Late at night, a gray car parked on the side of Portland Street.

A man wearing a military green jacket, hood, and mask moved his eyes slightly after seeing the license plate number of the gray car. He pretended to casually walk to the car and knocked on the window three times.

Then, after hearing the people in the car knock on the window three times, he quickly opened the door and got into the car.

"Sir Liang, do you need to be so cautious?"

Shen Qiu, who was sitting in the driver's seat, looked through the rearview mirror at Liang Junyi, the former inspector of the Criminal Intelligence Division who was sitting in the back seat, and asked with a smile.

"I have many secrets about Ma Zhihua and Huaye Group. If Ma Zhihua finds out that I am not dead yet, then I will be in trouble. At least I don’t want to die until that bastard dies. Liang

Junyi said lightly.

Shen Qiu received a call from Liang Jun"827" Yi in the afternoon and made an appointment with him about the meeting place and the code for the meeting.

"Have you seen today's news? The assassination of Judy Tang of Shimao Real Estate."

When Shen Qiu heard Liang Junyi's words, he smiled slightly and asked

"Um? Why, is this case related to Ma Zhihua? Liang

Junyi asked curiously

"I guess this case has nothing to do with Ma Zhihua, but I can make this case have something to do with Ma Zhihua. Shen

Qiu said slowly

"Yang is really blind, not mentally damaged. If I remember correctly, he told me that you are the senior inspector of the anti-triad group of Yau Tsim Police Station."

Obviously, Liang Junyi doesn't believe that Shen Qiu, a senior inspector, can do such a high-end thing.

"I just forgot to tell you that Li Wenbin, the head of the criminal department of the police force, has given me the responsibility for the assassination of Judy Tang of Shimao Real Estate. Hearing Shen

Qiu's words, Liang Junyi's expression changed slightly:"What are you going to do?""

"According to my investigation, Ma Mangou, the leader of Yongzidui speaker Chen Minhong, has been helping Ma Zhihua do shady things. You, Sir Liang, should also know this very well."

Shen Qiu did not answer Liang Junyi's question directly. Instead, he asked him a question.

"Yes, Axiang was the one they kidnapped, and it should also be Axiang they killed."

The Axiang Liang Junyi said was Lin Yixiang, the only one who died among the criminal intelligence technology trio a year ago.

"Now I am 99% sure that Chen Minhong is the mastermind behind the assassination of Judy Tang. Chen Minhong, the leader of the society, has no conflict of interest with Judy Tang, and they are basically strangers. If you are an uninformed person, What would ordinary citizens think?"

Shen Qiu continued to ask

"There is a dark hand behind Chen Minhong. Liang

Junyi said slowly

"Yes, if the relationship between Sanggou and Ma Zhihua and Chen Minhong was exposed at this time, combined with the news that Ma Zhihua Renxiaotang Charitable Foundation will also engage in the elderly care industry, what would you think?"

Chen Qiu turned to look at Liang Junyi and asked with a smile.

"I would be suspicious of Ma Zhihua, but this is too far-fetched. There are so many people in the same industry. If Ma Zhihua is found to have committed murder based on this, most people will not approve it, let alone the court."

Liang Junyi pondered for a moment and then answered.

"What if you add the materials you have on hand, Sir Liang? I am telling you the truth. I have a very good relationship with Judy Tang. She told me what the Renxiaotang Charitable Foundation does, and it is purely for the money of investors in the stock market."

At this point, Shen Qiu paused slightly, and then lowered his voice:"Sir Liang, I have obtained information about Ma Zhihua from the Commercial Crime Investigation Division. He launders money for gangs, drug dealers, and arms dealers around the world. He is an ordinary businessman. Of course it is not credible to kill people because of business competition, but if a businessman involved in gangs kills people because of business competition, do you think everyone would believe it?"

"Sir Shen, what you said makes sense, but it is still impossible to convict Ma Zhihua based on this. Liang

Junyi shook his head and said

"Hahaha, Sir Liang, why did you want to convict Ma Zhihua?"

"What did you say?"

After hearing Shen Qiu's words, Liang Junyi's eyes doubled in size and his tone became eight points higher.

"Sir Liang, Hong Kong Island is a very fucked up place. Ninety percent of the laws here are designed to protect the rich and the devils. For commercial crimes involving Ma Zhihua, he will be sentenced to three years at most. He is so rich. Money, if you manage it up and down, you can get it out in two years at most."

"By then, he will still be a rich man, living a life of luxury, and you, and Yang Zhen, will have lost the last hope of revenge."

Chen Qiu looked at Liang Junyi and said slowly, word by word. 0


After listening to Shen Qiu's words, Liang Junyi was silent for a long time. After a few minutes, he took off the mask on his face, looked at Shen Qiu, and said slowly:"Sir Shen, tell me about your plan."

"In Hong Kong Island, it is difficult to convict a person in court, but it is much easier to convict a person in a person's heart."

"Give me the information you have. Money laundering, hiring murderers, and colluding with the underworld to harm people. These crimes are enough to make the Hong Kong stock market, Hong Kong citizens, and Hong Kong wealthy circles lose confidence in Ma Zhihua."

"If they have no confidence in Ma Zhihua, the stock market will have no confidence in Ma Zhihua's company. If the stock market has no confidence in Ma Zhihua, then Ma Zhihua will spit out the money he earned from the stock market. For a person like Ma Zhihua, letting him lose all his wealth is worse than letting him die. Even more uncomfortable"

"And, believe me, once Ma Zhihua loses his rich aura, he will immediately be torn apart by those he has offended."

Shen Qiu looked at Liang Junyi and said slowly.

In fact, there is the most important point. Shen Qiu concluded that Ma Zhihua must have a backer behind him, and when public opinion reaches its peak, even if the backer behind Ma Zhihua refuses to give up, he will have no choice but to cut off his arm. , throw away Ma Zhihua’s gray gloves to avoid getting burned.


Liang Junyi thought for a long time again, and finally, he looked up at Shen Qiu and said slowly:"Sir Shen, can I trust you?"

"I was next to Judy Tang at noon today, and I was almost shot to death by those two gangster gunmen."

Chen Qiu's face was calm, but his eyes seemed to be burning with flames. He restrained himself and performed to the extreme.

"wait for me here."

Finally, Liang Junyi made up his mind to cooperate with Shen Qiu and hand over the black information related to Ma Zhihua to Shen Qiu.

Half an hour later, a gray car was driving on Nathan Road in Tsim Sha Tsui. Inside the car, Shen Qiu Holding the mobile phone, he is talking to Le Huizhen on the phone

"Ah Zhen, it's me, I'm on my way to your house now"

"No, of course I miss you. Besides, I have a good thing to share with you."

"What a good thing? That's definitely not the case. I bought you some nice clothes and I'll let you wear them later.……"

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