"What the fuck do you want to do!"

Big D was pressed by Chen Hao, and his strength could not break free from Chen Hao's uncle's shackles at all, and he could only roar angrily.

Chen Hao's brows frowned slightly.

"Did you talk?"

Say it.

Chen Hao picked up the ashtray again and slammed it on Big D's head.

Bang -

The ashtray exploded, and Big D's head also had an extra ten-centimeter-long hole, and the blood couldn't stop coming out.

"Chen Hao, it's almost okay, it's all people from a society, do you really want to kill him-?"

Deng Bo couldn't stand it anymore, and scolded loudly.

When Chen Hao heard this, he turned his head and looked at Deng Bo, revealing a fierce smile, "Deng Bo, wasn't it what you said just now, traitor three cuts and six holes?" "

"This..." Old Elder Deng blushed, but still frowned: "Although he bought to kill you, this can't be said to be a traitor, now you have revenge, it's almost okay, right?" "

"Who said I meant this by traitor?"

Chen Hao directly interrupted Deng Bo's words, and then nodded to No. 1 at the door.

No. 1 immediately took out a file bag and handed it to Deng Bo.

Chen Hao said again: "Deng Bo, do you want to see the contents inside first?" "

Deng Bo hesitated for a moment, but still opened the file bag.

Inside, it is the photo that Big D and East Star's smiling tiger were secretly taken by Jimmy when they made a deal.

Seeing these photos, Dunbo's brows furrowed even tighter.

Looked at.

Chen Hao smiled slightly, "How is it?" Deng Bo, Big D and Dongxing Smiley Tiger colluded to kill me, isn't this still a traitor? "


Deng Bo looked at the photo in his hand and was a little speechless for a while.

If Big D just buys murder himself, then this can only be regarded as an internal matter of the society, but Big D colludes with outsiders and wants to kill Chen Hao, which is already within the category of traitors.

Seeing that Deng Bo did not speak, Chen Hao took out a dagger directly from his waist and raised it sharply.

"Since Deng Bo is meaningless, then according to the family law, three cuts and six holes."



Deng Bo wanted to stop it, but Chen Hao's movement was too fast, and before Deng Bo could react, the knife in his hand had fallen.

Deng Bo was shocked.

But when he saw Chen Hao's action, he secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

It turned out that the knife in Chen Hao's hand did not fall on Big D's body, but went straight into his palm and nailed his palm to the table.


Big D's screams of pain echoed throughout the private room.

The huge pain coming from his palm made his face a little distorted, beads of sweat oozing out of his forehead, sliding down his cheeks one by one, and soon wet his shirt.

Chen Hao picked up a fork on the table again and slammed it into Big D's other hand.


Another scream.

Big D's other hand was also nailed to the table.

After doing this, he leaned over and whispered in Big D's ear: "You remember, I won't kill you today, it's not that I don't dare to kill you, it's just that you have done a lot for Heliansheng."

If there is another time, you will prepare yourself with a coffin. "

Chen Hao did think about killing Big D, but after thinking about it, he still gave up this idea.

A big D just can't cause him any obstacles, if he wants to kill him, he can do it at any time.

However, if you kill Big D, Deng Bo's old guy is estimated to hold a grudge against him, although Chen Hao doesn't care, but Deng Bo's old guy's status in Heliansheng is extremely high, and offending him is also a trouble.

What's more, Big D, as the most powerful hall master of Heliansheng, this kind of person is a good candidate for being a gun, keep him, and Chen Hao will have a lot less trouble in other societies in the future.

Big D couldn't stop shaking.

What happened last time had already made him very jealous of Chen Hao, and this time, he directly experienced what it was to walk in the ghost gate.

He could feel that Chen Hao had really had killing intent just now!

Chen Hao no longer paid attention to Big D, just got up and jumped off the table, glanced around, and said lightly: "This time, give your uncles a face, I forgive Big D, but if next time, he still does this, I will personally take action to clean up the traitors for the society." "


Everyone present couldn't help but swallow their saliva.

This matter of crushing the entire East Star with the power of one person is known to everyone on Hong Kong Island, whether it is Helian Sheng's uncle or hall master, he is more or less jealous of this ruthless person.

This time.

Even the most powerful big D in Heliansheng almost died in his hands, which made them even more afraid of this guy in front of them.

"Chen Hao, what did you want to say when you called us here today?" Deng Bo took a deep breath and tried to calm his tone as much as possible.

Chen Hao shook his head, "No hurry. "

Say it.

He walked around and sat down next to Ale.

"What do you want to do?"

Ah Le instantly became alert.

