Ding Ruilong left Su Ruiwen's ward with a look of helplessness on his face.

He and Su Ruiwen talked in the ward for more than an hour.

If Su Ruiwen hadn't been too weak in the end, they could have continued talking.

As for what they talked about, not even Su Qingying's mother knew.

The only people who knew about it were Ding Ruilong and Su Ruiwen.

As the protagonist of the incident, Ding Ruilong naturally knew what happened.

However, no one asked, and he would not tell anyone.

After returning to his villa, Ding Ruilong immediately picked up the phone. His call was not to anyone else, but to his cheap man.

"Hey, Ruilong, what's going on with the phone?"

It can be heard from the phone that his cheap man is in a very good mood now.

However, Ding Ruilong guessed that after he finished talking about this matter, his cheap man may not be in such a good mood.

"Dad, I want to make an engagement with Li Ruobing."

There was a rare moment of silence on the other end of the phone, and then that cheap man Ding Ruilong said in a serious tone. 09

"Are you sure? Not kidding?"

"I'm sure."

Ding Ruilong said.

There was no hesitation in Ding Ruilong's tone.

He had decided on this matter a long time ago anyway, but now he just said it.

As a man, he will do what he decides.

Anyway , he has decided on this matter. He didn't like that woman Li Ruobing, so what happened to the engagement?

Ding Ruilong thought so, but Ding Long's cheap man didn't think so.

Ding Ruilong was thinking more about himself, his cheap man, and Ding was the whole. As the current head of the Ding family

, he naturally has more things to consider.

He has to consider the impact on the Ding family after breaking off the engagement with the Li family.

After a while, Ding Ruilong's cheap father said again.

"Have you considered the impact this money matter will have on your family?

Ruilong, although there are more open and secret fights in the family, you must always remember that you are a member of the Ding family.

We are a big family, and you cannot make the family pay the price for your own affairs.

You are my son, so I naturally want you to be free.

But you are also a member of the Ding family.

When you have the status of the eldest young master of the Ding family, you also have to bear corresponding responsibilities."

Ding Ruilong's father was very serious and thoughtful.

The last time Ding Ruilong told him about this matter, he thought Ding Ruilong was joking and didn't mind.

This time Ding Ruilong told him so seriously, he also became serious.

To be honest, If Tai was Ding Ruilong's father, he would be very supportive of Ding Ruilong's desire to terminate his engagement with the Ding family.

However, he is still the person in charge of the Ding family!

In this way, he can no longer only consider Ding Ruilong's own affairs..

Every child of a big family also bears corresponding responsibilities while enjoying the conveniences created by the family.

The reason why he doesn't like the girl from the Li family is because he thinks the girl from the Li family is very selfish..

Normally, Li's family's status as the eldest daughter was very cheerful, but when she was asked to contribute to the family, she was unwilling to do so. She even openly refuted the old man's words at the family gathering and even slapped her second uncle. Slap. Even if his son doesn't want to marry this kind of woman , he doesn't care.

But if Ding Ruilong doesn't want to accept it, he has to stop Ding Ruilong.

As a member of a big family, one's own will cannot be imposed on the family. Who in the Ding family doesn't do this

, even if he doesn't want to ? But in front of the family, there are some things that cannot be compromised. Naturally, Ding Ruilong didn't know that his cheap man had so many things in mind. Ding Ruilong answered after hearing his cheap man's question.

"Dad, of course I have considered the situation at home. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

In fact, our marriage with the Li family no longer means much.

In the beginning, we wanted to marry the Li family in order to fight against the Wei family together.

Is the Wei family still a threat to us now?

Why do we want to marry the Li family?

Besides, even if we break off our engagement, what can the Li family do to us? []

Could they really fall out with us just to keep our engagement?

Therefore, I think there is no problem if Li Ruobing and I terminate our engagement."

Ding Ruilong's cheap father listened to his son talking on the phone.

A flash of relief flashed in his heart.

Ding Ruilong could consider the Ding family, and he was very relieved.

At the moment, he also considered the feasibility of Ding Ruilong's words. Come.

When Ding Ruilong heard that his cheap man didn't refute him, he knew that his cheap man was already moved, so he spoke again.

"Dad, besides, the marriage with the Li family is just for profit.

I feel that the termination of our engagement with the Li family will bring enough benefits to the family.

Don’t you ask me which daughter-in-law I have chosen for you?"

Ding Ruilong's cheap old man was shocked when he heard this, and then asked

"Who do you have your eye on?"

"Su Qingying from the Su family."

Ding Ruilong said honestly

"Jin Bosu's family?"

"That's right.

Dad, think about it, what are the benefits of marrying the Li family?

The Li family is a big family, and Li Ruobing is just one of them.

How useful can it be?

If something really happened, it would not be impossible for the Li family to abandon Li Ruobing.

However, Su Qingying is different.

Su Ruiwen is the only daughter.

If Su Qingying and I get married, wouldn’t Jin Fu belong to our family?

This is much more useful than marrying with the Li family."

Ding Ruilong deceived his cheap man.

He will definitely not move Jin Fu, it is Su Qingying's thing.

If he does, that old man Su Ruiwen will probably fight him to the death.

However, this does not mean that he cannot deceive him. This cheap man.

Ding Ruilong’s cheap man heard this and said.

"Didn’t the Su family recruit a son-in-law?

Aaron, you can't"

"Dad, what are you thinking about?

I definitely want to marry Su Qingying. I have already talked with Su Ruiwen. As long as I cancel the engagement, he will not stop me from marrying Su Qingying."

Ding Ruilong said a little depressed.

After hearing this, Ding Ruilong's cheap old man breathed a long sigh of relief.

He was really afraid that his son would run away and become his son-in-law.

Now that Ding Ruilong said this, he felt relieved.

"I have no opinion on this matter. You can ask your grandpa again."

Ding Ruilong's cheap father thought for a moment and said to Ding Ruilong...

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