Hong Kong Entertainment’s Life Simulator

Chapter 461 If you don’t have dreams, what’s the difference between being a salted fish?

When Zhao Donghuai and his family left the hotel and returned to ATV, Guan Jiahui was still discussing a strange topic with Axin.

Director Zhao, on the other hand, glanced across the body of a double-decker bus and almost laughed when he saw the advertising poster shot by a group of celebrities, "Every generation is better than the previous generation. This Tianfu Coke poster will probably be the shadow of that Xiao Cai ”

The big poster on the double-decker bus shows Zhang Zilin, who was the most beautiful woman in last year's 57th Miss World beauty pageant, posing with Hei Gu, Huang Xiaoming, Hu He, and a certain Xiao Cai diva who is over 1.5 meters tall.

Zhang Zilin, who is 1.82 meters tall, stands with a female singer who is over 1.5 meters tall. The scene is too eye-catching.

Hei Gu and Huang Xiaoming also have to stand on a higher level to realize the barely equal height mode of the dislocation version.

Guan Jiahui also stopped talking about Zhao An and holding La Bei's nose, glanced out the window a few times, and asked curiously, "Are the long legs white? Do they look good? We Chinese are the first to win a world-class beauty pageant. It's a bit... Card face.”

Li Jiaxin also smiled, "I heard that Winona has asked her to be the spokesperson for Winona's brand? I will also arrange for her to shoot some Five Thousand Years commercials later."

In this dimension, in the mid-1980s, Hong Kong's entertainment industry began to impact the world film scene and go global. However, Li Jiaxin, Ah Hong and other monsters all made their debuts in Asia Drama, graduated from formal film and television schools, and then worked in movies.

As for the global beauty pageant, it is still on its original track. Last year, 23-year-old Zhang Zilin won the world sister crown. What is even more outrageous is that she is a former athlete and competed in the women's 100-meter track and field hurdles.

If she hadn't given up sports midway, she would have been the most beautiful in Chinese women's track and field.

Zhao Donghuai commented, "Hong Kong Island Fashion Week, or magazine cover shoots, can make her popular, but if she is not from a major, it will be difficult to get involved in the film and television industry. There may be some small projects where she can be asked to make each other popular."

Guan Jiahui said no more and asked curiously, "By the way, Depp, is it really that outrageous? You really want to make it into a movie? Your script made me want to vomit, it's so disgusting."

From the melons of the eldest son Zhao An to the melons of the Depu family, elder sister Jiahui is still very good at eating melons.

Depp and Amber got engaged during the Mid-Autumn Festival last year. On January 1, 2008, New Year's Day, the two officially got married, and then...

It's June now.

That little Amber used Depp's steps to get to know Director Zhao, and they flirted and chatted in private. Zhao Donghuai was not interested in her at all. Amber continued to use the steps to get to know Gai Gai, Ellison, Zuckerberg, etc. A millionaire.

Now is the moment when the financial crisis is sweeping the world, but it has little impact on Microsoft, but it has a big impact on Apple Group... In 2007, Apple's stock price peaked at $67 per share, and fell to $14 per share in 2009.

Falling back down has nothing to do with the overall situation. After all, this year is also the time when Apple's 3G sales are booming.

When Zhao Donghuai asked An Feng and others to make money during the financial crisis, he suggested that they continue to invest in Apple with a small amount of money.

There is no need to wait until the lowest point of 14 US dollars per share to buy it. Use Apple 4 to start the peak glory in the future. You can still be happy buying it for 20 or 30 US dollars per share.

Zhao Donghuai rubbed his forehead and complained, "At the engagement party, Ah Xin said that she was not a good person. I agree, but I didn't expect that she would be so promiscuous."

It's gay to cuckold Depp, but all kinds of domestic violence against Depp in the family... it can be regarded as opening Zhao Donghuai's eyes.

It was a mental crit when I fucked Takashi on the bed!

Various clips of Depp's daily life were shot with mobile phones, and then edited from a large number of clips into a short movie about Depp having a bad temper and domestic violence... This is more direct than a short composition.

After all, it is a film and television clip.

From New Year's Day to the present, old Captain Jack Sparrow, one of the pillars of the beyond band, has been living an unusually dazed and confused life.

