Hong Kong Island Old Events

Chapter 108 Detective Hua pays the fee

The end of the month.

It’s January dues day again.

Lardboy was wearing a shirt, holding a cigarette in his mouth, carrying a rattan wooden box in his hand, and walked into the Mong Kok embassy with two young men.

"Brother Zai."

"Brother Zai!"

Upon seeing this, the men in military uniforms at the gate and the plainclothes men on duty greeted each other, their voices filled with welcome.

"Morning..." Lardboy nodded with a smile and greeted everyone with a smile. The group quickly arrived at the door of Detective Hua's office: "Brother Xian!"

"Mr. He." Two horsemen behind him shouted.

"Coming?" He Dingxian yawned, his eyes were bleary, and he woke up early. The three subordinates placed the rattan boxes in their hands on the desktop and coffee table and opened them. Thick rolls of Hong Kong dollars were spread all over the box. They were all ten-dollar Hong Kong dollars. It was obvious that they had been exchanged at the bank for easy distribution.

He Dingxian's eyes fell on the Hong Kong dollars and nodded with satisfaction. Lardboy inserted five fingers into the core of the roll with five rings of Hong Kong dollars, took the Hong Kong dollars out of the box and said: "Two hundred yuan per roll, three boxes in total, 430,000 yuan, each grade Every store has collected it."

"Huh." He Dingxian blew out a puff of smoke.

"This month, all the regular shops, markets, and companies in the district collected a total of 180,000 yuan in regulatory fees, and each side door stall collected a total of 250,000 yuan in regulatory fees, of which Dongyitang collected 60,000, and Chaoyiyong collected 30,000. The number The gang received 50,000 yuan, Dongfu Club received 40,000 yuan..." After the accounts were reported, Lardboy took out a notebook and said, "Here are the accounts."

"The rent collector just needs to take care of the accounts." He Dingxian glanced at the account books but did not pick them up. Instead, he said, "I will check them when I need to."

"I got it, Brother Xian." Zhu Luzai collected the account books again and felt inexplicably happy. And He Dingxian had a special accounting team to help the police. When he wanted to verify the accounts, he could cross-check with just one order. It was completely Don't worry about the rent collector doing anything.

In fact, if he was worried, he wouldn't use Lard Boy to collect rent. With Lard Boy's shrewdness, he even manipulates the fees. The rent collector himself is rich in money and has many places to make money...

"Take the guys' money and put it in the closet. Brothers have already opened the closet door for you. Just keep the ghost guy's share." He Dingxian ordered.

"Brother Xian, I'm going to do something." Lardboy responded, turning around and winking at his two men. The three of them took away one box and left two boxes. The banknotes must have been separated into boxes. prepare.

"The Mong Kok area looks no less deserted than Central. It's even more lively and has more shops."

"However, the various companies and industries are much different from those in Central. Most of them are restaurants, grocery stores, and small dance halls. There is only one department store and not many banks...the fees are a level lower than those in Wan Chai, and there is still no profit and water. Wan Chai is so thick!”

"This is a gap in industrial structure." He Dingxian looked at the two large boxes of money and had an answer in his mind.

Although he has never seen the total monthly fees in Wan Chai District, but he has handled some of them and it is somewhat guessing.

The monthly fee in Wan Chai is at least RMB 700,000 to 800,000, which is definitely higher than that in Mong Kok District!

"However, there is no way. Kowloon was developed later than Hong Kong Island. Even the banking district in Mong Kok cannot reach the level of the core area of ​​Central. It should be similar to the suburbs of Central. No wonder everyone likes to work in Central. No wonder the general manager of Kowloon Even if the detective oversees more people and a larger territory, his power and status are still lower than the chief detective of Hong Kong Island. This is not a matter of position ability, but a matter of economic development of the territory..."

"In short, being a Chinese detective in Mong Kok is ten or a hundred times more enjoyable than being a detective in Mong Kok. Of course, one of the reasons why the fee is less than fifty is the dock problem..."

Currently, terminal fees are paid separately by the Marine Police, Police Force, Industry and Commerce Bureau, etc.

The police have seized power but have not arrested him at the pier. They are afraid that it will affect his whole body. If the pier's fees were also collected, it would probably be two to three hundred thousand more.

He Dingxian felt a little excited in his heart. He stood up without thinking too much, took out 50,000 yuan from the wooden rattan box and put it in the cabinet, and soon divided the remaining 350,000 yuan into four parts.

"Of the 430,000 yuan in fees, the Chinese police officers in the entire police force are allocated a total of 30,000. Among them, the average number of plainclothes officers is about 200, and the uniforms are 150. The detectives can be allocated 300, and the uniform team leader only has 200. One hundred, but the uniformed sergeant will pay five thousand.”

"There are sixty plainclothes detectives in Mong Kok, eighty in military uniforms, four detectives, and four uniformed team leaders. The difference is about 30,000 yuan. It is just an adjustment for a fraction of the number of plainclothes detectives. There will never be less detectives. Sheriff’s money.”

