Hong Kong Entertainment’s Life Simulator

Chapter 474 It’s better to keep some things in your heart

Zongzhengyuan, Sanjiu Shuyuan, Nandu, on the garden lawn behind Building 6, Zhao Zhong rubbed his belly and collapsed on the recliner. He used a toothpick to shave off the shreds of flesh stuck between his teeth, and then said with emotion, "Sister Ni, Okay, I’m very good at cooking.”

"By the way, it's been almost two years since you finished filming "Jinling Thirteen Hairpins". Why haven't I seen any new projects from you? Not to mention that you have graduated from college a long time ago."

Ni also took a leisurely sip of the special tea to relieve his fatigue and digest his food. "I offended people and they were hidden in the snow. What? Are you willing to give me a hand?"

She was indeed promoted by Lao Mouzi to become a new generation of Mou girl with the help of "Jinling Thirteen Hairpins". When Thirteen Hairpins was released at the beginning of last year, it was an instant hit.

Then director Zhang and another producer Zhang had a falling out. She stood up to support Lao Mouzi, but the contract was in the hands of producer Zhang... The hidden treatment was naturally obvious.

Zhao Zhong laughed dumbly, and he laughed loudly. He was obviously watching the fun and not taking it too seriously, "You deserve it. You haven't met a little yellow duck who is a murderer. Aren't you still having a good time?"

"I vaguely picked up some gossip about you on the Internet before, but I couldn't help you at that time. Or you were too weak to chase the second brother. How can you block him if you want to catch up with him? But now my fourth brother is considered He’s a big name, he has a lot of Qiankun film and television resources.”

"Shall I take you for a ride?"

"Although you are not as handsome as Master Liu, your acting skills are much better than that blind sister."

Ni rolled her eyes at Zhao Zhong, took another sip of tea to calm down her shock, and said with a smile, "Okay, I'm so happy that you are willing to help me, thank you so much, Mr. Zhong! I will continue to practice my cooking skills and give you a few years in college." The diet is no problem.”

She didn't know whether Zhao Zhong was praising her or hurting her, but the olive branch offered by the new generation of the Zhao family when she was in Xue Zangqi was of course a bigger and more grand gesture than even the old Mouzi, eh.

It's just that over the years, watching Zhao Zhong go from the first year of junior high school to the third year of high school graduation, the two of them have become too familiar, and they were too full from the big meal just now.

She couldn't find the state of gratitude such as prostrating herself to the ground and bursting into tears for a while.

Speaking of it, she didn't believe it was such a coincidence. When she was traveling in her freshman year, she met Zhao Zheng, the prince of Huazhi. She fell in love at first sight and pursued her... to no avail, but she and Zhao Zhong became good friends, okay? Too Ganges.

In the past few years, I have been cooking and working as a cook. I have guessed the identities of Zhao Zheng and Zhao Zhong through various top-notch unscientific ingredients, tea, juice drinks, etc. The more time passes, the more suspicious they become.

So after Jinling's Thirteen Hairpins exploded last year and were kept in the dark for more than a year, she actually didn't panic at all.

The best senior example is Zhang Pozhi!

Ever since the movie "Star Wish" became a hit, he retired for eight years and became a transparent person in the entertainment industry. But his comeback after eight years of hiding? Lack of resources? A string of resources have become popular until now.

After thanking Zhao Zhong in a less emotional tone, she stood up and said, "Then shall I buy a plane ticket?"

Zhao Zhong shook his head, "Take the high-speed rail. I don't like the feeling of flying. College...when I go to college, you, the cook, should retire."

Ni Ni was stunned, "Isn't that true? I'm going to be eliminated now?"

Zhao Zhong laughed, "The younger you are, the more broad-minded your management will be. I'm already in college. When the time comes, I'll go to the Good Luck Lai flagship store every day and bring my own ingredients to make meals. Can you compare to those famous national chefs?"

Ni Ni cried, "This is also an opportunity for me to make a living. Don't you pity me?"

Zhao Zhong rolled his eyes and said, "Come on, but starting from my time in college, these ingredients should also be supplied to the market in batches. As long as you have money in the future, you can buy them yourself."

Zhao Donghuai got the portable cave in 1993, and it has been 19 years now. The portable cave is no longer the original environment of more than 8,000 cubic meters, nor is it a few square kilometers, but has transformed into a level as large as the center of a prefecture-level city.

