The so-called military barter.

That is, going to the countryside of the New Territories every morning.

Purchase those vegetable farmers and get the vegetables sold in the city every day.

Then remember to weigh it, and then use a boat to transport it to the military camp of the Eagle Country stationed on Hong Kong Island.

In exchange for supplies such as tobacco, alcohol, salt, and sugar in the hands of the Eagles stationed in Hong Kong.

Then transport it back to the grocery store for sale.

The reason why Zhong Xuan asked He Minghui to go to the barracks of the Eagle Army in Hong Kong to do barter.

It's not that Zhong Xuan has such an unreliable idea of reselling military supplies.

Instead, bartering in military camps is indeed one of the most common small businesses among the lower-class people in Hong Kong.

After the Japanese pirates surrendered, the Eagle Army stationed in Hong Kong received all kinds of supplies that the islanders had left behind on Hong Kong Island.

Valuable and sought-after materials such as ships, machinery, rubber, and kerosene are sold clean.

There are also various cigarettes, liquor and other daily necessities.

It is still piled up in the warehouse of the Eagle Army Barracks.

The production dates of these supplies were all several years ago, and the quartermasters in the military camp had no way to deal with them.

Most cigarettes are produced by islanders.

It doesn’t match the taste of people from the Eagle Country, and because it has been stored for too long, the taste is missing.

Even if it is distributed as free welfare, no one in the military camp is willing to receive it.

As for liquor, let these Eagle Country people who are used to drinking fruity brandy and light beer drink this strong liquor.

What's the difference between that and letting them drink poison?

Not long after, another thing happened.

The military camps on Hong Kong Island also began to run out of food and vegetables.

As soldiers stationed on Hong Kong Island all year round, these people basically enjoy the privilege of having their family members accompany the army.

As more and more family members poured into the barracks, some new problems arose.

That is, according to the establishment, Hong Kong Island will only provide food and vegetables to all soldiers nearby, without considering their families.

As a result, the grain and vegetables they get every week are simply not enough to eat.

In desperation, the quartermaster could only announce.

Take out the materials left by the islanders in the warehouse and exchange them with the people for food and vegetables.

After the news spread, many people pushed wheelbarrows or carried poles.

Pack a bag full of home-grown vegetables and grain, and exchange it for cigarettes and alcohol with the ghost guys in the military camp.

Two baskets of vegetables in exchange for two baskets of cigarettes is definitely a huge profit for the people.

For the quartermaster, the tobacco and alcohol have lost their taste and occupy the warehouse.

You can't sell it for much money, but if you can exchange it for two baskets of vegetables, it can be regarded as recycling waste.

It was in this environment that the military barter industry was quietly born.

And what Zhong Xuan planned to ask He Minghui to do was just a business.

His arrangement was to let He Minghui use the vegetables collected from the countryside.

Then they were sent to the military camp in a minivan in exchange for tobacco, alcohol and other supplies.

The reason why Zhong Xuan did this was to make money by pouring these cigarettes and alcohol.

The military camp warehouse will always be emptied one day, this kind of business is not possible.

On the contrary, we should take this opportunity to improve our relationship with the Yingguo garrison.

Making money comes second. Zhong Xuan hopes to use good business ethics to maintain the connections among the quartermasters in the Hong Kong military camp.

After the military camp warehouse is emptied, the quartermaster will find He Minghui immediately if he has any needs.

Even in many cases, you can take advantage of the Eagle Army stationed in Hong Kong to scare your opponents so that they dare not act rashly.

"Those people from the Eagle Country should be difficult to deal with, right? After listening to Zhong Xuan's arrangement, He Minghui lowered his head and muttered in a low voice:"If I offend them, will they beat me to death?""

His worries are actually reasonable.

The behavior of these Eagles stationed in Hong Kong in the military camp is unknown, but they are very arrogant and domineering outside. There was a leader of a small society who was drunk and jealous, so he asked his subordinates to One of the Eagle soldiers beat him up.

But the next day, dozens of armed Eagle soldiers came out of the military camp and killed the leader of the small society on the spot in a jeep.

It is said that the residents of Hong Kong's Eagle Army are like savage beasts.

Even the vegetable farmers who go to the military camp to trade do not dare to go to the military camp alone unless they are accompanied by acquaintances.

It is because of this. Because of Zhong Xuan’s arrangement, He Minghui is so afraid

"It doesn't matter!"

Zhong Xuan stepped forward and patted him on the shoulder, smiled lightly and said:"This is the first time I go to the military camp to trade, I will go with you, and I will be responsible for communicating the specific matters."

0request flowers 00

"At that time, you will be responsible for delivering food every day, keeping good records of the accounts, and just bring them over to me every week for review."

"Regardless of whether this business is losing money or making money, I will pay you a stable monthly payment of two thousand Hong Kong dollars."

"Now that my conditions have been laid out, I wonder if you are willing to do this job?"

Don't say that He Minghui doesn't have the ability to communicate with the quartermaster of the military camp.

Even if he really understands English, Zhong Xuan will take the initiative to go there.

Because Zhong Xuan needs to let the quartermaster know who the real big boss of this business is. Who.

In this way, when the two sides have the opportunity to cooperate in the future, Zhong Xuan can make a lot of money from the military camp..........0

"Cousin, I do!"

He Minghui is just honest and a little dull, and he is not really stupid.

Hearing what Zhong Xuan said, he naturally agreed with joy.


Zhong Xuan returned to the desk, took out four thousand Hong Kong dollars, and handed it over casually.

Then he continued:"Take half of this money home to honor your parents. It can also be regarded as the reward I gave you in advance."

"With the remaining money, you can go to the countryside to buy vegetables from the farmers, and rent a small truck by the way."

"When you have finished all this, come to me in this office and I will accompany you to the barracks."

Seeing the money, He Minghui trembled a little.

He bowed slightly, stretched out his hands, took the money, and thanked him:"Thank you cousin for taking care of me. I will definitely do a good job in this matter!""

"Okay, let’s go!"

After explaining the matter, Zhong Xuan directly waved his hand and asked Lei Luo to take him away first.

After the two left, Zhong Xuan closed his eyes again and slowly thought about the plan.

Until he confirmed that there were no mistakes or omissions , a smile appeared on his lips. Now most of Zhong Xuan 's plans have been laid out.

As long as the lard boy comes back with the money, he can immediately implement his next plan.

Completed, Xinghui Pharmaceutical Company will not only no longer be restricted by Shen Tianlin, but may suddenly emerge and become another leader in the pharmaceutical industry in Hong Kong... Zero...

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