Hong Kong Entertainment’s Life Simulator

Chapter 463 It is impossible for ordinary academics to have this convenience

Night falls.

Good Luck came to a private room of the flagship store in Beijing. While waiting for the dishes to be served, Zhao Kang took the initiative to pour wine for Li Xiaoran and Li Xiaolu, including A Liang, and raised his glasses, "When will you turn on the camera? First, I wish you two sisters a new drama." The filming went smoothly and it was released soon, and the box office reputation has taken off."

By the way, if Zhao Donghuai were present, he would definitely complain about his stupid son. He is obviously a pioneer born in the 90s, but he has somehow mixed up with the uncles and aunts in the 70s and early 80s.

This is too inconsistent.

Fortunately, on the surface, Zhao Kang is growing quickly and has a strong maturity tendency. If you don't look carefully at the immature look on his face, you can tell that he is nineteen or twenty years old.

On the other hand, Baicaotang health pills, which have taken the world by storm since the 1990s, can afford more than 3 million bottles a year. Coupled with whitening, moisturizing and other products, the 32-year-old Li Xiaoran looks like a twenty-seven-year-old 8. Li Xiaolu, 27, looks younger.

The sense of disobedience is not strong.

Li Xiaoran clinked glasses with a smile and explained, "Director Yang started to conceive of this script in February 2007. It's actually quite mature. It's just that he didn't have any masterpieces in the past, and it was difficult for him to get the funding from the young director program."

"Are you really planning to invest?"

Xu Zheng and Li Xiaolu have lowered their salaries to join the franchise. If it weren't for the fact that the funds are still going through the process, applications, meetings, etc., (Night·Club), a movie that basically takes place in a 24-hour convenience store, would be really fun to shoot. soon.

During the interview during the day, Director Yang said straight away that she wanted to play the second female lead of the supermarket proprietress? It's a straightforward decision. Director Yang is from Shancheng, and Chen Kun is also from Shancheng. Based on his hometown relationship, Chen Kun is already the most famous and influential actor and niche student in Shancheng at this stage.

It was Chen Kun who first suggested her to play the female lead...

At that time, she was still hesitant because of the harassment and pressure from her ex-boyfriend. When she actually went to audition for the second female lead, not only her acting skills and image were not bad, but A Kun's face was enough.

Zhao Kang smiled and nodded, "Except for your salary, the investment in this script is very small. My parents gave me the money to practice. I feel like it's okay to pay five to six million."

He opened his mouth and asked for five to six million training money... Even though they knew that he was the second generation, both Li Xiaoran and Li Xiaolu took a breath.

This money? It's not a lot to say much, at least in Beijing in 2008, it wasn't really a lot of money.

For the young and beautiful ladies in the entertainment industry? It's even drizzle with water, but it can't stand up to the two eldest sisters surnamed Li, both second and third tier...

Even the Christmas little elk produced by (Tianyu) (It’s all the angel’s fault) (Struggle) is second- and third-tier. This means that their pay is low and their income from sales is pitiful.

You do the math, from Liu Xiaoli, Li Zhi, Yang Christine to the rising Xiao Tong, Dong Ao, Da Tiantian, etc., these are the four generations of Hua Dan, the old, middle-aged, young and young, and several iconic symbols, following them to grab food. food?

From Cai Shaofen, Zhu Yin to Chen Hao, Xiao Yingying, Chen Derong, Chen Huilong, Hu Jing, etc., there are really too many names.

Jiang Qinqin, Xiao Dong, Li Xi, Tang Yan, and then Tang Yixin and Re Yiza who are chasing after the start.

Is this enough? ? No, these are just Chinese actresses and actresses.

Counting the beautiful white women, there are countless strong men and beautiful women.

Regardless of Li Xiaoran or Li Xiaolu, in the current TV drama field, the salary per episode is tens of thousands of yuan, and there is no big hit project to support them.

Not to mention that when you reach the appropriate age, you have worked hard to save some money and provide high-end products such as anti-aging, whitening, moisturizing, slimming, etc. launched by the Zhao Baicaotang Group!

If you don't care about your age and status, just don't make offerings to Baicaotang. The money you earn can be easily spent to become a wealthy person above the middle class, so just make offerings...

