Hong Kong Island Old Events

Chapter 112 Chun Chun’s teachings to Bai Yue’e (6K)

He Dingxian deeply agreed with Zou Huaiwen's words: "It's really not worth it now. Let's buy a horse bone as a thousand gold and give Cha's mother a bite of rice!"

Zou Huaiwen opened his mouth and sighed: "Boss He, you are so generous."

“How generous!”

He Dingxian said with a smile: "You are responsible for setting the price. Remember, it cannot exceed five thousand yuan. By the way, I also bought the copyright of Liang Yusheng's novel. In the future, writers who serialize novels in our newspaper must remember to have them sign a priority clause in advance for the copyright of the novel. It must be sold to our newspaper first. If the contract is violated, the copyright will automatically belong to Oriental Daily."

"If the copyright is sold privately, it will also be a breach of contract."

"Unless our company explicitly states that we don't want it, we will give priority to selling to the company..."

Zou Huaiwen understood in his heart, thoughtfully, and agreed quickly: "Yes, big boss!"

"I will make up the clauses in the contract as soon as I get back, and also make up the copyright contracts for "Dragon and Tiger Fighting Beijing" and "Book, Sword and Enmity". Please rest assured, big boss."

He Dingxian nodded slightly: "Okay, in the future, every martial arts novel that will be published, as well as excellent submissions, remember to send them to the mission office in advance for me to read."

"I want to review it myself."

Zou Huaiwen also nodded: "No problem."

Zou Huaiwen has developed a certain business sense after working hard in the newspaper industry for several years. Coupled with the tempering of the editor-in-chief "Oriental Daily", he is no longer an ordinary newspaper editor. His business talent has been discovered. In a few words, the big boss realized that "novel copyright" might be a thing with huge profits hidden.

Although, in this era of lack of entertainment, movies are still a pastime for the wealthy, and the first Chinese TV station has not yet been established.

It's too early to talk about all kinds of copyright adaptations, let alone animations, comics, etc., even movies and TV series are out of reach.

However, in this era of lack of entertainment, it is possible to cultivate a huge group of novel readers. When movies and TV series enter thousands of Chinese households, the group of novel readers will give great value to the copyright of novels.

Today's serialized novels in newspapers are just like online novels in the 2G era, relying on the universality of text to quickly seize the entertainment market.

At a time when the concept of "cultural entertainment" has not yet appeared, whoever can firmly grasp the first batch of user groups and create the first batch of published works will be the future generation of literary giants. Whoever can seize the first batch of copyrights of works will be the next generation of writers. The future giant of entertainment industry.

He Dingxian now has the right time to seize the copyright. He has first-mover advantage, platform advantage, and era advantage. He can not only use the author to increase newspaper sales, but also keep the author's property in a fence. In the future, even if he does not make a movie, he can make a profit just by selling the copyright. Rich.

Of course, with one-yuan movie stores, newspapers, and martial arts novel copyrights, it is a matter of course to establish a film company in the future and enter the film industry.

However, he plans to take it step by step. The first step is to build theater chains, and the second step is to build a film company, because in the film industry, theater chains are the capital side and the only ones who sit on the ground. If they cannot capture the theater chains in Kowloon and the New Territories, , it is impossible to compete with "Shaw Brothers" in the film industry.

Because "Shaw Brothers" is an asset-light film company that develops both film and theater chains, it is destined to be cut short by asset-heavy theater chains.

In fact, later generations of "Golden Harvest", "Shaw Brothers", and even all the top film companies will either start, acquire, or invest in joint ventures, in short, they will enter the theater chain.

A film company without its own theater chain will never be able to compete with a film company with a theater chain. Therefore, it is more important to open a theater chain than to open a film company. It is better to suck the blood of others than to be sucked by others.

Of course, opening a cinema chain requires a huge investment. At present, it costs millions of Hong Kong dollars to establish a presence in Kowloon and the New Territories.

He Dingxian had to spend at least a year raising money, and another two years or so to build the theaters one after another.

There is a big difference between a formal theater and a dollar store. It has seats, curtains, boxes, etc... It cannot be the same as a simple dollar movie store.

