After having supper with Lu Minghua and having enough to eat, Shen Qiu did not rush to eat meat, but came to an independent house in Tsim Sha Tsui.

After knocking on the door, it took less than ten seconds for the door to be opened, and it was obvious that the people inside had been waiting for Shen Qiu for more than a long time.

"Li sir. "

Shen Qiu looked at Li Wenbin who was standing at the door and greeted him with a smile.

I have met with Lu Minghua, the helper, so naturally I have to come to worship the mountain of my own faction boss.

"Come in and sit. "

Li Wenbin rarely showed a smile and brought Shen Qiu into his living room.

"Chen sir, Lei sir, Kwong sir. "

After Shen Qiu walked into the living room, Chen Zhijie, Lei Meng, and Kwong Zhili (from the movie "Cold War") were also here, and obviously, they were all going to welcome Shen Qiu, the new faction boss.

Although Shen Qiu's current police rank is only a senior superintendent, with his age and his resume, everyone in the police force knows that the ghost can't suppress Shen Qiu, even if he can suppress it for a while, it can't be suppressed for a lifetime.

With Shen Qiu's age, the deputy commissioner of police is his lower limit.

"Shen sir!" "Shen sir!" "Shen sir!"

Chen Zhijie, Lei Meng, and Kuang Zhili were all very polite to Shen Qiu, and they all stood up and saluted Shen Qiu.

"It's all your own people, don't be so polite, sit down. "

It wasn't until Shen Qiu finished greeting Chen Zhijie and the others that Li Wenbin spoke, and 23 said with a smile.

"Sir Li, the condition for me to talk to the Hong Kong governor is ......"

Shen Qiu once again explained in detail the conditions he had discussed with the Hong Kong Governor to Li Wenbin and others.

After listening to Shen Qiu's words, Li Wenbin pondered for a moment, and then said: "What happened in the Kowloon Walled City this time, the ghost guy must be very uncomfortable in his heart, Ah Qiu, you have to be prepared to stay at the Kowloon City Police Station for a while." "

"Sir Li, I know. "

Shen Qiu knew very well that this time it was so fast, and he was winning three levels in a row, at least during Han Yili's tenure as the Commissioner of Police, he, the newly promoted senior superintendent, didn't want to be promoted again, unless he Shen Qiu blocked the bullet for the Queen of England, it is estimated that with this kind of merit, the ghost guy will let him be promoted.

"In addition, there is another news, Ah Qiu, you can also listen to it, this time the Kowloon Walled City incident is very embarrassing for the ghosts, the major chambers of commerce on Hong Kong Island, as well as the mainland, all require the ghosts to promote the localization of various departments of the British government in Hong Kong as soon as possible. "

"I got the exact news, within two years, the ghost guy will give up 6 director-level positions, Chen Sir, Lei Sir, Kwong Sir, you are at the level of Chief Superintendent, whether it is qualifications or merits, you are all outstanding, this opportunity, we must go all out. "

Li Wenbin said slowly.

Hearing Li Wenbin's words, Shen Qiu's eyes moved slightly, but he didn't expect that he would bring a little surprise in order to win the Kowloon Walled City.

"Ah Qiu, it's a pity that you will definitely be targeted by the ghosts, otherwise you can fight for the position of Chief Superintendent of O-Ji of Kwong Sir. "

Li Wenbin said with some pity.

For Li Wenbin, O Ji is more descendant than the Flying Tigers, Li Wenbin has been in O Ji for 5 years, and he naturally hopes that the future O Ji chief officers are all his own people who are optimistic about him.

"Sir Li, I'm not in a hurry. "

Shen Qiu said with a smile.

"Ah Qiu, you come to the study with me. "

After hearing Shen Qiu's words, Li Wenbin took Shen Qiu to his study.

After closing the door, Li Wenbin spoke: "Ah Qiu, with my understanding of the ghost guy for so many years, the ghost guy is very likely to crush you to death in the Kowloon City Police Station, and they will most likely not send a new Kowloon City Police Station Commissioner to take office, but you will be the acting commissioner, and the entire Kowloon City Police Station will be thrown to you to manage, if you do well, in four or five years, you will be promoted to be the police commissioner, and then you will be pressed for four or five years, and at that time, Hong Kong Island will almost return." "

Obviously, Li Wenbin knows the ghost guy very well, and basically guesses the ghost guy's plan to deal with Shen Qiu.

No matter how good you Shen Qiu are, you will be trapped in this one-third of an acre of land in Kowloon City.

