
Jimmy swallowed.

He felt the strong killing intent in Chen Hao's words, and he understood that if he didn't cooperate, this guy in front of him would kill him without hesitation!

He had just joined the underworld, and although he quickly won the trust of Guan Zaisen with his own mind, he had not experienced much of this kind of thing.

Jimmy relented.

"What do you want me to do?"

"It's simple." Chen Dao snapped his fingers and looked at him with a smile, "You are a talent, follow me." "

"What do you mean?" Jimmy looked at Chen Hao suspiciously.

"Literally." Chen Hao smiled slightly and replied, "Brother Sen is old, it is not suitable to continue to stay in this position, what do you say?" "


Jimmy can't hear it anywhere, Chen Hao has the idea of usurping the throne!

But in the Hong Kong Island triad society, the most particular thing is a reputation, if he really follows Chen Hao to do this kind of thing, Heliansheng will not let them go!

Chen Hao saw Jimmy's concern, smiled slightly, and said casually: "I didn't say what I was going to do, I was just thinking, if something happened to Brother Sen, then who should take his place?" "


Jimmy froze.

He seemed to understand the meaning of Chen Hao's words, but he didn't seem to understand anything.

But he is sure that this guy in front of him will definitely not be like Guan Zaisen said, except that his head is easier to use, he is a waste!

Guan Zai Sen is the real waste!

He didn't even know that there was such a sleeping tiger beside him!

"I... What do you want me to do? "

Jimmy sighed, looked at Chen Hao, and said helplessly.


Chen Hao poured another glass of red wine, shook the glass, and said lightly: "These are not important, what matters is your choice." "

"Do you really plan to follow Guan Zaisen all the time?"

"What kind of person he is, you should know better than me, eating, drinking, gambling... He is a waste, and, if the need arises, I believe he will not hesitate to abandon you, we are all just his pawns. "


Jimmy let out a long breath.

He understood what Chen Hao said.

He probably understood what Chen Hao meant.

Looking at Chen Hao, he asked directly, "What good will it be if I follow you?" "

"I can't promise you anything." Chen Hao shook his head, but then changed his tone and continued, "But if I'm not mistaken, you joined the club to be able to do business quietly, right?" "

Jimmy didn't speak.

But he nodded and signaled that Chen Hao was not wrong.

Chen Hao continued: "So, if something happens to Brother Sen and I can take Brother Sen's place, then you can just help me take care of my business, and I can give you a promise, that is, no one can force you to do something you are not willing to do." "

"This..." Jimmy was silent, and at the same time, he was also moved.

For this kind of thing, he really doesn't like it, just like Chen Hao said, he just wants to do business steadily.

He also understands.

This person in front of him is more suitable to be a big guy than Guan Zaisen!

"I... I'm with you. "

In the end, Jimmy made up his mind.

Chen Hao nodded in satisfaction, then got up and prepared to leave.


Jimmy stopped him.

"Aren't you afraid that I will tell Guan Zai Sen about this?"

"You're a smart man." Chen Hao turned his head to look at him and replied, "Moreover, even if you really tell Guan Zi about the mobile phone?" How can he help me? "


Chen Hao's fearless momentum frightened Jimmy and gasped.

Not sure why.

He always felt that Hong Kong Island was about to produce a new figure.


Chen Hao's fading voice came, "By the way, pay for the meal." "

Jimmy's face was livid....


Walk out of the western restaurant.

Breathe in the fresh air.

Chen Hao nodded in satisfaction.

He didn't know if Jimmy would tell Guan Zai Sen about this.

He's also gambling.


It doesn't matter anymore.

It was like he said it to Jimmy.

Even if he told Guan Zai Sen, what could he do?

In this era, the able are the best.

As long as Chen Hao shows enough strength, I believe that no one will have any opposition to him taking over the position of Guan Zaisen.

Think so.

A smile appeared at the corner of Chen Hao's mouth, "It's getting more and more interesting, it's really exciting." "

Between words.

He had already walked towards his home.

After returning home.

Chen Hao was already a little tired, so he fell asleep.

Early the next morning.

He got a call from Jimmy.

"Brother Hao, something happened."


Chen Hao instantly sobered up and asked in a deep voice, "What's wrong?"

"The crow swept more than a dozen fields in a row, Guan Zaisen couldn't beat it, today I heard him negotiating with the crow, it seems that he wants to hand you over."

"." Chen Hao scolded.

This kind of big guy, it's strange that the younger brother under his hand is not anti-water!

Damn it!

Chen Hao's originally wonderful mood suddenly disappeared.


He reacted and said to Jimmy: "I know, I will find a way to deal with this matter, you continue to stare at Guan Zaisen." "

After speaking, Chen Dao paused and added: "Don't worry, promise you, I will remember." "

Jimmy was silent for a moment and didn't speak again.

The phone hangs up.

Chen Hao thought about it and called Black Tiger again.

It took a while for the phone to connect.


"It's me." Chen Hao's voice was a little stiff.

No way.

Guan Zaisen's play of unloading grinding and killing donkeys really made him a little angry.

"Howe... Brother Hao. The black tiger on the other end of the phone also sobered up at this time, and quickly said, "What's wrong?" Can I help you? "

"How's that senior inspector going?"

"I have already sent someone to inquire, it will take some time, within three days, I will definitely investigate this matter clearly."

"Hmm." Chen Hao nodded, and then asked, "By the way, can you contact the killer there..."


After about five minutes.

Chen Hao hung up the phone.

After hanging up the phone, he showed a dangerous smile, "Guan Zaisen, since you are ruthless, don't blame me for being unrighteous." "

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