Just in time, in a few years, the income of Hong Kong Island residents will increase, and they will slowly start to go to movie theaters. Hong Kong Island Film Industry pioneered in the 1950s, took off in the 1960s, and became popular in the 1970s and 1980s. All over the world, it reached its peak in the 1990s and then ended.

During this period, numerous types of movies, cultural movements, and celebrities emerged.

Before leaving, He Dingxian added: "By the way, if there are hot-selling novels in other newspapers, go and talk to the authors. The cheap ones can be sold for a few hundred yuan, and the expensive ones can't exceed five thousand yuan."

"Remember to ask for full copyright."

Zou Huaiwen was a little confused. He took a sip of tea and asked, "What is full copyright?"

"All the copyright rights derived from the work belong to us. We pay with one hand and deliver the goods with the other hand. In the future, except for the right of authorship, other interests in the work will have nothing to do with the author."

Although the concept of publishing rights was born among booksellers after the emergence of novels in the Ming and Qing Dynasties, it has already been written into legal provisions in modern times.

Currently, both Chinese and Western laws have protection clauses for the copyright of literary works, but they are mainly concentrated on publications, that is, magazines or newspapers.

Nowadays, Hong Kong literati can only earn two amounts of money from writing a novel. One is the manuscript fee for the newspaper serialization period of the novel, and the other is the copyright fee when it is published as a book.

Among them, most of the published books are based on sales volume, which is actually a kind of copyright leasing, and the business behavior of buying copyright this time refers to "copyright buyout".

He didn't explain it to Zou Huaiwen very accurately in spoken language, but Zou Huaiwen understood clearly that a one-time payment would be a buyout if there was no connection.

At this time, Zou Huaiwen saw that the big boss emphasized the concept of "full copyright", and his mind became confused: "Big boss, we will give you a sum of money to buy all the copyrights!"

"Can the copyright be broken down and sold?"

He Dingxian was stunned when he heard this, and then burst into laughter: "It makes sense!"

"Originally, I wanted to buy the full copyright."

He suddenly understood why Zou Huaiwen could become a movie giant in the future! Zou Huaiwen was wondering: "Can the copyright really be sold separately? I have to go back and study it another day."

In fact, it’s no wonder that Zou Huaiwen was confused. In an era when novel copyrights had never been developed, the well-known buyout behavior was to clear all copyrights!

Regardless of whether it is Liang Yusheng or Liang Yuyu, Jin Yong or Jin Yong, in short, once the contract is signed, it is fully understood that the full copyright will be bought out.

If you don’t sell, you won’t sell. Be confident! Talented! Have pride!

You're sold!

Just stop chirping!

It seems that the commercial operation of subdividing the copyrights of literary works, selling them one by one, and cutting them off one by one will have to rely on boss He to pioneer in the future.

Of course, Boss He is by no means a villain who squeezes his employees to death. Firstly, writers have the right to make their own choices and do not buy or sell by force. Secondly, whether it can be as big as five thousand or as small as a few hundred, it is not a small income at present. It’s a matter of choosing to make quick money or gamble on fate.

Although, in fact, it is foreseeable that the vast majority of people will choose quick money, but quick money can provide enough food, solve urgent needs, raise children, and even start a business and become a rich man again!

Who counts the loss and who counts the gain?

"When I was reading novels in the Mainland, I felt pity for those online writers. Tsk tsk, but now I still feel pity." After leaving the tea restaurant, He Dingxian took the ferry back to Kowloon. He was enjoying the sea breeze on his chair and said with a happy expression: "Written by How good is it? What about having cervical spondylosis? Why don’t you just work for a capitalist honestly? Do you have the final say on whether it can be sold and how much it can be sold for?"

"I can only rely on the handsome readers to vote every day and reward me for a living, poor guy! Fortunately, I am a capitalist!"

He Dingxian grinned: "Bring something with mainland characteristics in advance to play with the compatriots on Hong Kong Island to see what gold, what kind of money, and whether they can dance in the future!"

"Huh? I just forgot to add another one after the copyright priority clause. I will take half of the copyright transaction! I will call Zou later...forget it!"

"Newspaper companies also face competition from their peers. If the terms are too harsh, only the poor Internet bastards in the previous life can bear it."