What's more, the Christmas Elk is a knife-thrower! What about the surgery fee? What about postoperative repairs?

When it comes to attending banquets, attending various social occasions, and interacting with people, in order to maintain the dignity of a little star, it is not a small amount of money.

Originally, Struggle was quite popular in the TV drama circle, but the popularity of this dimension has been downgraded. After all, there have been major TV series such as "The Legend of Two Dragons of the Tang Dynasty" and "Zhu Xian" with super investment and large lineups.

Modern City? ? Since the 1980s, there have been various upgraded plus games (Meteor Garden), (Blue Life and Death Love) to (Big Era) (Genesis) and so on.

The audience's tastes will also change.

The only advantage of "Strive" is that it is a TV series about the youth struggle of the post-80s generation in Mainland China, but it was ridiculed by rating websites as the second generation of rich people who can't afford to struggle with their fathers, and was complained by countless viewers.

To put it bluntly, for them, five to six million is not a big sum of money. They have seen it and owned it before, but after having it, in order to pay protection fees for Baicao Hall and maintain social respectability, they basically have no ability to spend millions. Invest in any movie.

After being shocked, Sister Xiaoran grabbed Zhao Kang's hand and said, "Don't mess around with so much money. It will be a disaster if you lose."

After all, it’s a camaraderie that lasted a week straight (go-kart racing).

Zhao Kang smiled and said, "I feel that the probability of losing money is low. First of all, it is not my vision, but that Director Yang can join the China Film Youth Director Support Program. This has already been a multi-round screening competition."

"Secondly, Xu Zheng and Sister Xiaolu have both reduced their salaries, which proves that they are very optimistic. And that brother Kun also recommended it to you?"

"So many people are optimistic about it, which speaks for itself. As for me, I have watched movies a lot in the past, and I can still tell the difference between good and bad. If there is a complete story that can make people laugh, the effect will not be too bad. Besides, I took the college entrance examination I also got over 730 points in the exam..."

"I am applying to the School of Journalism of the Renmin University of China. In the future, I will deal with news-related and Internet media companies, including how to publicize and build momentum, guide topics and popularity, etc. Is this considered practice?"

Li Xiaoran's heart fluttered as he was persuaded by Zhao Kang's eloquent talk. This little brother is really charming.

Li Xiaolu was surprised and said, "What's going on? You scored over 730 in the college entrance examination? Pfft, you're too... a good student, right?"

Even A Liang, who has always been very simple-minded, looked in disbelief, "Can you check the results of the college entrance examination? Over 730 points, you are too outrageous, you are not far away from the full score, right?"

A Liang remained silent, and the supporting actor returned to the supporting role, but on the road to pursue Xiaolu, watching Xiaolu come out to play and have fun with her sisters, he had always been sitting in the corner, watching all kinds of wealthy men. The second generation, the second generation in the circle, etc. were shining with beautiful women in front of the stage, and he was watching.

He comes from a middle-class family, and in the ordinary circle of friends, he is a handsome boy who can stand out and steal the limelight. However, in the entertainment circle where people are obsessed with money and wealth, he is really a "poor boy".

Moreover, A Liang rarely asks for money from his family and does not gnaw on his elders. He is the kind of character who would rather eat instant noodles to look for opportunities when entering society than reaching out to his parents.

Putting aside the issue of more money and less money, can you get more than 730 in the college entrance examination? Too fake?

They were all bad academics when they were in middle school.

Zhao Kang smiled softly, explaining to Li Xiaoran, "I have never fallen behind in my grades since the first grade of junior high school, and I have won the top prize many times in the Beijing Joint Entrance Examination, so you can rest assured that I have my own thinking and judgment logic. .”

"There is an over 80% chance that (the nightclub) will not lose money."

"Even with the current trend of the film market, as long as it is properly promoted, the possibility of a box office hit and making a lot of money is not small."

"Nowadays, lottery sales across the country are so booming, and there are die-hard lottery players all over the country all year round. Let's make some hype on the Internet. Whether mathematics can really calculate the lottery numbers and whether it can increase the winning rate will become a topic."

"That is equivalent to having a massive fan base. No matter how many big and small stars there are in the crew, if the core foundation of lottery fans is grasped, it will not be worse than the fans of a best-selling book."

