Gold Coast nightclub, in a private room.

"What's going on with Ruby today, so faceless, reluctant to drink a few glasses of wine, and unwilling to laugh?"

Prince Yong looked at Ruby, who was sitting not far from him, and his eyes were full of anger.

"Brother Prince, I'm not feeling well today. "

Ruby had just tested Prince Yong for a long time, and as soon as Wei Jixiang was mentioned, this hit the street changed the topic, making Ruby angry and helpless, in this case, how could she laugh.

"Uncomfortable, come, I'll rub it for you, make sure you're cool from head to toe. "

Prince Yong sat down next to Ruby, put his hands on Ruby's shoulders, and smiled lewdly.

"Brother Prince, I'm sorry, I'm a little dizzy, so I'll go first. "

Ruby immediately broke free from Prince Yong and got up to walk towards the door of the box.

However, as soon as she got up, she was grabbed by Prince Yong and fell to the ground.

"Damn, I came out to be a bitch, and I put it on in front of Lao Tzu, Lao Tzu will fuck you now, all of them will be out for me 20!"

Prince Yong's face was hideous, and he roared angrily.

At the same time, Tian Yangsheng and the others had already walked quickly to the outside of the box where Prince Ziyong was and kicked open the door of the box.

There was a loud bang~ that made Prince Yong's originally hideous face stunned for an instant, and he turned his head to look at the door, and a baby-faced man immediately met his sight.

"Bite his mother, bad old man is interested, hack him to death!"

Prince Yong pointed to the sky and shouted.

It's just that Tian Yangsheng's speed is faster than Prince Yong's speech, and before Prince Yong's words have fallen, Tian Yangsheng has already pulled out a dagger and stabbed to death a Prince Yong horse boy sitting at the door of the box.

Tian Yangyi, who was standing behind Tian Yangsheng, also immediately joined the battlefield, and as for Tian Yangwu, Tian Yangli and others, they silently closed the door of the box.


Don't kill me, please, don't kill me~

In the box, screams and begs for mercy were heard.

"Hey, listen up, when the police come, tell them that we are chic people, and if Hong Tai dares to kill our boss, we will ask Hong Tai's Chen Mei family to bury my boss. "

Tianyang, whose clothes had been dyed red with a little blood, looked down at Ruby, who was pale and frightened, and said lightly.

Subsequently, Tian Yangsheng, Tian Yangyi and others quickly left the Gold Coast Nightclub, and no one dared to stop these evil stars.

At the same time, in the Jiulong Tong villa area, the villa of Hongtai Longtou Chen Mei.

Chen Mei had already gone to bed after knowing that Xiao Yan had been killed by his own people.

At his age, he can't play outside, if it weren't for his son Chen Yong's lack of courage, Chen Mei would have retired a long time ago, and he would have been living for a long time, where would he be like now, in his sixties, he still has to count this and that every day, and work hard.

It's just that Chen Mei, who was already asleep, didn't know that on the first floor of the villa, a killing was going on, including their Chen family's nanny, driver, and bodyguard, all of whom were quietly killed.

said that if Chen Mei and Chen Yong's family are neat, they must be kept neat and tidy.

After killing everyone on the first floor, Gao Jin came to the second floor softly and slowly pushed open the door of Chen Mei's room.


The person who spoke was Hongtai's red stick Mars, and he was also the best person in the whole Hongtai, and even many people said that if Mars was not Baimen in Hongtai, but Baimen in Xinji and the Number Gang, he was very likely to become a double-flowered red stick.

Hu Xuyong, the leader of the number gang, once offered a sky-high fee of 3 million to invite Mars to join the number gang, but was rejected by the loyal and righteous Mars.

Because of this, Mars is taken by Chen Mei's side, even if he sleeps, Mars has to protect himself.


Before Mars's words fell, Gao Jin had already come to his side, and the dagger in his hand stabbed Mars's neck with a strong wind.

At this moment, Mars's cold hairs stood on end, but while he was still dodging, he yelled: "Big guy, there is a killer!"

Then, Mars saw another dark shadow skewer into Chen Mei's room.

This immediately attracts the attention of Mars, and in such a life-and-death moment, even the slightest distraction can lead to fatal consequences.

Mars was kicked hard to the root, the pain was so severe that his brain went blank for an instant, and then a cold dagger cut his carotid artery, and blood burst out, spilling a blood stain on the snow-white wall.

In the room, after hearing the sound of Mars, Chen Mei immediately touched the pillow on the ground, where there was a handful of black stars all year round, which was his life-saving hole card.

However, at the moment when Chen Mei just took out the black star, a black star had already come to Chen Mei's body, first cutting off Chen Mei's right hand with a gun, and then stabbing Chen Mei in the chest.

Just two knives, this Hongtai dragon head, who has been crisscrossing the Kowloon City for decades, died on the spot, and he didn't blink an eye.

On the other side, in the interrogation room of the Kowloon City Police Station.

Wei Jixiang was silent, he didn't believe what the bad guy named Shen Qiu in front of him said, to be a tainted witness? Not only would he be hunted down and killed by Hong Tai, but his son Da Hong would also be hunted down by Hong Tai, rather than this, it would be better for him to memorize all the charges alone, and if he went to prison for 10 years, it would be better than even causing his son to accompany him to die in the world.

Shen Qiu was not in a hurry, he sat on the chair with his eyes closed, closing his eyes and recuperating. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)


At that moment, the sound of the door of the interrogation room being pushed open broke the deathly silence of the interrogation room.

Qin Fangliang walked quickly to Shen Qiu's side, glanced at Wei Jixiang who was sitting on the iron chair, and whispered in Shen Qiu's ear: "Shen sir, just ......"

"Sir Qin, speak louder, I'm afraid someone won't hear you. "

As soon as Qin Fangliang spoke, he was interrupted by Shen Qiu with a smile.

"Shen sir, I just received a report that Hongtai's Prince Yong was hacked to death in the Gold Coast Nightclub, and the people who hacked Prince Yong to death said that they were dashing horse boys who wanted to avenge their eldest brother since 277. "

Qin Fangliang raised his voice and said loudly.

After hearing Qin Fangliang's words, Wei Jixiang's face changed suddenly, his eyes were full of disbelief, he never dreamed that Prince Ziyong was actually hacked to death?

"Wei Jixiang, even Prince Yong's dashing subordinates dare to kill, not to mention you, the murderer who killed their boss, now that you are at the police station, they can't do anything about you, but what about your son?"

While speaking, Shen Qiu got up and walked to Wei Jixiang's side, and said in a low voice, "In cooperation with our police force, I can send someone to protect your son." "

"Shen sir, please, quickly send someone to protect my son, what do you want me to say, as long as I know, I will tell you everything. "

At this moment, Wei Jixiang understood that he had no choice but to cooperate with Shen Qiu in front of him.

"Wei Jixiang, tell me who the chic person is with you, and where the video studio is, all of them are clear. "

Looking at Wei Jixiang, whose eyes were full of pleading, a gentle smile appeared on Shen Qiu's face.

A few minutes later. []

Shen Qiu took out his mobile phone and dialed Qiu Gangao's number.

"Ah Ao, immediately lead a special task force to the Kowloon City District, there is a big operation, I need your help. "

The phone was connected, and Shen Qiu immediately spoke.

Hong Tai dared to be the first to jump out, then Shen Qiu naturally couldn't be polite to them, so he slaughtered Hong Tai first and served as an appetizer!.

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