The whole room was so small that He Min, who was boiling water in the kitchen, glanced at the living room and saw Lu Feng standing in front of the sofa with something in his hand. That thing was too familiar to her. Thinking of such a private thing being seen by a man she just met, her face was as red as a cooked prawn. She didn't care about anything else and rushed to the living room at the fastest speed. Before Lu Feng could react, she snatched the thing in his hand and walked into the bedroom quickly. There was only a bang. The bedroom door closed, and Lu Feng came back to his senses at this time. Thinking of the figure that just flashed in front of him, Lu Feng even thought that he was dazzled. Lu Feng raised his eyebrows, raised his lips, and sat on the sofa. .

He Min in the bedroom was leaning against the door weakly, holding the things she had just snatched from Lu Feng tightly in her hands.

There were really too many things that shocked her today, one after another.

After finally calming down, He Min stuffed the small piece of cloth in her hand into the bathroom in the room.

She took a few deep breaths, deliberately put on a calm look, and then opened the bedroom door.

When she walked to the living room, she didn't dare to look at Lu Feng who was sitting on the sofa, and walked straight into the kitchen to continue boiling water and preparing tea.

She regretted it a little. She shouldn't have asked Lu Feng to come up and sit down.

Seeing He Min pretending to be calm in the kitchen, Lu Feng smiled and got up and walked to the kitchen door.

"Teacher He, do you need help?"

He Min, who was thinking about random things in her mind, suddenly heard someone talking behind her. She was so scared that her body trembled and she turned around suddenly.


Just now, because she was too flustered, she spilled some water stains on the ground when she used the kettle to collect water. The kitchen was paved with marble floors. She turned around suddenly and her footsteps were not stable, and she was about to fall backwards.

Now behind He Min was a kettle of boiling water. If she fell down like this, the hot water, which was already a little warm, might spill on He Min's body, which would be a big deal.

Lu Feng was quick-witted and grabbed He Min's wrist. With a little force, he pulled her into his arms.

He Min was a little frightened and gasped.

However, He Min like this gave Lu Feng a strange feeling, especially the ups and downs, which attracted his attention.

After calming down, He Min looked up at Lu Feng. Just as she was about to say thank you, she caught Lu Feng's burning gaze.

"Mr. Lu... Mr. Lu!!!"

He Min's tone was a little stuttering. She had never been in such close contact with a man before, and she was not used to it for a while.

Lu Feng looked at He Min and said with a magnetic voice.

"Teacher He, do you believe in love at first sight?"

He Min was suddenly stunned by Lu Feng's words. When she reacted, her face flushed.

She couldn't help but wonder, what does Mr. Lu mean by this?

She was thinking wildly in her mind, and even forgot to leave Lu Feng's arms.

Lu Feng's eyebrows jumped, thinking that there was a play, and he stretched out his hand to lift He Min's chin. In He Min's incredible eyes, he slowly lowered his head.

He Min's eyes widened, her pupils contracted violently, and her little fist subconsciously hit Lu Feng's chest.

But the strength was indeed getting weaker and weaker.

Lu Feng realized that time was running out. If He Min reacted later, he would miss this opportunity.

Lu Feng flipped his other hand and a poker card made of special material appeared in his hand. He swung it violently and the poker card flew directly to the light switch at the door.

The whole room was dark.

Only through the street lights on the side of the road could you see two shadows swaying in the house.

Lu Feng would not tell He Min that the so-called love at first sight was actually lust at first sight.

He originally wanted to wait for other opportunities and then completely grasp He Min, the beautiful teacher.

Unexpectedly, he was given this opportunity by mistake.

"Are we too fast? We have only known each other for a few hours. Do you think I am an indecent woman?"

With tears in the corners of her eyes, He Min leaned on Lu Feng's shoulder and said softly.

Lu Feng did not expect that in Hong Kong Island, a place where Western culture prevails, there is actually

There are women like He Min who have traditional ideas in their hearts.

How to say it?

It is the mentality of marrying a chicken and following the chicken, marrying a dog and following the dog.

Originally, Lu Feng thought that he would need to explain it with great effort after the incident, but he didn't expect that after a little coaxing, He Min would approve of his behavior just now.…………

In fact, Lu Feng was still thinking a little differently on this point.

The reason why He Min accepted it so easily was mainly because Lu Feng had always given He Min a good impression during the time they had just met.

And when they met those club members on the way just now, Lu Feng's caring protection of her made her feel a little touched, and she felt that Lu Feng was a good person.

The most important thing.

Or Lu Feng is handsome, not only rich, but also kind.

This can be seen from what she knows about Fang Ting and Long Jiu.

Of course.

This is all He Min's own understanding.

Although the incident was very sudden, it is not unacceptable to have such a boyfriend.

After all, this is an era of looking at faces.

If someone else had done this today, He Min would have called the police.

Lu Feng rubbed He Min's hair.

"As a teacher, haven't you heard the saying that love lasts forever? You are so beautiful and considerate. Isn't it normal for me to be attracted to you?"

He Min was a little embarrassed by the compliment, and raised her fist and punched Lu Feng's chest.

"You men like to be slick."

Then He Min thought of something else and said with a red face.

"How do you think I should face Fang Ting and Long Jiu in the future? You haven't gone home so late, they will definitely guess something."

"It's so late, do you still want me to leave? 1.7 As for the two of them, it's easier to deal with. From now on, you are my woman. If they call me brother, then you are their sister-in-law. It's not right to discipline them."

"Who is your woman!!!"

He Min said shyly.

Lu Feng lowered his head and kissed He Min fiercely.

"Don't you want to be my woman?"

Although He Min was a little shy, she still raised her head and looked into Lu Feng's eyes.

"Will you marry me!!"

Lu Feng's heart trembled, but he still said calmly.

"Didn't I just say that you will be my woman in the future, and no one can stop you, even if your parents don't agree."

Hearing Lu Feng's promise, He Min felt much more at ease.

But she didn't hear that Lu Feng's words were not the same as what she wanted to ask just now.

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