Hong Kong Entertainment’s Life Simulator

Chapter 488 Just because it’s not visible doesn’t mean it doesn’t exist

On November 4, Hong Kong, Kowloon, the New Territories and Lantau Island were covered in snow, like a beautiful snow city, which caused many obstacles for many people to travel.

On the municipal side, many people were also mobilized to clear the snow and clear the roads. Officials also announced that most factories and companies would temporarily suspend work for one day, and schools would be closed for a holiday...

This is no stranger to Hong Kong Islanders. Whenever a typhoon hits during the typhoon season, work and classes are often suspended. This is the first time that work has been suspended due to heavy snow.

Countless children and even some adults played games like building snowmen and having snowball fights during the snow clearing process.

The scientific research community... In fact, the scientific research community is not limited to Hong Kong Island's astronomical system. There are also many experts in the mainland who are scratching their heads and scratching their hair to study why such heavy snow fell at a temperature of about 20 degrees. This is unscientific.

But their research leads nowhere and just continues to waste time.

At the ATV headquarters, Zhao Donghuai was reviewing the film. He watched the final product of more than a dozen episodes of "In the Name of the People" at 5x speed before he pressed the pause button and complained, "The filming is very good. He is the king of dramas, but Zheng Shengli and Zhang Baobao are in it." Let’s delete 80% of the scenes between this yellow-haired couple.”

"You tell Director Li that the scenes between these young people have seriously reduced the audience's interest in reading the film. After it has been significantly deleted, if there are any inconsistencies in the plot, it can be re-shot and re-shot."

It is not surprising that the production started in February this year and the final product was obtained in November.

Zhao Donghuai did not interfere (nominally) in the progress of the project under the one-stop development model of project establishment, panoramic views, and shooting.

But when the final product is about to be broadcast on TV, he still has to do something to give some small benefits to the audience.

In this version, Lu Yike played by Zhang Jiao and Lin Huahua played by Reba are no worse than the original version. Speaking of which, the original version is just like the acting. With the support of many old drama characters, they are just like Lu Yi.

It's just that without his interference, Hou Liangping would no longer play Lu Yi, but Huang Xiaoming... How to describe it? That Xiao Ming was a 50-50 scorer, surrounded by a group of middle-aged and elderly actors such as Wu Gang, Zhang Zhijian, Zhang Fengyi and Xu Yajun.

Xiao Ming also turned in a performance that was far stronger than Lu Yi's.

(In the name of the people) If it continues on its original trajectory, lacking investment and money, and needs investors to squeeze out their wealth, and many veteran actors have to cut their salaries to liven things up, it will be difficult for Xiao Ming, the oil king leader, to get involved in such a project.

But Qiankun Film and Television came to invest, there is no shortage of money, and a lot of people are optimistic about the drama king in advance? With Huang Xiaoming's connections, he would definitely give it a try.

Try it? That is the comprehensive quality of popularity, image, acting skills, etc. He defeated the original male number one Lu Yi head-on and won by strength.

Some more details are that when the actor's anti-corruption team investigated Zhao Dehan, a petty official and a huge corrupt official, when they found a large amount of RMB cash in his house, it was not like the original version where the fakes were obviously fake.

If you invest in Qiankun Film and Television, this is real money!

Such as the environmental treatment of (the richest man in Xihong City) who has piles of cash in his house.

Under his words, Winona, who was eating a crisp and sweet apple, nodded, "I wanted to fast forward when I saw those plots. Just now I thought it was my own illusion."

"In the midst of such a vigorous anti-corruption campaign, two young people pop up every now and then to engage in small businesses and fall in love. It's too unconventional."

"What do you think, Yuanyuan?"

Gao Yuanyuan laughed and said, "I think Zheng Shengli is a bit ugly. Maybe if he were replaced by handsome guys like our Xiao An and Xiao Zheng, the long love drama would not bore the audience so much."

No matter what the original trajectory is, this dimension started learning directing at the age of 16, and has also produced a series of blockbusters that are either brilliant at the box office or weak in winning trophies, and can even define the technological era. Gao Yuanyuan still has a good eye for aesthetics and review. It's also relatively stable.