It is larger than the total land area of ​​Hong Kong Island.

After 19 years of cultivation and development, we can provide the world with high-end ingredients and Chinese herbal medicines like commodity trading.

More than a thousand square kilometers of land, rivers and lakes. If it were all used to grow tea, it would be able to supply all of China’s tea resources.

After all, in the cave, you can ripen a batch of tea leaves in a few seconds by consuming reputation points!

after one day.

Zhao Zhong arrived at the Qiankun Film and Television Building with Ni Ni, but when he entered, he was stopped by the security guard. The other party asked politely if there was an invitation letter.

Now is the period when the real identity of Zhao Kang, the fourth son of the Zhao family, is leaked. Before the exposure, Qiankun Film and Television was also a hot spot and one of the flagship companies in the Beijing entertainment industry. There were many people who came and went and wanted to sneak in to find opportunities.

But after Zhao Kang's identity as the Fourth Young Master of the Zhao family exploded on the Internet... the number of people who wanted to join Qiankun Film and Television increased at least ten times.

Except for internal employees who have ID cards, they can enter and exit with their cards.

Even if some celebrities want to come in, their invitation letters and invitations will be checked, otherwise they won't be able to get in, and the security guards will recognize them. Ni Na is quite a celebrity.

She has been in hiding for more than a year and cannot receive film and television resource projects, but she can still shoot for magazines, accept advertisements, interact with netizens on Weibo, share her schedule, etc.

Part of the fame advantage brought by Thirteen Hairpins still remains. After all, the aura of the Murder Girls from generation to generation is still good. There is no Gong Li among the Murder Girls in this dimension, but there are still a lot of Zhang Ziyi, Little Yellow Duck, etc. Famous.

Zhao Zhong smiled and showed his cell phone, and took a look at the photo of him and Zhao Kang, "The fourth child won't dare to go out these days, right? The battle is so big, I am the tenth child of the Zhao family, and I came to play with him."

security guard,"……"

The security guard, who was already very polite and polite, became even more polite and polite. After seeing the photos, he asked Zhao Zhong to wait in the lobby temporarily and asked the front desk to contact Zhao Kang.

Zhao Zhong was not impatient, but felt that the security guard was very conscientious. In the Internet age, with fake photos being faked, any expert can do it.

After waiting for the report at the front desk, Zhao Zhong politely invited Zhao Zhong to go upstairs. Zhao Zhong also asked Ni Ni to spread out a circle of peanuts, melon seeds, nuts and other snacks. Everyone has their share, so let’s take a pack for each person. Although he said that the special ingredients in Dongtian will be available for a few days. flow to the market.

But what comes out is basically A, B, C, and D, starting from D, and they are of the type with fast hands, slow hands, or none. They are not at the same level as the B-level snacks he scattered.

When they entered the special elevator that went directly to the big office on the top floor, Ni Ni sighed in her private space, "I heard that you just entered the first year of junior high school, and you are still a wealthy young man who doesn't eat minced meat. Now you really can't see the slightest bit of dandy." "

"Zhao Sheng's method of teaching his children is excellent and high-quality."

"I feel that the few Fourth Young Masters in Beijing who have been banned from the Internet are a joke compared to you, especially during a certain period of time, Mr. Kang was actually one of the candidates for the Fourth Young Master in Beijing. It's so funny..."

Zhao Zhong said regretfully, "It's a pity that he suppressed his PR back then. Otherwise, he would have really become one of the four young members of the capital. What a fun and joke it would be."

It's a pity that I didn't get to see the excitement.

Ni rolled her eyes again, said no more, and even started to get nervous. After all, the person she was about to meet was the only one of the new generation of the Zhao family who entered the entertainment industry? Can he be considered one of the semi-heirs to the Zhao family's film and television empire and media empire?

That is a big boss who can decide life and death with a single word more than any other producer Zhang.

Even if her contract is with Producer Zhang, the person above can make her popular with just one word. Even if her contract is not with Qiankun Film and Television, that person can kill her career with one word.

Zhao Kang and Zhao Zhong are really different.

The latter has been a cook for five years, and the familiarity is so overwhelming!

