Huayuan Street, inside the garden villa.

Shen Qiu sat on the sofa and dialed He Wenzhan's number.

"A Zhan, it’s me"

"Brother Qiu, what's the matter?"

He Wenzhan's voice came from the handset of the mobile phone.

As a PTU, He Wenzhan's working hours are completely opposite to those of ordinary police officers. He works in the evening and rests during the day.

"Are you free to accompany me to solve the case? Shen

Qiu said with a smile.

"Brother Qiu, I’m afraid I can’t do it tonight."

Speaking of this, He Wenzhan lowered his voice:"Tonight, Chief Inspector Su Jianqiu of the NB (Narcotics Investigation Bureau) of the Police Headquarters has asked us, PTU EU, for assistance. I am now dispatching control at the Tsim Sha Tsui Pier."

Hearing He Wenzhan's words, Shen Qiu's eyes moved slightly. He instantly understood that this should be Zhang Ziwei's method to secretly notify Su Jianqiu of the news that Minna and Sha Li were going to deal with Duan Kun tonight.

"Okay, let's talk about it next time, please pay attention to your own safety."

After Shen Qiu said this, he immediately hung up the phone.

Then, without a moment's pause, Shen Qiu immediately dialed Tian Yangsheng's number.

"Ah Sheng, it's me. You immediately take Ah Yi, Xiang Dong, Xiaozhuang, and Thor and all of them out to ambush near the Tsim Sha Tsui pier. The police will arrest people on the pier later. After that, you also take action to rescue the people on the dock."

Originally, Shen Qiu planned to do the system's task of killing the Eight-faced Buddha slowly, but now the appearance of Mian Na, Sha Li, and Zhang Ziwei gave Shen Qiu hope of completing the task quickly.

If the Eight-faced Buddha In Thailand, Shen Qiu is naturally out of reach, but with the help of Mian Na, Sali, and Zhang Ziwei, Shen Qiu is very confident that he can kill the drug lord of the Eight-faced Buddha and get the reward of Wang Jianjun and Wang Jianguo's team. As well as the talent for ill-gotten gains.

In the movie, it seems that except for Wang Jianjun, everyone else in Wang Jianjun and Wang Jianguo's team is just rubbish and not worth mentioning. However, Shen Qiu knows very well that it is purely because Xu Zhengyang is too strong. In fact, the members of Wang Jianjun and Wang Jianguo's team are all veterans of the Vietnam War, and their quality is only higher than that of the gangsters who swept the robbery business on Hong Kong Island. The talent of ill-gotten wealth is a perfect fit for Shen Qiu now. Doubling the wealth obtained by eating black people means that Shen Qiu can fight evil while also benefiting from it. Isn't this a pleasure?

After hearing what Sang Gou said, Shen Qiu immediately called He Wenzhan and asked the police to The power of the police forced Mian Na, Sha Li, and Zhang Ziwei to a dead end, and then let Tian Yangsheng and others come forward to rescue them.

But since Su Jianqiu took advantage of the police's power, Shen Qiu had no choice but to give up.

However, as long as Su Jianqiu can push Mian Na , Sha Li, and Zhang Ziwei were forced to a dead end. For Shen Qiu, the effect was similar.

Late at night and early in the morning.

Tsim Sha Tsui Pier.

Several black cars parked quietly on the shore until a few on-off lights flashed across the dark sea. The doors of these cars were pushed open, and a man with dyed yellow hair and an arrogant look walked to the shore with a flashlight and illuminated three short and two long lights, responding to the few lights on the sea just now. light

"Duan Kun, I have never encountered products from Colombia before. Is the quality really as good as you said?"

After Duan Kun gave the signal, a man who also dyed his hair blonde and had a smug look walked up to Duan Kun, stood side by side with Duan Kun, and asked lightly.

This yellow-haired man is Dong Xing. One of the Five Tigers, the golden-haired tiger Sandhopper.

After the death of the prince in Yau Ma Tei, Sandhopper, who has been developing his power in Shatin, took his horses south and took over several pieces of land in Mong Kok and Kowloon City. Now he is in urgent need of stock.

