Hong Kong Entertainment’s Life Simulator

Chapter 482 Jiuquan’s explanation is so accurate that he can still smile even when he dies.

The heat is still there.

In the first-class waiting room of a flight from Shanghai to Seoul, South Korea, Zhao Jin was reading a novel with gusto when he heard a slightly familiar voice, "Brother Ze? It's really you."

When he looked up, he unexpectedly discovered that it was Chen Yuqi.

Zhao Jin greeted him politely, and when Chen Yuqi sat down next to him, he also asked curiously, "You are also flying to Seoul? What a coincidence."

Chen Yuqi nodded, "Yes, Qiankun Film and Television has opened a new crew called (Liar). The theme is adapted from the Cao Xiba fraud case that occurred in South Korea in 2008. It is also a Ponzi scheme model, but because there were Ponzi schemes in island countries in the last century , defrauding him of five to six billion US dollars."

"South Korea's Cho Hee-ba scam in 2008 was relatively low-intensity. It defrauded hundreds of millions of dollars and then it exploded. The male lead was chosen to be Lin Feng, and I played the female lead."

Zhao Jin was a little suspicious. If it was such a coincidence, the fourth child might be stirring up trouble. After hearing this, he could only smile and said, "Congratulations, the leading female lead in a big movie is still worth fighting for. Where is the assistant?" "

"And Lin Feng, not with you?"

Chen Yuqi smiled and said, "The assistant and secretary are in the economy class. I originally didn't want to sit in this first class cabin. I am still a little transparent in the entertainment industry. The crew booked the first class cabin for me."

"As for Brother Feng, he is a maniac about doting on his wife. He has already flown to Seoul with his girlfriend in advance. He had a very good relationship with the little Samsung princess during the filming of (Extreme Career). Someone from Samsung will also arrange this trip. proper."

"Extreme Career" is so far the highest-level masterpiece of South Korean films in South Korea. A single film in one place costs hundreds of millions of dollars. There are few films that are so terrifying.

Starring Lin Feng, Bao Qiang, Fan Wei and Huang Bo, they are also the most popular comedy action stars in South Korea. Casting Lin Feng in the new movie is indeed a good choice from the perspective of commercialization in South Korea.

A maniac who dotes on his wife? On the contrary, that man is one of the few male celebrities who is a model of high-profile displays of affection to the media and his girlfriend.

The next moment, Chen Yuqi also asked curiously, "We haven't seen each other for more than a year. Brother Ze, you are getting more and more handsome. By the way, where are you going?"

The last time they met was in January 2013, after New Year's Day and before Spring Festival, it was mid-July 2014.

As for being able to recognize him immediately after not seeing him for so long, isn’t this because he took a lot of photos?

Zhao Jin laughed, "My game company's recent development has been okay, but it only has some markets in the Mainland and Hong Kong. I want to take advantage of the summer vacation to go to South Korea and island countries to inspect the market. I may also recruit some game planners, or from those two places. programmer."

Of course, he also had the idea of ​​​​taking a look and recruiting a group of cosplayers, but there was no need to say it clearly. It was the carnival after New Year's Day this year that became very popular, and the game company's performance reached a higher level.

During the simple exchange, chatting and laughing, another person came to the first-class waiting room, and it was a beautiful woman with a small suitcase.

The pretty girl looked at Zhao Jin and Chen Yuqi, then sat quietly on other chairs and waited.

Zhao Jin didn't pay attention at first. He glanced at Chen Yuqi a few times while joking with her. He was startled and doubted the identity of the pretty girl. After a while, someone else entered the waiting room, and a single man took the initiative to talk to someone. The pretty girl struck up a conversation and said hello.

Zhao Jin patted his leg and said, "Fuck you."

Isn’t that South Korean Internet celebrity Pan Yiyi? Yes, she is the one who married a middle-class man with a little money. When her husband was imprisoned, she defrauded her husband of one billion South Korean dollars and went for plastic surgery to become the South Korean version of Pan Yiyi.

She is affectionately called Flower Snake by countless South Korean netizens.