Zhao Donghuai did not monitor the newlywed couple, so he discovered these things. They were Depp's daily complaints about Huang Jiaju, Luo Jialiang and others, his complaints about doubting life, plus the truth about Amber's various sexual manipulations in her previous life, and her protection of Depp. The Pan-Asian bodyguards made occasional strange discoveries...

For example, if there is a large amount of rice fields in the bedding, it should be discarded.

Another example is Amber looking for professional behind-the-scenes producers and wanting to spend money to edit a lot of daily life clips and fake jokes about Depp domestically assaulting her.

The rich men who cheated on Depp and supported Depp would privately complain to Zhao Donghuai, "Yangma is really powerful, Zhao, do you have any higher-end drugs than Viagra?" There must be some, right? Lend me some?

All kinds of things, the deeds of the Depp family's little wife who have a bowel movement after marriage have become a new script written by Zhao Donghuai.

This script also made Kwan Ka-wai and Li Jiaxin, who have watched the series "Green Gloves", "The Vanishing Him", "Gone Girl" and "A Small Favor", burst into laughter.

Zhao Donghuai laughed again and said, "Anyway, we started three movies (Spider-Man) in the 1990s and five movies (Pirates of the Caribbean) starting in 1998. Depp also made a lot of money for us, just for (Pirates of the Caribbean 6), You have to help this old boy."

"However, we can't invite him to star in the new movie. It's just a melon. It's not convenient for the global audience to laugh at him. To save him some face."

"When we get back to the office, let's make a film appointment for Huang Xiaoming and Lao Pan's Xiaodong to see if they can act."

The title of the film is called (Wedding of the Century)!

At this stage, the little Dong from the old Pan family is still the image of a new generation of beautiful girls. Whether it is the big screen or the small screen, she has always been very stable. She made her debut as Liu Piaopiao in Zhou Xingxing's (The King of Comedy), and she also played in Qian Qian. After the Jubilee Year, he still took over the role of "The Family" and played the role of Leng Qingqiu.

Ah Xin was surprised, "What else is there to do? If you name her in person, who would refuse? Besides, black and red are also red... The image of the heroine is relatively ruthless, but like the heroine in (The Disappearance of Him) Zhi, after avoiding the limelight, her popularity is still very strong."

"Besides, that Xiao Pan is still the popular young student whom you personally supported. She has to act in returning favors. This is also a challenge for her acting skills. She plays such a villainous wolf girl with the image of Bai Yueguang's first love."

"You will get trophies after you perform well."

Last year's summer season (The Disappearance of Him) bombarded East and Southeast Asia, and it was true that Azhi received various Best Actress nominations.

Zhao Donghuai laughed, "That's right, I'm doing good things."


A few days later.

Gao Yuanyuan, who had given Zhao Donghuai a lot of experience in Lin Shen Jian Deer, and the scenery was even more beautiful, took Director Zhao to the Asian Opera to select roles early in the morning.

(Wedding of the Century) project is all a literary drama, relying on acting skills, and the character acting skills can keep up. The shooting will only be fast. Production will start in mid-June and will be released in theaters in August. It is nothing more than the Olympics this summer...

Whether to shoot and release it quickly depends on the situation.

The male lead and the female lead were decided, it was Huang Xiaoming and Xiao Dong from the Lao Pan family. However, according to the character design, when Huang Xiaoming first met the heroine, he was already married with a wife and a daughter. He abandoned his wife and daughter for the role of Xiao Dong. , not a good person either.

After all, Depp is an old rocker and knows everything about the industry.

I often walk by the river without getting my shoes wet.

The daughter is still Song Zuer, the ex-wife... There are so many choices for the role of ex-wife, any old lady or a rising star in the middle can be cast.

It's just that Yuanyuan wants to try out the feeling of choosing a newcomer.

As they drove to the Asia Opera campus, Bingbing came over and asked, "Is your habit of running for Asia Opera castings triggered by the excitement of controlling the fate of newcomers?"

The two of them took a break from the filming of "Law Abiding Citizen 1" last year, which can be regarded as a comeback after more than a year of absence. It was also March 3, 2008, the same day, Gao Yuanyuan gave birth to her son Zhao Hui.