Sister Xiaoran felt dizzy after being told, "Can it still be like this?"

The Christmas elk's eyes lit up as they watched, "Lottery players... We have lottery players all over the country. If we can really capture this huge audience, we can expect a box office, but Xiao Zhao, isn't this difficult to operate?"

Zhao Kang smiled calmly, "Actually, Internet celebrities can be Internet celebrities or popular events. They are all part of the media, or new media. From computers to mobile platforms such as mobile phones, many unprovoked events can be It was a sensation.”

"I haven't officially entered college yet, but I chose this major. I always have to study on my own and learn more about it. If I can participate in (nightclub) film investment, then online publicity will be a good media practice. "

Li Xiaoran then said worriedly, "You used to be an outsider, and you were just a student. Even with a large investment of five to six million, it's a lot, but you cooperate with China Film, from props to lunch boxes, promotions, accounting, etc. Without background, even if five or six million might have accounted for 70% of the revenue, it would have been cut to 20 or 10%.”

In fact, she couldn't quite tell what the relationship was between herself and Zhao Kang... She was saved by a hero once, and her mood swings were already very strong. When she needed someone to accompany and comfort her the most, Zhao Kang came out to spend several days with her, that kind of It is important to feel accompanied and feel safe.

Coupled with the misunderstanding that Zhao Kang was really killed because of her involvement... At that time, she collapsed and panicked until she exploded.

Then, except for going out to buy medicine, she spent a week doing "go-kart racing". During the occasional rest period, she felt that she was too old and inappropriate.

Zhao Kang just said, don’t ask or think too much, just keep playing the game.

Then the negative emotions that lasted for two or three years completely relaxed after a week of gaming, and I felt like I had come out of it. I was still very afraid of being threatened again, but Zhao Kang really gave people a sense of security.

Now the other party is helping her plan and take on roles, and is even considering becoming an investor?

Is she really worried that Zhao Kang will help her take the role with a good show or will the media actually do it? ? Obviously five or six million is a lot, but if only 10% or 20% are cheated, that would be too low.

When an outsider enters the industry for the first time, even if he is rich, he is just rich. It is similar to Zhao Donghuai's 25-year-old director (New World 1), with a total investment of 5 million, but he was treated like a fat sheep by the entire crew. From lighting, From props to extras, everyone is thinking about making money, not filming.

Zhao Kang laughed, "It's okay, I have a background too."

Li Xiaoran was confused, and the Christmas elk's eyes brightened even more, "Xiao Zhao, didn't you just dismantle the second generation? What's the background?"

Zhao Kang smiled steadily, "I am the top scorer in the Beijing College Entrance Examination this year. Admissions offices of various famous schools across the country are contacting me and want me to study. I chose the Renmin University School of Journalism. Now I am going to visit future teachers and professors. "

“The circle of famous professors at the National People’s Congress is a huge background resource.”

"Similar to your entertainment industry, those who graduate from majors can get performance resources from teachers and classmates. The Renmin University School of Journalism has no shortage of seniors who have joined some TV stations and newspapers, including those who are leaders in behemoths like Yangma. "

The little Christmas elk’s eyes widened, is that okay?

Li Xiaoran also continued to be confused.

A Liang, "..."

A Liang was stunned for a while before patting his head, "Yes, there are many well-known alumni of Renmin University, such as the diving queen. Ordinary students cannot easily rely on the power of the alumni circle to win the top spot in the college entrance examination..."

"Although I don't know how much power the top scorer in the college entrance examination can borrow, when I was in junior high school, the status of those top students in the teachers' hearts was completely different from that of a low-achieving student like me."

After all, Zhao Kang is talking about investing real money to support the filming of the film, and using the power of the alumni teacher-student circle, not looking for privileges, but not wanting to be cheated...

The next moment A Liang asked curiously, "Xuekun, where did you study in middle school?"

Zhao Kang smiled and said, "Beijing No. 4 Middle School."

Before A Liang said anything, the Christmas Elk thought for a moment and asked curiously, "It seems that No. 4 Middle School is also a key middle school. For a college entrance examination champion like you, even if you want to borrow strength from the middle school, you can borrow a lot, right?"