In the streets of South Korea, where people are notorious and notorious, they can no longer survive, so they want to go to the Mainland to make money. At least for the South Korean entertainment industry, car models, and Internet celebrity circles, the efficiency of making money in the Mainland is the paradise they dream of going to.

Why does Zhao Jin know this? His third brother prospered in South Korea. He studied for the Judicial Examination for one year and studied at the Judicial Training Institute for two years. In the summer of 2010, he officially joined the Seoul Prosecutor's Office as a prosecutor.

Now Zhao Jing, the third child, who has been fighting in South Korea for 4 years... is also a leader.

Occasionally there is some news, or there may be a need to suppress information, hoarding information and waiting to detonate it when needed, events that divert public attention, Lao San has a pile in his hands.

The third child will tell him the news about Pan Yiyi on the Internet, that is, whose direction is this young model using the knife? You have to press and hold Beibi...Beibi is also a model of the Knife Party.

Thinking of this, he looked at the middle-aged man who was chatting with Pan Yiyi and wanted to laugh a little. Pan Yiyi didn't understand Mandarin, Korean and broken English. The middle-aged man didn't understand Korean either and also had broken English.

Can this be communicated? ? able!

Chen Yuqi also noticed Zhao Jin's strangeness, smiled and touched him with her elbow, "Do you know him? Or do you want to strike up a conversation? Are you excited?"

Pan Yiyi, who is at the peak of his plastic surgery and has an unshakable face, still looks pretty good-looking. He is over 1.7 meters tall. He is fair-skinned, beautiful, has long legs, and has a good career ambition.

Even Chen Yuqi felt that a natural like her was made to look like a maid.

Zhao Jin instinctively shook his head, "No, I can't appreciate the beauty of these ruthless people."

A series of question marks flashed in Chen Yuqi's eyes, and she quickly smiled and said, "Auntie, you haven't been urging you to go on a blind date recently? You will be a junior in college after the summer vacation, right? The closer you get to graduation, the more urgent it should be?"

Zhao Jin's face turned dark, "If we don't talk about this, we are still friends, but if we laugh at my jokes, we are no longer friends."

In fact, up to now, neither Wang Zuxian's aunt nor his mother Zhang Min are urging the younger generation to hurry up for blind dates or anything like that, because both his aunt and his mother are pregnant again...

Zhao Jin's complex emotions are really difficult to describe in words, or even the number of words in a graduation thesis cannot describe this feeling.

Is this because the eldest child in the family is disobedient and is practicing trumpet again?

His mother is already 46 years old.

What can he do? He could only express his welcome. In a few months, the seventh of their boys would be born, his younger brother from the same father and mother.

Aunt Xian was also diagnosed as a girl, the tenth princess in the new generation of Zhao family.

He and Zhao Zhong are fine. The adults are too lazy to care about them. They are free... Just at home, Zhao An and Zhao Zheng are the ones who are urged to give birth most frequently.

Chinese people often say that parents generally love their youngest sons and grandsons the most, but look at the current situation of the Zhao family? ? The younger son doesn’t know which one it is, he is often the next one.

He and Zhao Zhong have nothing to discuss and fight with each other...

Zhao Jin will be eighteen in a few months. All he can say is that his father will always be his father and he will have nothing to complain about.

Chen Yuqi, "..."

After being confused for a few seconds, she took out a bag of nuts from her bag and said, "This is my special nut product. Would you like to eat it? Although I'm not sure why you are in such a bad mood all of a sudden."

Zhao Jin was speechless, took the nut and said, "I'm not in a bad mood, but think about it, you have already entered the society, and your parents suddenly gave you a younger brother. How would you feel?"

Chen Yuqi, "???"

After tens of seconds of confusion, she said speechlessly, "She should be happy, happy, right? I am an only child born in the 1990s. I have never experienced the mentality of having brothers and sisters since I was a child."

In addition to being happy, she also had to lament that her parents' love would also transfer.

Soon she went to the self-service drink machine and bought two bottles of beer. "Come on, since we met by chance, can I drink some with you? Relax slowly."

"Although love will transfer, your parents have already deserved you for raising you to such a great age and being so successful. You can't be jealous of your brother."

Zhao Jin, "..."

