Li Maoren finally got his wish and sold his daughter for a good price.

Ding Ruilong doesn't know how to bargain.

But he was too lazy to talk to this guy Li Maoren.

He was afraid that if he stayed a little longer, his entire body would be tainted with the disgusting stench of the Li family.

The Li family, except for Li Ruotai and Li Ruobing, are a bunch of ruthless people.

In the eyes of some people, feelings are worthless.

In the eyes of some people, feelings are priceless.

Ding Ruilong is the latter.

He never believed that if one was born into a big family, one should only care about interests and not family ties.

Once the family becomes like the Li family, it will change.

A big family, once there is no family ties in the family, is just a community of interests, not a family.

Families should be maintained by family ties, not interests.

Although he didn't have any dealings with the"293" Li Ruobing and Li Ruotai siblings, in fact, he disliked these Li family members even more.

After coming out of the Li family's main house, Ding Ruilong breathed a long sigh of relief.

He was still in a good mood.

Although he paid a lot of wealth in the Li family.

However, his mood was very transcendent.

Canceling his engagement with Li Ruobing also relieved him of a serious concern.

From then on he was a free man.

Only he can make the decision about his marriage.

At this time, Ding Ruilong was extremely lucky that he was a man.

Just like Li Ruobing, the saddest thing about her is that she is a daughter.

In such a traditional big family, the culture of favoring sons over daughters is very strong.

This is also the last resort choice of these big families in order to pass on the legacy.

Girls have to get married eventually.

How can the family continue to pass it on?

Even finding a son-in-law, in the eyes of some people, may be a treasonous act.

Therefore, it is not without reason that favoring sons over daughters is prevalent in large families.

As a woman, it is very difficult for Li Ruobing to have the entire Li family recognize her.

Unless it becomes well-known in the country.

But in so many years in China, how many women can leave their names in the history of the country?

If women want to succeed, they have to work harder than men.

Just look at Ms. Dong Mingzhu of Gurley.

Even among entrepreneurs, Dong Mingzhu is the most ruthless person.

Otherwise, it would be impossible to hold the scene together.

Compared with these real strong women, Li Ruobing is still very young.

It was perfectly normal for the Li family not to care about her.

If Li Ruobing was not the eldest daughter of the Li family, but the eldest grandson, everything would be different.

With Li Ruobing's ability, he can definitely become the heir to the Li family.

It's a pity that there are not many ifs in this world.

Li Ruobing's tragic fate was doomed when she was born.

Ding Ruilong is different.

He is a boy.

Everyone believes that he will inherit the mantle of his cheap father and inherit the entire Ding family in the future.

Coupled with the old man's love, Ding Ruilong's status in the Ding family is naturally not comparable to that of Li Ruobing.

As long as he can achieve certain results and make certain contributions.

No one in the family will care what he wants.

The marriage between big families is nothing more than to gain enough benefits.

As long as Ding Ruilong can bring enough benefits to the family, who cares who he marries?

So what if he doesn't want to take over the family?

He has always been a member of the Ding family.

Even if he works hard outside to make a career, the Ding family will never fail to help him.

There are not many fools in the big family.

Even the so-called rich second generation in the family are better than the average person.

This is not because of the good genes of a large family, but because of the family environment.

Children of big families have received education since childhood and have seen things that ordinary people cannot compare with. (If you want to read cool novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Why do those people who fight back from the grassroots attract so much attention?

Because there are so few of them.

Things are pretty good in China. As long as you work hard enough and study hard, there are still ways to rise.

The college entrance examination is definitely the most beneficial measure for the lower class of society.

Even if thousands of troops cross the single-plank bridge, there will still be a few who can stand out[]

For example, in foreign countries controlled by capitalism, your life is basically destined as soon as you are born.

It is much harder to get ahead than at home.

As long as the children of a big family are good enough, they are not afraid of not having the opportunity to display their talents.

Therefore, there are very few pure fools in a big family.

As long as Ding Ruilong shows a certain potential, no one is willing to make enemies with him.

Ding Ruilong understood this and decided to develop independently from the Ding family..........

After dealing with Li Ruobing's matter, everything will be put on his agenda.

After coming out of the Li family's main house, Ding Ruilong got in the car and made a phone call.

"Ding Ruilong, what do you want from me?"

As soon as I put the phone to my ear, Li Ruobing's cold voice came from over there.

It turned out that Li Ruobing was too lazy to answer Ding Ruibing's call.

But during this time, Ding Ruibing had already made it clear to Li Ruobing that during this time, he Indeed, as he said, Anyang didn't go to Li Ruobing at all.

Therefore, Li Ruobing became less disgusted with Ding Ruibing.

Ding Ruibing heard Li Ruobing speak directly on the phone.

"You are free. I have told your father that our engagement has been terminated.

Your family also agreed.

So from then on, we had no relationship."

After saying that, Ding Ruilong hung up the phone, sat in the car and left.

Li Ruobing on the other side of the phone was a little unable to react.

What did Ding Ruilong say?

She no longer needs to be used as a tool for marriage?

She finally got rid of Ding Ruilong. ?

This is what she has always wanted to do, but now that Ding Ruilong suddenly told her about it, she was still a little angry.

No matter what, it was her own business!


But neither Ding Ruilong nor the Li family wanted to ask her opinion.

Compared to Ding Ruilong, a character she hated so much, she hated the Li family more now.

At least, Ding Ruilong knew to inform her.

But the Li family , as her family, had no intention of asking her for her opinion either when they sent her out for marriage or now , as if he was not a living person but a piece of merchandise.

He never considered her opinion in any transaction.

When he thought of this, Li Ruobing clenched his hands and pierced his sharp nails directly into his palms.

The bright red blood fell from Li Ruobing's palms and landed on the floor.

There was a ticking sound.

If anyone could see Li Ruobing's expression from the outside, she would look like a devil instead of a beauty.

: Hầng Hữu

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