"Tsk, tsk, more than a hundred people were beaten to death for less than a tenth of the money. The largest of the remaining four is Guigui, and the others are from the Fire Department, Food Bureau, and Industrial and Commercial Summer... There are currently no real estate projects in Mong Kok District. , otherwise we have to share it with the city's Construction Department, just like counting the Hong Kong Monetary Authority in Wan Chai. The specific accounts should be divided..."

"As for the superintendents, inspectors, and even the seal police at all levels in the police force, they are all divided by the Director Gui Lao. They also have corresponding rules and quotas."

He Dingxian left the office with two rattan boxes, stepped up the stairs, turned the corner, and came to the corner of Gui Lao's senior management.

The door to the Commissioner's office in Mong Kok was open. Five police officers in uniforms, with guns at their waists, stood expressionlessly at the door with their hands behind their backs.

These five people were all inspector-level police officers, but when they saw him, they all saluted together, like subordinates meeting their superiors.

With a smile on his face, He Dingxian thought that he would be most proud only when he pays the monthly fees!

It doesn't matter that he took out 50,000 yuan out of 400,000 yuan in one breath, just because the fee was originally for him to consolidate power, take the blame, and collect it from below. Naturally, he should get a big one, just because Inspector Hua took it There is no fixed amount of money. As long as the money can satisfy both the subordinates and superiors, the extra money is all his ability. Just because this monthly fee is a little too much, it seems that Chao Yiyong and Dongyingsha have done a good job in Kung Fu...

Just because he has a gun on his waist.

And he is definitely not the one who has won the most!

At this time, five white-skinned ghost guys were standing or sitting, some were wearing uniforms, some were wearing suits, some were holding cigars, and some were holding pipes. They were talking and laughing in the office, which seemed to be a microcosm of a parliament...

"Sir!" A firm and powerful report sounded, and immediately a leather boot stomped on the ground.

The five ghost guys all looked at the Chinese detective at the door. The ghost director "Wei Shaochen" opened his mouth, let go of his pipe, and slowly puffed out the smoke and said: "Come in."

"Yes, sir!" He Dingxian reported again. He immediately walked into the door carrying the rattan box, placed the two boxes on the coffee table between the five people and opened them. When the eyes of the five people showed greed, he said aloud: " Sir, the total fees for this month are 300,000 yuan. According to the rules, the police force is 100,000 yuan, the industrial and commercial department is 50,000 yuan, the fire department is 20,000 yuan, and the food bureau is 30,000 yuan..."

Of the tens of thousands of dollars distributed to the Chinese people in the Industrial, Commercial and Fire Departments, they probably only had thirty or forty dollars left.

When Wei Shaochen heard the number, his expression changed obviously. The industrial and commercial summer staff present even frowned and asked loudly: "Sir Wei, the number is not as high as expected."

This amount is actually not much different from what they usually collect. Generally speaking, it will be two to three thousand yuan more, but it is only an extra profit from Weibo. Why should I hand over the power to you?

Wei Shaochen picked up his pipe again, raised his head and looked at Detective Hua, but Detective Hua straightened his back and said loudly: "Sir, in order to ensure public security in Mong Kok District, the criminal team has restrained its actions!"

"Get out." Deputy Director Chief Superintendent Han Yili waved his hand and scolded him. Apparently he didn't want Detective Hua to hear the next topic. Detective Hua knew that Gui Lao's internal negotiations were always wary of Chinese people, so he immediately said nothing. Saluted again, turned and left.

"TMD, let the noise go away, people who want money will naturally come to me." He Dingxian walked down the third floor with a sneer.

Although Inspector Hua's power these days is not enough to hit the ghost with money and make the ghost bow his head in submission, it is not a bad idea to use the soft knife twice with a good sense of proportion.

It was impossible for Wei Shaochen to fire him just for a month's fee. He wanted to look good on the street, but that was his order. He Dingxian had tried his best not to let the fee increase Weibo. In fact, it was a meritorious service. So think of it If you want more fees, it depends on their choice...

He Dingxian returned to the office and crossed his legs. He had already begun to enjoy the power of Inspector Hua. Then, after paying the fee, Lardboy returned to the office: "Brother Xian."

"Sit down and drink tea." He Dingxian handed a cup of hot tea to the opposite side.

Lardboy quickly thanked him: "Thank you, Brother Xian."

"Are the brothers satisfied with the fees?" He Dingxian can ignore the ghost guy's ideas, but he must consider the opinions of the brothers.

Lardboy took a sip of tea and said with a smile: "This month is more than last month. Of course the brothers are satisfied. As long as the brothers get a dollar increase, they will be happy."

"Haha." He Dingxian smiled happily.

Lardboy asked: "What should we do about Dongfu Society and Dongying Society secretly opening illegal stalls?"

