Jimmy walked briskly through the corridor of the Star Bar, his face a little anxious, and it looked like something had happened.

Walking to the private room where Chen Hao was, he stopped and knocked on the door.

"Come in."

Chen Hao's voice came from the private room.

Jimmy pushed the door in, and saw that he was chatting with Scar and the others, so he gave him a look.

Seeing this, the latter raised his hand and terminated the conversation.

"Let's do it today."

"You each keep an eye on the territory you are responsible for, I just destroyed so many people of the crow, it is estimated that he will make a move soon."

"If there is any problem that cannot be solved, come to me again."

Say it.

He sent them away.

After all these people left, Chen Hao pointed to the opposite sofa and motioned for Jimmy to sit down, "What happened?"

Jimmy looked worried, "Dunbo wants to see you." "


"See me?"

Chen Hao's brows suddenly furrowed.

This uncle with the highest status among the uncles of Heliansheng, what did he do when he saw him?

"Do you know what he saw me for?"

"I don't know." Jimmy shook his head, "I also just received a call from him, and on the phone, he only said that you should go to his villa to meet him, and did not say what to do." "


Chen Hao was silent for a moment and nodded, "I know, help me prepare the car, I'll take a look." "

"Are you really going?" Jimmy couldn't help but ask.

Chen Hao nodded, "Of course, moreover, do you think I have a choice?" "

Deng Bo is the highest ranking person among the uncles and fathers of Heliansheng, although this group of uncles and fathers all look like "I don't care" on the surface, but in Heliansheng, no one dares to offend them.

Chen Hao is currently just a horse boy, and in the eyes of this group of old guys, he is at best just a horse boy who can fight a little.

When Deng Bo saw him, if he didn't go, wouldn't this make it clear that he wanted to follow him?

Although Chen Hao was not cold about these old guys, now was not the time to fall out.

"Don't worry."

Chen Hao took a glass of champagne and shook it, and the dense bubbles rose and broke from the bottom of the glass, setting off a ripple under the illumination of the light.

"Although I don't know what Deng Bo wants to do when he sees me, I believe that he will not do anything to me, after all, Helian won a person who can fight like me, and it is too late for him to be happy."

Saying that, he drank the champagne in the cup, and then got up, "Let's go, go meet him." "


An hour later.

Dunber Villa.

Chen Hao walked down from the car and shook his head at Jimmy, "You just wait for me outside." "

Then he walked in the direction of the villa.

Just walked to the door.

Two black-clad bodyguards blocked his way.

"My name is Chen Hao." Chen Hao thought for a while, and then added: "Deng Bo called me." "

The two bodyguards glanced at each other, and then a bodyguard walked into the villa, which should be a report.


The bodyguard walked out.

"Let's go inside."

Under the guidance of the bodyguard, he quickly walked into the villa, came to the door of a study, knocked on the door, and then opened the door and signaled Chen Hao to enter.

Chen Hao did not hesitate in the slightest and walked in.

As soon as he entered, he saw an old man with gray hair and a wrinkled face, the old man was sitting on a chair, although his eyes were a little cloudy, but shining, and he looked like an old fox.

It's not different from the Dunbo I remember.

Chen Hao thought so.

Immediately saluted Deng Bo, "Deng Bo, are you looking for me?" "

Deng Bo, who was reading, glanced up at Chen Hao and couldn't help but be a little surprised, "You are Chen Hao?" I'm younger than I thought. "

Chen Hao did not speak, waiting for Deng Bo's next words.

Deng Bo pointed to the sofa not far away, "Sit." "

After sitting down, Chen Hao couldn't help it, and asked tentatively, "I wonder what Deng Bo is looking for me for?" "


Deng Bo glanced at him, did not hurry to answer, poured a cup of tea, handed it to Chen Hao, and then asked, "How is Guan Zaisen?"

"Still in the hospital and didn't wake up." Chen Hao said truthfully.

Deng Bo nodded and took a sip of tea, "I heard that you hacked and slashed more than forty little brothers of the crow alone?" Is it true? "

Chen Hao frowned, not knowing what medicine was sold in this old guy's gourd, but he still nodded, "Hmm." "

"I heard that those people around Guan Zaisen are listening to you now, I don't know what you plan to do about this crow?"

Tempt me?

Chen Hao glanced at Deng Bo and saw that he was also looking at him, and immediately showed an angry expression, and slammed the table, "Crow, that bastard, actually secretly hired a killer to injure Brother Sen, and smashed us so many fields in a row, is it true that Liansheng and I have no one?"

Deng Bo, don't worry, Brother Sen is my boss, I will definitely not let the crow go, I will definitely cut the crow and avenge Brother Sen. "

Hear it here.

Deng Bo's brows furrowed, but quickly returned to their original state, "It is his blessing that Guan Zaisen can have such a subordinate as you." "

But then, he turned his head and continued: "It is also a blessing for Helian to win a person who dares to fight like you, so let's follow Ah Le after you solve the crow."

Guan Zaisen, this person, eat, drink, gamble and smoke, under his hands, you will be buried, you go and follow Ah Le, work hard under him for a few years, and wait until you accumulate a certain prestige, then I will promote you. "


Hear this.

Chen Hao was stunned for a moment.

Dunbo, this old fox, would be so kind?

Why would he let himself follow Ah Le?

Wait a minute!

Chen Hao seemed to have figured out something.

Counting the days, less than a month is the day of the biennial election with the United Victory.

According to Chen Hao's memories in his previous life, Deng Bo should have wanted to support Ah Le to ascend to the throne.

In this year's Heliansheng, there are only two people who hold the position of Heliansheng speaker, one is Ale, and the other is Big D.

Big D is the boss of the Tsuen Wan area, he has the most power and the most subordinates, but he is arrogant and domineering, and his way of doing things is simple and rude.

Ah Le is the boss of Jordan District, the strength is not as good as the big D, he is low-key and has a city government, he usually tries his best to enlist the elders, the senators have something, he tries his best to help, money and effort, and the popularity is very good.

One has a big force and a good person, and it seems that each has its own advantages.

But Dunber, the old fox, has always wanted to balance the alliance.

In his opinion, a strong man with a single family will become a wild horse out of control, and eventually go to self-destruction, pulling everyone to be buried together.

Therefore, he wants to support Ah Le to take the throne to balance the scene of the big D family alone.

As a result, it is good now, and Chen Hao, such a ruthless person, broke his plan.

In this way, Chen Hao immediately understood what Deng Bo meant.

This old guy seems to be promoting him, but he is actually suppressing him!

Feilu's 18th anniversary brand upgrade to give back to readers! Charge 100 and get 500 VIP bonds!

immediately preemptive(Event Period: August 10th to August 20th)

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