Bingbing wants to celebrate the birth of a girl named Zhao Ya who had a caesarean section.

As for postpartum care and recovery? Strictly speaking, going under the knife on the stomach would have many consequences, but Zhao Donghuai brought with him various evolved Chinese herbal medicines produced by Dongtian, which were similar to elixirs. The minor injuries were healed long ago without leaving scars and without any future consequences.

Dongtian specialty, the torrent of various health care products and medicines produced by Baicaotang are really changing the world on a large scale, whether it is teenagers who want to increase their height, the elderly who want to resist aging, freeze age, or maintain the memory and learning ability at the peak of life.

Then to whitening, slimming, removing scars without leaving any marks, etc.

At present, after the millennium, Hong Kong Island, originally a window to the Greater China world and a center for economic exchanges with foreign countries, has gradually moved up to cities such as Shanghai.

At this stage, Hong Kong Island is relying on transnational medical and medical black technology, the Internet kingdom such as Wuyue Building, Oriental notebooks and mobile phones also have their headquarters here, Oriental and five thousand years of Asian luxury clothing, film and television media empire...

A new pattern after the millennium has been formed.

Gao Yuanyuan's face was full of energy, "Yes, it's just about choosing people. It gives you a small pleasure in controlling their destiny. I've done so much for the Zhao family, and my hard work and hard work will take off, so why can't I have a little dark psychology?"

After saying this, she was acting coquettishly towards Zhao Donghuai.

Director Zhao smiled and shook his head, "Of course I can enjoy it..."

At the beginning of May, he and Gao Yuanyuan spent time in the capital, and now Gao's father and Gao's mother are taking care of Zhao Hui's grandson. The two of them are much more happy and excited than Zhao Donghuai's own parents in this plane.

There is nothing they can do about Zhao Donghuai's parents having an extra grandson and granddaughter? Already, "Oh, there's another person in the family? Got it..."

Bingbing sighed, "I still have to work hard and seek more advice from Sister Zhen next time. So far, Sister Zhen is the only happy twin."

She is not patriarchal, she just has the same mentality as Li Jiaxin and Ah Hong after their first children were daughters. My family's business empire is so big and it cannot take advantage of people with foreign surnames.

Regardless of Ah Hong’s Eastern Group or Ah Xin’s Five Thousand Years Group, will they benefit others in the future? It's better to work harder at this stage.

Bingbing blinked the next moment and said, "I will definitely take Xiaoya with me, but I think we can find a 24-year-old nanny, right? Like Cai Shaofen and Zhu Yin helped Sister Xin take care of her two daughters, and Azhi took care of Zhao Zhong?"

Isn't she looking for a competitor with a small waist... from the case of the growth of two daughters and one son in Sister Xin's family, to the case of the growth of Zhao Zhong? No one was taken in.

Zhao Donghuai couldn't laugh or cry, "You can do whatever you want. With your current height, finding a women's basketball team is a trivial matter, let alone finding one."

Let’s not talk about Xiaofan being the major shareholder of Big Penguin and how many Yahoo stocks she holds. Let’s just say that since her debut, she has directed and filmed (Slumdog Millionaire) and she was also the assistant director of (Untouchable Lovers). Practice.

But (the bad girl) just dominates.

Then to (Gone Girl) (A Small Favor), the global box office reputation and awards were soared, and, yes, (Extreme Career)! !

Samsung's little princess A Xin plays the heroine (Extreme Career), which originated on November 1, 2006. Fan Wei, Wang Baoqiang, Huang Bo and Lin Feng began to lead A Xin, including two South Korean insiders Li Ying Ai and Kim Hee Sun. Senior, teach Axin her acting skills day and night.

It is now mid-June 2008. (Extreme Career) lead director Bing Bing has completed post-production and is waiting to be released on June 20.

Bingbing only worked on that movie for a month, and left the rest to the assistant director, but there was nothing we could do about it. It was Axin’s first time in the industry, and even though there were two acting buddies going one-on-one with each other to give them various pointers, she could still go around at any time. Various crews learn on-site.

It took her 19 months to produce a performance that would pass on the big screen.

Now Extreme Career is in the process of being promoted. I won’t say more about China. With Samsung Axin’s appeal and popularity, 5 million pre-sale tickets have been sold in South Korea!