After opening the can and having a drink, he explained, "It's not jealousy, I can't even talk about it, it's just that it's hard to describe the strange feeling."

Chen Yuqi took a sip of beer proudly, "Uncle and aunt are in good health, which is a good thing. You are only about 20, right? They are also in their early 40s? At this age, when you graduate and enter the society, how often do you go home?"

"In the past, when I urged you to go on a blind date or get married, it was just because the two elders stayed at home and were lonely. You are so repelled by the blind date, and they forced you not to come. It's good to have a younger one again."

"Put yourself in my shoes, don't you think so?"

Zhao Jin, "..."

He opened his mouth and had nothing to say. A scumbag like his father would definitely not be lonely. Every once in a while, there would always be a man with a small waist who would sneak attack on him. To be more precise, the number of sneak attacks on him every year was estimated to be in the three digits. The temptations are too great.

But speaking of which, his mother is quite...

Talking and laughing, waiting for the figures in the guest room to move, and heading to the plane one by one, Zhao Jin smiled and said, "You wait for me, I will get something delicious."

Chen Yuqi, "..."


After a while, when Zhao Jin entered the first-class cabin and took a look around with a big iced watermelon in her arms, she immediately sat down next to Chen Yuqi, cut the watermelon with a knife and took out two spoons, "The special watermelon in the specialty store, no. It’s cheap.”

"Come on, half for each person!"

Chen Yuqi was shocked, "Is this a question of whether it's cheap or not? It's because you have money, and you can't often buy it even if you queue up, right? How come you get it when you go there?"

Zhao's Wanjia Group occasionally releases batches of special ingredients and fruits. For example, at the Shanghai International Airport, there are also special melon and fruit stores.

The prices are certainly much better than those in Wanjia supermarkets.

This is still sought after by tourists from all over the world. Often, after a batch comes out, they are gone. Do you want to wait to make a reservation? Some top gourmets even change their flight schedules just to wait for the next batch of fruits and try them.

In this case, Zhao Jin needs to go and reveal his identity in order to get the internal supplies at the bottom of the box.

Similar to some top real estate communities, there is no need to call scalpers to fill people's heads to cheat people. The best houses are no longer available no matter how they are explained to the outside world... When you have enough status to ask, you will definitely find it after asking. I've left it for you.

Zhao Jin smiled and waved his hand, "Eat, just eat. After you finish eating, I have other snacks, all in the bag."


First class.

The eight-seat first-class cabin soon turned into a scene of Zhao Jin and Chen Yuqi eating watermelon, with juices splashing and the other six passengers looking and sniffing.

It’s also July. Even if the first-class cabin is fully air-conditioned in the sweltering heat, are you going to eat a big iced watermelon on site, or a special version? ?

A middle-aged man who had previously struck up a conversation with South Korean Internet celebrity Pan Yiyi was also greatly stimulated by the delicious taste of spiritual watermelon in the air, but he still held back. How can a middle-aged person not have a little wealth? But when I turned around and saw such a beautiful girl like Pan Yiyi, I was so greedy that my mouth watered.

He even muttered something in Korean.

The middle-aged man stood up decisively and came over, "Young handsome man, can you give me a piece of watermelon? I can pay a high price."

Zhao Jin and Chen Yuqi ate it with spoons one by one. Even if the two halves of the watermelon were left with dug holes, it was not a big deal to re-cut a intact piece with a knife.

Under his words, Chen Yuqi said, "..."

She could only stop the food like a lady and look at Zhao Jin, who smiled and said, "Uncle, do you know who is sitting next to you?"

The middle-aged man was stunned, "Do you know that pretty girl?"

Zhao Jin nodded, "I know her. She is very popular in South Korea. Her ex-husband went to jail and even sued her for defrauding her family worth one billion South Korean dollars. She is a well-known female liar."

"I'm just not sure whether her ex-husband's imprisonment has anything to do with her."

"Also, don't look at her white skin, beauty, and long legs. They were all created by surgery. If you accidentally exert force when you are intimate, bang, your nose will be crooked, and the prosthesis will fall out... Tsk, tsk, and It’s almost like a horror movie scene, right??”