Chen Hao looked at him with a smile and whispered: "My sister-in-law is very beautiful, and my nephew is also very cute, if you don't want them to get hurt, I suggest you don't shout." "

Chen Hao's voice was very small, and even Ah Le next to him could barely hear it.

But Ah Le still understood the meaning of Chen Hao's words.

Thinking of the loss of contact between his wife and bodyguards, Ah Le suddenly panicked.


As soon as he wanted to speak, he looked at Chen Hao's eyes that flashed fiercely, and suddenly closed his mouth.

Watch this scene.

Everyone was a little confused.

What are these two whispering about?


Doubt to doubt.

The ruthlessness that Chen Hao showed just now had shocked these people, and no one wanted to touch this mold, so they obediently closed their mouths and waited quietly.

"What the hell do you want to do??! Ah Le looked angry and lowered his voice.

Don't be in such a hurry.

Chen Hao took out the phone and dialed a number, which was only then placed in Ah Le's ear.

"What do you want to do!"


"Husband, husband save me!"




On the other end of the phone, came the screams of Ale's wife and the crying of Ale's son.

Hearing these voices, Ah Le became even more angry.

He knows.

This guy really caught his wife and son!

"What the are you trying to do!"

"If you hurt my wife and children, I won't let you go!"

"Chen Hao, let go of my wife and children, they are innocent!"


Ah Le's voice gradually softened.

In his eyes, Chen Hao is a madman, this guy can do anything, he doesn't dare to bet!

"Simple." Chen Hao smiled slightly, and whispered in his ear: "My goal is to talk to Liansheng, you should know how to do it, tomorrow when I take the throne, I will naturally send your wife and son back safely, but if you are disobedient, then I can only send you to meet below." "


Chen Hao got up and said nothing more.


He returned to his place and sat down, only then glanced around, and said lightly: "Deng Bo, tomorrow is the day of the election of the people who spoke to Liansheng, and I called everyone here today to say that I also plan to participate in the election." "


"Does Chen Hao also want to compete for this position?"

"Sure enough! His goal was indeed this! "


As soon as the words came out.

The private room suddenly became noisy.


These people are not very surprised.

After all.

Chen Hao's ambition is already obvious, even if Chen Hao himself does not say it, others are not fools, naturally they can see it.


Deng Bogang wanted to speak, but was directly interrupted by Chen Hao raising his hand.

"Deng Bo, don't worry.

The original candidates were Big D and Ah Le, right? But if someone like Big D who betrays his brother and makes him a talker, isn't he afraid that he will sell the society?

As for Ale..."

Chen Hao smiled slightly and looked at Ale, "Brother Ale, I think, you shouldn't compete with me, the elder, for the position of this talker, right?" "

Hearing this, everyone's eyes turned to Ah Le.

They didn't know what Chen Hao had just said to Ah Le.


Ale's lungs were about to explode.

But thinking that his wife and children were still in Chen Hao's hands, he could only grit his teeth and snort coldly: "I withdraw from this speaker election." "

Say it.

He got up directly and left the private room.

Wow --

As soon as the words came out. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

Everyone was in an uproar.

Why did you give up?!

What exactly did Chen Hao just say to him?

Long Gen looked at Chen Hao with appreciation.

This kid is even more ruthless than he thought.


This kind of person is the material of mixed society!

Only this kind of person can make a big difference!

See Ah Le leaving.

Chen Hao took out the cigarette box, lit one, and took a sip, only then said lightly: "Since I can subdue Dongxing, I can naturally subdue other associations on Hong Kong Island."

Now Hong Kong Island is really too chaotic, one Hong Kong Island, seven big associations (Hongxing, Dongxing, He Lian Sheng, Ni Jia, Vietnam Gang, Xin Kee, Big Circle), countless small associations, in this case, how much cake can Helian Sheng share?

I have never hidden my ambitions, my goal is the entire Hong Kong Island, and there will only be one community on the final Hong Kong Island, that is, Helian Sheng! "


Incomparably domineering.

Chen Hao did not hide his ambition in the slightest.

Finish speaking.

He scanned the circle and looked at the hall masters present, "Now that Ah Le and Big D are not participating in the speaker election, I welcome you to compete with me." "

Say it.

He turned away directly with the person.

After Chen Hao left.

Everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

Chen Hao just now was too scary.

The kind of momentum on his body cannot be compared even by some old guys on Hong Kong Island!

After Chen Hao left.

Only then did several of Big D's subordinates dare to remove the knife and fork from Big D's hand, and then quickly sent him to the hospital.

The other hall masters also left.

As for Chen Hao's last sentence...


They can't even compete with Big D and Ah Le, let alone Chen Hao, who is more ruthless than these two guys.

After all the parishioners have left.

