"Let me tell you, even though I came out with you, don’t think about those dirty things in your mind!"

On the road, Bai Yuechang followed Zhong Xuan and said with a vigilant look.

Strange to say, she grew up with her father and saw countless people fighting since she was a child.

Even Zhong Xuan crippled those few When she was a gangster, she didn't find anything strange.

Although she knew that Zhong Xuan had just said that he would take her to do something exciting, and it would most likely be a fight

, she still followed him out for some reason.

"Do not worry!"

After hearing this, Zhong Xuan put his arm around her shoulders and said with a smile:"If I really want to take advantage of you, I just took advantage of you in the ballroom, why would I bother to bring you out?"

"Okay, let me see what tricks you do!"

Bai Yuechang nodded, struggled to break away from Zhong Xuan's hand, and ran forward quickly.

Not long after, the two of them walked into the Lychee Bay Police Station side by side.

"Cousin, I have already done all the things you arranged for me."

At this time, Lei Luo also came up to him and said seriously.

"Mr. Zhong!"

Seeing Zhong Xuan come in, Fei Biao also stood up quickly and greeted him respectfully.

At this time, he no longer looked like a big brother in the world.

Instead, he completely regarded himself as Zhong Xuan's subordinate.


Seeing this situation, Zhong Xuan also nodded with satisfaction and asked Fei Biao:"A Biao, are you interested in eating the rattlesnake's territory?""

"Of course I want this!

Fei Biao hesitated for a moment, then said:"Didn't you reach an agreement with the rattlesnake last time?" Why again……"

"These things are not your business!

Before he finished speaking, Zhong Xuan interrupted him directly:"I just want to ask you one thing. After taking over the Rattlesnake's territory ,"

"I wonder if you can afford a 30% increase in monthly fees for the Lai Chi Wan Police Station?"

"no problem!"

Hearing this, Fei Biao nodded without any hesitation.

Nowadays, the major police stations in Hong Kong set fees for some gray businesses based on the scale of the business.

For gang gambling stalls and cigarettes, The income of the museum and the actual situation are not known.

This leads to the fact that most businesses will basically keep it to themselves in order to avoid the police from coming to them many times to extort money. He also knew that the police fee was lower than what Fei Biao paid in Kwun Tong, so paying 30% more was not a burden at all to Fei Biao.

"very good! Seeing what he said, Zhong Xuan nodded with satisfaction.

Then, Zhong Xuan turned around again and said with a faint smile:"Aluo, give me your gun.""

Hearing this, Lei Luo didn't hesitate at all. He took out the pistol from the holster and handed it over.

Then he asked with some confusion:"Cousin, what do you want my gun for?"

It's not that Lei Luo doesn't believe in his cousin.

But the meaning of carrying a gun is different from that of a baton.

Once something happens, he, the newly appointed plainclothes policeman, will be held accountable by the ghost.

So he was nervous , just opened his mouth and asked such words

"You'll know after tonight!"

After saying this, Zhong Xuan didn't say anything else.

Instead, he took Bai Yuechang directly out of the police station door.

Seeing this scene, Fei Biao and Lei Luo looked at each other and hurriedly chased her out. Not long after

, Zhong Xuan stopped in front of the Rattlesnake gambling stall and stood there quietly with Bai Yuechang.

"Cousin, wait for me!"

At this time, the panting Fei Biao and Lei Luo who were chasing after him also caught up and stood in front of Zhong Xuan.

"Arlo, tell the truth, do you think it’s good to be a police officer? Is it prestigious enough?"

Seeing Lei Luo coming over, Zhong Xuan turned around and asked with a smile on his face.

"Cousin, I don’t think being a policeman is prestigious at all!"

Hearing the inquiry, Lei Luo couldn't help lowering his head and said:"I originally thought that being a policeman would make me powerful. When bad guys see us, we will run away."

"But after becoming a police officer, I feel that this is completely different from what I thought. It seems that anyone can bully us."

"I went to collect the fees for the flower arrangement apartment (Jizhai) last month, and the guy jumped on the street and threw the money on the ground!"

"When I bent down to pick it up, I complained, but they heard it and kicked me from behind!"

"They also scolded us for being policemen begging for food, even bending down was too tiring!"

"A few days ago, my cousin made me a plainclothes man, so no one dared to bully me."

"Only now do I know that in the police force, if you have no backing or background, you are like a piece of shit, hated by everyone!

At this point, Lei Luo's eyes turned red, and he asked excitedly:"Cousin, why are the police like this?"

Seeing his appearance, Zhong Xuan shook his head and said with a faint smile:"Why is this? Isn't it because you are not living up to expectations?""

"Today I will show you how majestic the police can be!

After saying these words, Zhong Xuan directly took out Lei Luo's gun, rushed into the gambling stall, looked around Zhou Wei's gamblers, and shouted loudly:

"The police came for inspection and everyone dispersed. I now suspect that you are gathering people here to gamble, sell duck slices, and harbor murderers!"

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