That night, Yau Ma Tei, inside the police safe house

"Everyone, this is the situation. Now Song Zihao has gained the painter's trust and has made an appointment to conduct a transaction the day after tomorrow."

"According to Song Zihao's information, the painter is now hiding on a yacht at sea for safety. I can basically conclude that the $10 billion in counterfeit banknotes printed by the painter have been transported to Hong Kong Island."

"Therefore, tomorrow I will divide the task force into two action groups. One of them will be led by me to the yacht to trade with the painter. After obtaining the address where the counterfeit banknotes and money printing circuit boards are stored, I will inform your shore action team. island action."

Shen Qiu said slowly, word for word.

"Sir Shen, who are you going to bring to trade with the painter?"

After Shen Qiu's words fell, Yazi immediately asked.

"This is an operational secret."

Of course Shen Qiu will not tell Yazi and others that he wants to take the most capable men like Feng Yuxiu, Gao Jin, and Tian Yangsheng to trade with the painter.

"Sir Shen, it is very dangerous to deal with a painter on a yacht, you must be careful. Yazi said with a concerned look. After these few days of cooperation, the distance between her and Shen Qiu has become much closer.

"Don't worry, I'll be fully prepared."

Shen Qiu smiled and nodded. 570 Then, he looked around at everyone present before continuing:"Everyone, this case was handed over to our Hong Kong Island Police Force by Interpol for investigation. The senior management is very concerned about this case. Take it seriously. I hope everyone can work hard tomorrow to give this case a perfect ending and bring the revenge plan to a perfect close."

"yes, sir!"

After Shen Qiu's words fell, Yazi, Chen Jiaju, Song Zijie and others all stood up and said loudly.

The next day, a pier in Tsim Sha Tsui

"Mr. Song, what are you doing?"

Wu Xiuqing looked at Shen Qiu, Feng Yuxiu, Gao Jin, and Tian Yangsheng who were standing behind Song Zihao, wearing sunglasses and each carrying a box, and her face sank slightly.

"Lawyer Wu, my boss is not like your boss. She doesn’t trust me that much. US$150 million is not a small amount. These people are all Miss Yamauchi’s confidants. Only by handing the money to them can Miss Yamauchi rest assured.."

Song Zihao came close to Wu Xiuqing's ear and whispered.

After hearing Song Zihao's words, Wu Xiuqing nodded slightly. Also, it had only been a long time since Song Zihao joined Yamauchi Meiko's staff. Yamauchi (bdbh) Meiko was not completely It's normal to trust him.

Thinking of this, Wu Xiuqing smiled and said to Song Zihao:"Everyone, please."

I don't know whether it was because he was about to run away after the transaction, or because he was restrained by Yazi's style yesterday. Today, Wu Xiuqing neither asked Song Zihao, Shen Qiu and others to wear blindfolds, nor did he search them.

After Shen Qiu and others boarded the speedboat and sailed on the sea for more than an hour, Shen Qiu saw a yacht on the rootless sea.

"Hi, Boss Song, we meet again."

After the speedboat came to the side of the yacht, the painter standing on the deck, with a bright smile on his face, waved hello to Song Zihao

"Painter, there is no need to pour champagne this time. I am not used to drinking foreign wine."

Song Zihao climbed onto the deck of the yacht through the rope ladder and said to the painter.

"ok, let's have something else to drink……"

"Sorry, our boss hopes to trade immediately after meeting Mr. Painter."

The painter also wanted to entertain Song Zihao, but before he finished speaking, he was interrupted by Shen Qiu

"Mr. Song, who is he?"

The painter looked at Song Zihao and asked

"His name is Agou, and he is the person our boss trusts the most. My status in my boss's heart is far inferior to his."

Song Zihao came to the painter's side and said mysteriously

"Oh, it turns out to be Brother Gou. Since Brother Gou and Miss Yamauchi are so anxious, let’s make a deal now."

The painter's words made Shen Qiu frown, and then he turned and nodded to Tian Yangsheng, Gao Jin, and Feng Yuxiu who had already boarded the ship.

The four of them put the box in their hands on the deck together, and then opened the box.


After seeing the box full of red US dollars, the painter couldn't help but take a breath of cold air and immediately stepped forward to see the authenticity and quality of these US dollars.

Shen Qiu immediately stopped in front of the painter and smiled. He said:"Painter, we have brought the money, where is the goods?"

The painter heard Shen Qiu's words and nodded towards Wu Xiuqing who was standing not far away. Then Wu Xiuqing quickly walked into the cabin. When he came out of the cabin, he already had a box in his hand.

"Brother Dog, Mr. Song, this is my latest development, the most advanced money printing circuit board in the world. As long as you have this, you can make perfect counterfeit banknotes."

The painter took the box containing the money printing circuit board from Wu Xiuqing's hand and showed it in front of Shen Qiu and others.

"What about the 10 billion counterfeit US dollars?"

Shen Qiu continued to ask. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"We placed the 10 billion counterfeit US dollars in container number 39733 in warehouse No. 141 of Kwun Tong Pier."

This time it was Wu Xiuqing who answered Shen Qiu.

"OK, you can check the goods."

Shen Qiu kicked a box full of dollar bills in front of the painter.

"Okay, Brother Dog, I……"

When the painter saw the box of US dollars, the smile on his face became even bigger. He was about to say something nice to Shen Qiu about the cooperation, but before he could finish his words, Shen Qiu kicked him in the temple with a fierce upper leg. on the spot and fainted on the spot.

The moment he fell to the ground, Shen Qiu had already pulled out the Glock 17 pistol inserted in his waist, pointed it at Wu Xiuqing, who turned around and ran towards the cabin, and pulled the trigger.

Bang bang bang bang~

After several gunshots, Wu Xiuqing, or rather the painter, fell into a pool of blood and died with his eyes open.

As Shen Qiu took action, Tian Yangsheng, Gao Jin, and Feng Yuxiu also moved instantly. Almost at the same time as Shen Qiu fired, they subdued all the four painters' horses on the deck.

Bang bang bang bang~

In the next few minutes, gunfire spread across the empty sea.

A few minutes later, Shen Qiu, with a few drops of blood on his body, stood on the deck. While playing with the money-printing board in his hand, he took a satellite phone and dialed a number.

"The $10 billion counterfeit banknotes were placed in warehouse No. 141 of Kwun Tong Pier, container number 39733. By the way, the painter had a female assistant. I didn’t see her on the ship. I think she was guarding the painter at Kwun Tong Pier. That batch of counterfeit banknotes, you try to frame her out and arrest her."

After the call was connected, Qiu Zhu said[] half an hour later

"Congratulations to the host for completing the mission: snatching the banknote printing circuit board from the painter's hand and destroying 10 billion US dollars in counterfeit banknotes. Mission reward: 1 billion US dollars."

Hearing the system prompt in his mind, a bright smile appeared on Shen Qiu's face.……

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