While they were chatting, No. 6 pushed the door with a solemn look and walked in.

Looked at.

Chen Hao asked with some curiosity, "Where have you been?"


Jimmy duly came out and explained: "I asked him to go to the villa of the suburban salamander first to investigate the situation." "

Hearing this, Chen Hao reached out and patted Jimmy's shoulder, and said with a smile: "It's still thoughtful as you think." "

Saying that, he looked at No. 6, "Tell me, what's the situation over there in the Sand Hopper Villa?" "

"Not good."

Number Six shook his head, "Since Brother Hao, you killed the camel last time without knowing it, the current sand hopper is very vigilant, and it is not an exaggeration to say that the villa was turned into a copper wall by him. "


He walked to the table in the private room, took out a cup, and put it upside down on the table, "If this is the Grasshopper Villa..."

Then, he took out a few small cups and placed them around the villa, "There are at least no less than a hundred little brothers guarding the perimeter of the villa, surrounding the entire villa." "

Then, No. 6 pointed to the cup that was used as a "villa" and said: "There are at least dozens of little brothers patrolling back and forth inside the villa, even inside the villa, there are dozens of little brothers, and these people are holding firearms, patrolling back and forth in the corridor, there is no gap at all." "

Hearing these words, everyone present had a solemn expression.

If it is really the same as what Number Six said, in this case, unless you attack hard, it is impossible to kill the salhopper.


Chen Hao still looked like a light breeze, did not care at all, but looked at No. 6 and asked with a smile:

"With such strict security, how did you get this intelligence?"

Number Six was stunned for a moment, obviously not expecting Chen Hao to focus on this matter.

What is the situation?

Shouldn't you care about how to do it?


Puzzled, No. 6 still explained: "I can't get close to the villa, I can only observe with a telescope in a forest far away from the villa." "

"Sure enough, a professional is a professional."

Chen Hao reached out and patted No. 6's shoulder, "It's hard for you." "

Looked at.

Jimmy couldn't sit still a little, and couldn't help but speak: "Brother Hao, otherwise we still plan for the long term, right?" Now that they are 15 years ready, if you go now, it will be difficult to succeed! "

Hearing Jimmy's words, Chen Hao was also silent.

If even the corridor is full of people, it is really difficult to sneak into the villa and kill the salhopper.


Soon, Chen Hao paid attention.

He smiled and looked at Jimmy, "Help me get something." "


He whispered something in Jimmy's ear.

Jimmy was stunned and looked at Chen Hao with a solemn expression, "Can it be, but is it really okay?" "

"Don't worry." Chen Hao nodded confidently, "You just get your things ready, and then wait to see the fireworks." "


The night is getting darker.


Outside the Villa Sand Hopper.

"Is that guy really coming?"

"It's hard to say! Haven't you heard about the last time you were in the dragon? It was also under the guard of so many people that he was directly given by that guy..." The little brother who spoke made a gesture of wiping his neck.

This made the other little brother tremble with fright, looked around, and did not find any movement, only then couldn't help but say: "With so many people guarding, there shouldn't be any problems, right?" "

"The devil knows, keep it well, anyway, I heard that the last time the dragon head had an accident, there were still a few little brothers who were unknown..."


Chen Hao, who was hiding on a towering tree not far away, heard the conversation between the two little brothers, and a curve appeared at the corner of his mouth.

He did not rush to start, but touched the black backpack behind him, and after making sure that there was no problem, he leaned on a thick tree trunk and closed his eyes.

Late in the middle of the night.

A breeze blew through, freezing Chen Hao awake.

Looked at the time.

It was already past three o'clock in the morning, he stretched, took out the binoculars from the backpack behind him, and looked in the direction of the salamander villa.


Hundreds of little brothers stood straight in their respective positions like during the day, and although some yawned from time to time, none of them slept.


The last camel incident left a lot of shadows on the salamander.

Chen Hao moved the telescope up again.

Although the curtains on the second floor were drawn, some shadows could still be seen fluttering behind the curtains.

"It seems that the situation is similar to what No. 6 said, in this case, even if I have absolute concealment, it is not easy to start."

Putting away the binoculars, Chen Hao smiled.

Having said that, he had no intention of giving up.


He didn't plan to kill the salhopper himself this time.

He had a better way.

Putting away the binoculars, he jumped for life, jumped off the tree, rolled over, and landed steadily on the ground.

Although the movement was not large, it also attracted the attention of the younger brother of Dongxing, who was patrolling not far away.

"Who's where!"

"Quick, go and see!"