She can clearly analyze that the plot of Huang Mao and Zhang Baobao is just a drama, to increase the duration, and to facilitate the sale of more small money.

A TV series with more than 50 episodes and 40 episodes, can that be the same price? There are also many niche actors and actresses who are paid hundreds of thousands or one to two million per episode.

After saying that, Yuanyuan first grabbed the landline on her desk and called the secretariat outside, conveying Lao Zhao's opinion, then hung up the phone and said curiously, "Brother Huai, your eldest grandson was born, but you stayed there for less than a day." Hours?"

"It doesn't seem like you take it seriously, does it? You're not as happy and energetic as your parents."

Director Zhao was speechless and a little bit dumbfounded, "Now he is just a child who can only cry and sleep. Whether I pay attention to it or not is not about how long I will stay with Xiao Ruifeng."

Yuanyuan is not as powerful as Bingbing. She is also the mother of two children. She is 37 years old at the time and has not let time leave many marks on her face and body.

She is still the model of a beautiful woman who is popular among people, with mature charm and charming charm.

While joking, he began to search up and down, but it was Winona who sighed and complained, "You two are so naughty. I came to ask about Ajie's academic problems. Let's finish the serious business first."

Winona's Zhao Jie was born in September 2000. He is now 16 and about to turn 17. He was admitted to the School of Physics of Peking University this summer and majored in mushroom physics.

Although Ajie is about to go on winter vacation, Winona still feels that this major is weird and wants to suggest that Ajie switch to a different department. Although he is her son, it is obvious that she can't influence Ajie, only Lao Zhao. Speaking can be effective.

The next moment she pinched Yuanyuan, the little goblin, and then added, "I think the semiconductor physics major is not bad. How about studying semiconductor technology? Maybe I can be a senior engineer for your mobile phone and laptop industry in the future. "

"Isn't this much better than studying mushrooms? Mushroom technology will not be updated in the short term. On the contrary, semiconductors are constantly exploding."

Zhao Donghuai returned to the familiar track and said happily, "It's okay. It's not difficult for him to take a side course in semiconductor physics. There are quite a few of his brothers who take several courses in one school year."

"I know what you are worried about. If he majors in mushroom physics, he will be a locked-down talent once he goes to North America. But the same applies if he majors in semiconductors. He will be targeted."

"If you don't worry, just ask him not to go."

There will be just one more great scientist in the family in the future, and now Zhao Donghuai won't pay too much attention to such trivial matters.

He can control the meteorological problems of a metropolis with just a thought. It is no exaggeration to say that it is a space-based weapon. Just kidding, covering an atmosphere of more than a thousand square kilometers, rain and snow are the same thing.

But if he is unhappy, he can also make a skyscraper with dozens of floors or a hill suddenly appear in the atmosphere more than ten kilometers high and fall...

Neither Iron Man nor Captain America can handle it.

Exploding mushrooms all over the world can't kill him, so he can hide in the cave. This and the several thousand cubic meters of space when he first got the cave are already two versions, the definition of dimensionality reduction and dimensionality enhancement.


The snow on Hong Kong Island comes from the cave sky, and a Zhao's farm in the border area is also facing natural wind and snow at the moment.

Zhao Cheng, who was about to turn 23, wore swimming trunks and swam in the extremely cold pond for a while before walking ashore with cold smoke all over his body and walking towards the farm building.

This building integrates offices, storage, accommodation, canteen, etc. It has five floors above ground and one underground floor, with an area of ​​more than 3,000 square meters on each floor.

It is not the only building on the farm, there are other buildings such as the guardhouse, garage, and other warehouses, but it is considered the central building.

As Zhao Cheng approached, two young men who were eating grapes under the awning of the building greeted each other from a distance.

"Young Master Cheng, your physical fitness is like that of an animal. Swimming in winter in this weather? If you were an ordinary person, you would die immediately."

"It's great to be able to practice Chinese martial arts! It's a pity that we ordinary people can't afford to practice it. We still envy the life of a rich second generation like you. By the way, you haven't been in love for more than 20 days. Are you becoming a Buddhist?"