Zhao Kang nodded, "Yes, my senior class teacher once asked me where I wanted to develop my career. I said news media, and he helped me contact the alumni circle and gave me director Chen who filmed "Farewell My Concubine" and "The Promise". Contact information, if necessary, he will find Chen’s teacher and visit with me to renew our friendship.”

At this moment, the Christmas Elk and A Liang both stared wide-eyed, and were at a loss for a moment.

Compare Director Chen who shot "Farewell My Concubine" and "Jing Ke Assassins the King of Qin"? They, second- and third-tier actors, really can only look up to them. Even if...even if Director Chen shoots "The Promise", so what?

At this stage, Director Chen is still arranging the film, and is filming (Mei Lanfang) with a group of superstars such as Li Ming, Zhang Ziyi, and Lao Pan.

Director Chen is over 50 years old this year. You went so far as to invite his teacher when he was in junior high and high school to visit and build relationships? ?

After a while of silence, Li Xiaoran took Zhao Kang's hand and said in disbelief, "A good student is so popular? The top scorer in the college entrance examination..."

For most celebrities, academic qualifications are generally a disadvantage. They are really surprised by the development model of the alumni circle that paved the way for super academics to show off their backgrounds.

Of course, ordinary academic masters cannot have this convenience!

This is the top scorer in the college entrance examination! That's different.

Not to mention that he is just the top scorer in the college entrance examination in Beijing, with a perfect score of 750. With Zhao Kang's record of more than 730 points, he is not bad at all in the country.

Only the fifth child, Zhao Cheng, got a perfect score of 750. Others studied for six or seven years. After all, there is such a thing as repeating. Zhao Cheng only studied for 4 years... After skipping two levels, he failed the test easily. With a score of only about 620 or 630, if you choose to study at an agricultural university, you can better understand the background of a top student like Zhao Kang.


July 11th.

On the crew of Hong Kong Island (Wedding of the Century), Zhao Donghuai sat next to Gao Yuanyuan and watched the male protagonist played by Huang Xiaoming perform a scene of flying through flowers.

His role is indeed that of a married woman with a daughter, who is still flirting with women. He was originally an old man and an old player, but he was deceived by Xiao Dong among the flowers into thinking that he had found true love, so he abandoned his wife and daughter and married Xiao Dong.

Huang Xiaoming has no problem performing at the moment.

The girls he plays opposite are no problem either.

That's right. When Zhao Donghuai was watching, he always felt that something was a little inconsistent. When one performance was over, Gao Yuanyuan shouted "Click" and asked everyone to prepare for the next performance.

Only then did she look at Director Zhao curiously, "What's wrong? I think the previous performance was okay, above grade."

Zhao Donghuai coughed twice and called Xiao Ming over, "Let's not talk about the performance first. I will choose purely from a male perspective. You fell into the beauty trap and were confused and deceived. Why do I feel that it should be difficult for normal people to choose from Zhang? Choose Xiaodong among heavyweights like Yan, Wang and Li Ni?"

"Changing costumes, Jiang Shuying and Zhang Yan don't need to change, Wang Liyini's will be shot again."

The four little flowers invited the male protagonist on a date at the buffet cocktail party with admiration and admiration. The role of Xiao Ming was played by Xiao Dong...

Huang Xiaoming nodded repeatedly and ran to inform other actors.

Gao Yuanyuan suddenly realized and laughed, "It's okay for Zhang Yan, she doesn't show anything, she's D at most. Wang and Li Yanni's previous costumes were too tempting, she's even greater than Ye Zimei."

You can't say that Xiao Dong's face is any more beautiful than the supporting characters such as Zhang Yan and Jiang Shuying at the buffet reception. Compared with his figure, he was even more beaten by Zhang Yan.

In other words, her face is more attractive than Wang Lixini? But Wang Liyuni, who was dressed in a formal dress, was a little more candid. What was outrageous was not just four liang!

Zhao Donghuai nodded, feeling deep down in his heart that even the heroine of All the Way to the West was from an Asian drama. However, compared to Jiang Shuying, Zhang Yan, etc., she was from the class of 2007 last year. She had just finished her freshman year, and her acting skills were just a side job. Passed.