"Damn, who? Come out quickly! "


In an instant, the light of more than a dozen flashlights shone towards this side, and more than a dozen figures quickly approached.

Chen Hao stood up without hurry, hid behind the tree and clapped his hands.

As these people approached, his mind moved.

"Absolutely hidden" launched.

Chen Hao swaggered out, passed by these people, passed by a gangster, and out of fun, he slapped this little brother's head.

"Damn, what are you hitting me for?"

"When the did I hit you?"

"What the do you mean? Lao Tzu has put up with you for a long time..."


Looking at the two gangsters who were fighting, Chen Hao couldn't help but cover his mouth and snicker.

"Forget it, it's about business."

After watching for a while, Chen Hao turned around and walked in the direction of the villa.

At this time, there were more than a dozen gangsters guarding the gate of the villa, all of whom were holding firearms in their hands, and they were all loaded.

As long as there is the slightest wind and grass, they will not hesitate to shoot.


No matter how cautious they were, they couldn't find Chen Hao, who used "absolute concealment".

Carrying a backpack, Chen Hao passed by these people without hurry.

When he walked to the door.

A few gangsters heard the disturbance outside, opened the gate of the villa, and walked out.

"What's going on?"

"What are they doing?"

"How did the fight start?"


A few gangsters looked with interest at the two gangsters who were fighting not far away, and did not notice Chen Hao who walked past them and entered the villa.

"Just watch it slowly, and I'll invite you to watch the fireworks later, grandpa."

Chen Hao covered his mouth and snickered.


He looked at the watch in his hand and found that five minutes had passed, less than twenty-five minutes left before the expiration of "absolute concealment".

He stopped staying, discerned his direction, and walked in the direction of the villa.

Went around a few circles.

He came to a corner at the back of the villa.

Although there are also people patrolling here, there are many fewer people compared to other places, and there are a lot of green trees, which is quite suitable for hiding things.

"This is it!"

Chen Hao stopped, took off his backpack, and took out the contents inside.

It is the made remote-controlled bomb.

These bombs are all TNT that Jimmy paid a lot of money for, and a small piece is enough to blow up this villa, and the amount here is enough to raze this villa to the ground.

This is Chen Hao's plan.

The sand hopper villa is heavily defended, even the corridor is full of people, and it is obviously unrealistic for him to sneak directly and silently into the sand hopper's villa with "absolute concealment".

But this could not stop Chen Hao.

With the blessing of "absolute concealment", as long as it is something on his body, it can also be "absolutely hidden".

With this property, he can quietly bring these strong TNTs in.

Even if you can't sneak into the bedroom of the salamander, it doesn't matter, just dispose of it directly connected to the villa. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

After installing TNT and adjusting the explosion time to five minutes, Chen Hao found a leafy green tree and placed the TNT bomb on the branch.

Although the things on Chen Hao's body also have the effect of "absolute concealment" during the "absolutely hidden" time, once he does not contact Chen Hao, the effect of "absolute concealment" will disappear.

He couldn't have waited for the bomb to go off and left, could he?

Just kidding?

Although he has a "King Kong not bad body", he is not happy to explode!

This TNT can blow up this villa, and it can also blow him up to pieces!

After hiding TNT and making sure that it would not be discovered in a short time, Chen Hao did not rush to leave.

In order not to be surprised, he had to be sure that the bomb would go off smoothly.

Five minutes......

Four minutes...

Three minutes...

When there were only two minutes left before the explosion time, Chen Hao hurriedly ran away.

He did not choose to run away through the gate.

The villa is too big, from the gate of the villa to here is less than two hundred meters away, run over and run out, the time is too late.


Chen Hao was not flustered.

In the three minutes he waited here, he had already planned his escape route!

Standing in front of a wall that was four or five meters long, Chen Hao's left leg was a little on the wall, his body suddenly bounced up, a few taps in succession, a few seconds of kung fu, he was like those martial arts masters who flew off the wall in the movie clock, climbing over the wall.

With the blessing of "Ding Xiu's full strength", this matter was not difficult for Chen Hao.


Calculating the explosion time, Chen Hao took a step and ran towards a safe distance as fast as he could.

He's fast.

In less than a minute, his figure had appeared hundreds of meters away from the villa.

Chen Hao stopped breathlessly.

"This place should be safe enough."

"Sand Hopper, are you ready for the fireworks evening I have prepared for you?"








As Chen Hao's voice fell, a loud noise instantly sounded from the villa of the sandhopper.

Then, the flames instantly flooded the entire villa, and a huge mushroom cloud rose.

The power of TNT was so great that although Chen Hao, who was eight hundred meters away, was still overturned by a heat wave.