"It's better to be kind to the martial arts masters and leave them the last copper of the era."

The next morning, Zou Huaiwen found Liang Yusheng and Jin Yong and bought the full copyright of "Dragon and Tiger Fighting Beijing" and "Book, Sword and Enmity" for only 3,000 yuan.

Jin Yong succeeded in getting a huge sum of three thousand Hong Kong dollars without even saying a word in the newspaper. The young Zha Niangyong still didn't understand: all the gifts given by fate have been marked in secret. .

"Brother Yong, didn't you say you would never write martial arts novels?" Liang Yusheng finished filling in the new contract, walked out of the office with a thick envelope and said to his old acquaintance.

Zha Niangyong raised the envelope in her hand and smiled: "Things are different now. Martial arts novels are so popular, and no fool would stop writing them."

"Look, are you making a lot of money? I knew there was a future in writing martial arts novels. It's so profitable. Editor Zou is so generous..."

Liang Yusheng shook his head and smiled secretly: "My face has changed so quickly, and my shameless demeanor really looks like a great literary man. He deserves to be from a literary family."

the night before.

He Dingxian returned to the Portland Street suite, turned on the light, and saw Bai Yue'e wearing a purple suspender gauze nightgown and trying on a pearl necklace in front of the bedroom mirror.

Bai Yue'e turned around, looking solitary and admiring herself. There was a private beauty in the dimly lit room. Like a famous watch that belongs to you, it lies quietly on the cabinet every day, waiting for your favor.

She also came to her senses at the sound of the door opening, and quickly came to the living room. After watching He Dingxian change his shoes, she entered the kitchen and opened an aluminum pot in front of the stove: "Brother Xian, it's been a long day at work. Let's go back home and have a drink." A bowl of sweet porridge first."

Bai Yue'e scooped out a colorful and appetizing eight-treasure porridge, and put it on the table in front of the sofa with the spoon.

He Dingxian turned on the TV, turned his head and glanced at the pearl necklace, calmly withdrew his gaze, picked up the bowl and started drinking porridge, his eyes looking directly at the English column on the TV, which was so indifferent that it was scary.

Bai Yue'e noticed something was wrong in the atmosphere and felt aggrieved. She just opened her mouth to make a noise, but she didn't have the courage when she saw the clear-cut profile on the sofa. Finally, she stood up and walked around the table, bent down to let the wind pass through her neckline, and said in a flattering voice: "Brother Xian, does the newly bought skirt look good?"

Seeing that He Dingxian didn't answer, she came closer and rubbed her shoulder with her head: "Do you like it?"

"If you don't like it, let me wear something else for you to wear. Lace? Stockings? Or a thin jumpsuit..." She breathed out the fragrance of orchids, getting closer and closer.


He Dingxian placed the soup bowl heavily on the table, turned his head and looked into her eyes, staring straight at her. The distance between their eyes was less than two centimeters. Bai Yue'e was startled, with fear in her eyes. She wanted to retreat but did not dare. , forcing out a flattering smile but not daring to speak.

He Dingxian said bluntly: "If I didn't hit women, let alone my own women, I would have kicked you into the corner and beaten you first!"

"Honestly, how much have you collected during this period?" His eyes narrowed to a pearl necklace around Bai Yue'e's neck. The flattering look on Bai Yue'e's face turned into pleading. She bent down and squatted half-crouched, touching his thighs with her hands and shaking them gently: "Xian elder brother……"

"Everyone knows that I am your concubine, and they will give me some gifts."

"Which Detective Hua's aunt doesn't accept gifts? If she doesn't accept them, others will think that I can't receive them, and they will think that you have no face."

He Dingxian stared at her and still said nothing.

Bai Yue'e still explained softly: "Besides, during this period, according to your instructions, I often invited Detective Lei's wife Axia, Detective Cai's wife Meisao, Inspector Zeng, and Master Chen's women to play mahjong. Sometimes I won, lost, or lost. You need to have some money on hand for expenses.”

These old acquaintances at the level of detectives in the Kowloon District must maintain their relationship well. The women of these several people spend time together playing cards almost every day.