It seems right, all the way to the west Jessica debuted this year.

After finishing the day's shooting, Zhao Donghuai was just about to leave when he saw a bodyguard from the Pan Asia Group approaching and reporting to him on Zhao Kang's recent situation.

Not to mention himself, Gao Yuanyuan also ate the melon with gusto.

That Xiaokang not only used his connections as the top scorer in the Beijing College Entrance Examination and the teachers and students of No. 4 Middle School to visit people, but also took the initiative to visit future teachers and professors of the Renmin University School of Journalism.

Then he talked about a publicity planning plan to "create hot spots of public opinion and promote the box office of movie projects", which can be regarded as an experiment in the planning, promotion and development of public opinion and Internet celebrity events in the new media era of the Internet.

The actual trend is to hire a group of watermen to conduct research and analysis on the Welfare Lottery and Sports Lottery Songshan Post Bar on whether math experts can increase their probability of winning by relying on calculations.

Driven by the trolls, the topic has been hyped up, and it has also been linked to the mathematics bar.

This is 2008. This is not an era when countless netizens simply don’t believe that ordinary people can win big prizes. Even if it is an urban novel about rebirth, the protagonist debits the lottery number and gets the first prize, which will not be denied by readers...

When the topic came up, Zhao Kang was in contact with China Film Group and wanted to invest in (nightclub) movies and become one of the investors. At this stage, he planned to take out 6 million, and China Film Group gave him 25% of the equity at the beginning. .

Zhao Kang is unwilling to do this and is still negotiating!

After eating the melon, Gao Yuanyuan said in disbelief, "A well-off person wants to enter the entertainment industry?"

Zhao Donghuai shook his head, "His development path was chosen by himself. Apart from helping the boss and the third to determine the future, I haven't considered anything else for the time being. After all, it's still early."

"But his development direction is to join a TV station, or open an Internet website, develop new media, and work behind the scenes instead of the front desk."

Yuanyuan suddenly realized, then frowned and said, "This script (Night Club) almost takes place in a 24-hour convenience store. Putting aside the actors' salary, two to three million will be too much to spend, right? And Xu Zheng and Li Xiaolu still wrote it themselves Lower your pay to star..."

"If a well-off person pays 6 million, it's only 25%??"

Zhao Donghuai laughed, "He won't reveal his true background. If he wants to join the circle, of course there will be pressure. It's good to think of using the alumni circle, the power of famous schools and professors to contact them."

If you want to say that one of the most famous high schools in Beijing has the best teachers, how many connections can it involve? That’s too much, too much to say.

National People's Congress...

He remembered that the total investment in the original track (night club) was only 2.5 million yuan including the salaries of Xu Zheng and Li Xiaolu. After the release, the publicity was average and it also took in 13 million yuan at the box office.

After all, it was 2009, and even Ning Hao (Crazy Racing) barely broke 100 million, there weren’t enough big screens, and piracy was rampant.

When Zhao Kangneng was thinking about doing research and experiments, trying to stir up Internet topics and Internet celebrity events, he first came into contact with new media publicity, and when he was playing with Li Xiaoran, he chose the script (Night·Club), and his vision was very good.

Of course, this is not to say that (Night Club) is a classic and funny. It can only be regarded as a small-budget comedy that is above average and close to good. He thinks that Zhao Kang has a good vision. This movie can really make a lot of money with a small gain. Pocket money.

This was only in 2008. You must know that the original trajectory was in 2009, when there was the sensational Internet celebrity incident of "Jia Junpeng, your mother called you home for dinner"!

Over the next ten days, Zhao Donghuaiyao watched Zhao Kang arrange for the navy to push the lottery topic higher and higher.

(Night Club) The crew also took off filming. The original track film took more than 20 days in total. The main reason is that the plot is too convoluted. Almost all of it is set in a 24-hour convenience store. It relies on acting skills. This aspect can only be said to be filmed. Faster.

Due to money issues, the original version was shot for 2.5 million, and Zhao Kang spent 6 million on his own. Finally, with the help of some school leaders in Beijing No. 4 Middle School, he and China Film agreed that the final rights and interests ratio would be 50%!

