Under the intensive fire of more than 10 people, several of Li Xiaowen's bodyguards in the villa were also killed on the spot.

Just after Wang Jianjun and the others went to the second floor, a voice floated into the ears of Wang Jianjun and the others.

"I know where Li Xiaowen is now, don't kill me, I'll help you catch him!"

Wang Jianjun looked at Lian Kai, who was wearing a silk nightgown in front of him, and said lightly: "Okay." "

"Come with me. "

Lian Kai directly walked into the bedroom with Wang Jianjun and others.

"Brother Kai, you ......"

Wang Jianjun shot and killed Dai Junhao, who was talking nonsense, and saw a person being killed at close range, which made Lian Kai tremble, and a trace of fear flashed in his eyes, but he had obviously seen the world, so he suppressed his fear in an instant, and walked into the bathroom with Wang Jianjun and others quickly.

"Behind this door is a small safe house, and Lee Hyo-moon is hiding inside. "

Lian Kai pointed to a hidden door and said to Wang Jianjun.

"Can you open it?"

Wang Jianjun immediately asked.

"Only Lee Hyo-wen can open it. "

Lian Kai shook his head and said.

Hearing Lian Kai's words, Wang Jianjun did not hesitate for a moment, directly took out a few liquid bombs, stuck them to the hidden door, and then turned around and left quickly.

Seeing this, Lian Kai hurriedly followed.

More than ten seconds later.

A loud bang instantly broke the tranquility of the entire Repulse Bay villa area.

After hearing the explosion, Zhou Yurong, the head of the security section who came in a hurry, said loudly to his subordinates who were driving, "Hurry up!"

Half a minute later, the troop carrier in which Zhou Yurong and more than a dozen other armed security guards were riding finally arrived outside Villa No. 19.

Zhou Yurong took the lead, jumped out of the car first, and ran quickly towards Villa 19, but the door of the cash truck had just opened, and they were greeted by a few grenades.


Looking at the grenade rolling past his feet, Zhou Yurong yelled.


Mouth boom ~ mouth boom ~ A few more explosions sounded.

Subsequently, Cao Nan, Ah Pao and others, who had already been ambushed, took their bandits, armed with M16 automatic rifles, and fired wildly at Zhou Yurong and other armed security guards.

Bang bang......

In the face of powerful firepower, these dozen or so security guards were all killed in less than 3 minutes.

In Villa 19, Wang Jianjun opened the door of the bombed-out safe house and hid aside.

Bang bang bang bang ~

Sure enough, Li Xiaowen, who was already in the safe house, took the Glock 17 and frantically pulled the trigger until he was pointed at several black guns.


Li Xiaowen, who regained his senses, threw down the Glock 17 in his hand, raised his hands, and squeezed out a smile on his face: "Everyone, are you trying to make money or ......?"

Before Li Xiaowen finished speaking, he was knocked unconscious by Wang Jianjun with the butt of a gun.

Subsequently, Wang Jianjun and others carried Li Xiaowen, who was already unconscious, quickly returned to the bottom of the mountain, climbed the mountain again through the rappelling rope, and at the same time hoisted Li Xiaowen (CDFI) up, and the whole process took less than 5 minutes.

When Wang Jianjun and others disappeared into the mountains and forests, the police from the Southern District Police Station were late......

In the early morning of the next day, the news that a group of militants forcibly kidnapped Li Jia Li Xiaowen in Repulse Bay spread quickly among the wealthy circles on Hong Kong Island, causing a shock in the wealthy circles on Hong Kong Island.

Before this incident, these wealthy families on Hong Kong Island could never have imagined that someone would dare to openly kidnap their wealthy people by force.

This has also made many wealthy families begin to strengthen their own security forces, and at the same time require the police to send elite forces such as the Flying Tigers and PTUs to protect their safety in villa areas such as Taiping Mountain and Kadoorie Mountain.

However, these are all afterthoughts, and it was also on the morning of the same day that a car slowly stopped at the entrance of the headquarters building of Worldchem Properties.

Shen Qiu, who had been exercising all night, got out of the car refreshed and walked into the building.

After seeing Shen Qiu, Cheng Wenjing, Tang's secretary who had been waiting for a long time, immediately greeted him and said to Shen Qiu with a smile: "Mr. Shen, Miss is waiting for you in her office." "

"Hmm. "

Shen Qiu nodded slightly, and then walked into the elevator with Cheng Wenjing.

After nearly 8 months of construction, the first phase of the Kangmeile Nursing Home is about to be completed, and in these 8 months, Shen Qiu has established a large-scale sales team.

