Hong Kong Island Old Events

Chapter 299 Flag burning, the end.

Victoria Peak.

Governor's Palace.

Jian Baoning was in uniform and neatly dressed. He stood on the carpet and reported the frontline situation to the governor in front: "Sir, according to the latest news from the front, the crowd at the Central rally has been dispersed and the number of people present has dropped to two to three hundred."

"There are scattered small gatherings in various districts across Hong Kong, but there are still more than a dozen small gatherings, but the number of people does not exceed fifty. The order of the city has been largely restored, and the remaining troublemakers will definitely be dispersed tomorrow morning."

"Preliminary statistics show that 123 police officers were injured in this incident, 27 police officers died, more than 500 citizens were injured and missing, and more than 40 people died."

Ge Hongliang looked at the acting director in front of him, his expression unchanged, and he listened quietly.

Since this incident involved two major police forces, the ratio of injuries to police officers was extremely high, especially the death toll, which was less than 1:2 compared to the number of citizens. This shows the fierceness of the internal struggle within the police force!


Ge Hongliang looked at the winner in front of him and nodded: "Tomorrow, I will announce the lifting of the special state order. In the next six months, you will manage the police force as the acting director. If there are no large gatherings, at the end of the year, I will officially Appoint you as Commissioner of Police.”

"Serve the Hong Kong government!"

Jian Baoning stepped hard, raised his head and chest, and saluted.

Ge Hongliang looked at him meaningfully and had to pinch his nose to admit his position. Fortunately, decentralizing the power of the police force and allowing more and more Chinese to participate in politics was Ge Hongliang's governing policy.

As the first Governor to use Chinese people and take the initiative of "Hong Kong people governing Hong Kong", Ge Hongliang has an extremely long-term vision and knows that the Chinese will become the mainstream force in Hong Kong Island society in the future. Abandoning the Chinese means abandoning Hong Kong Island. In some incidents, Giving the Chinese an advantage is not necessarily a loss.

Although the military faction seems to be pro-China, he believes that if the military faction is allowed to curb the Chinese, the military faction will implement it to the end. Using Chinese people doesn't necessarily mean being a Chinese little brother. Regardless of whether he is comforting himself or not, Ge Hongliang can only hope so!

"Tonight, I will also have a meeting with the heads of the Health Department, Fire Department, and Commercial Department to count the losses of shops, clean the streets, and clean up the mess. Someone has to do everything." At this time, Ge Hongliang said: "You first Go back and rest, call me if you need anything."

"Yes, sir!"

"Goodbye, sir!" Jian Baoning saluted again and shouted continuously.

After the special order was lifted, Ge Hongliang still had to write a letter and publish it in the newspaper to explain the current situation to all walks of life. It was really a lot to do, and he even had to coordinate the cemetery and insurance.

"Ding ding ding."

When Jian Baoning walked to the door, the phone rang on the Governor's desk. Ge Hongliang picked up the phone. After listening, he sighed slightly, put down the phone and said, "Sir Jian!"

Jian Baoning immediately turned around.

Ge Hongliang said: "Sir Mai accidentally fired his gun in the prison cell and died. Let's hold a funeral according to the specifications of the police commissioner and pay welfare benefits."

Jian Baoning's heart moved slightly, and he guessed the cause and effect. He took off his police hat, held it in his hand, bowed deeply and said: "Yes, sir!"

Ge Hongliang completely acquiesced that Jian Baoning was behind the scenes. It was obvious that he would eliminate the roots and not give his political opponents any chance to rise in the future. In fact, many politicians' temporary soft-heartedness will lead to fatal disasters in the future. Because some people fall temporarily, but it doesn’t count as a fall. As long as their backers don’t fall, they have a chance to make a comeback.

The Governor is extremely capable and has a very long term. It is clear that he will not be easily transferred. If McIntosh does not die, there is a good chance that he will be re-activated in due course. It was a matter of course for Jian Baoning to get rid of McIntosh, and Ge Hongliang could only acquiesce. And Jian Baoning did hint that Sir He wanted to deal with McIntosh, but he didn't expect that Sir He would be so fast that he couldn't wait even one night!

That night.

At around 11 o'clock, more than 20 community brothers gathered under the flag stand in Central Square.

The guy named "Skinny Monkey" from the number gang had two broken wine bottles tied around his waist. He was hugging them with all four limbs and was trying hard to climb up the flagpole inch by inch.

This Central Plaza is adjacent to the seaside and not far from the Admiralty. Before the completion of the Golden Bauhinia Square, it had always represented the image of Hong Kong Island's city. The Governor of Hong Kong delivered a speech here when he took office, reviewed the garrison here when Hong Kong Island was restored, and celebrated the Queen's birthday here.

"hurry up!"

"hurry up!"

The club brothers gathered under the flag stand, nervous and excited, shouting excitedly.

A middle-aged man in a suit shouted loudly: "Skinny monkey boy, burn one flag to make straw sandals, burn two flags to make white paper fans, if three flags are burned, I will make red sticks!" "

On the flag stand, there are three flagpoles, flying the British Royal Flag, the Hong Kong Island City Flag, and the British Union Jack Flag respectively.

The royal flag is in the middle, the Union Jack is on the left, and the city flag is on the right.

The evening breeze is gentle and the sea breeze is biting.

The thin monkey was short and lean, his palms were red from the cold, but his body was still full of energy. When his hands were numb from the cold, he hung them on the pole to rest for a while. After enough rest, he continued to climb up. After climbing for more than ten minutes, he finally arrived at the Royal Palace. Flag pole.