Zhao Kang's contribution is nothing more than to stand up for No. 4 Middle School. He, the top scorer in the Beijing College Entrance Examination, works hard to promote the reputation of No. 4 Middle School and attract more outstanding students.

No matter No. 4 Middle School, Zhao Kang, China Film or National People's Congress, it can only be said that it is a win-win situation.

In fact, Li Xiaoran is the one who wins...

Not to mention how she and Zhao Kang get along in private, it is her ex-boyfriend who is known as Xiang Laoshi in Mainland China. I don’t know if he used his connections to find out some clues about Zhao Kang, or if he used all his connections, he couldn’t find out no matter how hard he searched.

In short, that person has completely given up harassing and threatening Li Xiaoran. Not to mention sending people in real life, there is no more harassment in terms of mobile phone text messages, Internet emails, or giant panda and penguin accounts.

On July 25, the crew of "Wedding of the Century", when Gao Yuanyuan shouted "Ka" to announce that the film was finished, the crew became excited and were all waiting for a wrapping banquet.

Xiao Gao packed up everything and quickly returned to ATV. In the big office on the 9th floor, she saw Bingbing taking her lunch break. She immediately woke her up and asked curiously, "That Taoist Xuan Su lineage classic you mentioned last month? how do you feel?"

(The Wedding of the Century) is a process that takes just over a month, and the rest is just behind-the-scenes production and supervising the soundtrack and so on.

Also on the 15th of last month, Bingbing curiously asked, Zhao Donghuai found so many body-building soups for various Chinese martial arts and boxing techniques, why there is no Xuansu...

Zeng Li and South Korea's Li Chengmin did thousands of simulations over a month and finally selected some formulas through experiments with white mice.

Why two guinea pigs? One is that Zeng Li has already reached the blood refining realm. Can the master of martial arts use Xuan Su to practice Taoism to quickly increase her strength.

The other little Amin has a pure ordinary physique. She can be strengthened little by little with the help of Zhao Donghuai's extra rewards. But now she still has an ordinary physique. What she is testing as a guinea pig is whether ordinary people can also use the Xuansu lineage to evolve and improve. .

These are two versions, two types of cultivation.

Bingbing yawned and slapped Sister Gao's hand away in disgust, "I'm sleepy. You'll know if you try it yourself."

She is gaining a new and in-depth understanding and appreciation of the Tao Te Ching.


after one day.

Someone from Beijing was lucky enough to come to a private room. Zhao Kang, Li Xiaoran, Li Xiaolu, including Xu Zheng, Qiao Renliang, Zhao Yingjun and other creative teams of the (night club) were also happily eating the closing banquet.

Their small crew not only has a small number of main creators, but also has a small number of supporting roles and supporting actors. There are also few supporting actors. It is really a standard team.

After clinking the glasses again, Director Yang looked at Zhao Kang, "Brother Kun, the crew has successfully completed the filming. I really want to thank you for your financial support. The behind-the-scenes editing will not take too much time. What is the schedule? What do you think it will be? Is the time period better?"

Everyone knows that Zhao Kang is not old, but in mixed society, the basic titles of elder brother and younger sister are.

Zhao Kang laughed and said, "If it can be released on August 1st, then August 1st."

Without waiting for others to say anything, he added, "First, use a popular Internet topic to create publicity. This is time-limited. If the topic of mathematical calculations to increase the probability of winning the lottery is not the hottest, we will pursue the victory."

"When the Olympics come, everyone will pay attention to the Olympics... If we wait until after the Olympics to arrange the schedule, all the previous achievements of our crew will be wasted."

"After the Olympics, if you re-use trolls to create topics, the popularity and controversy will be far less than what they are now."

"Secondly, because the Olympics suppresses everything, all kinds of blockbusters will avoid the Olympics. This is also our opportunity."

"If you want to win big box office with a small budget, you need to use the Olympics to suppress other blockbusters and big productions. Let's drink soup with the Olympics. Besides, from the 1st to the 8th, it lasts more than a week. A week is not short."

"If you follow the trend of internet celebrities and it becomes popular, you can make a lot of money in a week. Once the box office hits, you will have a huge reputation. After the Olympics, you can take advantage of the box office buzz to make another round of speculation."

