Causeway Bay, Jinyulu Bathing City.

While Shan Ji was talking, Shen Qiu recognized the man who was dragged out of the bathhouse. It was his police school classmate Liu Baoqiang (from the movie"Anti-Corruption Storm 2").》)

Therefore, after Pheasant finished speaking, Shen Qiu immediately said something back.

"I'm holding your mother in my mouth, who are you? Blowing water in front of my pheasant? believe me or not……"

Pheasant was originally upset because of Liu Baoqiang's trouble. After hearing Shen Qiu's words, he became angry instantly and pointed at Shen Qiu and cursed loudly.

Unfortunately, before he finished speaking, Qiu Gangao, who was standing behind Shen Qiu, took action and knocked the Causeway Bay Five Tigers to the ground with one punch.

After Qiu Gangao took action, Luo Jianhua, Mo Yiquan, and Zhu Xuming also took action immediately, knocking down the several Hongxing mazi who grabbed Liu Baoqiang to the ground, howling in pain.

In front of well-trained policemen such as Qiu Gangao and Luo Jianhua, young and dangerous boys like Pheasant are as fragile as chickens.

"Your mother, if you dare to attack us, just wait! Sister Hua, call someone!"

Pheasant looked at Sister Hua, the manager of the bathing city who was stunned on the spot, and shouted loudly


Sister Hua actually didn't want to make the matter a big deal, but after hearing Pheasant shout these words, she could only bite the bullet and help Pheasant shake people off.

"I am Shen Qiu, senior inspector of the Anti-Gangster Group. These short mules in front of me are suspected of assaulting police officers and beating police officers on duty. Ao, please call the police."

After hearing these words, Sister Hua's figure froze in place for an instant. Then she quickly squeezed out a smile, looked at Shen Qiu and said,"This Sir, it's Pheasant and the others who bumped into you Sir without noticing. , he is indeed at fault, but it’s not that serious."

"I'm holding your mother in my mouth, you've wronged me... ah!"

After hearing Shen Qiu's words, Pheasant immediately cursed, but was immediately kicked in the stomach by Qiu Gang'ao, and gasped in pain.

"Stay strong, the ground is cold, how long are you going to lie down?"

After finishing the pheasant, Shen Qiu walked up to Liu Baoqiang and said to him with a smile.

"Are you, Shen... Shen Qiu? Liu

Baoqiang asked with some uncertainty.

"if not? Besides me, an old classmate, who else will help you?"

Shen Qiu smiled and extended his right hand to Liu Baoqiang.

Looking at Shen Qiu's smiling face, Liu Baoqiang hesitated for a moment, grabbed his right hand and stood up.

"what happened?"

After Liu Baoqiang stood up, Shen Qiu asked in a low voice

"Hey, Shen... Ah Qiu, I won't hide it from you. I owe a lot of money. Debt collectors came to threaten my mother and my sister. My sister dropped out of school to work here to pay off my gambling debt. Originally, My mother still wanted to hide it from me, but she let it slip. We were the police, so of course we knew where the bathing city was, so I wanted to take my sister home. But, hey... Ah Qiu, I am a waste. Liu

Baoqiang looked ashamed and sighed.

"More later."

Chen Qiu patted Liu Baoqiang on the shoulder. He knew that although this kid was a gambler, he still had a conscience, otherwise he would not come here to take his sister away.

In the end, Liu Baoqiang did turn around and was promoted all the way, and even became a He became the superintendent.

A policeman who has applied for a property reorganization plan can still become a superintendent. His ability can be imagined. If this kind of talent is used well, it will definitely be a big help.

Of course, although Shen Qiu has Liu Baoqiang’s job, plan, but Shen Qiu also knew very well that people like Liu Baoqiang could only be used, not reused.

After reminiscing with Liu Baoqiang, Shen Qiu walked up to Shan Ji, kicked him unconscious, and pulled Shan Ji along Lifting him up by his hair, he turned to look at Sister Hua, and said with a smile:"Sister Hua, right? Didn't you agree to help us choose a girl? What, the business is no longer available?"


Looking at the pheasant whose scalp was stretched out, Sister Hua's scalp went numb just thinking about the pain. After being stunned for a few seconds, she realized what she was doing and said quickly:"Sir Shen, right? Of course we will take care of your business." Yes, our Jinyulu Bathing City has always supported police-citizen cooperation. Please follow me."

"Baoqiang, let's go."

Shen Qiu shouted to Liu Baoqiang, and then dragged the pheasant into the bathhouse.

On the other side, inside a nightclub in Causeway Bay

"Haonan, Mr. Jiang had a phone call with me in the morning. He asked me when I could finish Ba Guan. He also said that if I felt it was difficult to do, I would just tell him directly and he could hand over the task to others."