But... I was just nervous for a few dozen seconds. When the elevator opened, I saw Zhang Bozhi enthusiastically pulling Zhao Zhong up and down, looking around, "Xiao Zhong, you are much more handsome. You are such a good boy."

Zhang Bozhi has decided to play the female lead in (Beijing Meets Seattle), and the male lead is still being selected, but she has already started waiting for interviews, and has played with male lead candidates one by one.

I have been staying at the Huazhi Hotel nearest Qiankun Film and Television these days.

When Zhao Kang met her, it was because of Wang Zuxian's face that he was very polite and courteous, and the reception arrangements were very good. But when he saw Zhao Zhong, he realized that this was the child she had raised. Although he was not related by blood, he felt like a family member. Very abundant.

Not far away, Zhao Kang, Li Xiaoran, and Guo Zhenni were sizing up Zhao Zhong and looking at Ni Na and whispering.

The meeting period between Aunt Zhi and Zhong Shao has passed.

Zhao Kang came over and handed a cigar and asked curiously, "Old Shi, why are you here? Is this Miss Ni?"

Zhao Zhong put the cigar in his pocket. If he doesn't smoke it, he can keep it and give it away. "It's Ni. When I see my second brother, I will miss my life. It's like Aunt Zhi's sunk cost to our father... I lost my blood. I was recently killed." She’s been banned, can you help her arrange some resources?”

"I considered discussing this matter with you last year, but your identity hadn't been exposed at that time, right?"

Zhao Kang, "..."

Even Zhang Pozhi looked at Ni Ni in shock. After looking up and down for a few seconds, he held Ni Ni's arm closely and said, "What a good girl, but it's a pity that she meets someone unkind!"

Although she wanted to complain that "people like her are unkind", it should be okay to complain. Considering the hard work, Zhao Donghuai knew that he would only complain to her verbally, so that there would be no future trouble.

But some things should be kept in your heart.

When it comes to sunk costs, who knows better than her? ? I thought that Zeng Li would fall into the same trap as her, but I didn't know that she would survive it!

Zhao Kang, Li Xiaoran, and Guo Zhenni looked at each other for a few seconds before coughing, "It's a small matter. I think the projects our company is currently working on are pretty good. The more high-quality ones include (Beijing Meets Seattle), (Charlotte Trouble) and (embroidered spring knife).”

"The first two have been confirmed, but Xiu Chun Dao has not yet been decided. The director wants to hire Liu Shishi, but let Ni do it."

Zhao Zhongdu glanced at Ni in surprise. Yesterday, he was still complaining that Ni was not as beautiful as Liu Shishi, but his acting skills were better than the blind sister...

Just grabbed the resources one day later? ?

The next moment he also smiled and said, "Okay, let's go to your office and take a look at the script?"

After arriving at the office and looking around, Zhao Zhong quickly complained, "You are obviously following my father's lead in arranging the arrangements. The third floor is your private space for fun, and even the rooftop garden has a similar view. "

Near the Third Ring Road of Beijing, where land is at a premium, each of the three floors is a large house with an area of ​​one to two thousand square meters. There is only an office of more than 100 square meters for external work, and the rest are scenes of various sports, leisure and relaxation.

It doesn’t matter if you don’t go out for work or off work.

Zhao Kang said calmly, "As long as you feel comfortable, by the way, the original plot of Xiuchundao was quite nonsense. I was asked to change it. The original setting was that Emperor Chongzhen plotted to kill Tianqi and take over the throne."

"No wonder that Director Lu finished writing the script in 2010 and didn't get any investment for two years until he cast it for Our Universe. If Chongzhen had that kind of IQ, Ming Dynasty would have been able to endure at least a few more decades and compete in the Song and Jin Dynasties. "

"There won't be a century-old history of decline in modern times. Even if I have some Manchu ancestry, I can't be so black..."

"The same goes for last year's The Legend of Zhen Huan. The original work is obviously about the fictional Zhou dynasty. Even though the authorities have begun to stipulate that film and television projects should not be too fictitious to change history, so as not to create an abnormal view of Chinese history for children and students."

"But the crew insisted on relying on the Qing Dynasty, which was quite unconventional. I paid extra to buy it and changed it to the Tang Dynasty setting. That is also the only TV series project produced by our Qiankun Film and Television."