Anyway, Pan Yiyi doesn't understand Mandarin, so Zhao Jin doesn't mind speaking more straightforwardly.

middle aged,"……"

The middle-aged uncle's hair stood on end. He froze for dozens of seconds and smiled awkwardly, "Handsome guy, isn't that true? What you said is too scary?"

Zhao Jin smiled and raised his eyebrows, "As for Internet celebrities, you need to understand Korean and you will find a lot of information by searching the Internet. I wish you a happy journey."

The middle-aged man went back with a green face.

Chen Yuqi was also stunned, but after she came to her senses, she was still curious, "Real or fake? How much is one billion South Korean dollars?"

Zhao Jin explained, "Five to six million yuan, which is not much for the wealthy class. It is difficult for ordinary people, even three generations of a family, to get it together."

The next moment, he stared at Chen Yuqi for dozens of seconds, making the other person feel embarrassed before he said, "You must not have plastic surgery. In a world where there are fewer and fewer natural people, you are gradually becoming a scarce resource."

Chen Yuqi looked dumbfounded, "Okay, I listen to you, I'm okay. Although I used to be dark and skinny, I'm doing well with Baicaotang's whitening and moisturizing products."


A few hours later.

At an airport in South Korea, when Zhao Jin and Chen Yuqi parted ways and watched each other go to find the crew members to pick up the plane, accompanied by the assistant secretary, Zhao Jin also called the third child.

He came here alone, but he is not afraid of strangers. Not to mention that the third child has stayed here for 7 years. Zhao Jin himself is proficient in writing, listening and speaking in English. He can know hundreds of daily common expressions in South Korean. Even watching original Korean dramas, Assault and Half Learned in months.

Ten minutes later, when he walked out of the airport and arrived at a main road leading to Hancheng, he saw Zhao Jing standing outside an Audi car on the side of the main road. Behind Zhao Jing, there was a kneeling figure. , trying very hard to raise his arms to hold an umbrella for him.

Zhao Jing was 1.85 meters tall. The young man was kneeling on the ground so straight that he was almost straight. He tried his best to hold the umbrella. This also showed that the kneeling person was not short in height.

Zhao Jin stepped forward quickly and looked at the young man who was kneeling and holding an umbrella with suspicion, "What's going on?"

Zhao Jing said calmly, "Help me hold the umbrella. It's a hot day and the sun is a bit poisonous."

Zhao Jin, "..."

He couldn't help but fell silent, looked around, then at Zhao Jing and the kneeling young man, "Is this you??"

Zhao Jing handed over a cigarette and said, "There is a small policeman in the police station that I usually use, a second-hand sergeant. He wants to come up and flatter me, similar to the police sergeant of the Hong Kong Island Police Force."

"This is to bypass his superiors like senior inspectors and chief inspectors. Don't make a fuss. It is very common for officials to hold press conferences here. In front of media friends, the secretary kneels down to hold an umbrella to protect his boss from the rain and sun. "

Zhao Jin, "..."

What could he say? Cyberpunk? !

Zhao Jing smiled and put his arms around Zhao Jin's shoulders, "Lao Jiu, I will see my brother's arrangements when I arrive in South Korea. I will make sure that your trip is worthwhile. Now that I'm gone, I welcome you on behalf of Seoul."

Wait for him to get in the car with Lao Jiu.

The little police sergeant who was kneeling to hold a parasol also quickly got up and ran to drive.

Five Audis parked on the roadside started up one after another and headed towards the capital of South Korea in a small convoy. As the convoy moved, they quickly overtook... It can't be said to be overtaking, but (liar) the crew was carrying Chen Yuqi and his secretary assistant. nanny car.

After the driver saw the small convoy of vehicles in his rearview mirror, he decisively yielded to them in advance.

Along this way, there are too many cars that give way in advance, just like there are police cars with sirens blaring when traveling in inland cities.

Chen Yuqi's assistant saw this scene and asked the driver curiously, "Brother driver, what kind of car is that? Why are so many people avoiding it?"

The driver said in proficient Mandarin, "The license plate of the Supreme Prosecutor's Office is the gantry that all of us civilians in South Korea want to jump over the most, the only gantry!"

"Those who can enter are definitely the strongest elites of tens of millions of South Korean people."