Movie tickets in South Korea have increased. A ticket is 40 Hong Kong dollars, and 5 million tickets are pre-sold at 200 million Hong Kong dollars.

Today is June 15th. There are still 5 days until the release on the 20th. It is estimated that the pre-sale tickets in the next few days may exceed 300 million Hong Kong dollars...

The pre-sale of tickets for the island country is also 40 Hong Kong dollars per ticket, and 3 million tickets sold are equivalent to 120 million Hong Kong dollars.

Exaggeration? In the past year or so, Axin has completely emerged from the shadow of her previous relationship, and is constantly trying to embrace the world, often interacting with netizens on the Internet.

At this stage, Samsung Electronics, where she is the vice president, only sells Samsung mobile phones, which are already the second in the world in terms of sales and brand value.

She has a fun personality and is not too old. In 2008, she was 29 years old. She was still yearning for innocent love, the love in fairy tales... She doesn't mind at all when the little princess marries a poor boy, as long as there is love.

She really made many netizens want to cry to death. Last year, Zhao Zheng, the second eldest son of the next generation of the Zhao family, became an Internet celebrity because of his courageous actions during the National Day holiday. Subsequently, it became extremely popular and detonated the story of Samsung Axin. , a big hit on the Internet in mainland China.

What happened after the fire? Just this year, it is said that the number of boys going to South Korea to study at universities and graduate schools has increased ten times compared to last year!

Who doesn’t want to “get promoted, get a raise, become a general manager, serve as CEO, marry Bai Fumei, and reach the pinnacle of life??” Samsung Axin made it clear.

Zhao Donghuai laughed and comforted Bingbing's conscience, "These are all small things, do as you wish."

They have been together for nine years, but as they practice boxing and drink soup, they become stronger and stronger, and many things become more novel.

The happiness of a martial arts master is beyond the imagination of normal humans.

Let’s just say that the first level trains the skin, the second level trains the muscles, the third level trains the flesh and blood, one level and one world.

If you are as strong as Guan Jiahui and Zhou Huimin who have entered the realm of refining gods, you will be the most perfect explanation of what the state of unity of mind and spirit is.

Bingbing was touched, but also curious, "Brother Huai, you have found the formulas for the lost body-building soups of various Chinese martial arts, including Southern Quan and Northern Legs, including Tai Chi, etc., and reopened the path of internal training of Chinese martial arts."

"But why is there no Kung Fu from the Taoist Xuan Su lineage? From the book Tao Te Ching, there are terms such as the immortality of the Grain God."

"I don't think the Tao Te Ching can cultivate immortality, but some Xuan Su classics can speed up the progress of learning Chinese martial arts, right??"

Zhao Donghuai, "..."

Arrange a new round of mouse development and training plan for Zeng Li? Little Amin from South Korea is also a good experimental subject.

That's right. The hundreds of years of history of Chinese martial arts, even counting from the beginning of Tai Chi, are far behind when compared to the classic books of the Xuan Su line of Taoism.

Zeng Li is 32 years old, and she still maintains the same care as she did in her early 20s. She often plays Zhao Donghuai's lover in various film and television roles... She has rehearsed and officially filmed countless times, and the lottery prize is not too much.

Zeng Li, who was driving, turned around and said, "I can try to learn a new boxing stance. In life, isn't it best to maintain a learning and upward attitude?"

At the level of a martial arts master, her bodyguard can stand up to a large group of Pan-Asian elites. In addition to various film and television projects, she often guest-starred as the bodyguard driver of Zhao Donghuai or Sister Yuanyuan.

Speaking of being the one to shoulder the banner of kung fu actress, aside from The Grandmaster, it was Zeng Li who became popular thanks to the series The Hunger Games filmed by Gao Yuanyuan.

She is now a master of the three realms of blood refining, only one level lower than Yuanyuan.

Zhao Donghuai nodded, "You are beautiful and everything you say is right."

We are all trailblazers who are constantly trying various things to change and improve the world! For the sake of the world and all mankind, of course we are not afraid of suffering.


About the same time.

Lao Pan, who went to the front line of the 512 natural disaster for a month to rescue, had become a lot thinner and stronger. After returning to his home in Huayuan Phase 1, Tsim Sha Tsui, to clean up, he called his wife.