B, the fit man boss at Causeway Bay Hall in Hongxing, looked at the top horse Chen Haonan sitting in front of him and said slowly

"Brother B, I don’t know if I’m unlucky these days or if that guy from Baguan is lucky. Every time I choose a place to do something, but in the end, it’s either trampled on or the police check the sign, and there’s no chance for me to do anything."

A bitter smile appeared on Chen Haonan's face.

"Anan, of course I believe you, but this is a task assigned by Mr. Jiang. He only looks at the results, not the process."

Big Brother B stared at Chen Haonan and said lightly

"Brother B, I have received definite information. Tonight, that guy Bakuan will go to the Helu Bathing City in Tsim Sha Tsui to take a bath. I will take action tonight and I will never let him live to see the sun tomorrow."

When Chen Haonan heard the words of his boss, Big Boss B, he immediately spoke, his eyes full of sternness.

"Anan, it depends on your performance tonight. Now is your critical period. As long as you kill Baguan and complete this mission, I can naturally ask Jiang Tiansheng to give you a job."

Big Brother B said slowly

"Brother B, thank you very much."

After hearing Big Brother B's words, a flash of ecstasy flashed across Chen Haonan's face. He worked hard under Big Brother B for 8 years in Hongxing, just to get a job and get a higher position.

"Anan, you are the person I trust most.……"

Ring, ring, ring~

Before Boss B finished speaking, he was interrupted by a phone ringing.

"Hello, who is this?"


"Okay, I'll be there right away!"

After Boss B picked up the phone, his expression suddenly changed after hearing just one sentence.

"Brother B, what happened?"

When Chen Haonan saw Big Brother B's appearance, he quickly asked

"Pheasant had a little friction with a few policemen in Jinyulu. Now that I am in the hands of those policemen, I have to go to Jinyulu immediately."

Big Brother B was talking and walking towards the door of the box. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"Brother B, Pheasant is my little brother, I will go with you."

Chen Haonan was talking and followed Big Brother B and left the box together.

Twenty minutes later, Jin Yulu Bathing City

"Sister Hua, what’s going on? Where are Pheasant and the policeman now? Take me there immediately."

As soon as Big Brother B walked into the gate of the bathing city, he immediately asked a series of questions to Sister Hua, the manager of the bathing city who was waiting for him at the door.

"..Brother B, come with me. Let’s talk as we walk. Just now……"

While Sister Hua was talking, she took Boss B to the bathhouse where Shen Qiu and others were.

"Brother B, that policeman is in here, be careful. I feel that that guy has a lot of background, and the few people under him are very skilled, and they can beat the pheasant without any power to fight back."

Sister Hua whispered to Big Brother B


Big Brother B nodded slightly, then pushed open the curtain of the bathhouse and stepped in. As soon as he entered the bathhouse, Big Boss B saw the handsome man with his eyes closed in the middle of the bathhouse at a glance, and immediately recognized , this is that Shen Qiu, because Shen Qiu’s aura is really too strong

"Hahahaha, this should be Sir Shen from the anti-gangster group, right?"

Big Brother B put on a bright smile on his face, looked at Shen Qiu, and said.

Then, before Shen Qiu could answer, the smile on Big Brother B's face suddenly faded, and he pointed to the man lying aside, still in a coma. The pheasant said calmly:"Sir Shen, my people have offended you for some reason, do you want to deal with such a heavy blow?"[]

"Boss B, right? , let me ask you a legal question, how many years will you be sentenced for assaulting a police officer or beating a police officer on duty?"

After hearing Big Brother B's words, Shen Qiu, who was sitting in the bath with his eyes closed and concentrating, slowly opened his eyes, looked at Big Brother B with an ugly face, and asked with a smile.

"Sir Shen, do you want to play like this? My brother has offended you, and I will apologize to you on his behalf. All the purchases you made at Jinyulu today will be borne by my boss B. You have to be merciful and merciful, how about that?"

Big Boss B looked at Shen Qiu and said slowly.

As for Shen Qiu, the most popular hot chick in the police force recently, Big Boss B has naturally heard of his name, but that's it. After all,

Shen Qiu is a Yau Tsim police officer. The senior inspector of the anti-gangster department cannot control them in Causeway Bay

"Boss B, when I call you Boss B, do you really think you are a boss? Invite us to take a bath. Don’t you think you are being generous? When Shen

Qiu said this, her voice suddenly increased:"You haven't answered me yet. How many years will you be jailed for assaulting a police officer?""

"With so many people watching in Bathing City, are you attacking the police? You say yes?"

Seeing that Shen Qiu was so disrespectful to him, Big Boss B turned pale and stared at Shen Qiu and said coldly

"I said yes, let’s see if the judge believes me or you, Young and Dangerous."

A hint of sneer appeared on Shen Qiu's face, and he spoke slowly, word for word.

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