At this moment, Zhao Kang smiles and narrates plainly. There is no domineering or domineering atmosphere, but it gives people a sense of being in control, the overall situation is stable, and everything is moving forward at a high speed under his planning.

Li Xiaoran was so exaggerated by his temperament that he felt like he admired his younger brother. He held his arm and said with a bright smile, "Then if everything goes as you said in the early stage, wouldn't I be able to use you again after the Olympic Games ends on the 24th?" I won the first prize in the college entrance examination, made my first investment and made a plan to promote the movie, made a lot of money to do gimmicks, and continue to attract box office for the movie?"

She is much older than Zhao Kang, but her height is still that of a little bird. It's not that she is short, but that Zhao Kang is too tall.

It feels like another centimeter has grown during the summer vacation.

Director Yang's eyes lit up, "That's right, Brother Kun. Every summer, the news of the top scorer in the college entrance examination is also a sensation. If the box office of our movie is not bad in the week before the Olympics opens..."

Zhao Kang nodded, "If it can explode in the early stage, I don't mind using my champion aura to promote it in the future. It can also be regarded as giving back to my alma mater of No. 4 Middle School for helping me."

6 million investment, 50%, how much profit can be gained from this investment? ?

In Zhao Kang's estimation, he hopes that the total box office in the Mainland (nightclub) can exceed 100 million before the opening of the Olympics. Only if it exceeds 100 million can he use his No. 1 pick gimmick to start a new round of speculation with small costs and large profits after the Olympics, attracting more people. Many people went to the theater to watch the movie.


August 1st arrived as scheduled.

In Hong Kong Island, when the big secret who had been traveling to Tokyo for nearly two months returned to the dormitory, he saw Mao Xiaotong who was playing on the computer in the dormitory and Zhang Yan who was applying a facial mask. She opened her heart happily and hugged Zhang Yan. She hurriedly showed off her face, "Sisters, see if I have become more beautiful?"

Zhang Yan took a few steps back and stared at her suspiciously for a few minutes before shaking her head, "It seems a little prettier and more refined, but didn't you say you were going to have your teeth extracted? I didn't see any big changes in your teeth."

The big secret said thankfully, "I met a good person on the road and explained to me that extraction would involve too many consequences. Finally, I found a top surgeon. He didn't extract the tooth, but he helped me fine-tune it. There were no complications."

"By the way, didn't you go to play a small role on the set of Director Gao (Wedding of the Century)? Have you met the big boss? How about the real big boss?"

Mao Xiaotong, who was playing on the computer, couldn't help but look at it and wanted to listen.

Zhang Yan, "..."

She was silent for a few seconds before she was speechless. "The big boss is very young. I can't tell you that he is an uncle in his 40s at all. Just like the big brother, he has a warm temperament and is easy to get along with. But the crew is too promiscuous, which makes him completely indifferent." Opportunity to speak.”

"You don't know, there is a big cow born in the 2007 class, who is ridiculously better than Ye Zimei!"

Mao Xiaotong was confused for a few seconds and said in disbelief, "Real or fake? Is it too exaggerated?"

She looked at Zhang Yan and Da Mi Mi and felt very inferior. Is there anyone stronger in the 2007 class? ? Isn’t this a lack of martial ethics? Ye Zimei was already a high mountain in the 1980s and 1990s.

Regardless of the big secret or Zhang Yan, they can only respect their seniors.

Zhang Yan waved her hand, "Fortunately, that schoolgirl's face is not too pretty. By the way, there is a movie called (Night Club) released today. It is announced that he is a math expert and can increase the probability of winning lottery tickets. He relies on his brains and Calculate your fortune.”

"It seems like there has been a similar movie in the past about making money from casinos by relying on mathematics? I invite you to watch it. The leading actors are also pretty good. There are Xu Zheng and Li Xiaolu, both of whom are seniors."

There is a saying that before the Christmas little elk exposed all kinds of things about the fake-face sister group and had her hair done, she was indeed a powerful senior and a movie queen.

Xu Zheng's development in the film industry is average, but his TV series are just that, (I Have a Date with a Zombie) (Splendid Spring, Zhu Bajie) (Li Wei is an Official) and a series of popular works.

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