The members of this team, all in accordance with Shen Qiu's requirements, shuttle around Hong Kong Island every day, chat with the elderly, talk heart-to-heart, from time to time there are free medical services, send some health products and other small gifts, relying on this model, a total of 1,860 places in the first phase of Kangmeile Nursing Home have been booked.

As a high-end nursing home, the cheapest room in the Kangmeile nursing home costs 15,000 Hong Kong dollars a month, and the first phase of the project alone can earn almost 40,000 Hong Kong dollars per month.

The second and third phases are even larger than the first phase, and when completed, the home will be a giant nursing home that can accommodate more than 7,000 elderly people, as well as attached golf courses, cricket pitches and other facilities.

At that time, it was a bit inappropriate to even describe it as a nursing home, and it should be described as a community for the elderly.

This time, Shen Qiu came to see Tang Judi to talk to her, after the nursing home opened, the operation and listing of the company, and the construction of a private club.

A few minutes later, Shen Qiu had just walked into Tang Judy's office, and a gust of fragrant wind rushed into his arms, and then, there was a hearty battle, that is, Shen Qiu's physique was strong, otherwise his waist would turn into scum sooner or later.

Dozens of minutes later.

The red-faced Tang Judy lay in Shen Qiu's arms, hooked Shen Qiu's chin, and said softly: "Ah Qiu, you have lost weight." "

"I haven't eaten meat for a few days, can I not lose weight?"

Shen Qiu replied with a smile.

"Why didn't you come to me last night, my pot of meat was stewed, and after waiting for you for a whole night, it almost got cold. "

There was a hint of sourness in Julidy's tone.

"Good food should be tasted at night. "

Shen Qiu nodded Tang Judy's nose and said with a smile. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"I'm sorry I believe you. "

Tang Judy rolled her eyes at Shen Qiu, then walked to the desk with two long legs as smooth as jade, picked up a thin cigarette, held it to her mouth, and then picked up the lighter, and when she was about to light the cigarette, a hand reached over and took the lighter in her hand, and then took the thin cigarette from her mouth.


Tang Judy looked at Shen Qiu, who held her thin cigarette to her mouth, and asked angrily.

"It's a light taste, smoke this, it's better to quit. "

Shen Qiu spit a puff of smoke on Tang Judy's face and said with a smile.

"Unless you accompany me every day and watch me, I will smoke as soon as you leave. "

Tang Judy's expression at this time was like a rebellious girl.

"Then I'll have to destroy the flowers with my hands. "

Shen Qiu took Tang Judy into his arms and slapped her ass hard.

Another hour passed.

"No, Aqiu, let's get down to business. "

Tonjudy, whose eyes were already a little confused, begged for mercy.

"The nursing home is about to open, how are the procedures for the listing of Kangmeile ready?"

Shen Qiu helped Tang Judy to sit on his lap, looked out the floor-to-ceiling window, the high-rise buildings in Central, and asked Tang Judy with a smile. []

"The procedures are very simple, after the opening, the publicity is carried out, and you can go public. "

Speaking of this, Tang Judy paused slightly, followed Shen Qiu's eyes, and also looked out of the floor-to-ceiling window, and then continued: "But whether it can become famous here depends on the development later." "

"The first retirement community on Hong Kong Island, with an annual marketing volume of more than 2 billion, and follow-up hospitals, medicines, and other businesses that make money just by listening, such a project will not be invested by a fool. "

Shen Qiu said slowly.

"Listen to you, I want to buy a few shares. "

Judy laughed.

"Judy, I know you have a piece of land near Mount Davis, and I'm going to buy it and build a private club. "

After Shen Qiu finished talking about the nursing home, he shifted the topic to the private club.

"What, you want to get rich alone?"

Hearing that Shen Qiu was going to buy land from herself, Tang Judy was obviously a little unhappy.

"It's not that you want to make a fortune alone, you want to lose money alone, this private club was built to burn money, and in the whole Hong Kong Island, no one will know that the owner of this private club is me except you. "

Shen Qiu pinched Tang Judy's chin, looked into her eyes, and said slowly.

"Okay, I promise you, one person loses money, you are so rich, when you go bankrupt, I will take you down and let you not get out of bed every day. "

Facing Shen Qiu's deep eyes, Tang Judi blushed, subconsciously moved her face away, and said in a coquettish voice.

"Wow, good bad woman, though, I like it!"

Next, what happened in this office, it can only be said that fortunately, the glass of the headquarters building of Sechem Real Estate is all reflective single-sided glass, and people outside will never see what is happening in the building.......

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