"No one from high-ranking officials and plutocrats to various dynamic groups in society dares not to give face to the Supreme Prosecutor's Office."

"I have no hope in this life, but if I can raise a son or grandson who will join the Supreme Prosecutor's Office in the future, I will be able to smile with a smile on my face when I die."

In the detailed explanation, the envy and jealousy in the driver's tone were overwhelming emotions that could not be suppressed.

Chen Yuqi and her assistant looked at each other.

Jiuquan's explanation is so perfect that he can still smile even when he dies!

The driver was provided by Samsung. After the (Extreme Career) project, Samsung internally specialized in serving the little princess, and there were quite a few people who were familiar with the film and television industry. He glanced at Chen Yuqi and added again, "I heard that we There is a Korean director here who is planning a script related to the prosecutor and the prosecutor general who controls the political arena."

"It's been a year of work and we haven't finished it yet, but once it's finished, it shouldn't be a small project. Miss Chen, if you have the opportunity to try out as a heroine or something, it will be an important part of your film career."

He was talking about the original 2017 version of the movie (The King). The director is also a famous director. The finished product not only attracted more than 5 million moviegoers in South Korea, but the box office at the time was more than 200 million Hong Kong dollars. It also made a lot of money. Awards.

Of course, the project is still being planned. He is from Samsung and is responsible for helping the little princess get familiar with the film and television industry, and receiving and arranging film and television stars so that he can find out some inside information.

Chen Yuqi said politely, "You think too highly of me. Just wait and see for this kind of project. You can only try your luck."

She doesn't even know how she got elected as the female lead in (Liar). She thinks it's just a dream. Even if this is a South Korean movie, adapted from a social prototype case, Cho Hee-pal did defraud hundreds of millions in South Korea in 2008. Beautiful knife...

Lin Feng is also a popular niche student.

In the entire project, except for her and Lin Feng, who are Chinese, the other main creators are basically the backbone and top actors and idols of South Korea's local faction.


2015 is here as planned.

Nazha, who has been a counselor and lecturer in Asia Opera for a year and a half, heard a knock on the door as soon as she put on the mask. When she went to open the door, she realized that it was Reba outside.

Reba was still carrying a fruit plate and smiled brightly at her, "Sister Zha, will you go back to your hometown during the Spring Festival this year? If so, let's go back together?"

The holiday period from New Year's Day to Spring Festival in 2015 is still quite long. The official New Year's Eve is already on February 18th, and the Lantern Festival is not celebrated until March 5th.

There are a lot of things you can do during a long vacation.

Nazha let Reba in, nodded and said, "Go back, then we'll get together."

She has a big toy that she loves, but who allowed Zhao to have a son and a daughter at the age of 50? Recently, that person's time and energy have obviously been diverted to his younger son and younger daughter.

Even if we leave aside Zhao Yuan from Sister Xian’s family and Zhao Lu from Amin’s family, there will still be someone who will continue to relive it with him until the 30th anniversary or something.

If it’s your 10th anniversary and you want to celebrate your 20th anniversary, you’ll be even busier.

While joking, Reba leaned on the coffee table in front of the sofa and opened the fruit plate. She also said with emotion, "I followed the relationship between my roommate Chen Jing and got acquainted with Brother Le in the past six months. He is the real king of bad movies." ah."

"In just half a year, I have filmed films such as (Single Man and Woman 2), (The Detective Arrives), (Twelve Golden Ducks), (Up in the Sky), (Lovely You), (Lost in the City), etc."

"It's just like acting for fun. Brother Le is not afraid of his reputation collapsing, so that the audience will know it's a bad movie as soon as they see him starring in it? Are you too lazy to watch it?"

Nazha laughed, "This depends on the positioning. He has become a popular male idol, has been nominated for Best Actor and Best Actor, has accumulated a lot of reputation and honors, and is not short of money. Now he is bringing more practitioners to eat and start working. ."

Reba ate the fruit and said, "I recently received two books. Sister Zha, can you help me take a look? One is the second female lead in (Carat Lover), and the other is one of the five sisters in the group drama (Ode to Joy). .”