Among them, Lei Luo is the only one who has not taken a concubine and has only one legal wife. The two are considered a couple in need. It is difficult to say in the long run. In the short term, Inspector Lei will definitely not take a concubine to avoid being stigmatized. Inspector Cai The relationship between wives and concubines is relatively good, and it is often the head wife who takes the concubines out to socialize, while the remaining Inspector Zeng and Sergeant Chen Li are actually a mess in the backyard, and the women in the house are in chaos...

Detective Hua is known to like to have fun. It is common to have messes in the backyard. Those who can stay with one wife and stay devoted for the rest of their lives are rare. In fact, not many can take care of the backyard well.

Of course, if He Dingxian has a woman, she must take on some supporting roles. You can't just sleep and eat all day long, eat and sleep, right?

The backyard socializing of the wives and concubines of Detective Hua, in fact, the afternoon tea of ​​the same name also serves the friendship between men.

If He Dingxian doesn't let Bai Yue'e go, it might cause misunderstanding among the brothers, but that's not what he wants to talk about, let alone Bai Yue'e's detours.

He lit a cigarette and took a deep breath: "You mean, I gave you too little money and embarrassed you?"

"That's not what I meant." Bai Yue'e explained hurriedly.

He Dingxian sneered and turned against the general: "Then what do you mean?"

If a man is the backbone of his family and has the confidence to do so, he should not reason with women word for word.

What women are best at is talking about things here and there, distorting your sense of the subject, and then finding a way to retaliate. Then they immediately turn around, pre-emptively, and cause an awkward situation for you to see, and then they take advantage of their gender to act coquettishly. Waiting for you to panic before defeating you is commonly known as "hypocrisy".

This is actually a set of basic operations of using "emotion" to suppress "rationality" and using "emotion" to get rid of "reason". It has been used since ancient times. It can be called softness to overcome hardness, or it can also be called unreasonable. Some people think it is a "cute little boy". temper".

If you feel unhappy, you can use force to suppress it, or fight fire with fire, and take the lead in seizing the emotional high ground when the other party is at fault.

Seize all enemy positions and leave them with no position to defend!

At this moment, Bai Yue'e became at a loss, her expression was very uneasy, and she begged in a pleading voice: "Brother Xian, please listen to my explanation..."


He Dingxian responded coldly.

"I explain...I...I'm sorry, I shouldn't have reached out to take the money..." Bai Yue'e comes from a martial arts background. She either beats or kneels. There are two different ways of behaving.

Historically, when she married Lei Luo, she was able to boss around, dominate, and dominate Inspector Lei because her family was powerful at the time, so she gave Lei Luo a hand.

The trick she used was the "beating" method used by subordinates of superiors. In fact, she was a tigress who felt that Lei Luo owed her family. After Lei Luo came to power, it was difficult for him to abandon his wife, so he naturally kept more than a dozen concubines outside to play with.

And now she is the concubine of He Dingxian, and the family has to rely on He Dingxian to make a difference. If she meets Inspector He and feels unhappy, she can only choose to "kneel down".

He Dingxian blew out the smoke from his mouth, held the cigarette with one hand, shook his head and sighed: "You still don't understand."


Bai Yue'e knelt on the ground, completely panicked.

He Dingxian said: "You have no problem taking the money. Even I take it myself. Who can refuse to take the money? As you said, if you don't take some money, others will think there is a problem."

“But you have to know what money you should take and what money you shouldn’t take!”

"You are indeed a daughter raised by a short mule. No matter how good you are, you still don't know how to be a detective's concubine. I'll teach you tonight!"

"tell me!"

"Where did the pearl necklace on your neck and the gold bracelet on your wrist come from?" At this time, He Dingxian's tone had become stern. Bai Yue'e opened her mouth and defended: "I, my dad..."

"Ugh!" He Dingxian reached out and pinched Bai Yue'e's face, and said with an evil look: "Your father is going to send you off early!"

"Not now!"

Indeed, it is possible that Bai Fanyu sent something valuable to Bai Yue'e in order to decorate his daughter, or to express his gratitude for the territory he gave her.

However, the property and jewelry should have been delivered long ago, not almost a month after the land was given away.

Bai Yue'e was so frightened that her eyebrows trembled, her face turned pale, and she said anxiously: "You, you, you, you won't hit your own woman."