Zhao Zhongdu laughed, "What did it change to? The assassination of Tianqi by a group of civil servants? It is quite consistent with history. Several emperors of the Ming Dynasty died in confusion."

He has also experienced orthodox education, was the top scorer in the college entrance examination in Jiangsu Province, and is quite proficient in history.

Zhao Kang nodded and asked curiously, "What's going on with Ni? He's been chasing Zhao Zheng for five years? The second brother is not a good man. He often cheats on the second sister-in-law behind her back. Although she is average-looking, she is not bad at all?" "

He really didn't pay attention to the gossip of the second child or the tenth child, because... when it came to playing together since childhood, Zhao An, Zhao Zheng, Zhao Jing and others had an age difference and generation gap with him.

He has the strongest relationship with Lao Wu Zhao Cheng.

Zhao Zhong, the tenth old man, is too young, and there is a certain generation gap.

He has a strong memory and a high IQ. Zhao Kang certainly knows about the Jinling Thirteen Hairpins project, and Ni Ne also contributed award-worthy acting skills in it. Even if it is the best newcomer award, it is better than Liu Shishi, Da Mi, Tang That bastard is gone.

To put it bluntly, An Feng's fifteenth aunt is a semi-bastard, and her literary skills in various kung fu blockbusters are barely passable.

After revising the script for the first part of Xiuchundao, Director Lu suggested using a new actress like Liu Shishi and Da Mi. Zhao Kang himself was impatient, so Lao Shi brought someone with acting skills, so it was settled.

Zhao Zhong spread his hands and said, "Go and ask the second brother. I've never been in love, so I guess he just won't call."

He has graduated from high school. Although he was fat and thin in school, and his appearance was seriously reduced when he became fat, but after losing weight, he is still the most handsome boy in China Southern High School. There are many classmates who know his background. He writes love letters and sends flying letters and so on. There are a lot of people teasing him.

He just didn't call and didn't feel anything. He was just a 16-year-old kid and it wasn't time to think about that yet.

Zhao Kang thought for a while, "Have you decided where to study in college? Your fifth brother is also in the capital, and he is playing around with that milk tea girl and having a meal together. The two of us can help you with your advice?"

Zhao Cheng waved his hand, "I'm not in a hurry. There's still a month before school starts. Let's just play for a while. Speaking of which, Lao Liu and Lao Qi are a bit confused. They started to hold training classes and interest classes in middle and high schools, and built the largest chain store in Zheng City in Henan Province. training company.”

"This year, he is still the top candidate in arts and sciences in Henan Province. The chain training companies have become even more famous. Why would they want to go to the mountainous areas of Henan Province to teach? Just like the boss back then?"

"None of you have ever taught as a teacher?"

The sixth and seventh children he was talking about were the twins of Qiu Shuzhen's family. They were also twins. They were born more than 40 days earlier than him, which seriously lowered Zhao Zhong's ranking in the Zhao family.

Logically speaking, those who are close in age should be the best at playing. Not to mention the age difference of several dozen days, they should be closer to him than Zhao Kang and others, right?

In fact... the relationship between Zhao Zhong and Sixth Brother and Seventh Brother is very average.

While others spend their holidays playing games, playing sports, running around and making waves, Zhao Zhong's biggest hobbies as the top ten are nothing more than playing games, eating, eating, eating!

As the heir to Lucky Lai, the largest chain restaurant empire in East and Southeast Asia, he grew up as a foodie. Is it reasonable? ?

The sixth and seventh children, starting from middle school, have always gone to work-study programs on weekends, let alone holidays. Their work-study method is quite strange. They worked as tutors, from one-to-one tutoring, and gradually developed into perennial candidates in the joint entrance examination of Zheng City Middle School in Henan Province. the overlord.

In the past five years, relying on his popularity, he has organized training classes and interest classes, ranging from liberal arts subjects to comprehensive interest training in singing, dancing, piano, etc., and the momentum is far greater than that of the cooking training class when Zhao An was in middle school.

Earn quite a lot.

Then, all the money earned by the sixth and seventh children was used for charity. The poor students in their own school, the poor students in nearby schools, or the lonely elderly people in need, etc., the money earned by the two in the past few years, they did not have. Have you ever enjoyed it?

Don’t even ask for fame!

When schools or educational institutions in Zhengzhou want to help them become famous, they give them no rewards or anything like that.

