A week after Li Jiacheng and Zhang Panshi reached an agreement, they were on the road next to Lujia Village in Yuen Long.

Lu Hantao held the hands of his wife and daughter Lu Yongyu and walked slowly on this country road.

This past week has been the most leisurely week that Lu Hantao has had since Hong Kong Island's major real estate developers invaded the New Territories.

Those real estate developers don't know what's wrong, and they haven't done anything this week.

"Han Tao, how long has it been since our family of three took a walk like this?"

Lu Hantao's wife asked Lu Hantao with a smile.

"There is no other way. If the villagers elect me to be the village chief, I will support this family."

Lu Hantao looked at his wife with a little guilt in his eyes.

"Han Tao, I don't mean to blame you. On the contrary, I am very proud to have such an upright husband like you."

Lu Hantao's wife leaned on Lu Hantao's shoulder, her eyes full of sweetness.

Looking at this scene, 10-year-old Lu Yongyu also had a"six-nine-three" smile on her face, although she is still young and does not understand love. Love, but the love of parents will infect children.

But the happy family of three at this moment did not see that right behind them, a minibus common in the countryside of the New Territories was heading in their direction.

The child On the bus, the driver poured liquor into his mouth, pointed in the direction of Lu Hantao's family of three, and stepped on the accelerator. Immediately, the minibus quickly hit Lu Hantao's family of three.

"Husband, be careful!"

Just when the minibus was about to hit the family of three, Lu Hantao's wife was the first to react. Instead of avoiding it, she used all her strength to push her husband Lu Hantao and her daughter Lu Yongyu Pushed away.


With a bang, Lu Hantao watched helplessly as his wife was hit by the minibus and flew nearly 5 meters before falling heavily to the ground. Then the minibus ran away without stopping.


Lu Hantao roared wildly and ran to his wife as fast as he could in his life. Unfortunately, his wife could no longer respond to him.


Lu Hantao hugged his wife and burst into tears. At this time, he heard the cry of his daughter Lu Yongyu again:"Dad, Mom, I hurt so much."

Hearing this voice, Lu Hantao suppressed his intense sadness, gently put his wife down, as if she had just fallen asleep, and then quickly ran to Lu Yongyu. Among the three people, Lu Hantao stood on the far left , was pushed by his wife and avoided the impact of the minibus, but Lu Yongyu stood on the far right. Even though he was pushed away by his mother, he was still hit on one side of his body. He fainted on the spot, and then woke up from the pain.

"Don't be afraid, Xiaoyu, daddy will take you to the hospital right away."

At this time, the villagers of Lujiacun who heard the noise also ran out one after another. Seeing this scene, they immediately sent Lu Hantao's family of three to the hospital.

Late that night.

Aimin Hospital in the New Territories.

Zhang Hua and Gao Jin walked quickly Sitting beside Lu Hantao in a daze on the bench, Zhang Hua asked:"Hantao, what's going on?"

After several months of fighting side by side, Zhang Hua, Gao Jin and Lu Hantao have become old acquaintances.

Facing Zhang Hua's question, Lu Hantao did not react at all, and he seemed to be dumbfounded.

"Hanlin, what's going on?"

Zhang Hua turned around and asked another Lujiacun villager.

"Hantao's family was walking and was hit by a car. Hantao's wife was killed on the spot. His daughter Yongyu suffered a fracture in her right hand and three broken ribs. She is still being rescued."

Hanlin sighed.

"What about the driver?"

Zhang Hua continued to ask

"Run away, damn it, hit someone and run away, if I catch him, I will definitely pull out his skin!"

Hanlin gritted his teeth and said

"This happened suddenly at this time, and the driver ran away. It must not have been an accident. I suspected that someone wanted to kill Han Tao."

Shen Qiu has already told Zhang Hua about the recording between Li Jiacheng and Zhang Panshi, so now Zhang Hua's purpose is to draw the hatred of the villagers of Lujiacun, especially the hatred of Lu Hantao, to Li Ji, Li Ban and others.

"Ah Hua, you mean, someone wants to kill Han Tao?"

After Hanlin thought for a moment, he realized

"Hanlin, think about it, we have been fighting with those real estate developers for several months. Among them, Han Tao is the most difficult to deal with. Those real estate developers must want to scare the monkeys. As long as Han Tao dies, the other five The chief of the Aboriginal village would certainly be frightened."

Zhang Hua said bewitchingly.

"Taking his mother in his mouth, these beasts can't play with the bright side, so they can play the dirty side. We just want to keep the land left by our ancestors. Is this wrong?"

Obviously, Hanlin was successfully implanted with hatred by Zhang Hua. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"Hanlin, Hantao is definitely unable to do anything in this situation. For this kind of thing, other people in Lujiacun must stand up and seek justice for Hantao, Hantao’s wife and daughter, and also tell the real estate gangs Shang, don’t think that killing one person will make your Lujiacun surrender!"

Zhang Hua continued to confuse him.

"Ahua, you are right, at this time, we must not give in0."

Lu Hanlin gritted his teeth and said, but immediately he lost his temper, looked at Zhang Hua, and said with a smile:"Ahua, you know, my brain is not working well, please teach me, what should we do now?"

Zhang Hua In the past few months of contact, the villagers of Lujia Village have been impressed. After all, they are smart gangsters who can trick the entire police force. It is absolutely easy to deceive these villagers who have never seen the world.

Hearing Lu Hanlin's words, Zhang Hua said slowly:"Hanlin, the most important thing now is to find the driver. We must dig it out from his mouth. Who is the mastermind behind the scenes? Only by having evidence in hand can we be invincible." land"

"Ahua, you are right, but the driver doesn’t know where he is now. What should we do?"

Lu Hanlin asked helplessly.

"Hanlin, don't forget that Ah Jin is here too. Hongxing is a big society in Hong Kong. Let them find someone. I believe they can find him soon. Zhang

Hua said with a smile.

"Right, right, Ah Hua, then I’ll trouble you and Ah Jin."

Lu Hanlin nodded quickly and responded.

"Ah Jin, hurry up and send people to find that driver. No matter what method you use, you must scrape that driver out of the street!"

Zhang Hua said to Gao Jin in a pretentious manner.


Gao Jin nodded, and then pretended to make a phone call.

In fact, when he knew that Zhang Panshi would take action against Lu Hantao, Shen Qiu had already asked Gao Jin to keep an eye on Lu Hantao. As long as something happened to Lu Hantao, regardless of whether he died or not, Shen Qiu would take the opportunity to cause trouble.

At this time, in the Kowloon Tong villa, Shen Qiu was talking on the 0.5 phone line with Thor, who was responsible for monitoring Lu Hantao.

"Brother Qiu, after the driver hit and killed the person, he ran directly to the Yuen Long Police Station and surrendered. I had no chance to stop him."

Thor's tone was a little helpless.

"Haha, that guy Zhang Panshi wanted to make the case a solid case, and then kill people to silence him, leaving the aborigines in the New Territories speechless. Shen

Qiu immediately guessed what Zhang Panshi was thinking, and then he said calmly:"Since that guy Zhang Panshi wants to use the police force to whitewash himself, then I will let him know what it means to be clever but be mistaken for the clever.""

After that, Shen Qiu hung up the phone and dialed another number.

"Ao, you should immediately take a team of people to the Yuen Long Police Station and bring the man who just surrendered drunkenly to the Kowloon City Police Station. If someone stops you, just say it was my intention and ask that person to come to me. I'll talk to him slowly!"

After the call was connected, Shen Qiu said slowly, word by word.

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