Zhao Cheng rolled his eyes and complained, "Can't you stop your mouths with all the delicious food? I have to give myself a break."

"It's winter now, and it's the planting season for both fruits, vegetables and rice. Taking advantage of the opportunity, our team will do some research and see why the food produced by my father's farms is so delicious."

"No matter what, we are all top students who graduated from the world's top agricultural colleges. Let's get started."

Zhao Cheng graduated with a major in food science, and his major destinations after graduation were customs, commodity inspection, health and epidemic prevention, environmental protection, etc. However, he only chose one major, which does not mean that he has no knowledge of other similar majors at Agricultural University.

Now he has hired an agronomy team to conduct research.

As for Zhao Donghuai, does he know about this? He knew and even encouraged Zhao Cheng to lead a team to engage in scientific research, whether it was high-end ingredients flowing to the market or established in actual farms and medicine gardens.

These are all his explanations to the outside world and his hope that natural science in the 21st century can help accelerate the development of various spiritual ingredients in the scientific research process.

When it came to the topic, a certain senior brother immediately looked at it seriously. He was no longer eager to eat Linghua grapes. He pushed up the glasses frame on the bridge of his nose and said, "Let's take a look at the atmosphere, sunshine, temperature, water, soil, fertilizer, etc. during this period." Wait, the data collected from various aspects will show.”

"Except for the atmosphere and sunlight, it is the same as the world outside the farm. Natural resources such as water, soil, and fertilizers seem to have evolved compared to the outside world."

"I really don't know how these were bred to evolve."

"But such a large farm, over a large area, and involving an environment hundreds of meters underground, has evolved? It feels quite magical, similar to how wild wolves and domesticated domestic dogs, wild boars, and domestic pigs have evolved little by little over the thousands of years of history. variant."

"But it's concentrated here? It's been like this in ten or twenty years."

Another person also chimed in, "Ancient wild peaches were often small in size, with not much pulp, and not very tasty to eat. However, the various peaches cultivated in modern times are inferior to those ancient wild peaches in appearance, sweetness and taste. It’s not a breed anymore.”

"Comparing the grapes, figs, and walnuts here with the varieties cultivated outside, the gap is similar to the difference between ancient wild peaches and modern top-quality peaches."

"The soil and water support each person, and a few teachers are leading the team to tackle the difficulties. The two of us just come out to take a breather after staying up late."

"After eating a bunch of grapes and a few walnuts, I feel that all the fatigue and sleepiness after staying up all night are gone. It's like I just woke up from a long sleep. Tsk, this thing is the same as coffee, red bull, strong tea, etc. The comparison is so refreshing!”

The main functions of walnuts are to replenish deficiency and strengthen the body, provide nutrition, strengthen the brain, and fight cancer. Grapes are also good for replenishing qi and blood and relaxing muscles and collaterals.

At this stage, the two of them are the best experiencers of the magical effects of this type of fruit. Of course, having been here for more than 20 days, it is not the first time for them to eat it, and it is not the first time to experience the magic and deliciousness of these high-end fruits.

I feel like I don't want to leave during the 20 days or so that I've been here. As long as Zhao Cheng doesn't kick people out, they will live here forever and never leave.

Zhao Cheng also exclaimed, "Professors are still staying up late? Go and persuade them to go to bed early. After all, this is a long-term project. I heard from my father that the soil and water began to improve in the early 1990s and were not planted until the 2000s. It was only in 2012 that it gradually achieved its current quality.”

"He has spent more than 20 years making money, whether it is to make the fruits and rice grown here taste better and be more nutritious."

"We still want to replicate the miracles of water and soil here in the outside world. Both major propositions are calculated in years."

The two senior brothers looked at each other and smiled bitterly.

The one who spoke first said helplessly, "Everyone understands the truth, but when you first come into contact with these miracles of life and agriculture, how can the professors hold back their excitement?"

The agricultural miracles in each Zhao's manor?