"When the goods arrive on the shore, you can try it first. If it doesn't make you happy, I will give it to you for free."

Duan Kun grinned and said with a smile.

"Okay, you said it."

There was also a smile on Shashu's face.

Soon, the small boat had reached the shore, and Duan Kun's crew moved more than a dozen boxes of goods on the small boat to the shore.

"Sandhopper, give it a try."

After all the goods landed, Duan Kun said to Shashu with a smile.


Shashu nodded slightly, pulled out a dagger from his waist, inserted it into one of the boxes, and after pulling it out, a large amount of white powder was brought out.

Just as Shashu was preparing to test the goods, seven or eight cars came from He drove out in the dark, and the person inside didn't even wait for the car to stop. He just looked through the car window, drew his gun and started shooting.

"Bang bang bang bang~"

In an instant, gunfire erupted in the originally dead Tsim Sha Tsui Pier. Several Dong Xing and Duan Kun's horsemen were shot to the ground on the spot, and the wailing sound immediately reached everyone's ears.

At this moment , , not far from Tsim Sha Tsui Pier, in a command vehicle

"Sir Su, there is a shootout among drug dealers, should we take action?"

He Wenzhan, who had been promoted to PTU Inspector Xi, asked Su Jianqiu after hearing the gunfire.

"Don't worry, I haven't waited for my signal yet."

Su Jianqiu, who was wearing headphones, said slowly. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

On the other side, on the Tsim Sha Tsui Pier

"Damn it, Duan Kun, what are you doing? Want to be black and white?"

Sha Shu rolled like a donkey and hid behind a car. At the same time, he pulled out his pistol and looked at Duan Kun, who was also hiding behind the car not far away, and shouted sternly.

"I'm going to take advantage of your mother and kill my own subordinates? Damn it, some mole betrayed us, damn it!"

While speaking, Duan Kun raised his gun and fired back.

Bang bang bang~

Although Duan Kun and Shashu desperately fought back, their men were at an absolute disadvantage in terms of quantity, ability, and even firepower. They were only a few seconds away. Within minutes, all their men except Duan Kun and Sha Shuo had been killed.

"Duan Kun, come out and I will have a chat with you on behalf of my father, the Eight-faced Buddha."

Just when Duan Kun fell into despair, a woman's voice floated into his ears

"Hey, I'm Sandhopper from Dongxing. The affairs between you drug dealers have nothing to do with me, right?……"


Originally, after hearing what Minna said, Shahu thought it was a fight between drug dealers and had nothing to do with him. But before he could finish his words, he was shot dead by Shali who was standing next to Minna.

"Noisy Hong Kong Islanders"[]

After killing the sandhopper, Sha Li said coldly with a murderous look on his face, causing Zhang Ziwei standing next to him to frown slightly.

"What do you want to talk to me about?"

Seeing that Shashu was shot to death, Duan Kun's head, which had been half extended, immediately retracted into the car and shouted loudly at the same time.

"I can spare your life by providing the person who sells the goods to you."

Mian Na said lightly.

"Okay, come here, I will only tell you."

Without a moment's hesitation, Duan Kun replied with a smile.


Mian Na did not doubt that he was there, and slowly walked towards the car where Duan Kun was hiding.

Listening to the footsteps getting closer and closer to her, Duan Kun's face showed a hint of joy. When the footsteps stopped beside him, When he was far away, Duan Kun gritted his teeth, stood up suddenly, and shouted loudly:"Damn, you stinky cousin, let your people……"


The moment Duan Kun stood up, Shali fired again, killing Duan Kun.

Seeing this scene, Minna turned back sharply, glared at Shali, and roared:"Shali, what are you doing? mean?"

The expression of Zhang Ziwei, who was standing next to Sha Li, also changed suddenly. Then he lowered his right hand and hit the pocket of his pants more than a dozen times quickly.

Not far away, in the police command car

"Order all guys to take action immediately!"

Su Jianqiu fiercely took off his headphones and shouted loudly...

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