"Carat Lovers should be filmed in Hong Kong Island, so you don't have to travel far. Ode to Joy should be filmed in Shanghai. It doesn't seem to conflict. Carat is scheduled to be filmed in the first half of the year, and Ode to Joy is starting during the summer vacation."

Nazha was also happy, "If there is no conflict, just accept them all."

Until now, there are still no important characters with names and dialogues in film and television dramas. Reba... She became an Internet celebrity again by taking advantage of Nazha's reputation as the most beautiful teacher.

As for the photos of her and Nazha walking together on the Yaxi campus, they include personal photos of the two coaching alone, or photos of them hanging out together.

Posted on the Internet, it became really popular.

Much more popular than the milk tea sister.

After all, this is one of the three beauties in the Western Region. At their peak, the appearance and figure of the two women were beyond words, not to mention that no one in this realm dared to spread negative information.

A teacher from Asia Opera, one of the top film and television arts schools in the world, who dares to spread negative information?

Without any negative information, Nazha is one of the most beautiful teachers. She has a stunning scenery. When Reba is with her, it is a beautiful scenery that one plus one is greater than two.

There is no shortage of beauties in the entertainment industry, and there is no shortage of cosplayers, but countless people and netizens are used to seeing the beauty of Chinese cosplayers and beauties, and suddenly a pair like this one is full of exotic charms, which is more prominent and brighter than Xiao Tong's exotic charms.

At this stage, the topic on the Internet about whether the Western Region is really a Reba in three steps and a Nazha in five steps is very hot.

When an internet celebrity becomes popular enough and knows many friends, seniors, and classmates in the circle, some resources will naturally be lost.

Apart from anything else, on Huashan Weibo, Nazha has attracted more than 300,000 fans, and Reba has more than 200,000 fans. This is already outrageous data for an amateur who has not debuted and has no masterpieces.

One thing must also be explained. In this Internet world dominated by Huashan, Taishan and other Wuyue Groups, a lot of data is thin, not so watery, not so vast as the ocean.

What kind of superstar can have 40 to 50 million Weibo fans, and how many online dramas have been played tens of billions of times? It's all bullshit.

Moisture data like floods have been cut down a lot, and zombie accounts are also cleaned regularly.

The most popular female actors such as An Feng and Zeng Li have tens of millions of fans, while Lao Pan, Wu Jing and others also barely have tens of millions of fans.

For example, the outdated or second-tier celebrities Zhang Pozhi, Yang Christine, Chen Derong, etc. have millions of fans, while Da Tiantian only has more than 6 million Weibo fans.

This is a deeper explanation of why Nazha, an amateur teacher, has more than 300,000 fans on Weibo.

Breaking 10 million is really the most outstanding achievement. Millions of data are ordinary first- and second-tier results. The number of clicks on various TV series broadcasts on the Internet, let alone tens of billions, if you can reach tens of millions, it is the annual drama king level. .

You say these cannot reflect the concept of capital and money fraud? Zhao Donghuai is the biggest capital, no one can defeat him.

It’s not like there haven’t been accidents before. For example, LeTV has been showing dramas with hundreds of millions, billions, or billions of broadcasts every now and then...

Then netizens compared Huashan Video and LeTV? Feeling all kinds of skinned. There was a time when the number of clicks on LeTV exceeded 100 million, and the stock price of LeTV fell further!

When Lao Jia returned to China next week, he was very embarrassed for a time, and finally stopped cheating on playback clicks.

Reba also knew that before these two crews found her, they had actually offered Nazha an olive branch, and then she was rejected again.

Reba nodded without stopping, "Senior Sister Tangtang is also a one-time star. Even if she is a bit outdated now, her popularity is not too low. I will play a supporting role for her, so I will have enough resources to start."

"It's Ode to Joy. I haven't decided which one of Wumeili I'll play yet. Can you help me check it out?"

Nazha nodded happily, opened her notebook, asked the other party to take the number, and then started reading the script.


Time flies, and I wake up in the middle of the night.

When Reba went to the bathroom, she unexpectedly found that Sister Zha was gone... Where had she gone? She stayed overnight in the small two-bedroom apartment, discussing the script with the other party until around ten o'clock before checking into the dormitory.