By analogy, you take the most advanced personal computer or smartphone in 2016 and send it back to the mainland in the 1950s and 1960s!

This pair of scientific research experts in the 1950s and 1960s? ? It is definitely a new world that I want to indulge in even if I don’t eat or drink for several months.

Not to mention the lost energy, mental state, brain power, etc., can be replenished by eating some high-quality fruits and vegetables... This is paradise for agricultural experts!

Zhao Cheng thought for a while, "Okay, you guys help me greet him. If anything goes wrong, call the doctor or nutritionist anytime. I'll drive out for a walk."

He also stayed here for more than 20 days. The initial scientific research spirit and energy had passed, and he felt like wandering again.

After a brief breakfast, he set off in the Mercedes-Benz G.


Two days later, when Zhao Cheng checked into the Kanas Linhai Villa, he wanted to be a tourist and experience various projects in the 5A tourist attraction. After completing the check-in procedures and taking his luggage to the guest room, he saw someone walking out from next door. The two beautiful figures were not only beautiful, but also made him look a little familiar.

Zhao Cheng smiled and walked over to strike up a conversation, "Good morning, you two beauties. Are you interested in having lunch together?"

The two beauties looked at each other, a little confused.

After dozens of seconds of silence, the sweet-looking beauty smiled awkwardly and said, "Are you the young master of the Zhao family? You don't need to slander us, right? It's quite embarrassing."

"I'm Li Yitong. I used to be a cosplayer in the mobile game Jin Shaozhang Tianxia. I was also lucky enough to play the female lead in Half-Demon Allure, which aired this summer."

It will be almost five years. Zhao Cheng, a big internet celebrity, has a brilliant record. No beauty can stay with him for more than a month.

Even though Zhao Cheng is a tall, handsome, sunny guy with long legs, he still makes many normal girls' hearts flutter, but he is really a scumbag... Reject him, for fear of offending others, and if you say something bad when you refuse, you will worry about the consequences. future trouble.

Zhao Cheng laughed dumbly, "I think about it, no wonder I think you look familiar. It's okay if I'm not interested in being friends. I'll give you two bottles of candies as an apology for my rudeness."

While laughing, he also took out two small transparent glass bottles from his pocket. In one bottle were cartoon versions of the 12 zodiac animals and 12 fruit candies.

Another transparent glass bottle of the same style contains 9 heart-shaped fruit candies.

Li Yitong's eyes lit up and she didn't know how to refuse. Zhao Chengcheng put the bottle into her hand and said with a smile, "Eat with confidence, you know who I am, and you should know that I never force anyone. I should have a good reputation. "

"These are all kinds of special fruits from my father's manor. They are carefully made by sugar masters and packaged and preserved."

"Not only does it taste great, some of the whitening and moisturizing effects of some fruits are concentrated in fructose, which makes them even better than the advanced version of whitening pills."

"Not for sale, just take it as an apology for offending you."

Li Yitong, "..."

I feel like I can’t resist such delicious and magical fructose, and the fructose in the shape of the 12 zodiac signs is really cute.

The more I look at them, the more I feel like each one looks like a handicraft rather than a fast food.

Another beautiful girl looked at it and suddenly grinned, "Mr. Cheng, your sugar-coated bullets are so interesting. How many small surprise gifts have you brought with you? No wonder those beauties, who know how much you care about you, would still get one Hit one after another.”

When she didn't laugh before, this beautiful girl standing next to Li Yitong could only say that she has her own merits. This laughter made Zhao Cheng confused. Good guy, this is such a good guy. In most cases, beauties are not particular about not showing their smiles. Teeth, are they gentle, dignified and virtuous?

This one is really...

Li Yitong covered his head a little, and pulled the other person's hand, "Stop making trouble, sister, don't you know you are a meme from the crew?"

The next moment she said to Zhao Chengdao, "This is Bai Lu, who plays Deng Chanyu in our (Meng Hui Chao Ge) crew."

Zhao Cheng looked at Bai Lu who was still laughing. He was a little confused and pulled out a pink rose from his suit pocket as if by magic. Just one.

