Hong Kong Island Old Events

Chapter 263 Customized Gifts

According to the big boss's instructions, Lard Boy divided the money into three parts. One part was brought to the anti-corruption office, which included the pumping of arms, one part was given to the police chief, and one part was given to the government's ghost guy, and the remaining part was given to the police chief. The portion was given to Jian Baoning, and the portion was given to the ghost men sent by the army.

"160,000 yuan was handed over to the anti-corruption office, 1.4 million was handed over to the director, and 1.2 million was handed over to the deputy director, totaling 2.76 million."

“The Chinese police brothers in all police stations in Hong Kong will have to spend 2.3 million. Among them, the ghost guys sent by the government and the Chinese police brothers will receive cash, while the ghost guys sent by the military and the anti-corruption office will issue banknotes. "

In front of the building.

He Dingxian took the account handed over by Lard Boy, glanced at it, and looked at the two cars in front: "Go and distribute the money!"


Lardboy took back the account and said: "The remaining 2.26 million has been deposited into the bank account, and the big boss's name is recorded."

This money.

Another month of hard work pays off.


He Dingxian looked satisfied.

Jiu Long Tang.

Criminal Section.

"Master Zai!"

"Master Zai!"

When the two uniformed police officers saw the car driving through the gate, they immediately smiled and stood at attention to salute. They were happier than meeting their biological father.


O note.

Qian Weishan opened the rattan box, looked at the rolls of Hong Kong dollars inside, held a cigarette in his mouth, and blew out the smoke: "Huh."

"Fifty thousand yuan!"

This money was ten times more than what he had received from the military uniform team, but compared to Inspector Zonghua, it was a little pitiful.

The guys entered the locker room one after another, opened the compartment, looked at a thick envelope inside, opened it and counted it, their expressions were relieved: "There are as many as usual."

"Three thousand and six."

"And you?"


The guy laughed and said, "Can there be more? Everyone will pay for it! Let the big guys in the society sell their blood!"

Yau Ma Tei.

Huo Jiajun looked at the box, grabbed a stack of Hong Kong dollars, held it in his hand, and stared at the money: "Fuck!"

Tai Kwun.

He Dingxian was carrying a cash box, raised his hand and lightly knocked on the door of the deputy director's room: "Da da da."

"Come in!" Jian Baoning was in uniform, sitting behind his desk, looking down at a document. When he saw He Dingxian pushing open the door and carrying the box, he smiled and said, "Sir, He, Come in and have a cup of tea first."

"Thank you, sir!" He Dingxian thanked him quickly, closed the door, sat on the sofa, and placed the cash box on the table.

He took a cup of hot tea from Jian Baoning, took a sip, and said with a smile: "Sir Jian, as promised, I came with something."

"Did your people just go to Sir Mai's office?" Jian Baoning crossed his legs and leaned on the sofa. He Dingxian said frankly: "Yes, some businesses are still cooperating with Sir Mai, and the payment must be delivered every month."

"These are yours." He Dingxian held the cup in one hand and opened the cash box casually with the other hand. To be honest, Jian Baoning was actually unhappy when he saw a separate cash box. How much money can a cash box hold, no matter how big it is?

Two hundred thousand, three hundred thousand, or five hundred thousand? But when the bank opened to reveal a pile of banknotes packed tightly together, he was stunned on the spot for a moment, and after a while he asked: "How much money do you have?"

On Hong Kong Island!

For the first time, he saw a specialty product that was more attractive than Hong Kong dollars.

"One thousand Hong Kong dollars per sheet, one hundred sheets per stack, a total of twelve stacks, 1.2 million Hong Kong dollars!"

He Dingxian chuckled and took a sip of tea and asked: "Sir Jian, this is a gift I specially customized for you. I wonder if Sir Jian likes it?"

1.2 million Hong Kong dollars.

Converted to the commonly used face value of ten yuan, that is 120,000 pieces. A box of 100,000 yuan can hold twelve boxes.

So much money.


Turning into white banknotes, placed in front of you?


"I like it very much!" Jian Baoning has never received any fees since he was promoted to Deputy Director of Operations. After a little calculation, he knew that at least two or three hundred thousand yuan could fall into his pocket. He had to lament that those who have financial power importance.


"I cooperated with you, and I didn't trust the wrong person." He opened the drawer, took out a cigar, and bent over to hand it over.

These banknotes are not cash, but there are no real banknotes on Hong Kong Island itself. All banknotes are endorsed by the banknote printing bank with foreign currency, not government credit. Therefore, the Hong Kong dollar is actually issued by the banknote printing bank with permission from the Hong Kong government. Banknote.

Just to facilitate market circulation, the denominations are used in small amounts.

The banknotes of Oriental Bank are no different from Hong Kong dollars in economic logic. Although the supervision is not as strict as that of note-issuing banks, everyone in the police force believes that as long as the money can be exchanged, it is exactly the same as cash to the police force.

In fact, these banknotes are indeed one-cent deposits and one-cent bills issued.

Full of gold content.

"I will send gifts every month from now on. People who have worked with me will know that I never treat my friends badly." He Dingxian wants to take advantage of the opportunity of handing over part of the fees to the military to turn cash transactions into bank invoicing , let more ghosts get used to using Oriental Bank silver medals.

Although many ghosts will immediately go to the bank to cash in the banknote after receiving the banknote, there will still be a large amount of fees stored in the bank.

