At 6 o'clock in the afternoon that day, the three major TV stations in Hong Kong jointly broadcast a piece of bombshell news. An organization called the Landowners Association has been manipulating the Hong Kong stock market for more than ten years. In the past, there was Huaye Group, and later there was the most popular Z Fund. It's the work of this organization.

Moreover, this organization has colluded with many senior officials of the British Hong Kong government, especially Thomson, the chairman of the Securities Regulatory Commission.

This news was naturally provided to the TV station by Shen Qiu, and for the three major TV stations in Hong Kong, this was a piece of cake in the world.

Due to historical reasons, the British Hong Kong government has very weak supervision over the media. This has led to the media in Hong Kong reporting on anything as long as it can attract attention.

As soon as this news was broadcast, it caused a sensation among ordinary citizens of Hong Kong Island.

You know, among the more than 5 million people in Hong Kong Island, there are more than 2 million stock investors. After these people knew that they had invested their hard-earned money in the stock market, they were actually cut off by this landowner for more than half of their money. One can imagine the mood.

At this moment, the Li family villa in Taipingshan.

Li Xiaoming and Li Xiaotian looked at the news footage on TV, their faces extremely gloomy.

The news turned out to completely disrupt their plans.

First it was the ghost guy Thomson. Now that he has been exposed, even if he is a ghost guy, ICAC will not do anything to him, but he cannot run away if he takes the blame and resigns.

The original plan of the Lee family was that after the Landowners Association was settled, the Lee family would take over the stall of the Landowners Association and enter the Hong Kong stock market. On the one hand, they could make money, and on the other hand, they would continue to increase the influence and strength of the Lee family.

Now the TV station suddenly reports that although the Landlords' Association is over, the Lee family's plan to enter the Hong Kong stock market has also been ruined.

"Xiaotian, TVB still can’t find out who is the whistleblower?"

Li Xiaoming turned to look at Li Xiaotian, the largest shareholder and honorary chairman of TVB, and asked.

Li Xiaotian looked cold and shook his head slowly.

"The guy who broke the news knew his timing very well. Earlier, the landlords from the Landlords Association would have been able to run away. Later, we had already conquered the Landlords Association. Being stuck in this time period would not only destroy the Landlords Association, but also make it difficult for them to do so. We can't afford the landlord association."

Li Xiaoming said quietly

"Brother, do you suspect that there is a mole in our Li family?"

Li Xiaotian's eyes moved slightly and he asked.

Li Xiaoming shook his head:"There should be a mole in the Landowners Association. After knowing that the China Securities Regulatory Commission was going to take action against the Landlords Association, he chose this time to expose the Landlords Association. Look at this Only the core personnel of the Landowners Association can master the news information."

Li Xiaoming didn't know that the people who broke the news about these information were so core. They were the five members of the Landowners Association themselves.

"Then it depends on who can eat the legacy of the landlord association after the incident is over, then who will be the one to take action this time. Humph, our Li family dares to snatch the meat they are targeting. As much as he eats, let him vomit as much as he wants!"

Li Xiaotian said coldly.

Li Xiaoming did not speak, but nodded slightly.

On the other side, there was the home of Thomson, chairman of the China Securities Regulatory Commission.

In the Li family's view, Thomson, who would be let go by ICAC, was obviously not relaxed at the moment.

In front of him The TV set has been smashed, and even the furniture in the living room has been smashed to pieces.

Dong Dong Dong~

At this moment, there was a rapid knock on the door.


The irritable Thomson roared angrily.

Bang bang bang~

The people outside had no intention of talking nonsense to Thomson and directly knocked open the door of Thomson's house.

Then, Lu Zhilian and others left in Thomson's angry eyes. Come in

"Chairman of the Securities Regulatory Commission, Mr. Thomson, I am ICAC investigator Lu Zhilian. Now I suspect that you have accepted bribes and assisted others to manipulate the stock market. Please follow us back to ICAC for investigation."

Lu Zhilian looked at Thomson coldly and said loudly.

After hearing that the person who came was an ICAC investigator, Thomson breathed a sigh of relief and shouted angrily:"I will call your integrity commissioner Ge Haowen now and ask Ask, who is it that dares to send people to arrest me?"

"Thomson, even if you call the Hong Kong Governor today, I will arrest you. Let’s do it!"