She grabbed the rose and waved it in front of Bai Lu's eyes. The pretty girl stopped laughing and sniffed in surprise, "It smells so good..."

Zhao Cheng nodded, "Yes, this is not a natural rose. It is made of pastry and is given to you. It should taste very good."

In five years, he was able to travel all over China, spread his name as a playboy, and pursue beautiful women again and again. In addition to being handsome and rich, he was also employed by his profession. A group of confectionery and pastry masters.

Make various small gifts specially for him and take them with you everywhere.

He is a master of Chinese martial arts, and the magic tricks that ordinary people can do will only be more exaggerated and outrageous with him.

Bai Lu took the rose and said with a surprised look, "Is there anything else? Mr. Cheng, please show me more of your tricks to pick up girls. Let me open my eyes, and then I will help you chase Yitong."

Li Yitong pinched Bai Lu directly and then smiled and said, "Young Master Cheng, go and do your work. I'm afraid that I have too much contact with you and won't be able to stop your charm from falling into my trap. Goodbye."

Is she really afraid that if she has too much contact with a super high-quality man like Zhao Cheng, she will fall for him and be dumped within a month? ? She doesn't want this house!

Zhao Cheng nodded, waved his hand and left.

He is not a stalker. When meeting a girl like this, he will directly point out the girl who is afraid of being cheated, so he will not mess with her.

Bailu? Bai Lu was also pretty, but her smile just now caught him off guard, and it felt like her beauty was shattered.

He usually doesn't chase celebrities in the entertainment industry. Amateurs and Internet celebrities are more compatible. Just now, he mistakenly thought that the two familiar women were Internet celebrities...


December 24, 2016, Christmas Eve.

When heavy snow swept across Hong Kong, Kowloon, the New Territories and Lantau Island again, the 20-year-old Zhao Mu walked to the ATV headquarters in the wind and snow. When he arrived at the front desk, he said, "Is my dad upstairs? You call him and ask him now busy or not."

The girl at the front desk looked at him in shock for dozens of seconds, then smiled awkwardly and said, "Who are you?"

Zhao Mu said speechlessly, "Zhao Mu, Lao Ba."

After a quick call at the front desk and a brief exchange, she said politely and respectfully, "Zhao Sheng is upstairs, he's free."

Zhao Mu nodded, took out a pack of Linghua fried watermelon seeds from his pocket, put it down and left.

Some time later, when he came into the office on the 12th floor and saw Zhao Donghuai and aunts Qiu Shuzhen and Li Jiaxin who were looking at the snowy scene through the floor-to-ceiling windows, they immediately greeted him politely.

Speaking of which, his mother, Hong Xin, was born as Li Jiaxin’s younger sister...

After greeting him, Zhao Mu also said bluntly, "Dad, I seem to have come up with something strange while practicing boxing. I came to ask you about it."

Zhao Donghuai was also a little surprised, and nodded to indicate that he could perform. Zhao Mu just put on a Xingyiquan stance and punched out. Water mist appeared in the originally silent void with the fist.

In the next turn, Zhao Mu continued to demonstrate his training skills. His punches were empty. There was no visible thing like water mist, but people could hear the crisp sound of gold and iron, and then he punched again as if there were sparks. Flashing in the air.

Zhao Donghuai, "..."

Before he could say anything, Li Jiaxin exclaimed, "You are only at the blood refining stage, and you can actually perform the Five Elements Fist Intent? What a genius! No, you are a super genius."

The eighth lao Zhao Mu, the ninth lao Zhao Jin, and the tenth lao Zhao Zhong all went to college in the same year and started practicing boxing and stances at the same time.

It's hard to say what state of Chinese martial arts you have reached, it all depends on how dedicated you are... For example, Zhao Yan and Zhao Ting, who are obsessed with boxing and Chinese martial arts, are basically at the peak of their training.

That kid from Zhao Jing is the one who trains his blood!

Because Zhao Jing was studying, studying, law, picking up girls, studying Chinese medicine, etc. besides practicing boxing, which obviously diverted too much energy and attention. There was no external pressure to force them to learn boxing, forcing them to improve quickly. .

