"Ye Tianhua, you went all out to invite me here. What do you want to do?!"

"Where is Wang Bao?"

"Why didn't I see him?!"

Ye Jun stared coldly at Ye Tianhua, who was sitting safely on the sofa, and spoke. A smile appeared on Ye Tianhua's face.

He slowly raised his eyes, looking at Ye Jun who seemed not to be afraid at all, and said coldly.

"Wang Bao?"

"He dares to bring someone to clean up my place. Where do you think he went?"

Listening to Ye Tianhua's words, Ye Jun frowned slightly. He probably understood the meaning of Ye Tianhua's words.

"Did you kill him?!"

"You lured me here and want to kill me too?!"

Ye Jun still stared at Ye Tianhua with a calm expression. There didn't seem to be any emotional fluctuations on his face.

"You don't seem scared at all?"

"Do you think I dare not kill you?"

Ye Tianhua looked at Ye Jun who was surprisingly calm and looked at him with some surprise and said.


Listening to Ye Tianhua's words, Ye Jun sneered twice.

"Ye Tianhua, I have to admit that you have some strength and means"

"But when it comes to killing me, I'm afraid you don't have the strength and courage!"

"You must also know my identity"

"As long as you dare to touch even a hair on my head, my grandfather and the entire city will fight you to the death!"

"By then, no matter how many people you have or how much territory you have, they will all be wiped out!"

Ye Jun's tone was cold and stern. He put his hands in his pockets and looked at Ye Tianhua calmly.

Ye Tianhua smiled faintly, with a cold and stern light shining in his eyes.

He knew that Ye Jun relied on Chengzhai and his grandfather to have nothing to fear.

But he, Ye Tianhua, would not accept this at all. Set!

He stood up slowly, as if to show his calmness and confidence.

Ye Jun, you are too naive, do you think your identity and status can keep you out of it? There was a hint of coldness in Ye Tianhua's voice, which was almost Feeling the domineering power in him.

Ye Tianhua's words broke the silence in the room, as if an electric current rippled out, making Ye Jun frown slightly.

He knew that Ye Tianhua was crazy and could do anything.

At this time, There was a hint of uneasiness in his heart.

Ye Tianhua, you'd better think about it carefully!"

"Although our walled city no longer has the glory we hoped for, it is definitely not someone to be trifled with!"

"If you dare to go against me, my grandfather will definitely not give up. When the time comes, everything you have now will be in jeopardy.

Ye Jun's tone was firm, as if foretelling that an inevitable storm was coming.

The corners of Ye Tianhua's mouth raised slightly. He didn't care about Ye Jun's threat.

He knows that in order to gain a foothold in this world, courage and means are far more important than power.

Ye Jun, your words are too naive"

"Do you think you can make me back down by relying on your grandfather and Chengzhai?

Ye Tianhua's voice revealed an indomitable determination, as if he had decided to be at odds with Chengzhai.

A cold light flashed in Ye Jun's eyes, and he knew that Ye Tianhua might be determined to do harm to him tonight.

But he would never show weakness, because he knew that once he showed weakness, the prestige of the city would plummet.

Ye Tianhua, do you really think you can cover the sky with one hand? You may be overbearing, but in this world, no one can be above everyone else!"If you want to kill me, I want to see how brave you are!"

There was an unyielding determination in Ye Jun's tone. He wanted to see if Ye Tianhua dared to kill him!

A cold light flashed in Ye Tianhua's eyes.

He knew that Ye Jun was testing whether he had the courage to kill him and his determination to fight against the walled city!

Most people would be very fearful when faced with Ye Jun's identity.

Even the four major associations in Hong Kong have to think twice before taking action against Ye Jun.

But he, Ye Tianhua, is different!

Ye Jun repeatedly made trouble for him and wanted to kill him!

If he doesn't get rid of this scourge, he will have a steady stream of troubles in the future!

Because in the arena, there are always only two endings for the weak - being trampled under their feet, or being forgotten in the wind and rain.

At this moment, the room is filled with a tense atmosphere

"Get the knife!"

Ye Tianhua stretched out his hand and spoke coldly.

The boy on the side took out the shining machete from his waist and handed it to Ye Tianhua's hand.

Ye Jun looked at the shining machete in Ye Tianhua's hand, his eyes moved, and he was a little panicked. Sang, who was standing behind Ye Jun, Bo, his face is full of panic at this moment

"Ye Tianhua, please don’t mess around!"

"If you touch Mr. Jun, even if you don't die, you will never have peace in Xiangjiang!"

Sang Bo stood up and stared at Ye Tianhua.

Ye Tianhua gave him a cold look and flashed the knife in his hand.

Sang Bo immediately opened his eyes wide. He covered his bleeding neck with both hands and looked in disbelief. By Ye Tianhua



Ye Tianhua uttered two words coldly, and Ye Jun was also startled. Looking at Sangbo who fell to the ground with his hands on his neck, his face suddenly changed, and he quickly said to Ye Tianhua

"Ye Tianhua, you damn Mad, really dare to attack!"

Ye Tianhua said coldly.

"Don't worry, it will be your turn soon!"

Ye Tianhua held the knife and looked at Ye Jun coldly. Ye Jun looked at Ye Tianhua's terrifying eyes and was so scared that he backed away. At this moment, he was really scared!

He really felt the murderous blood soaked in his bone marrow from Ye Tianhua. meaning!

"Young Master from Chengzhai?"


"I tolerated you the first two times"

"But you, Madame, come to you again and again!"

"Do you really think that I, Ye Tianhua, Tamade is made of clay?"

"I don’t dare to touch you because I think you are Master Ding’s precious grandson!"

"Let me tell you, even if the King of Heaven comes here tonight, I can't save you!"

Ye Tianhua held the blood-stained machete and slowly approached Ye Jun.

Ye Jun was so frightened that he staggered and fell to the ground.

"Do not kill me!"

"Do not kill me!"

"I know I was wrong, Brother Hua, I beg you not to kill me!"

"I can give you whatever you want!"

At this time, Ye Jun faced a real death threat, with cold sweat flowing on his head, and kept begging Ye Tianhua for mercy.


"Do you know how to beg for mercy now?"


Ye Tianhua said coldly. He and Ye Jun have reached a fight to the death.

He knows that even if he lets him go tonight, Ye Jun will not give up.

The last way is to completely eliminate him forever!

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