Faced with regular traditional media people or self-media who want to interview them, they are always vetoed. Occasionally they become popular on the Internet, and when gossip circulates, they will skillfully detonate other topics to reduce their popularity.

He had never decided which university he would go to to study, just waiting for the direction of Lao Liu and Lao Qi. No matter where the twins went to study, Zhao Zhong would definitely avoid it.

He couldn't go to the same university as those monster brothers, and he still couldn't figure it out. What did those two mean? ? Want to be a saint? But what is the operation of not giving a name?

He felt that Sixth Brother and Seventh Brother were a bit fake...

How did that aunt Qiu Shuzhen train her? Anyway, he is a bit resentful in private. Wouldn't it be that a lazy guy like him is being made a bit useless? ?

On the other hand, the eighth child of Aunt Xin's family and the ninth child of Zhang Min's family can still play well with him, the tenth child. Their birthdays are only dozens of days apart.

From the sixth to the tenth age, the biggest difference in age is more than forty days.

Zhao Kang was speechless and thought for dozens of seconds before speaking, "What they are pursuing is the satisfaction of their own spiritual world. After all, people's pursuits, dreams and ideals are all different."

"Our family's environment lacks everything. If they live like this for the rest of their lives, they will really be spiritually satisfied."

From the perspective of Zhao Kang and Zhao Zhong, people like Lao Liu and Lao Qi don't want to get close to each other, but there are actually many of these people...from Huaxia's entrepreneurship to the booming development in the 1970s and 1980s.

To say it high is faith.

Not to mention those names that are too lofty. Since the founding of China, there are many such people who have been running around to build a new world, brick by brick and screw by screw.

This year, five new members of the Zhao family are studying in college, from the sixth and seventh eldest children of Qiu Shuzhen's family to the tenth eldest son of Zhao Zhong.

The ten old people are all in college, and the group of people who have left campus to join the society have their own wonderful things.


Hong Kong Island, Shek Kip Mei Garden Phase 3, this residential community became famous all over the world in 1991 due to Wu Zhenyu's behind-the-scenes work. Even though it has been built for more than 20 years, due to timely maintenance and renovation, etc., it is still the most popular in Hong Kong at this stage. One of the upscale communities.

It is also the second-largest residential area for celebrities and Pan-Asia senior executives after the first phase of Huayuan.

After Zhang Jiao came back with Nazha, she saw Zhao Ji, Jiang Shuying, and Lou Yixiao running not far away.

Even in the current world, where the most advanced version of slimming pills allows people to maintain the most photogenic face and good figure after eating and drinking for several days, they still need to exercise.

Also relying on the iPartment series, Zhang Jiao shouted hello from a distance, and the running group in front also quickly came over, asking Zhang Jiao about the situation and gossip.

After briefly asking Qiankun Pictures who gets the pie for each new project, whether Zhao Kang’s fourth young master is handsome in real life, and how handsome he is.

Jiang Shuying complained, "The Fourth Young Master is a little obsessed with aesthetics. He actually likes those born in the 1975s and 1980s. Where are we going to talk about it?"

"I knew I should have tried my luck in the capital in the past few years, but Qiankun Pictures is also a bit...more enthusiastic about male stars than female stars."

So far, Xiao Yang, Bao Qiang, Huang Bo, Kaixin Mahua and others who are the leaders in the field of comedy in the industry are all pushing the pie of Qiankun.

In this series of comedies, the strength of the female stars to use resources to rise is relatively weak, far inferior to that of the comedy boy group.

Nazha asked doubtfully, "Even if you don't get it, grab good resources, and don't become famous, it's not impossible to find a good book for yourself and praise yourself with the wealth you accumulated in the past, right?"

The three Love Apartment movies made Lou Yixiao, Zhao Ji, Zhang Jiao and Deng Jiajia famous, but Jiang Shuying, like Nazha, guest starred in one episode, Xiaohong.

She and Jiang Shuying were poor, while Zhang Jiao and Lou Yixiao were not so poor.

It's definitely not difficult to raise a few million, and it's not hopeless to raise ten or twenty million. If you include the film remuneration, this can easily be achieved with a small or medium-sized budget.