In their place, practicing boxing and standing is just for fun.

Things and opportunities that you are born with and can be squandered at will are not worth cherishing.

Zhao Yan and Zhao Ting are progressing so fast. They are just waiting to refine themselves. After their spiritual realm is sublimated, they can easily tell whether everyone who approaches them is a professional liar.

When it comes to Lao Liu and Lao Ten, these five brothers were born in the same year and differed by more than 40 days at most. Lao Liu and Lao Qi of Azhen's family were Lei Feng-type characters who were not enthusiastic about boxing. Still at the peak of the skin training realm.

Much stronger and stronger than ordinary people, that's all.

Laojiu Zhao Jin is obsessed with starting a business? Lao Shi is obsessed with playing games, eating, catching thieves and agents... They also practice muscle training.

In fact, these guys are not bad either. For example, Da Tiantian has been practicing boxing for eighteen years, and she still practices blood.

Zhao Jing is still practicing blood training.

In comparison, Zhao Jin and Zhao Zhong are already at the Jinjin state. They only turned 20 after New Year's Day and have only been practicing boxing for four or five years. What's the difference?

But now Lao Ba, who will only turn 20 after New Year's Day in a few days, is not only at the peak of the blood training realm, but what is even more outrageous is that he can do things like fists and fists!

Under Ah Xin's praise, Zhao Mu also stopped playing Xingyi Quan and scratched his head in embarrassment, "Aunt Xin, what is Fist Intention? It can't be something that is involved in martial arts novels such as (The Legend of Two Dragons of the Tang Dynasty)." It’s a spiritual confrontation type, right?”

Ah Xin glanced at Zhao Donghuai, and at the signal from Zhao Donghuai's eyes, he also said excitedly, "Be prepared, I will test it on you."

Zhao Mu nodded immediately, and also performed the authentic Xingyiquan kicking skills and starting postures. Li Jiaxin, she did not move. She was five or six meters away, her eyes were focused, like an invisible spiritual extension, Zhao Muren For a moment, ice quickly condensed on the body surface.

Tens of seconds later, Zhao Mucai seemed to have come to life from the sculpture state. He moved his arms and legs, and a thin layer of frost on his body melted and fell away.

Then he shuddered and said in disbelief, "You are so far away from me, and you freeze me with just one look?? This is too..."

At this point, his excitement level jumped up several levels, "Is this the Grand Master of God Refining?"

The strength of this god-refining master is too terrifying!

Li Jiaxin explained with a smile, "Yes, this is refining the gods! We actually couldn't do it before, but we just don't know what's going on. The extreme weather is getting more and more outrageous, and the whole Hong Kong is turning into a snow city again."

"Only in this blizzard day can I do it."

In the new martial arts system that Zhao Donghuai supplemented and perfected, the visual and auditory shock caused by the eyes and voice of the Grand Master of Refining God was really like letting ordinary people see a dump truck rushing towards you from dozens of meters away, or a colorful tiger heading towards you. You came to kill.

It can scare people to death, frighten them to death, and even scare them to death if it lasts for a long time!

Mental oppression and threats are invisible!

But isn't it snowing all over Hong Kong? The cave sky covers the real space of Hong Kong Island, and the spiritual snow is flying, which is equivalent to providing spiritual energy to the originally natural and soulless natural world.

The spiritual oppression of the Grand Master of God Refining can simulate the impact of a dump truck, a bomb explosion, and a lion and tiger hunting. Of course, it can also simulate extreme cold and raging fire.

Without aura, they could not show off, but amid the fluttering goose feathers and snow, they gradually began to appear holy in front of others.

Similar to the revival of spiritual energy and the update of the earth version, the strong will become stronger and stronger!

Under Zhao Mu's surprise words, Qiu Shuzhen exclaimed, "Xiao Mu, you are really outrageous. My Xiaoxin and Xiaoxing have only just practiced skin... You only practice peak blood, and you also practice punching intention?"