This money will become a commercial capital pool and create more profits. At the same time, more and more ghosts are accustomed to using banknotes, and the number of users of Oriental Bank will become larger and larger.


Jian Baoning laughed loudly.

"Sir He, you are worthy of worshiping Guan Gong. I heard that Guan Gong is not only a symbol of loyalty and friendship, but also can make people rich. Is it true?"

He Dingxian smoked a cigar and exhaled: "Really, sir, I will invite you the most spiritual person tomorrow."

Jian Baoning raised his eyebrows, spread his hands and said, "In this way, you are my Guan Gong."

Jiu Long Tang.

In the Triad Investigation Section, British Inspector Pudela opened the door and strode out of the office. Holding a brown paper bag in his hand, he came to the corridor window and patted a colleague on the chest with the paper bag: "Sibi, come together. Want to play two games in the casino?"

A ghost inspector from the forensics department, with a face full of freckles, a bald head and a fat man, said happily: "Pudela, it seems that you have received a lot in the investigation department?"

"It's a little bit." Poudela raised the money bag in his hand and said swaggeringly: "I just received the money, let's have some fun, do you want the others to come with you?"

The five ghost inspectors who were chatting together looked at each other, and someone asked: "Pudela, are you going to Haojiang to fight Dezhou?"

"It's too far," Pudra said, "It's too troublesome to get from Kowloon Tong to Haojiang. If you cut out half of the time on the road, you'll only have to play for more than ten hours a day and a night."

"There are so many underground gambling stalls in Kowloon Tong. Find two of them and try your luck."

Sibi became interested: "Okay, go to the casino to play Pai Gow and press the sieve cup. You won't lose much."

In the underground casinos on Hong Kong Island, a few tens of thousands is already a large number, but in Haojiang Casino it has just begun. Generally, casinos will not let Gui Lao customers lose money, and they don't dare to ask Gui Lao to collect debts. They often invite Gui Lao to go out if they feel that they have almost won. Rich and powerful Gui Lao can even let the casino give back points, causing Gui Lao to go out. People all regard the underground gambling stalls on Hong Kong Island as a place for leisure and entertainment to pass the time.

It's like when you go to a mahjong parlor to play cards, you may win or lose, but you won't lose everything.


The six ghost inspectors had dinner in the canteen and then went all the way to an underground gambling stall on Lung Cheung Road in Kowloon Tong. More than 30 gaming tables are set up in the venue, offering everything from Pai Gow, mahjong, big and small, blackjack, and Texas Hold'em.

Ma Zai, who was leading the way, nodded and bowed: "Several bosses, there is also a dog and cock fighting place in the backyard. If you are interested, you can take a look."

Oh my god, these guys were wearing civilian clothes and had guns on their bodies. They weren't exactly showing off, but they didn't hide their identities as police officers either.

"Go and do your work."

"Let's have fun by ourselves." Poudela waved his hand and led his colleagues to wander around the field. The variety of games played in underground gambling stalls is no less than that of Haojiang Casino, and there are many gamblers, ranging from street vendors to factory owners to drug addicts and gamblers. Soon the five of them started playing cards separately. Some liked to play Texas Hold'em, some started blackjack, and some liked to play mahjong. The technique of rubbing the cards is skillful and smooth, and it can be seen that he is deeply influenced by the Chinese quintessence.

"Brother Dao, there are six foreign bosses playing cards outside. They all have guns hanging on their waists. They look like they are errands." In the financial room, a middle-aged man who was doing the accounting raised his head and opened the blinds with a vigilant expression. , looking at the excited ghost guys, he hurriedly opened the window and said loudly: "Let them play if they like. I guess they have just received the fee. We are a formal payment stall. What are you afraid of?" "

"However, don't lend them money. Ghost guys are good at freeloading. If you don't get the money back, you will be doomed." A young man named Brother Dao has a sinister face and a rather simple appearance, but there is a centipede-like scar on his forehead. But it gave him a ruthless energy.

"I got it, Brother Dao." Ma Zai replied loudly: "I'll go out and keep an eye on them first."

Brother Dao sat on the chair, tied a stack of Hong Kong dollars with a string, put it in the safe, and said loudly: "What does it mean to stare? I forgot what Mr. Bai said in the last meeting! It is to provide good service and cooperate with others." Good guest.”

"Give them some tea."

Ma Zai said hurriedly: "Yes, yes, I'm going to serve them."

Brother Dao muttered: "A bunch of brainless idiots."

Pudela held more than 13,000 Hong Kong dollars and sat at the same gambling table. He won several games in a row. Unknowingly, he already had more than 30,000 Hong Kong dollars in his hand. Due to his good luck and being a ghost, many gamblers were attracted to the gaming table to watch.

Sibi, Gavin and other ghost inspectors, some won and some lost, but because the capital was not large enough, they had no intention of playing big, so they all came to Poudela and watched Poudela play twenty a little.

In the casino, different games are aimed at customers with different targets. Among them, betting big and small, blackjack and other games, one of them is fast! It can double the chips in his hand in a very short time, and it can also make him lose all his chips in a very short time.

However, the simpler the gameplay and the faster the game, the more popular it is in casinos, because gamblers no longer care about the process and just focus on the moment of winning or losing. It is naturally a good thing to shorten the process.

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