Deng Jiajia's eyes lit up and she said with a smile, "Nazha, this is a good idea, but I still want to share with you the new movie (Witnessed by All the People) starring Aaron Kwok. I also went for an interview, and I can be considered the second female lead. After passing, you still have hope. Compete for the top female position."

"The female lead was originally scheduled for Yu Nan, but due to schedule conflicts, Yu Nan was pushed back. Now that the filming is delayed for a few months, her schedule is more generous, and the director team is still in contact... But it's not that you don't have a chance, can you give it a try? "

"Whether it's a hit or not, it's always an opportunity to break away from the image of a love series."

Lou Yixiao, Zhao Ji and others were shocked, "Why didn't you tell me earlier?"

You didn’t say that Zhang Jiao didn’t come back, but you only said it after she came back? Is this the reason why sisterhood is not in place? They all came out of the love series...a trilogy that lasted three years.

Deng Jiajia didn't shirk it and said helplessly, "Don't you think Sister Jiaojiao has better acting skills? She is the first actress to get rid of the label of love apartment."

Now Zhang Jiao is indeed praised as the best green plum image in China dominating the screen.

Her eyes lit up after hearing this, "Okay, I'll contact them later and ask them. If it works, just give it a try. If it doesn't, it doesn't matter. When it comes to investment, in fact, when filming (Northern Ireland), Director Chen also Planning a movie project."

"What's it called (Detective Chinatown)? I don't know if I've finished the script. Can we try to raise money to invest in it? It shouldn't be difficult to get a role."

"However, I don't know if he will set up a new company with Brother Baoqiang and the others. If Wang Baoqiang, Zhang Yi and others are willing to jointly open a company, they are also people who are not short of money."

Needless to say, Wang Baoqiang has earned a lot of money from his commercial endorsements after a series of blockbusters. With the help of the new version (Northern Ireland), Zhang Yi has become the spokesperson for civilian students in the new era of China to achieve success in life and settle down and establish a career in the capital through hard work. .

I can't say enough about the image, it's great.

Products endorsed by individuals are extremely popular.

They were originally members of the Soldier Assault Gang, and they had a good relationship in the past. If they could raise money to support Lao Chen in making a movie, there would be no shortage of small investments from Zhang Jiao and others.

The most she could do was contact Zhang Yi and ask if there was any chance of starring as the heroine.

She and Zhang Yi played a couple in the movie (Northern Ireland), and they had a good relationship with each other privately. Many people wanted to pursue her during the filming period, such as Li Chen and Lao Chen, but Zhang Jiao confessed that she had conquered Zhao Donghuai, so she didn't. Clear the level...

Still, those suitors immediately extinguished all thoughts.

Zhang Yi is a married person when he joins the group.

The one who presided over the certificate collection process with a beautiful girl from Yang Ma as early as the (soldier assault) period, and their relationship has been very stable in recent years.

After briefly exchanging some information, everyone dispersed. Those who should go home went home, and those who should exercise continued to exercise. Nazha was lying on the big sofa at Zhang Jiao's house and continued to send beautiful photos to Zhao Donghuai using Fetion.

Lao Zhao is a 48-year-old handsome man, but that doesn't stop her from being born in the 90s from pursuing her dreams and meeting him privately. It's not an exaggeration to say that he is the most attractive male at the age of 28.

After showing off some beautiful pictures, she ran to find Zhang Jiao’s collection of tattoo stickers, but most of them were text stickers. While selecting, she said curiously, “Sister Jiao, you said I listened to my boss and became a counselor after graduation. ,lecturer……"

"Wouldn't it be possible to get the label of the most beautiful teacher? The career bonus points are not low, right?"

Zhang Jiao, who was applying a facial mask, said, "???"

She felt that Nazha's idea was interesting and a bit routine, but her sister Jiaojiao couldn't use it. "I heard that there was a girl from your hometown named Lengba in the 10th class? That and you, plus Xiao Tong Sister, these are the three beauties of the Western Region."

"You might as well ask the boss if he is willing to take you under his wing to promote national integration for the sake of the overall situation. After all, you have another innate advantage over me."

"How infuriating!"

Nazha smiled while giving herself a sticker, "Don't worry, I will take care of you when I sit on the throne."

She had no chance in her previous career as a nanny on Zhao's private island, but she was certain of one thing. Zhao Donghuai was often very soft-hearted towards her.