Fortunately, the distance was far enough, such a distance, the aftermath of the explosion could not cause any damage to Chen Hao, who had the "King Kong Not Bad Body".

"Hahaha, Dongxing, let's see if you can continue to be hard now!"

Chen Hao got up from the ground and patted the dust on his body, and he was in a good mood.

Chen Hao did not leave in a hurry, took off his backpack, took out his binoculars, and looked in the direction of the villa.

The mushroom cloud lasted for a full minute.

As the mushroom cloud dispersed, the fire had covered the entire villa, and the villa at this time had also turned into a pile of ruins.

"Sand Hopper, if you don't die, Laozi will recognize you as a big brother!"

Putting down the binoculars, Chen Hao stopped staying, discerned the direction, and then left the scene.


Two hours later.

Star Bar.

Chen Hao walked into the Star Bar with a tired face.

"Mother, I haven't exercised for a long time, and I'm exhausted by running a few hundred meters."

"Brother Hao, you're back?!"

When Chen Hao just walked into the bar, Jimmy saw him, came over with a surprised face, looked at Chen Hao, and then said worriedly: "Brother Hao, are you okay?" "

"It's okay." Chen Hao patted the dust on his body, looked at the overcrowded bar, and waved his hand," said the private room. "

A few minutes later.

Private rooms.

Robot Squad, Black Tiger, Jimmy, Scar and other Chen Hao's henchmen are all there.

Chen Hao sat on the sofa, and Black Tiger immediately poured him a glass of champagne.

Chen Hao stretched out, holding the champagne in his right hand and gently shaking, dense bubbles rose in the wine, exuding a mysterious brilliance under the illumination of the illusion lights in the private room.

"It's a pity that you didn't 890 see the fireworks evening today, but it's wonderful." Chen Hao took a sip of champagne and said happily.

"Fireworks evening?"

"I didn't hear that there was a fireworks party anywhere on the evening today!"

"Brother Hao, what are you talking about?"


Black Tiger and the others looked puzzled, but Jimmy, who was sitting on Chen Hao's right, looked thoughtful, silent for a moment, looked at Chen Hao and asked: "So, Brother Hao, you succeeded?"


Chen Hao nodded, "I have to thank you for the fireworks you prepared, otherwise, I wouldn't be able to see such a beautiful fireworks evening." "

"Brother Hao, what the hell are you talking about! Why am I getting more and more incomprehensible! "

The black tiger is even more confused.


Chen Hao ignored him, took another sip of champagne, and only then got up, "You'll know tomorrow." "

"Change your clothes and go dance!"


The next day.


"I lean!"

"Something has happened!"

"Stop sleeping! Get up? "

The black tiger carrying a large package of breakfast in his hand rushed into the private room excitedly, and he was still holding a newspaper in his hand, looking excited.

Yesterday, Scar and the others drank almost all night of wine, and they were sleeping soundly at this time.

After being frightened by the startled voice of the black tiger, Scar looked at the black tiger dissatisfied, looked at the breakfast that the black tiger put down, took out a bun from it, took a bite, and then said dissatisfied:

"Big morning, you're hell with it!"

Black Tiger didn't care about Scar's words, just threw the newspaper in his hand to him excitedly, "Look!" Big news! Look, look! "

Scar frowned, forcibly beat the heart of the black tiger, picked up the newspaper, and just glanced at it...


"Don't even sleep!"

"Hurry up!"

"Number one, you quickly get up and take a look!"


The robot squad, Jimmy and the others were also woken up by Scar's startled voice.

"Scar, what's wrong?!" No. 1 frowned and looked at the dancing scar, and subconsciously touched his waist.

Looked at.

Scar quickly shook his head, "It's okay, look at this." "


He handed the newspaper in his hand to Number One.

Number one took the newspaper ...

A few minutes later.

Except for Jimmy, everyone present looked like they had seen the hell.

"I rely on, Brother Hao is also too powerful, right?! I now know what he meant by the fireworks night yesterday! Black Tiger pointed to the newspaper report that kicked the suburban mega explosion or sought revenge for the enemies of the East Star Sand Hopper, and said excitedly.

Scar and the others gave him a blank look.

Now everyone knows.

After a while, No. 1 looked at Jimmy and couldn't help but ask, "So, you knew yesterday that Brother Hao planned to use TNT to blow up the villa of the sandhopper?" "

"Hmm." Jimmy nodded.


No. 1 looked at the newspaper and couldn't help but sigh with emotion: "Brother Hao, he is really a violent and direct person!" "。

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