After hearing that voice, Peter's expression suddenly changed. He turned around and saw Shen Qiu with a half-smiling face.

Without a moment's hesitation, Peter took action directly and was about to capture Shen Qiu.

Peter is most confident in his marksmanship, and second most confident in his own skills, especially when facing a police officer from the Hong Kong Island Police Force like Shen Qiu.

In his opinion, as a person from the special forces, wouldn't he be able to deal with a policeman easily?

However, as soon as he made a move, Shen Qiu grabbed his fist and twisted it hard.


Severe pain accompanied by the crisp sound of fractures entered Peter's mind.

However, before he could howl in pain, Shen Qiu's hand directly pinched his throat, and with a strong grasp, he smashed the ghost guy's throat into pieces. In just a few seconds, this self-esteemed guy Gui Lao special forces, the elite of the Political Department perished.

Shen Qiu grabbed Peter's neck and dragged him to the scene of the gunfight just like a dead dog.

"Sir Shen, is this?"

Dong Piao, the head of the serious crime team of Yau Tsim Police Station who was commanding at the scene, looked at the dead ghost in Shen Qiu's hand and asked curiously

"He was the killer who lurked in this building. On the way to escape, when I discovered him, he resisted violently. I had no choice but to take heavy action in order to protect the safety of the citizens."

As soon as Shen Qiu let go of his hand, Peter's body instantly collapsed to the ground like a puddle of mud.

"Sir Shen is both a gangster and a killer. This time things are unusual."

Dong Piao glanced at Peter's body, leaned into Shen Qiu's ear, and whispered

"It's really unusual, some people are going to suffer. Shen

Qiu looked to the west in the direction of Kwai Tsing and said coldly.

Just when Shen Qiu led people to wipe out Ye Jihuan, Lin Dong and other gangsters, Kwai Tsing and Tsing Yi Pier.

Jian Weida led a group of people from the Political Department and Operations Department. The men completed the exercise mission very smoothly and rescued three hostages from a group of gangsters.

Not only did they kill all the gangsters, but their own team also suffered zero casualties, making this exercise a successful conclusion. After completing the exercise task, Jian Weida took out his mobile phone and dialed Shi Paiming's number.

"Director Shi, we have completed the exercise plan, what’s next?"

The purpose of Jian Weida's call was not to report the end of his exercise to Shi Paiming, but to ask Shi Paiming about the situation at Shen Qiu.

After more than two months of getting along, Jian Weida has great respect for Shen Qiu. And I'm afraid.

What I admire is that Shen Qiu is indeed a capable person. If it weren't for his different stance, Jian Weida would have already been convinced by him. What I'm afraid of is that if Shen Qiu doesn't have any problems, then he, Jian Weida, will never have a role in the special operations team. In the early days of his career, as a rising star of the Political Department, or the Gui Lao Faction, Jian Weida knew that this time he came to the Special Operations Team was an opportunity given to him by the faction's senior leaders. If he missed this opportunity, then Jian Weida would be in the police force. The team's career will most likely end here.

"Sir Jane, please stay where you are and wait for my order."

Shi Paiming responded to Jian Weida in another way.

"yes, sir!"

After Jian Weida said this, he hung up the phone with some disappointment.

"Sir Jane, what's going on? We have completed the exercise mission. Are we about to return to the team?"

After Jian Weida hung up the phone, Meng Liangbo from the team walked up to Jian Weida and asked with a smile.

"There's no rush, just stay where you are."

Jian Weida put away the disappointment on his face and said calmly.

However, Jian Weida and Meng Liangbo did not notice that there were several cars in the distance, driving straight towards them.

Bang bang bang bang... wait until these cars came from Jian Wei When Da and others were passing by the personnel carrier, more than a dozen AK rifles stretched out from the window and fired wildly at the personnel carrier. The two special operations team members in the driver's seat and the co-pilot were killed on the spot.

And Jian Weida , Meng Liangbo and others were protected by the thick armor of the personnel carrier. Although two people were injured by stray bullets, their lives were not in danger!

"Apo, go and drive, the others will fight back with me!"

Jian Weida reacted quickly, picked up the MP5 submachine gun, placed it on the small window edge of the cash transport truck, and fired back.

However, at this moment, a scene that made Jian Weida's eyesight split appeared in front of him.

He I saw several bombs thrown out of those cars, and they landed accurately beside and under the armored transport truck. Then these cars quickly moved away.


Jian Weida roared angrily, without caring about anything else, and ran directly towards the tailgate of the car.

Kou Bang~ (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Kou Bang~

Unfortunately, he was still a step late, these bombs were all It was the liquid bomb that Shen Qiu obtained from the system. It was extremely powerful. Just a few of them blew up a several-ton personnel carrier more than 1 meter high, and then fell heavily to the ground. After the explosion, those few A car returned to the personnel carrier again. After Tian Yangsheng, Thor, Fu Guang and others got out of the car, regardless of whether they were alive or dead, they shot each other in the heads and chests of Jian Weida and others, and then quickly He returned to the car and drove away.

Almost at the same time, in Yau Ma Tei, the sound of the system sounded in Shen Qiu's mind.

"Congratulations to the host for completing the mission: attack and kill a team of special operations teams, kill a team leader, and receive a reward: summoning the gangsters Pa Ge and Cao Nan's team"

"It is detected that the host has overfulfilled the task: annihilate a team of special operations teams and receive additional rewards: the natural spider nerves are upgraded to spider senses."

"Spider Sense: Based on the spider nerves, the host has a sharper sixth sense and sharper reflexes."

After hearing this sound from the system, Shen Qiu's mind suddenly became clear. Then, he felt that everything around him seemed to be within his own induction, including the cold hair on Dong Piao's fingers being blown by the breeze. Movement, including the trembling of the eyelids of a police officer a few meters away, this kind of induction lasts until a distance of about 10 meters before disappearing.

Obviously, this is a very incredible talent. With this talent in hand, unless you use mass destruction Sexual weapons, otherwise it would be almost impossible to kill Shen Qiu.

After a short period of adaptation, Shen Qiu took out his mobile phone and dialed a number

"Meiko, it's me. You immediately convey my order to all the teams of the special operations team. Regardless of whether they have completed the exercise or not, they must immediately return to the training base to assemble."

After the call was connected, Shen Qiu said

"Okay, Aqiu."

Yaazi has never heard Shen Qiu's tone so serious, so she agreed directly without asking any more questions.[]

After hearing Meazi's answer, Shen Qiu hung up the phone and dialed Li Wenbin's number.

"Sir Li, I am Shen Qiu. I was leading the team in the exercise just now.……"

After the call was connected, Shen Qiu said slowly. ten minutes later

"Ao, take all the brothers and return to the training base."

As Shen Qiu spoke, he walked towards the troop carrier not far away.

Whether it was the gun battle in Yau Ma Tei or the gun battle in Tsing Yi Pier in Kwai Tsing, it was just an appetizer. Next, Shen Qiu wanted the ghost guys to know , what is an eye for an eye, what is a tooth for a tooth?……

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