Very angry.

If 2012 doesn't work, then wait for 2013 or 2014. She can afford to wait until 20.


In Beijing, he ran road shows for more than a month. Even if he ate and drank heavily, he could not suppress his weight loss. After returning home from the road show, Lao Pan fell asleep directly on the bed.

When he woke up the next morning and saw that Xiao Dong had prepared a sumptuous breakfast and was still waiting for him to eat with his son, Lao Pan regained his energy and walked to the dining table and sighed, "I never dreamed that I would With such an opportunity, it’s so popular.”

"It's worth it even if I'm exhausted. I have to repay Zhao Sheng for his support."

It’s already mid-August 2012. The film starring Lao Pan (Ghost Blowing the Lamp: The Mysterious Cave of Longling) has been postponed for release. It has grossed a total of 1.8 billion US dollars globally, but it has exceeded 4 billion yuan in the mainland alone, which is equivalent to 6 More than a billion dollars.

Now you say that Lao Pan is the most popular box office king in the Mesozoic era, and it is true that his total score has entered the tens of billions of box office halls.

The two "Ghost Blowing the Lights" have accumulated US$3.3 billion so far, which is already more than 20 billion yuan, not to mention the box office that has taken off since 2007 (The Disappearance of Him).

When it comes to the roadshow stage for the announcement of Ghost Blowing Lantern 2, he is the only ordinary person in the creative team. Wu Jing is a national martial arts skin training expert. Zeng Li occasionally appears at the roadshow. He, Wu Jing, Xia Yu and others After running for seven days, Zeng Li appeared once in a while.

Mr. Zeng is also a master of Chinese martial arts training!

Being tired and losing weight is also normal.

Xiaodong, "..."

At this stage, the men in her family are all big trees in the entertainment industry. There are so many parts in the Ghost Blowing Lamp series, and this is only the second one...

She happily helped Lao Pan fill a bowl of porridge, and she said with a smile, "After one or two months of cumulative screening, the second film of Ghost Blowing Lantern will break 2 billion US dollars worldwide, right? You can enjoy this series for a lifetime, better than Captain Jack Sparrow, Spider-Man or The Harry Potter stuff lasts longer.”

Lao Panhu stuffed his mouth with rice and nodded while eating, "I heard from Zhao Sheng that special ingredients will appear in Wanjia supermarkets from time to time. They are a bit expensive, but they are good for nourishing the human body and maintaining health. It’s a great value for money.”

"The flagship store in Chaoyang will be out tomorrow. Let's go stay overnight. Not only the two of us, but my son has to make up for it in advance."

Their child is now three and a half years old. No matter what kind of shopping spree the Wanjia branch will be tomorrow, those with inside information must rush to buy in advance.

“I’m rushing to buy rice, grains, melons and fruits for a month or two. Tea is a good thing. I’ll stock up on a few more boxes and drink it slowly.”

Since the beginning of the millennium, Dongtian version of Chinese herbal decoctions have been steadily sold to Hong Qianbao, Yuan Biao and others. Millennium technology, medicine, biology, etc. from the outside world have begun to study whether they can artificially cultivate qualified sources of Zhuangti decoction medicinal materials. .

After an era, development may be better than nothing.

But starting from tomorrow, Dongtian ingredients will be sold on a large scale. Whether the technology, medicine, biology, etc. of the 10s can make great progress and develop a qualified artificially cultivated body-building soup recipe is a new experimental stage.

Zhao Donghuai's power alone is limited, and simulator cheating is also developing bit by bit.

When it comes to scientific research around the world, it's a different situation.

Xiaodong was ecstatic, "Special ingredients that can be eaten often? That's... we'll go there at noon. If you know it, you want to buy it in advance, let alone others."

Who are the others? At least the person in charge, manager, department manager, etc. of Wanjia Supermarket will also know in advance. If the news is leaked to the outside world from that circle, it means that countless official people will also know about it and rush to buy it.

Lao Pan smiled and nodded, "Wanjia employees also have internal subscriptions. The price is much lower than the retail price. It is a benefit for ordinary citizens. If you don't want to eat it, you can exchange it for money and sell it to the outside world."

"This charity enterprise has really benefited countless people. It is a pity that it has only been extended to the county level, and there are few developments at the county level in other provinces."

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