He and Xiao Dong were engaged. The engagement time was about the same time as Depp's wedding. Although he had been rushing to the front line these days, Lao Pan also knew that his wife had accepted a new movie from Zhao Pictures, and it was Zhao Donghuai who wrote the script and ordered Xiao Dong personally. Play the heroine.

Lao Pan was very excited about this. His wife went to work, and he felt happy to repay his kindness. Not to talk about other various resumes, let's talk about the male lead (who disappeared) and a big brother. The male lead in the series (Ghost Blowing Lamp)? ?

Ghost Blowing the Lantern is a big series, and Wu Jing, who is famous in the field of kung fu superstars, plays a supporting role, and the heroine is a female superstar like Zeng Li...

No matter Wu Jing or Zeng Li, who's status is not higher than his? ? Can his influence be surpassed by dozens of blocks? ?

Therefore, as a kind and honest man, Lao Pan is holding back his energy and thinking about how to repay Zhao Sheng for his support. At this stage, he can only pray that the devil will blow the lamp and open up a sea of ​​money and new influence for Zhao's film industry. Force it.

Half an hour later, Xiao Dong returned home with the script and said with a surprised look, "You didn't call me in advance when you came back today? I wanted to pick you up at the airport."

Without a strange mentor in life like Ah Wei, Xiao Dong is still a good person at this stage... and his relationship with Lao Pan is also real. After asking the question, before Lao Pan said anything, she handed over the script dumbfounded, "Hey, I'm too Thank you Zhao Sheng, this role is not a big challenge for me."

"If you perform well, you will definitely be like Azhi in (The Vanishing Him). She has been nominated for various actresses, won awards, and the box office is not bad. The Vanishing World has a box office of more than 2 billion Hong Kong dollars, although the mainland only contributed half of it. many."

Lao Pan smiled curiously, "How big of a challenge is this for you? Let me read the script..."

After reading the script an hour later, Lao Pan couldn't help but smack his lips, "It's really, too delicious!"

He was not sure, "I'm not doubting your acting skills, it's just that the contrast between this and the image of a beautiful girl you have been since your debut is extreme. You have never played this kind of role before. Do you have any experience?"

This script doesn’t just stop at the heroine joining the hero on a new platform and using the platform’s resources to cheat on her. It also includes filming a large number of daily clips, editing domestic violence videos, suing for divorce and dividing the superstar’s property...

Then he slandered and slandered the male protagonist for domestic violence, and used the Internet to make him die in society, and lost all his film and television resources. In the end, the male protagonist won other court cases and regained his innocence, unlike (the disappeared him) ) It would be so miserable to commit suicide directly.

But I also spent several years wrongly, and my career was half ruined.

What kind of mental blow was it to Lamita on the ship? Lao Pan also heard the famous writer Lao Li over there, making fun of the beauty's constipation, which was no different from ordinary people.

At least he's on the toilet, right?

Xiao Dong was speechless. He paused for dozens of seconds before saying melancholy, "I'm afraid that the experience will be too deep into the play."

Lao Pan also suggested, "How about we learn from Brother Jiahui and write a biography of tens of thousands of words for this character first."

After a brief reading, he also understood the image of the heroine, who is utilitarian, scheming, and uses any means to climb the ladder, and regards marriage, love, and everything else as a tool for improvement.

The contrast between the White Lotus and the Bitch King must be brought to the extreme, and the whole performance must be performed.

Let's say that the heroine meets a big star like the hero for the first time. She pretends to be a cute girl, a crush and the other person's spiritual soulmate, and deceives the hero. The other party is an old acting actor, but they don't realize that the heroine is Bai Lianhua in disguise? ?

Lao Pan is not worried that his daughter-in-law will not be able to play Bai Lian well, but it is difficult to switch between Bai Lian and Bitch King freely!


A few days later, Yaxi dormitory area.

When Reyiza received an email that she had failed in her interview for the second female lead in "Wedding of the Century", she immediately lay down on the bed and hammered the quilt to vent her frustration.

In the same dormitory, Jiang Shuying was speechless, "Zaza, what are you so angry about? Your movie (To Our Fading Youth) not only earned more than 900 million in box office in the mainland, but you also nominated the Best Actress. Although you didn't Get the prize.”

