The door opened and the door opened.

"Knock, knock, knock"

There was a knock on the door.

"Master, dinner is ready, you can come down to eat!"

"Got it."

After washing up and changing clothes, Lu Feng took Sister Qing's hand and walked down from upstairs.

Long Jiu and the others had also finished school and were waiting for the two of them in the living room.

"Brother Feng, thank you for your gift!!"

When Lu Feng came to the living room, Fang Ting said sweetly.

"Thank you, Brother Feng!!"

Seeing her sister thanking, Fang Min followed suit.

Lu Feng reached out and rubbed Fang Min's head, then turned to look at Long Jiu.

Seeing Lu Feng looking at her, Long Jiu opened her mouth, but finally said sullenly.

"Thank you!"

Long Jiu was still as arrogant and cold as before!!


Lu Feng felt his arm being pinched hard, and he couldn't help but take a breath of cold air.

Lu Feng turned his head to look at Sister Qing, who rolled her eyes at him.

In this family, except for Fang Ting and Fang Min, everyone else could see that Long Jiu had feelings for Lu Feng.

Mainly because her thoughts were basically written on her face.

Just like students in school, when a boy likes a girl, he will always try to attract the girl's ideas, and sometimes even do something to hurt the girl.

Appearing clumsy and innocent.

"Let's eat first, and talk about it after dinner."

After dinner, everyone was busy with their own things.

The three little girls still had homework to finish, and they had returned to their rooms to study.

Lu Feng, who had nothing to do, took Sister Qing to the swimming pool on the 3rd floor, changed into swimsuits, swam for a while, and chatted for a while.

Lie on the lounge chair for a while.

"Lie down for a while, I'm going back to the room first!"

Sister Qing put on a bath towel and said to Lu Feng casually.


Lu Feng nodded with his eyes closed.

Now that he has returned to Hong Kong Island and has a large amount of funds in hand, Lu Feng has begun to consider the next development strategy.

At the beginning, due to funding issues, Lu Feng's development was basically a hammer here and there, messy and scattered.

Next, we must integrate resources and then segment them, otherwise it will be too chaotic.

The King of Fighters Game Hall, Chunyi'anran Clothing Company, and Lion Security Company must be excluded. After all, these companies have some borderline cases, and Lu Feng only uses them as cash cows.

The only things he can put on the table are Umbrella Security Company, Cool Play Technology in the island country, and Fengxiang Film and Television. There is nothing else.

It seems to be developing well, but it is actually very messy.

Oh. By the way, he also has an investment company under his name. It is now handled by Fang Zhanbo. He has not asked about it for a long time. I will go and have a look after some time.

After all, there has been no news from the subordinates who have been monitoring the brothers of the Ding family, so Lu Feng has not taken it to heart for the time being. Now it is time to put it on the agenda.

Lu Feng suddenly opened his eyes, sat up from the recliner, and went directly to the study on the top floor.

He opened the study and came to the desk. A file bag had been placed on the desk.

He opened the file bag and pulled out a stack of documents from it.

It is now the 1990s in Hong Kong Island. Some industries have basically been divided up by those rich people. It is not an easy thing for Lu Feng to break out of the siege.

If Lu Feng had traveled through time a dozen years earlier, it would have been the period of Hong Kong's wild growth.

Especially the most famous commercial mergers and acquisitions, Wharf and Jardine Matheson.

Now it's a pity to think about it. If Lu Feng wants to snatch food from the tiger's mouth now, the cost will not be small, and it will not be worth the loss.

So before leaving Hong Kong, Lu Feng specifically gave Di Ting a task to investigate the situation in various districts of Hong Kong and the major wealthy families in Hong Kong, hoping to find business opportunities suitable for him.

Of course.

Lu Feng is not without any opportunities. After all, it is still the 1990s, and the lady has not fallen yet. It seems that there are still opportunities.

Lu Feng reads the documents very quickly. Some of them he thinks are useless, just casually skimmed over. For some useful ones, he will seriously think about them to find a suitable breakthrough.

"How long have you been in Tseung Kwan O?"

When he flipped through one of the intelligence reports and saw the information about Tseung Kwan O, Lu Feng's eyes lit up.

Tseung Kwan O, known as the Chinese cemetery, was previously a poor reclamation village on Hong Kong Island. Due to the population growth of Hong Kong Island, the Hong Kong Island government implemented a reclamation plan, and a large piece of land in Tseung Kwan O was obtained in this way.

In the 1980s, the Hong Kong Island government prepared to develop Tseung Kwan O, but after so many years, it has not been developed into anything, just a few small industrial areas, and the overall population is about 20,000 to 30,000 people.

But Lu Feng knew how prosperous Tseung Kwan O would be in the future, and it was one of the three major industrial areas in Hong Kong Island.

Lu Feng's fingers kept tapping on the table, and his thoughts were churning in his mind.

After a while.

Lu Feng stopped moving his hands, and he had already made a plan in his mind, so he put the information about Tseung Kwan O aside and continued to look at other things.

It took more than an hour to finish reading all the information.

Lu Feng also found three breakthroughs from this stack of intelligence.

The first one is Tseung Kwan O. Lu Feng now has billions of dollars in his hands, and he can buy a large piece of land in Tseung Kwan O for development.

Thinking of the future development of Tseung Kwan O, Lu Feng has a new idea in his mind.

Lu Feng plans to build a manor for himself in Tseung Kwan O. He has more and more women. Although he likes large flat-style houses, he can accept it in order to enjoy the happiness of having many wives in the future. He will build it into his own kingdom.

Another important point is the group of people trained by the Black Widow. Lu Feng originally wanted to arrange them in the club, but he was reluctant to do so. Who let Lu Feng be a LSP? What's more, beautiful women are also a scarce resource.

Although the 400 people are all beautiful women, their looks are still different.

Lu Feng plans to select 200 of them, the most outstanding in all aspects, and keep them as maids in the manor in the future.

As for those who were eliminated, Lu Feng was still planning to arrange them in the club to receive customers.

Of course, Lu Feng was not asking them to sell, but to have normal contact.

If someone really took a fancy to them, Lu Feng would not stop them from contacting, and by then, those people would have their own spy.

Lu Feng still believed in the brainwashing level of Black Widow, and there were also some means of listening.

Lu Feng wanted to train those people to be completely loyal to him.

As for the entertainment industry, Lu Feng remembered that in his previous life, there was a film and television city in Tseung Kwan O in Hong Kong Island, and he could also build one to control the entertainment development of Hong Kong Island from the side. Although he might not make much money, his influence

could not be ignored.

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