Under the attention of everyone, Shouhou took out the beer bottle from his waist, poured alcohol on the flag surface, filled the middle flag with a can, and then poured the remaining can of alcohol evenly on the two flags.

Then he took out a box of matches and kept striking them until three of them were gone. Then he struck one and lit it on the flag!


The golden royal flag suddenly burst into flames. The flames quickly rose in the strong wind and swept across the front flag. The remaining two flags did not need to be ignited at all and were immediately ignited by the flames in the middle.

More than 20 club brothers looked up at the three burning flags, speechless for a moment, their eyes twinkling.

The thin monkey quietly slid down a section, hugged the flagpole, took out a cigarette, lit the cigarette with the flag's fire, and held it in his mouth with a satisfied smile on his face. While smoking, I used my hands and feet to slowly slide down the railing.

The military uniforms on duty all around saw the flags burning, looked at each other, and hurried to the scene.

When Ge Zhixiong saw the police coming, he and his brothers left in a hurry, fearing that they would be caught and beaten by Sir He. Before leaving, he did not forget to shout to the flagpole: "I'll beat you like a red stick, I'll beat you like a red stick." "

When the three military uniforms rushed to the flagpole, the figure had already run away, but there was a horse boy hanging above the flagpole, neither up nor down, making people laugh and cry. Finally, the police officers asked the thin monkey to come down. After the thin monkey landed, he obediently stretched out his hands and said proudly: "Sir, catch me!"

A police sergeant looked at the flag that turned into ashes, fluttered and blew into the sea. He put out a cigarette and said: "Next time you burn the flag, can you change it to when I am resting? I don't want to see you either." .”

The thin monkey took the cigarette and had no time to light it. He was suddenly startled and ran away jumping up and down.


"Next time, sir!"

The uniformed police sergeant looked at his retreating figure and laughed and cursed: "You are really a street boy. Others are planting flags, but you are burning the flags and hanging out in the community, so you can achieve something!"

A young police officer sighed with emotion: "Young man, you did a great job in this matter!"

With the burning of three flags, a vicious political battle came to an end. In the future, describing the history of the development of the police force, the Central incident will become a landmark turning point for the Chinese to come to power and represent the beginning of the Chinese's direct control of Hong Kong's armed forces.

With force.

Everything will be easy to handle naturally.

The next morning, the Governor opened a piece of Sin Chew Daily and looked at the Nanyang news in the newspaper. He was frightened for a while and even secretly thought of luck: "Last night, there was another serious riot in Nanyang. The Chinese Labor Front organized The self-defense armed forces engaged in a 13-hour exchange of fire with the police on the street."

Although there was no in-depth report in the newspaper, he dared to conclude that Nanyang still had not taken action to extinguish the Chinese Labor Front, and the Chinese Labor Front had intensified its efforts and upgraded its armed forces after the last mass incident!

"And the Central rally on Hong Kong Island chose to start yesterday, with the title of mourning the Nanyang Chinese. There is clearly a synergy between the two."

"Fortunately, the police stopped the spread of the incident in time. Otherwise, once the Nanyang Chinese incident spread to Hong Kong Island, the situation would develop in an unpredictable direction." Governor Ge Hongliang knew that McIntosh's judgment was completely wrong. Fortunately, he decisively gave up. Jian Baoning takes over.

Not to mention what Ge Hongliang, Jian Baoning and others thought when they saw the news. He Dingxian came to the office and opened the "Sin Chew Daily" he specially subscribed to. When he saw the information about the crossfire between the Labor Front above, he felt that it was reasonable and unexpected. Quite unexpected.

No one from the Labor Front told him that they would organize armed troops last night, but considering the painful experience of the Labor Front last time, it was normal for them to organize armed troops for this operation. If you lose, you have to win it back.

The large number of weapons purchased by the Nanyang Chinese are not just for hoarding, but for real fighting and consumption. While he wanted to use the Chinese Labor Front to build momentum on Hong Kong Island, the Chinese Labor Front was also using the Hong Kong Island incident to make a fuss. Both parties were mutually beneficial. The only bad thing was that the Labor Front did not inform him. But considering the importance of the armed operation, it was normal not to notify him. If the matter was not kept secret, it would not be successful. The lives of so many brothers were at stake, and confidentiality was always the first priority.

In short, doing good things for Chinese people is ultimately a good thing.

He Dingxian could only be grateful that the ghost guys from Hong Kong were not as strong as Nanyang. Otherwise, the same trick might not work in Nanyang. When going to Nanyang, you still have to read "On Protracted War" thoroughly and memorize the "Sixteen-Character Guide to Guerrilla Warfare".

Compared with the shock in Southeast Asia, the economic losses of tens of millions in Hong Kong Island are nothing to mention. However, both the Governor of Hong Kong and the Governor of Nanyang would report the incident to their ancestors. After the cabinet received the two reports and verified each other, they came to a surprising conclusion.

If you defend both places, you will lose both places. If you abandon one place, it is possible to save the other place!

The two incidents were merged into one file in the ancestral cabinet and became an important issue at the moment. Several ministers and the Prime Minister even held consecutive meetings. In the end, everyone reached an agreement to defend Hong Kong Island!

He Dingxian had no idea that his all-out efforts would actually start to promote the process of history and become one of the many reasons that contributed to history. Although it is far from the extent of changing history, it can be regarded as an honorable stroke.

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