Hong Kong Island Old Events

Chapter 224 Making trouble

"Where's William?" Shorten said, "You are just a senior inspector and have no right to investigate me!"

"Sir William went to report to the director." He Dingxian lit up a cigarette, spread his hands and said, "Of course, you can also think that he was being scolded. In addition to epaulettes, the police force also talks about positions."

"This is my territory. I'm here to judge you. Are you convinced?"

He Dingxian chuckled: "It's useless not to be convinced!"

"According to reports, more than half of the weapons on the market in Hong Kong come from the police equipment warehouse. How many of them come from the Wan Chai Police Station? Sir Shorten, are you interested in opening the warehouse and checking it out?"

He stared into Shorten's eyes: "Let me see, how many guns do the police station have?"

After the war, Hong Kong Island was not only a cargo port, but also an arms transfer station in Southeast Asia. It was not an import, but an export!

A large amount of equipment was transported to Southeast Asia through Hong Kong Island and became a weapon in the hands of local warlords to suppress the people. Indirectly, Haojiang remained the largest arms distribution center in East Asia in the 1990s.

It's just that the economic transformation of Hong Kong Island has allowed Haojiang to take over obsolete industries. In fact, Haojiang has been serving the function of taking over old industries.

Xiu Dun was silent for a moment and then said, "Deputy Director of Management Zhuo Sir will not agree."

The Equipment Section is affiliated to the Management Office, which is exactly the sphere of influence of the government faction. The government faction has been secretly selling arms for a long time, and Sir Mai must have been involved.

"It doesn't matter, let me see, I can investigate it myself." He Dingxian took a puff of cigarette and puffed out a puff of smoke: "If I remember correctly, the person who received the goods with you at the same time is called Dumb, and he is the largest arms dealer in Xinji. Customers have all achieved the Golden Triangle.”

"Not only do we buy and sell second-hand arms, we also find equipment imported from Europe and the United States for Taiwan, right?"

Shorten's face changed slightly, especially when he heard the word "New Notes", He Dingxian continued: "Don't forget, in all Hong Kong societies, whoever I call will report!"

"My man is looking through information outside. Twenty of them are going through eight boxes of documents, and they are going through your criminal evidence page by page. If you think about it carefully, what is not good enough? Can I make up for it for you?" He glanced at Xiu Dun. , Xiu Dun's expression turned out to be panic: "Sir!"

"What do you mean?"

Da Vinci slammed the table beside him: "Bang bang bang!"

"This is the anti-corruption room!"

Shorten glanced at him and suddenly sneered: "You talk to me about anti-corruption. I find it funny. How about anti-corruption? Sir He, how did you get rich? Don't the entire police force know?"

"Are there conditions, benefits, or something like that? Only when you tell us can we talk about it!"

“Collaboration is always better than disagreement.”

At this time, Xiu Dun said seriously.

He Dingxian nodded when he heard this: "Sir Xiu Dun is bold and wants to talk? Yes."

"Call Barton out first."

Shorten nodded: "Put all the blame on Barton!"

In this way, the equipment department can use a small inspector to wipe out thousands of gun items from the accounts.

"Da da da." There were three knocks at the door. The gay guy pushed open the door, hurriedly stepped forward and handed over a document: "Sir."

He Dingxian took the document, opened it, and threw the document on the table under Shoun's nervous gaze: "Sir Shoton, hundreds of pieces are scrapped every year, an average of more than thirty pieces a month, one piece a day, the equipment department is What are you doing? Doing field training!"

He yelled, and Shorten replied in a deep voice: "It is normal for the obsolete guns of World War II to have poor stability and a high scrap rate."

"Then, guns will appear on the battlefield in Southeast Asia?" He Dingxian smiled and said: "Write a confession to correct Patton."


Da Vinci handed over the notebook and pen and said: "Write it yourself and sign it yourself."

“Think it through before writing!”

Shorten took the paper and pen and started writing without thinking. It seemed that the equipment department was really good at writing.

After Da Vinci took back the paper and pen, he glanced at it twice and handed it to the superior. After He Dingxian read it, he nodded lightly to him, returned the notebook to him, and then said to Xiuton: "When Barton admits his crime, I will send you away immediately." .”

"Tea or coffee?"

Shorten said: "Coffee."

"Get him a cup of frozen lemon tea." He Dingxian ordered, led his subordinates out of the interrogation room, and quickly closed the door: "Bang!"


Lock it securely.

"Go and bring Barton back." He said aloud.

"Yes, sir!" Da Vinci solemnly accepted the order, nodded two or three times, and said confidently: "Follow me."

In another interrogation room, Barton had just entered the door and saw He Dingxian sitting on the chair. His cheeks felt raw and painful before they healed. After sitting on the chair, he begged: "Sir He, I am just a small character."

“I don’t usually manage department affairs at all”

He is very aware.

Knowing that the anti-corruption office was in trouble, he acted very cooperatively. He was really tough on the outside and tough on the inside, bullying the weak and afraid of the strong.

"Is this called a small role?"

However, He Dingxian threw a notebook in front of him and said loudly: "You lied about the damage, revised the quantity, and negotiated the price of the arms. You did everything. Except that you were not the section chief, you did everything the section chief did. .”