"First of all, I didn't hit you, and secondly, the person who lied to me is not a human being!" He Dingxian said ferociously: "Tell the truth!"

"I don't have such a good temper!"

Bai Yue'e didn't dare to hide it anymore and shouted quickly: "It was given to me by Dongfu Society's Sangmentong... Please help me say a few good words."

"That's all."

He Dingxian let go of his hand that was not strong at all, and said coldly: "I guessed it a long time ago."

In fact, he just scared Bai Yue'e.

Bai Yue'e didn't feel any pain, but she was a little scared and stupid. She hurriedly took off the necklace and said, "I'll give it back right away."

"Need not."

"Since you've accepted it, just put it on." He Dingxian glanced at her, then moved his eyes to the TV again: "Just remember the lesson next time."

If a woman with this kind of background is not taught harshly, she will get into trouble the next time.

He is making a fuss out of a molehill, but it is for the benefit of both parties. Otherwise, both of them will be in trouble if there is big trouble.

Bai Yue'e lowered her head and said, "I won't accept anything anymore."

He Dingxian sneered and said with disdain: "Don't talk about things you can't do. Remember, you can accept gifts from your friends to maintain relationships, but you can accept gifts from outsiders who come to ask for things. I haven't opened my mouth, so I can't accept them! They are specially sent to you. We can’t even accept it!”

"Are you qualified to solve other people's troubles? If you're not qualified, don't charge! Your money is all mine!" He doesn't have to pay, but he has to pay a corresponding price. Someone has to pay for all transactions.

"I got it, Brother Xian." Bai Yue'e was wearing a long suspender skirt, kneeling on the ground, looking a little embarrassed, but her expression was pitiful. As expected, a beautiful girl is beautiful in everything.

"Go in and take a shower. I'll put on a black one-piece gauze suit later. I'll teach you some things." He Dingxian said without squinting or moving his head.

"Yeah." Bai Yue'e agreed softly, with a voice as soft as a mosquito. She stood up on the ground, holding on to the sofa. Her white thighs were blocked in front of the TV and softened for a moment, as if she had been kneeling for too long. After a moment of recovery, she walked into the bedroom unhurriedly. Take a shower and your mood will improve while taking a shower.

She is the daughter of a gangster, what a small scene just now! I just feel that Detective He is different from the rumors outside, and he is not that fierce and evil!

At least he didn't whip her with a riding crop or pour hot oil on her. All in all, it was a small thing, and it was worth the price of the bracelet and necklace.

After taking a shower, Bai Yue'e put on her clothes and lay on the bed with her legs raised and crossed, holding her chin and guarding the bedroom door, in a good mood.

How majestic you were outside just now, how embarrassed you will be later. Everyone has a familiar field. If you enter my field, I will beat you hard!

Make you powerful!

When He Dingxian turned off the TV, got up and left the sofa, he suddenly had an idea in his heart: "If Bai Yue'e can't be taught well this time, just send Bai Yue'e to Miss Chu next time, and let Miss Chu teach her how to be a Chinese detective." A tall woman! Miss Chu’s skills in teaching women are probably pretty good.”

"Otherwise, if she is so arrogant as a concubine and has no concubine status, how can she really have the concubine status?" He was somewhat disgusted with Bai Yue'e's lack of sense of propriety, but after entering the door, he suddenly felt that Bai Yue'e was very There are not many people who are measured and can dance within the square inches. With her eloquent eloquence just now, she should be given the title of concubine!

The title of three wives and four concubines may not be used up, so why save so much? The big head makes money while the small head spends money, and the elder brother works hard while the younger brother enjoys the blessings! Why do you think so much about principles and rules? Can you still dump her?

At two o'clock in the morning, after Bai Yue'e regained her confidence, she hugged the pillow with both hands, leaned against the man and whispered softly: "Brother Xian, are you happy?"

"Happy." He Dingxian sounded sleepy.

Bai Yue'e said: "Last time, my father asked when he could officially take me as my concubine..."

"We'll talk about it tomorrow, I'm tired." He Dingxian was like a virtuous Buddha in meditation, with no distractions in his mind. He only felt that the seven emotions and six desires were all false, and the world's sobriety could only be like this!

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