"Can't ignore it."

He Dingxian's expression suddenly turned grim: "I just went upstairs and saw the ghost guy and I couldn't bear it anymore. Even Master Wei wants to achieve political achievements, but the ghost guy under his command, and even the industrial and commercial summer and the fire department will not be willing to accept it. , it can be as fast as a week, or as slow as half a month, you must start doing things."

Lardboy sighed: "Tung Fu Club and Tung Ying Club privately opened thirteen more gambling stalls, two flower stalls, three loan sharks, and sixteen horse stables...these places collect revenue every month. I can get an extra fifty or sixty thousand..."

"In the future, stalls will definitely make more money every year. Kowloon District is developing very well, and Mongkok is the first central area to generate profits."

"Brother Xian, you are right, they are just following the rules and violating the rules."

He Dingxian shrugged his shoulders, it didn't matter, he was imagining the tea cup in his hand, and he was even a little pleased: "As the largest Dongguan gang society, Dongyi Hall still has a cigarette license in hand, but it doesn't even open a cigarette stall privately. It's interesting..."

"Brother Xian, I think Dong Yitang wants to come over to me. Dongguan can't help. They can rely on the Chamber of Commerce to secure a stable position in the dock business, but the shore is getting more and more prosperous, so they can't ignore it, right? In the next two to five years at least, The police force must be dominated by the Chaoshan Gang. If they want to get water from the shore, they have to come over!" Zhu Luzai's analysis was conclusive: "The reason why Tung Yi Tang can grow big is because it knows how to choose. The boss of Kowloon, 'Big Mad', looks at it. He's crazy, but his brain is very smart."

He Dingxian nodded: "I thought Dongyitang would lend cigarette licenses to two Dongguan societies to open a black business. It seems that there is no chance. In the future, he can be left to fish for water on the territory. Now that the police have captured the Dongguan gang, We can no longer suppress the Dongguan Gang in everything in the arena."

Gao Yongsheng and Chen Tong have deep connections with the Chaoshan Chamber of Commerce, and are even considered Inspector Zonghua by the chamber of commerce bosses.

In business and in the arena, the Chaoshan Gang must be put first in everything.

This is because the Chaoshan Gang is supported by the big bosses. They are all members of their own family. Turning your elbows outwards will be offensive.

He Dingxian is different from them. As a member of the Chaoshan Chamber of Commerce, he is a member of the Chaoshan Gang, but he is not controlled by a certain big boss.

All the fees for being promoted are paid by oneself, and opportunities for being promoted are all earned by oneself. As long as one does not forget one’s identity as a Chaoshan member, it is absolutely fine to give the Dongguan Gang a little help.

Because no one can restrain him in terms of morality and rules of the world, but he can rely on power to suppress him, but is it necessary?

What he did was not overdone!

In this way, the Jianghu forces under his control can jump out of the boundaries of the Chaoshan Gang, and use the Dongguan Gang, and then use Laofu, Number Gang, Hutchison, etc....

Although sectarianism is a way of unity, to a certain extent it is also a manifestation of stubbornness.

Boss Chu's success was to merge the "Chaozhou Chamber of Commerce" and "Shantou Chamber of Commerce" into the "Chaoshan Chamber of Commerce".

The success he hopes to achieve is in the police community, where all Dongguan, Chaoshan, and Hakka communities can be used by him and surrender under his order!

It is in the business community that we can get the support of the Chaoshan Chamber of Commerce, and in the future we can break out of the rules of association with fellow villagers...

The bigger the world, the greater the power!

It seems too early to talk about this at the moment, but the one-sided situation of Mong Kok District, Dongguan and Chaoshan, has caused him to think many times.

"Brother Xian, I understand what you mean." Zhu Luzai said with a smile: "Liangyou and Sangmentong are both lucky. To be honest, I sent my brothers to squat on them."

"Haha." He Dingxian laughed twice and said nothing. After finishing the tea, Lardboy said: "The company has something to do, so let's go first."

"Get out of here." He Dingxian waved his hand and told the rent collector to leave.

Lardboy locked the office door, raised his chest and raised his head, waving his fan, and walked out of the police station door with his two younger brothers in a arrogant manner.

Today, the Chinese police officers happily received their fees from the closet. Even the seal police and ordinary ghosts were in a happy mood, but the ghosts above the inspector level felt very unhappy.

They have negotiated with other departments on behalf of the top brass of the police force for so long and made a lot of efforts. Why has there been almost no increase in fees?

Did the boss eat them all?

This resulted in great pressure on officials above the chief inspector level. At the same time, the director of the police force, Wei Shaochen, kept trying to save face and did not make fun of the Chinese detective. The Gui Lao police officers had to become active. Among them, the senior officer of the Mong Kok District Management Section Inspector "Ge Bai" had to find the Chinese detective on behalf of his colleagues to inquire about the situation.

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