"For you who are just starting out, doesn't this build a golden body?"

The filming of the movie "Youth" started in August last year. Re Yiza, who graduated in 2004 and will not graduate until this summer, defeated a lot of senior students in the class of 2002 and won the heroine role of Zheng Wei.

Jiang Shuying also went to the audition, and then she didn't get the supporting role, and she lost to the class of 2002. She and Zhao Ji went to interview (search) for the role of trainee reporter, and lost to Tang Yixin.

(To Youth) was released in various theaters on January 1st, New Year's Day. There is no box office in Europe and the United States. The mainland has 920 million Hong Kong dollars, and the Hong Kong, Haowan, Matai, Island and South Korea combined have 350 million Hong Kong dollars.

The total box office is higher than that of Da Tiantian (search), and it has completely made many new stars such as Re Yiza, Tang Yan, and Zhu Yawen popular.

Regardless of the fact that everyone is about to graduate in their senior year and are still in the dormitory but have not moved out, Re Yiza, Jiang Shuying, and Zhao Ji are already at two different stages of life.

The secret is that I envy Tang Yixin for being sour, and I feel sour that if I have the chance to act in a special crying scene, Xiaojiang will be so sour that I can easily explode.

A few days ago, Gao Yuanyuan came to Asia for casting. There were not many roles. One was the ex-wife of the male protagonist, and there were some supporting roles. For example, when the male protagonist becomes a big star, has a wife and a daughter, he faces countless temptations in the outside world...

Why was he only dazzled by the heroine and abandoned his wife and daughter?

Show the temptation that the male protagonist accepts, such as other flowers chasing him, but he refuses, or he is irresponsible after taking a dip.

The image of a scumbag is also very stable.

It's a game where a bunch of pretty girls are chasing the male protagonist, and the female protagonist stands out as the winner. That also requires some beauties to play a supporting role.

Jiang Shuying auditioned for a supporting role. Starting from a supporting role, as long as she can be in the crew and film with Gao Yuanyuan's crew, there will be many opportunities outside of movies.

The resources of Tang Yixin's bag-carrying girl who pretends to be Da Tiantian are soaring, and your bag-carrying girl's resources are soaring by pretending to be a high-level director. They are not on the same level.

Besides, Director Gao's crew may have a chance to meet Zhao Sheng... the chance is not small!

Whether she has messed up thoughts is one thing, whether she has a chance is another.

Just when Xiaojiang was complaining about hot clothes, her laptop rang with a prompt. When she did the operation, she laughed in surprise, "I won. Although the total appearance of the scene may be less than two minutes, it is still a good opportunity!"

He stood up in hot clothes and complained with an unhappy look on his face, "Look how happy you are now? How dare you say that to me?"

Of course she also understands that if she joins director Gao's crew and performs well, then... (To Youth) is not bad at box office and won awards, but that was just a project that Yang Christine picked up.

Just an ordinary road to fame.

It's already a thing of the past. If you don't look forward, you will soon be eliminated by the endless stream of beautiful actresses and celebrities.

"Come on, I'll treat you to a movie. It's the (Extreme Career) premiere tonight. It's not hard to get tickets."

Tomorrow, June 20th, the big movie (Extreme Career) with many downtimes and hardships will officially launch globally. The premiere will be held on Hong Kong Island at 8pm on September 19th.

Xiao Jiang's eyebrows were beaming happily, "Okay, wait while I put on makeup..."

Some teachers and seniors commented that she looked a bit old-fashioned, but she also figured out that the most suitable image for her was fair skin, beauty, long legs, and flaming red lips.

If there is even a slight chance that the big boss will be strong-willed and help her open her eyes, then she will reach a new height in life.

This dream is a bit of a daydream, but if you don’t have dreams as a human being, what’s the difference between you and a salted fish?

She was sure that she couldn't compare to a pretty girl like An Feng, but Zhao Sheng was used to eating delicacies from the mountains and seas. Couldn't she have the mentality to try radish and cabbage for a different taste once in a while?