"Sir Li, I am 25 years old this year, even if I wait 10 years, but I am 35 years old, and time is standing on my side. "

Shen Qiu said with a smile.

Shen Qiu had already calculated the ghost guy's plan, but he was confident that the ghost guy would not be able to trap him, but there was no need to talk to Li Wenbin about these words.

"Ah Qiu, if you can have this mentality, I am relieved. "

Speaking of this, Li Wenbin paused slightly, and then said slowly: "Ah Qiu, what I say next, you listen well, the status of our people in the police force is not only based on the rank of the police, only on the level of the position, but also on the brothers under him. "

"You have mastered the Einsatzgruppen, this is a good start, and then, you are in the Kowloon City Police Station, you also have to train more of your own people, remember, the more people you have, the louder your voice in the police force, and when your voice is so loud that even the Commissioner of Police can't ignore it, even if they hate you again, they will promote you. "

In a word, build high walls, accumulate grain, slowly accumulate strength, and wait for the opportunity to explode. "

Li Wenbin really regards Shen Qiu as his own person, or even his successor, so he will tell Shen Qiu these heart-wrenching words.

"Sir Li, I will take your words to heart. "

Shen Qiu nodded slowly in response.

"Well, it's not early, you've worked hard today, go and rest early. "

After telling Shen Qiu his true words, Li Wenbin opened his mouth and asked Shen Qiu to leave. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"Sir Li, then I'll go first and say goodbye. "

After leaving Li Wenbin's house, Shen Qiu went straight to the Peninsula Hotel, not far from Li Wenbin's house, and went directly to the 12th floor, and came to the outside of a presidential suite.

Knock knock~

Shen Qiu knocked on the door.


A few minutes later, the slightly sleepy voice of the bud sounded from outside the door.

"Miss Bud, your takeout has arrived. "

Shen Qiu said with a smile.


The door was just opened, and Shen Qiu squeezed in directly, picked up the bud standing behind the door, and walked briskly towards the room while closing the door with his hand.

More than an hour later.

The exhausted bud leaned against Shen Qiu's chest, drawing circles on Shen Qiu's perfect pectoral muscles like statues, and asked, "Ah Qiu, why did you ask me to send a pack of Longjing tea to Lu Minghua?"

This question puzzled Yazi all day, just now she originally wanted to ask this question as soon as possible, but before she could speak, Shen Qiu sealed her mouth.

"Behave well, and if you are satisfied, I'll tell you the answer. "

Shen Qiu's fingers slowly slid over the smooth skin of the buds and said with a smile. []

Feeling Xiao Shen Qiu looking up again, the bud looked at Shen Qiu whitely, and moved his body slightly......

More than an hour later.

"Satisfied, right?"

The thirst for knowledge allowed the sprouts to overcome their physical fatigue and sleepiness.

"You want to see 830, where is the origin of Longjing? Which faction is Lu Minghua from. "

Shen Qiu said with a smile.

"It turns out that you asked him to ask the mainland to come forward......"

At this moment, Yazi suddenly realized, halfway through the words, Yazi seemed to think of something, and her mood was a little low: "Ah Qiu, before I met you, I felt that although I was not a super smart person, I was okay, but ......"

Speaking of this, Yazi sighed: "Ah Qiu, I received a clue two days ago that a group of international thieves may want to hijack the Fugui Maru, which is about to be launched on its maiden voyage. "

"I reported this clue to the police force higher-ups, and wanted the police force to come forward to suspend the maiden voyage date of the Nirmaru, but they didn't believe me, if it were you, you would definitely have a way, right?"

Before Yazi's words fell, in Shen Qiu's mind, the system voice sounded.

"Released Mission: Be a real robber of the Nirvana Maru, loot the Nirvana Maru cruise ship, mission reward: You can summon the character Gao Jin (from the movie "God of Gamblers", you can get ten times the income of the robbing cruise ship. )"

When he heard the name Gao Jin, Shen Qiu's eyes moved slightly, Gao Jin, the God of Gamblers, this is an absolute talent, to a certain extent, the value of Gao Jin's character is even higher than that of the Heavenly Brothers, Feng Yuxiu, and Gao Jin combined, rather than saying that he is the God of Gamblers, Shen Qiu prefers to call him a cornucopia of humanoids.

Thinking of this, Shen Qiu looked down at the bud lying in his arms, smiled and said, "Yazi, you don't have to worry, I will help you." "

"Thank you, Ah Qiu. "

The bud was attached to Shen Qiu's chest and said softly.

Then, she felt the dragon raise her head again.

This night, Yazi relied on the strong physique she trained in the special operations team to carry the .......

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