It's after two o'clock in the middle of the night? Where have people gone? ?

She picked up her phone and looked through it, but there was no message reminder. After Reba sent a few messages, she fell asleep again.

Although Nazha has not appeared in major works or masterpieces in the past few years, when we were discussing the plot of Ode to Joy, she really gave a lot of suggestions, which were quite useful.

No matter what, she is also a senior who has stayed at Asia Theater for five and a half years.

After five and a half years of accumulation, I have never eaten pork and seen pigs running away. At least at this stage, when Nazha gives her some acting suggestions, character analysis, etc., she has a strong academic air.

The words are clear and logical, making people confused, and the comments are also from a high level, full of professional vocabulary...

In a daze, Reba seemed to vaguely hear Sister Zha's voice, as if she was singing, but it sounded hazy and unreal.

It wasn't until the next day, around eight o'clock in the morning, when she woke up and saw Nazha eating in the living room that Reba came over full of energy and said, "Sister Zha, I dreamed last night that you were singing. It's not bad. , it sounds pretty good.”

"By the way, where did you go in the middle of the night? You scared me, but we live on the Yaxi campus, so there won't be any accidents. I sent you a Fetion letter and didn't get a reply, so I continued to sleep."

Nazha was so embarrassed that she wanted to press her toes on the floor, then grabbed a big fried dough stick and stuffed it into her mouth, "Eat your fried ghost!"

Reba took a bite and her eyes lit up, "It's fluffy, crispy, tender and fragrant, delicious!! It's so delicious! Where did you buy it? I'll buy it next time too..."

She has almost never eaten such delicious big fried dough sticks.


More than ten days later, in a large farm stretching over thousands of acres in the border area, Nazha was walking through the vegetable greenhouses, looking at the lush green plants. Although she felt full of harvest, she still suggested, "We should come in September. ah."

“Off-season vegetable greenhouses also provide a sense of delicious harvest, but September is the natural harvest period for cantaloupes, jujubes, pears, etc.”

"This small oasis next to the desert has the most beautiful scenery in autumn."

This large farm is also one of the hundreds of farms owned by the Zhao family. It is inconspicuous. Of course, it is located on the border. Its specialties are generally local products such as jujubes, cantaloupes, and fragrant pears from the Western Regions.

Including Tianshan snow lotus cultivated in appropriate areas.

The farm is already very close to the desert, and there is a straight road leading to the city. The environment and atmosphere are much better than those shown in Ning Hao's (No Man's Land) movie.

After all, they are raised by spiritual water and soil. The cattle, sheep, chickens and ducks that can be seen occasionally on the farm are also fatter and tenderer than the last. I dare not say that they are as clever and intelligent as cats and dogs.

But the quality of the meat is much better than that of the beef and sheep farm run by Cheng Long.

Zhao Donghuai grabbed a tomato from the greenhouse, wiped it, and took a bite. "You haven't been home for the Spring Festival in a few years? Let's talk about it in September next year."

Nazha rolled her eyes at Lao Zhao happily, "My dad and the others often fly to Hong Kong Island to see me, especially my sister, who is a flight attendant herself, so she has more opportunities to fly back and forth."

"How about I take a few sheep home later?"

During this Spring Festival dinner or something, being able to get spiritual plant-based ingredients is no longer a show-off event for the upper class. Meat is the most delicious thing.

Zhao Donghuai couldn't help but laugh. This little thing... It's already 2015, and global natural science and technology, as well as the large-scale flow of Dongtian spiritual ingredients, have been studied together for several years.

He really looks forward to the level of technological development.

Otherwise, when he is 58 years old in 2022, he should consider retiring to the cave? That's not right. Shao Yifu is 108 years old and he is still in charge of TVB.

Gao Yuanyuan answered with a smile, "Then let me send two meat donkeys to my family? I don't know if they can finish eating them."

At this point, she looked at Director Zhao and there was something wrong in her eyes, even Sister Xian and Sister Min, who were nearly 50 years old... She was not very old, she was 36 years old this year, although her Zhao Hui was also 7 years old this year.


The next moment she still lamented, "Official officials encourage the birth of second and third children. It's like reincarnation."

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