"It's a shame that you don't become the section chief."

Barton picked it up and looked through it for a moment, then suddenly tore up the confession and hurriedly ate it into his mouth.

In the interrogation room, Da Vinci and several other team members looked at Barton's actions indifferently.

When Barton was halfway through eating, he stopped and said with the paper in his mouth, "What do you want me to do?"

If He Dingxian was willing, he could have Shorten write another ten copies of this confession. However, when faced with Barton's question, He Dingxian leaned down and tapped the table hard, saying, "Tell me what you know." In all things, the bigger the better, the more exciting the better!”

"Target the conflict on the people above, and no one will have time to pay attention to you, what do you think?" He Dingxian noticed that Barton was a little uneasy, probably because he was afraid of retaliation from the top, so he comforted him again: "By then, the people at the top will only have time to take care of themselves. If I want to take revenge, I will find Shuton, but not you."

"As for Shuton? I will definitely be the first to deal with him!"

When He Dingxian saw Barton's expression, he was a little moved, but for some reasons, he didn't dare to agree. He immediately snapped his fingers and said, "Tell the faggot to come in."

Da Vinci opened the door and waved to Gay Beard. As Gay Beard approached, he lowered his head and whispered a few words. Gay Beard nodded immediately and entered the interrogation room and came to Barton's side. Just as Barton's face was filled with fear, he felt that he was about to be tortured. At this moment, Gaybeard stretched out his hand and said: "Sir Barton."

Barton raised his head and looked at him.

Gay Xu smiled softly, Barton was silent for a moment, and finally stretched out his hand to shake his hand. He Dingxian stood up and stood in front of the two of them, holding their shoulders: "Everything is fine."

"Barton, come to us, let us protect your safety." He Dingxian held the evidence that could put him to death, but said to protect the other party. However, it is because of his ability to make people die that some people believe that he can make people live!

Being with him is at least better than being with a group that has already betrayed you.

Barton organized his thoughts and explained the corruption incidents he knew one by one. Among them, the arms trafficking in the equipment department occurred as early as World War II. The Hong Kong police at that time would apply for weapons from the ancestors every year to maintain stability.

Nearly one-third of the weapons were transferred to Southeast Asia and the mainland. The British ancestors adopted a tacit attitude and actively provided support to the Hong Kong Island Police Force. However, with the end of World War II, a large number of weapons were stored and transferred to the police warehouse.

The entire Equipment Division became the Commissioner of Police's pocketbook in just a few years.

Barton, a police officer who joined the police force during World War II, witnessed the entire history of changes in the Hong Kong police. He had more than 20,000 weapons in his hands, most of which were sold in Southeast Asia.

"Because we stipulate that arms dealers cannot sell in Hong Kong." He swallowed, but his simple words made his mouth dry and his heart panicked. The glass of water was already empty. He Dingxian asked someone to pour him another glass and handed it to him: "Good idea."

Barton nodded: "Yes, as long as the arms are sold overseas, the high-level officials will never be able to trace them. In fact, there have been two incidents of arms committing crimes in Hong Kong. The first time was an arms dealer who violated the rules and sold it to a society at a high price. , the second time, a group of flag soldiers were buying arms in other places, and they happened to buy weapons that had flowed out of Hong Kong Island."

"No matter which time it was, the police force canceled cooperation with them and did something." This is probably the general terms for underground arms dealers around the world.

I believe the citizens of Hong Kong Island would not have thought that the police force is one of the largest arms dealers in East Asia!

"As for the evidence of the crime, I don't have access to the level of the director or deputy director, but I can guarantee that everyone was involved. However, I know that the deputy director, Duan Jerry, has a Standard Chartered Bank account, which is specifically used to receive black money. .”

"Because Duan Jierui is directly in charge of the equipment department, it is impossible to hand over the power of distributing money to others."

Da Vinci's pen had long stopped writing his confession.

I can’t write about many things.

"Write this down." At this time, He Dingxian said aloud.

"Yes, sir." He noted the deputy director's crime.

He Dingxian turned around, opened the door, and strode out of the interrogation room. Leonardo da Vinci hurriedly caught up with him, following closely behind him. With a sudden and unexpected operation, he truly understood how the Chinese colleague in front of him, no, how did the Chinese officer get to this point!

"Let Barton go back to work. At the same time, call the "Police News", "Oriental Daily", "South China Morning Post", "Ta Kung Pao" and other influential newspapers. This respectable British inspector took the initiative to report to the police for justice. The Anti-Corruption Office exposes corruption crimes!" Ho Dingxian said: "This kind of behavior should be made known to all Hong Kong citizens."

"Yes, sir." Da Vinci stopped instinctively, raised his head, and watched the officer push open the door of another interrogation room.

He Dingxian locked the door of the interrogation room, turned around, took off his tie, slapped it on the table, and said solemnly: "You're done, sir!"

"He, He, He sir" Seeing He Dingxian's appearance, Xiu Dun was deeply frightened. He seemed to have thought of something and came back to his senses: "What is your purpose?"

"Tell me about your criminal collusion with Deputy Director Duan Jierui." He Dingxian leaned on the table and stared at him: "You still have a chance!"

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