"Don't think this is so easy. You must know that your sister Tingting, sister Yanyan, and An Feng are all at the peak of the marrow training realm. They are only one step away from a bottleneck to reach the level of god."

"But none of them can do it. They can produce punching intentions or punches in the training realm."

Zhao Donghuai also nodded and praised, "You are similar to practicing blood to defeat Zang. Killing enemies across realms is not easy, it is really not easy."

Once there is no spiritual energy replenishment in nature, how can Zhao Mu have the fist intention?

But just because it's not visible doesn't mean it doesn't exist.

Similar to coercing a confession, blindfolding a person, placing some sound on his wrist, and arranging some sound of water droplets. In such a secret room state, does the person who is being coerced into a confession think and believe that he has really been cut with a knife and continues to bleed? ?

Just psychological stress, etc., can scare oneself to death, and the death performance will show the characteristics of ischemic death.

For a true martial arts genius like Zhao Mu, when practicing Xingyiquan, whether it is the five elements of fists such as metal, wood, water, fire, and earth, or the twelve shapes of fists such as dragon, tiger, monkey, and horse, during combat, he can really let his spiritual power overflow, directly Impact the opponent's spiritual world.

Water Fist silently creates a world of extreme cold and suffocation for you, hitting the opponent will make you suffocate and drown.

After the version update, will there be a bonus to spiritual heavy rain and snow? The various punches unexpectedly appeared to be more powerful and terrifying.

Zhao Mu nodded happily and asked, "Is it possible to show off only in extreme snowy weather? In the past, I used to practice boxing, and I also felt that it was a bit of a wonderful, indescribable situation and experience, but it couldn't be compared to water or fire."

"When the snow stops, can I still fight?"

Zhao Donghuai was speechless, "The snow has stopped and melted. You will know it after practicing. Well, since you know that you are a martial arts genius and have nothing else to do, get out of here and don't hinder our candlelight dinner."

Zhao Mu, "..."

He turned around and left in a messy manner. After all, his father was already in his 50s and was about to turn 53. How could he still put aside this whole candlelight dinner? It’s not earthy.

When he got out of the way, Azhen asked curiously, "His talent in martial arts is so evil, even the gods can't trap him, right? After this?? And he is only 19 years old this year."

Zhao Donghuai smiled and shook his head, "It doesn't matter, the family is so big, there is nothing wrong with having a martial arts madman, even if he is a martial arts madman, it doesn't matter."

Ah Xin only has one child, Zhao Mu, but the lying flat on his back with Megamax shampoo, White Cat Group, etc. is enough for him to mess up for a lifetime.

Zhao Mu also has a normal society and normal outlook on life.


Outside ATV City, standing in the snow, Zhao Mu picked up his mobile phone and dialed the number, "Old Jiu, where are you? Come and practice boxing with me."

Zhao Jin's questioning question came from the other side of the phone, "Are you sick? Why don't you go eat apples and practice some crazy boxing on Christmas Eve?"

"How many hotels and guesthouses are waiting to open."

After being sprayed by Zhao Jin for more than a minute, the phone was hung up.

Zhao Mu continued to play on Lao Shi Zhao Zhong's cell phone speechlessly. After getting through, he asked a few questions. Lao Shi was very happy and made an appointment with him at a boxing gym.

In less than an hour, Zhao Zhong ran away with a dark face and doubts about life.

Zhao Zhong, who is at the peak of muscle training, and Mu Ge, who is at the peak of blood training, is really a tortured and suspicious life!

Zhao Zhong has been obsessed with catching thieves and agents for several years, and that's because in reality he can torture people just like Kai Wushuang in the game!

Instead of him being abused!

When Zhao Mu called Zhao Zhong again, he just chatted for a few words before he was yelled at, "Get lost, you single guy."

Zhao Mu didn't mind either. After thinking about it, he remembered that his third brother was also at the peak of his blood training and had practiced boxing four or five years earlier than him? I just happened to fly to Seoul to sneak attack on the third child!

They are in the same realm, but they practice different types of boxing.

Since Dad said that he can counter-kill the dirty masters of the fourth level, it shouldn't be difficult to beat him at the same level.

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