The expression on Guan Zaisen's face froze, he covered his wounds, but the blood could not stop staying, he felt that his vitality was dissipating, and after a moment, he rolled his eyes and fainted.

"Brother Sen!"

Seeing this, Chen Hao quickly stepped forward to help Guan Zaisen, who was almost falling to the ground, and pretended to be anxious.

The crow was also confused.

What's going on here?

Where did this sudden killer come from?

But before he could think more, Chen Hao directly hugged Guan Zaisen with a princess, and a look of anger appeared on his face, looked at the crow, and shouted angrily:

"Raven, you don't speak morally.

Brothers! In order to take revenge on Senge, the crow secretly hired a killer to injure Senge! Hack them to death for me! I escorted Sengo to the hospital! "

For the sake of safety, although Guan Zaisen and Crow have agreed not to bring many people, but Guan Zaisen brought the elite of the elite this negotiation, although it is not a star and a half worse than Chen Hao, but in the community, these people are also enough to exist as one to ten.

At the moment when Chen Hao's words fell, Jimmy also stood up, with the same extremely angry expression.

"! Hack them to death and avenge Sengo! "

Under the instigation of the two, these dozen younger brothers also angrily pulled out the machete on their waist.

"! Hack them to death! "

"Brothers, hack them to death!"




A dozen younger brothers scuffled with the crow's group.

Looked at.

Chen Hao's heart was ecstatic.

Mess with it.

The messier the better.

If it is not chaotic, how can his purpose be achieved?

He hugged Guan Zaisen and shouted at Jimmy: "Jimmy! By car, we escort Sengo to the hospital! "

Jimmy immediately reacted and quickly echoed: "Brothers, open the way!" "

These more than a dozen subordinates are all Guan Zaisen's team, and the kung fu in their hands is also an excellent existence in Guan Zaisen, and they are also loyal to Guan Zaisen.

Hearing the two say this, they almost didn't think about it, so they killed downstairs.

"Brothers, open the way! Escort Sengo away! "


"Hack them to death!"


The crow was protected behind a group of little brothers at this time, and when he looked at Chen Hao, Chen Hao also looked at him, and his eyes seemed to say again, "Play with me, you are still tender." "


The raven was furious.

He already vaguely felt the truth of the matter in his heart.

But now it's too chaotic.

Even if he had the heart to explain, no one listened!

Now everyone believes that the crow hired the killer to assassinate Guan Zaisen, so that he can't wash even if he jumps into the Yellow River.

"! A group of musical colors. The crow was also angry at this time, no matter how much, he directly took out the phone and called the little brother who was ambushed nearby, "Do it to me, don't let any of them go!" "

When Chen Hao and Jimmy rushed downstairs, they immediately saw hundreds of little brothers with various weapons quickly rushing towards the hotel.

Seeing this scene, Chen Hao was not shocked and rejoiced, "So many people are ambushed here, now, even if the crow explains, no one will believe it." "

At this time.

Jimmy had already opened the car door and lit the fire.

"Get in the car!"

Chen Hao did not hesitate.

Directly threw Guan Zaisen into the back seat, and he sat in the co-pilot's position.

Then, Jimmy kicked the accelerator down, knocked off two little brothers who stood in the way, and then sped towards his territory.

"Did those people ignore them?"

In the car.

Jimmy couldn't help but ask.

Chen Hao understood that he was talking about the dozen elite juniors, shook his head, glanced at Guan Zaisen, and confirmed that he had fallen into a deep coma before he spoke

"Although it is a pity that these elites died, they are Guan Zaisen's henchmen after all, and their life is a big trouble for our future plans."

Hearing this, Jimmy was silent for a moment, but still nodded.

At this time, he found that the young man in his early twenties in front of him was deeper in his scheming than some old rivers and lakes.

Plus his terrifying skills....

Courageous and resourceful, such a person may be born to become a big guy.

Following his side is indeed much stronger than following Guan Zaisen's side.

"What do we do now?"

"Go to the hospital." Chen Hao glanced at the pale-faced Guan Zaisen behind him and said with a smile: "He can't die yet, at least not now." "


Ten minutes later.

Inside the nearest hospital.

"Hurry up, send to the rescue room!"

"The patient's heartbeat is weak, and he is bleeding heavily!"

"The patient was shot in the chest, three inches from the heart, and immediately prepared for surgery."


A group of doctors hurriedly pushed Guan Zaisen into the rescue room.

Chen Hao stopped a doctor, took out a dagger, put it against his neck, and said viciously: "He is my boss!" If he dies, I'll let you give him a burial!" "

The doctor's frightened legs went limp, and he nodded vigorously.

Chen Hao let him go.

Watching the lights in the emergency room come on, he took Jimmy out of the hospital.

Walk the path inside the hospital.

Chen Hao lit a cigarette and handed one to Jimmy.

"Now it is estimated that there is already a lot of trouble outside."

Jimmy took the cigarette, nodded, and analyzed: "I didn't expect that the crow hid so many people around the restaurant, but this helped us sit down and confirm the fact that he found someone to assassinate Guan Zaisen."

In this way, it is not only the matter of Guan Zai Sen and Raven, I am afraid that even Heliansheng and Dongxing will be involved. "

Hearing this, Chen Hao smiled noncommittally, "Chaos, the more chaotic the better, only by muddying the water on Hong Kong Island can we seize the opportunity to take the position, right?" "

Jimmy was stunned for a moment, then nodded.

Right at this moment.

His phone rang.


"Brother Sen has been sent to the hospital and is being rescued."

"I know, immediately call everyone back and notify a few backbones for a meeting."


After hanging up.

Jimmy looked at Chen Hao, "Those dozen little brothers were cut and seriously injured, it is estimated that they will not survive tonight, and now the gang below are making trouble, shouting that they want to start a war with the crow." "

"I see." Chen Hao nodded and thought for a while, "You go back first, you should know what to do." "

"What about you?"

Jimmy looked at Chen Hao.

After all, Chen Hao is also the number one in the row under Guan Zaisen, and if he does not go back, I am afraid that it will arouse suspicion.

Chen Hao thought for a while, "You said that I went alone to find an opportunity to take revenge." "

Jimmy nodded.

He was about to leave, but Chen Hao stopped him.



Jimmy looked at Chen Hao suspiciously.

"Take this opportunity to see which are Guan Zaisen's diehard juniors and write them all down."

Hear this.

Jimmy immediately understood what Chen Hao wanted to do.

I glanced at him, nodded, and left.

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immediately preemptive(Event Period: August 10th to August 20th)

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