In the private room, only Deng Bo and other uncles remained.


None of these people spoke.

Everyone's faces were a little solemn.

For a while.

Long Gen spoke: "Chen Hao, this person, has ambition, courage, and strength, I still said yesterday, and Liansheng in his hands, maybe he can really go to a higher level." "

Deng Bo looked at Uncle Long Gen and did not speak.

Of course he knew what Ryugen thought.

But Deng Bo was still a little reluctant to let Chen Hao be the person who said this.

No way.

Chen Hao was really ruthless.

If he were to be a talker, it would not be something he could control at all!


Although Dunbo did not agree.

But the hearts of the other uncles were a little shaken.

"I think this kid is good too." Kushi nodded, "Although this little guy's qualifications are too low, his means are not inferior to any big guy on Hong Kong Island." "

"That's right." Uncle Quan also nodded, "Since this little guy can subdue Dongxing, he can naturally subdue other societies!" "

"I agree to let Chen Hao be the speaker!"

"I also agree..."



Except for Deng Bo, the other uncles all nodded in agreement.

None of them are fools.

In other words, no one who can survive in the community to this day can be fools.

This group of old foxes can naturally see the current situation.

This Chen Hao's strength was even more powerful than they thought.

Such people would rather not come into contact than offend.

Since now that Big D and Ah Le have been solved by him, and there is no one in Helian Sheng who can compete with him for this position, then why do they still obstruct it?

It's better to be a smooth water person.

Seeing that all the uncles agreed with Chen Hao to be the person who said this, Deng Bo hesitated for a moment, and finally nodded helplessly.

"I... No comment. "

He sighed and said bitterly.

This Chen Hao may really be able to change the current Hong Kong Island...


The next day.

Chen Hao came to the Backbone Restaurant early.

Because, today is the ceremony of his accession to the throne!

Just yesterday on the night.

Deng Bo had already called to indicate that he agreed to Chen Hao's request to take the throne.

At this time, around the teahouse, there were nearly a thousand people in neat suits, surrounding the teahouse.

The momentum was so huge that countless people watched from afar.

"What is this doing? How to make such a big pomp. "

Among the onlookers, there was a curious boy who had just started and asked the seniors next to him puzzled.

And this senior, obviously knew all about these things, and said with a look of envy: "Today is the day of the change of office with Liansheng, and it is said that the peerless fierce man of Heliansheng has ascended to the throne." "

"Which?" Confused Boy didn't react for a while.

But he was given a blank look by his seniors, and said disdainfully: "How many fierce people can there be with Liansheng?" That Chen Hao, who single-handedly dried up the entire East Star and made the East Star soft. "

"Is he?!" The confused boy's face was fiery.

For Chen Hao, even if he was a confused boy who had just joined the underworld, he had heard of his terrifying deeds.

He looked at the grand teahouse not far away with envy, "How envious!" Brother Hao is simply amazing! "

"Who says it isn't." The old gangster also looked enviously not far away, his eyes were fiery, "I heard that he can fight against a hundred, this kind of person is simply a peerless fierce person!" "


This dialogue is ringing everywhere.

Now Chen Hao has become a legend in the underground world of Hong Kong Island, especially in the eyes of these low-level gangsters.

They all aspire to become people like Chen Hao who can defeat a hundred enemies.

The little stammer, who was mixed in with the group, also heard the discussion of these people, and said enviously: "This... This...... This person is so fierce! "

"That's not it." The little sisters of the mixed society beside her also couldn't help boasting at this time: "Brother Hao is my idol, that man, handsome and attractive, good for his brothers, simply my ideal big brother." "

"Cut... Cut...... Cut..., you again... Again...... I haven't seen this Chen Hao, how... How to know that he lectures on morality. "

"You don't know that." The little stammering sister cleared her throat and said proudly to the few little sisters around her: "I tell you, I recently met a Kaizi, he is Brother Hao's subordinate, I heard that Brother Hao will send money at every turn, and it is tens of thousands of dollars when he sends it!" "

"Tens of thousands?"

"Yes, tens of thousands! He also said that he would introduce me to Brother Hao. "


As soon as these words came out, there was an uproar around.


"Is it good to take me one."

"I also want to follow Brother Hao..."


The female gangster enjoyed the feeling of being surrounded by people.

And hearing his sister's boast, Xiao Stammered was also a little red-eyed, and he also wanted to become Chen Hao's horse boy.

And at this time.

Among the restaurants.

Chen Hao sat in the main seat.

The bigwigs of the society who came to witness one by one also arrived one after another, sitting on both sides of Chen Hao.

Everyone was looking at Chen Hao at this time.

Able to crush the entire East Star by one person.

This person is definitely not simple again!.

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