered a rising star in Hollywood."

Zhao Donghuai, who was driving, couldn't help coughing a few times, then smiled and said, "Bring me a bottle of juice, I want watermelon juice."

An Feng hurriedly ran to open the refrigerator, "Boss, do you like this pair?"

Zhao Donghuai drove with one hand, took a sip of watermelon juice and said with a smile, "How do I know this? Let's wait and see."

It was only in 2007 that Depp met his lovely wife who looked like she was having a bowel movement after marriage? ? The message is a bit wild, but it doesn’t matter. Depp said at the trial that when they first started dating, the woman would take the initiative to help him take off his coat, put on his shoes, etc., and would deliver it to the door every time he went out.

wait wait wait.

Just like the various island wives and full-time virtuous models shown in various movies and TV series, in addition to having unique insights into Depp's favorite music, she is a close friend in the spiritual field.

Just like Comrade Yuliang met Xiao...

How can an uncle in his 40s withstand such a youthful challenge?

Who would have thought that things would change immediately after getting married.

The original track was engagement in 2014, marriage in 2015, and Amber filed for divorce in 2016 accusing Depp of domestic violence, because at that time, Amber had already hooked up with Musk, a world-class rich man higher than Depp.

Because there was no evidence and no results from the police investigation, they refused and the divorce was agreed upon in July 2017.

Amber hasn't evolved to her full body yet, has she? ?

And at this stage, Depp is definitely not poor when it comes to wealth, while Musk is just an ordinary new rich man with a net worth of 9 figures.

During the financial crisis in 2007 and 2008, Musk faced a bankruptcy crisis.

For example, for every Oriental notebook sold, Celebrity will charge 50 Hong Kong dollars, and large color TVs, VCDs, and DVD players will also charge at least 10 Hong Kong dollars. These products are sold to Europe and the United States, and Depp is also an expert in carrying goods. At least with his ability to carry goods, Better than Megan Fox and Eva Green.

As we all know, the spending power of male viewers cannot keep up with that of female fans!

An Feng stuck out his tongue and said cutely, "Sure enough, marriage is not reliable. You men's hobbies are still very specific."

Zhao Donghuai was a little dumbfounded, "Are you itchy? You dare to complain to me?"

That's right. Zhao Donghuai's age in this dimension is actually only one year younger than Depp. That guy is 44 this year, Director Zhao is 43, and An Feng is also one year younger than Amber...

Quite suitable for the occasion.

No, he is actually the victim of Xiao Anfeng!

Axin walked over with a smile, "That's not right. Ayin and her boyfriend are very affectionate, and Afen and Zhang Jin are also very affectionate. If you try your luck and meet the right person, you can still be happy."

An Feng rolled his eyes, are your two little sisters considered to be married down? If you don't mention money or not, or whether they are popular or not, just talk about their relationship with Li Jiaxin and Hong Xin, then they are married down.

The next moment she asked curiously, "I heard that Sister Min and Sister Jiahui are about to break the six-rep limit? They practice boxing and stance very carefully. What will happen after six times?? It feels more and more exaggerated, like those big sisters In ancient times, on the battlefield, he would have looked like a famous general like Mu Guiying or Qin Liangyu, right?"

Everyone was just surprised by the gossip about Depp, his ex-wife France, and his new, soon-to-be-engaged, and maybe-little-little-beautiful wife Amber, and discussed it after a few discussions. How to live in the future and what kind of life it will be like , who knows?

Just walk and see.

An Feng was more interested in the dispute between Guan Jiahui and Sister Min. Those two were not traveling by car, but just studying hard at home.

An Feng has broken his limit twice at this stage. When filming a kung fu movie, he tied two wire ropes around his waist just to prevent accidents. He stood in front of a 12-story building and jumped from the first floor. He easily climbed and jumped to put on the air conditioner outdoor unit. With the outdoor steps, you can go straight to the rooftop in a minute or two.

This kind of efficiency is still for the sake of beautiful and good-looking shots...it requires some posture and movement.

Real shot! !

The greater role of the wire rope is to provide psychological insurance.

She didn't dare think about how strong those two eldest sisters were.

Zhao Donghuai had only told them before that he would break the limit again and again with practice. Is there no end to this limit? ?

Director Zhao, "..."

The system simulates trial and error to match the Dongtian version of evolved herbs and elixirs, and the cultivated version of Chinese martial arts is skin training, muscle training, blood training, viscera training, and marrow training. After these five realms, the sixth realm is to refine the spirit.

Refining God involves spiritual cultivation, what is the effect? It's similar to how ordinary people see a mature tiger roaring towards you, or seeing a heavily loaded dump truck running toward you dozens of meters away on the street...

In these two situations, ordinary people's minds basically go blank, and their bodies tremble and wait for death.

The state of refining the gods is to create a mental oppression for ordinary people through visual witnessing, shouting, etc., which is similar to a dump truck running wildly, a tiger chasing you, or a building collapsing on you.

If you are successful in refining the spirit, a look or a word of shock can turn a group of gun-toting policemen into idiots.

This will allow future martial arts masters to master the extremely strong ability to escape and fight back when faced with the encirclement and suppression of a large lineup of hot weapons.

Similar to the Three Kingdoms period, the fierce general Zhang Fei shouted loudly to scare Cao's army away.

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