In Nandu, at the door of Unit 1, Building 6, Sanjiu Shuyuan and Zongzhengyuan Community, owned by Huazhi, Zhao Zhong waited for a while and saw Ni Na running from a distance. He said happily but slightly disgustedly, "Sister Ni Na , your cooking skills are getting better and better, but you are a little weak."

"It's been almost a year, and you still haven't seduce my second brother? It's all in vain that you, a beautiful girl, are blinded by your appearance. But it's okay, my second brother is an atypical scumbag. Even if you seduce him, he will fall out of love after a while."

Ni Ni rolled her eyes and came over, "I've been your chef so many times, and you still have the nerve to complain about me? Do you dislike me?"

"Speaking of which, you often come to your second brother and second sister-in-law's house for food, and you encourage me to flirt with your second brother. You really won't be beaten??"

When I first met Zhao Zheng during the National Day holiday last year, I felt like I was in love for the first time. Even though I knew Zhao Zheng had a girlfriend, I still had the mentality of "preventing the loss of important state-owned assets." With Zhao Zhong's help, text messages, giant pandas Chatting on the phone number, I got to know Zhao Zheng.

Chatting online and so on, Zhao Zheng always seemed to have no interest in her.

She asked the other party to go out to play, but she was often rejected and never went out.

Even now Ni Ni wants to give up. She is also a beautiful girl. She is always chased by people. It is just... that she is called by Zhao Zhong to help him cook delicious food a few times? After Ni Ni prepares the special spiritual materials of Dongtian, she can also make a living.

It was unexpectedly confirmed that Zhao Zheng always had this kind of food in his house and could hardly finish it. Ni Na wanted to give up her flirtatious attitude, but was so greedy for the food that she cried, but she continued to flirt with her unshakable will.

As long as Zhao Zhong calls, she will come quickly to cook and eat.

After eating it for the first time, she began to learn cooking skills in private. During the National Day holiday last year, her cooking skills really wasted the ingredients.

Zhao Zhong shrugged nonchalantly, "Just hit me. Who hasn't grown up with beatings? Let's go, let's go. I'm about to take my final exams and have summer vacation. I can come here to make a living these days."

"My mother helped me put in good words, and the control became looser and looser."

"Hurry up and start cooking!"

After studying in the first year of junior high school at the High School Affiliated to China Southern Airlines, Zhao Zhong had already determined one thing when the final exam was approaching. His father was the strictest in controlling and training Zhao An, while he was a little more lenient in the training of Zhao Zheng and Zhao Jing. Yu boss.

For these little ones, the training is more relaxed than for the second and third children.

A moment later, in a large mansion with a three-story duplex and a garden at the back door, Zhao Zhong was eating watermelon and urging Ni Ni to cook faster, showing off his foodie attributes.

Ni was cooking and eating small melons, "I still don't understand why your family has so many unique delicacies?"

Zhao Zhong shrugged, "My parents buy it, you cook it, and I eat it. Why do you think so much?"

After one year of studying and experiencing life, he was no longer the meat-eating Zhao Zhong when he had just transferred to another school. In one year, he had changed a lot.

Especially the mentality.

Ni Na sighed helplessly, "It's such a big house. The kitchen is bigger than my living room. It has a three-story duplex with a garden. If you put up an awning, you won't have to worry about falling objects."

"This environment is so comfortable. What does your house do? The house I bought for your second brother is also great."

He is rich and handsome, a university tycoon, and a good citizen. He has delicious food that you can't find anywhere else. Every apartment is so luxurious, and he is in a good location in the south.

With all the conditions combined, Ni Na once again felt like she would be at the top of the mountain and see all the small mountains at a glance.

They are all human beings. With Zhao Zhengna living like this, who of the opposite sex around her can compare with her? Even the rich second generation were chasing her, but their appearance, character, etc. were mistreated.

The next moment she gossiped, "Your second brother has already finished his junior year in college, and he has only had three girlfriends in his life? Too few, right?"

"Although he and your second sister-in-law broke up twice, their relationship is still very stable after getting back together for more than a year? Yunming, tell me the truth, do I still have a chance?"

Zhao Zhong was very happy eating the melon. He took a few steps back and looked at Ni Ni, "Is it okay? As long as we have a chance to go out with each other, we will make a pledge of eternal love. It's not hopeless."

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