Lu Zhilian gave the order, and several young ICAC investigators behind him immediately rushed to Thomson's side with passionate faces and handcuffed him forcefully.

"You got into big trouble, what will happen to me, a little Chinese investigator?"

Thomson, who was handcuffed, looked extremely ugly. When he passed by Lu Zhilian, he said coldly.

"Chairman Thomson, let's think about how you should end this! Lu

Zhilian said calmly with a calm face.


Thomson snorted coldly, then held his head high and walked out of the door of his house, and then... click, click, click, click.……(To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network! )

After Thomson walked out of his house, he was immediately surrounded by dozens of reporters. These reporters pointed their long guns and short cannons at Thomson, the chairman of the China Securities Regulatory Commission and an absolute high-level official in the British Hong Kong government, and pressed frantically. Release the shutter.

The flashbulbs almost illuminated the doorway of Thomson's house into daylight.

Being caught in the incandescent light, Thomson subconsciously covered his face. At this time, Lu Zhilian walked up to Thomson and reached out to forcefully press down Thomson's raised hand.

Then, in front of dozens of reporters, Lu Zhilian slowly said:"Dear reporters, I am ICAC investigator Lu Zhilian. Our ICAC has accepted the Hong Kong stock market case. Huang Shitong, one of the members of the Landowners Association, has been arrested by our ICAC." Arrest and bring this case to justice, no matter how high the level or status of the people involved, we at ICAC will definitely give an explanation to all the citizens of Hong Kong Island."

0Flowers Requested0

"Please believe in us, ICAC, and me, Lu Zhilian!"

At this time, Le Huizhen, who was standing at the front of all the reporters, immediately stretched out the microphone and asked loudly:"Mr. Lu, what if those high-ranking officials do evil things to you? Will you settle this case hastily due to political force majeure?"

Obviously, Le Huizhen is the envoy sent by Shen Qiu.

"Unless I, William Luk, die, I will definitely investigate this case to the end. I will always remember the slogan I chanted when I first joined ICAC, ICAC, change Hong Kong Island. I hope this slogan can be remembered by all the citizens of Hong Kong Island!"

Lu Zhilian's calm and solemn image, coupled with his sincere and slightly passionate speech, made him the embodiment of justice at this moment.

Soon, the news that Chairman Thomson of the Securities Regulatory Commission was arrested by ICAC was urgently broadcast on major TV stations, and Lu Zhilian immediately became the most famous investigator in ICAC.

In a detached house in Kowloon City

"Ayan, if I hand over the stall of the landlord association to you, how long will it take you to build a new landlord association?"

Chen Qiu looked at the righteous and selfless Lu Zhilian on the TV screen, and smiled and asked Cheng Yiyan, who was summoned by him not long ago.

"Brother Qiu, I just did some research on the Landowners Association. They emerged through the Hong Kong stock market crash. Their original intention was to unite small businesses and retail investors to fight against the big bankers. However, these people finally became selfish and diverted money from the stock market to They use it under their private accounts"

"Their method is too stupid. If I were in charge of the operation at that time, I would find a way to come up with a new Hang Seng Index and open a new market. Unfortunately, the Hang Seng Index has become a trend now. If I want to open a new market, I will at least need With a capital of HK$1 trillion, this is too difficult."

At this point, Cheng Yiyan paused for a moment, then looked at Shen Qiu and said confidently:"Brother Qiu, give me 30 billion Hong Kong dollars. For up to one year, I can share a piece of cake in the top circle of the Hang Seng Index and join. to the Hang Seng Index’s Control Committee."

If landlords are small traders speculating on single stocks, then this regulatory committee is the real financial empire. The curves of the Hang Seng Index are all formulated by this organization, and every member of the committee is Financial giants and landlords will compare with them, just like ordinary wealthy families compare with the four major families.

"Ayan, then I'm waiting to see your performance. Shen

Qiu turned to look at Cheng Yiyan and said with a smile.

"Brother Qiu, I will never let you down."

Cheng Yiyan immediately nodded and responded.

"Ayan, I have always been at ease with you people, just like I was at ease letting Zhang Hua do things for me, and I was at ease letting Tian Yangsheng, Fu Guang, Cao Nan and the others go to Taiping Mountain and wipe out the Li family."

Shen Qiu turned to look in the direction of Taiping Mountain, smiled slightly, and said slowly...

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