Hong Kong Island Old Events

Chapter 304 Bullying others with power

Du Yihua was wearing sportswear and a peaked cap, holding a club and joking with Huo Guantai.

At this time, three cars drove along the road and stopped at the stadium. Several plainclothes police officers got out of the car first and spread out to stand guard next to the stadium.

He Dingxian and Jian Baoning got out of the car one after another, came to the back of the car together, bent down and took out their golf bags.

Du Yihua saw this and smiled quickly: "Mr. Huo, the police captain is here."

Huo Guantai nodded, followed the steps of the customs director with a smile on his face, and came to the car together and stretched out his hand: "Sir Jian, Sir He, good afternoon."

He Dingxian handed the golf bag to a caddy, took out a long pole, weighed it in his hands, and looked sideways at Huo Guantai and Du Yihua. The two of them looked like old friends walking side by side, as if they were very familiar with each other, and they didn't seem to have any disagreements at all.

Jian Baoning gently shook hands with Du Yihua, then looked back at He Dingxian and introduced with a smile: "Sir He, this is Chief Du of the Customs Department. All water matters in Hong Kong are decided by the Customs Department! "

At this time, the Hong Kong Customs Department was still under the administration of the Industrial and Commercial Department, formerly known as the Entry and Exit Management Department. The person in charge was at the director level, and the position was called supervision. Now the Customs Administration has been transferred to the Administration of Industry and Commerce, and its full name is the Anti-Smuggling Team of the Industry and Commerce Administration. The person in charge has been upgraded to the director level and is named the Director of the Anti-Smuggling Team.

Administratively, the current structure of the Customs Department is lower than that of the Police Force, and the position of the Director of Customs is naturally lower than that of the Police Force.

Du Yihua quickly shook his head: "I don't dare."

"The water area of ​​the police force is responsible for the safety of waters on Hong Kong Island. The Customs Department only does some chores such as inspection and declaration and anti-smuggling on the water."

He is completely untouchable to the police force, and no matter who is the Commissioner of Police, he will have to support him.

Jian Baoning patted him on the shoulder and laughed loudly: "Hahaha, Sir Du is so humble. Play, play."

Several people walked onto the court, and He Dingxian introduced: "Sir Jian, this is Mr. Huo, my friend in business. He made his fortune in water business in his early years, and now he has started to develop real estate projects ashore."

"The boss of Xinde Aviation." Jian Baoning said with a smile on his face: "I have heard of Mr. Huo's name a long time ago, and today I saw that he is indeed a young talent and a man of action!"

"Don't dare to take it seriously."

Huo Guantai was wearing a suit, his tone was neither humble nor overbearing, but his etiquette was very thoughtful.

He handed over a business card with both hands, bowed slightly, and said with a smile: "The development of Hong Kong Island is inseparable from the contribution of the Police Force. Sir Jian's appointment as Commissioner of Police is expected by all walks of life in the society. Please give me your advice."

"You're welcome."

Jian Baoning took the business card with one hand, glanced at it politely, handed it to his subordinate to put away, and responded: "Come play ball often in the future."


Jian Baoning held the club with both hands, stood at the impact point, and made a decisive swing.

The sphere drew a beautiful parabola and rolled out to a distance of less than ten meters from the hole.

"nice shot."

Looking at the spot where the ball stopped, there was no slope around it and it was facing away from the sun. The next shot would not be dazzling. It was indeed a beautiful shot.

An hour later, Huo Guantai returned to the rest area, took off his hat, picked up a towel and wiped his sweat.

Jian Baoning was very surprised and said: "Huo Sheng, you are playing really well."

"I prefer sports." Huo Guantai took a bottle of water from the caddy, unscrewed the bottle cap, and said with a smile: "I occasionally come to play, and I am also a member of the club, but in terms of skill level, I am still a long way from Jian Sir. distance."

"Very good." Jian Baoning nodded approvingly.

Because among the four, only Jian Baoning can really play ball, while He Dingxian and Du Yihua are just playing games for entertainment.

Under the background of two rookies, Huo Guantai actually showed a good level, which really caught Jian Baoning's appetite.

"By the way, do you have a ship detained by the customs in Victoria Harbor?" Jian Baoning said: "Sir Du from the Customs Department is sitting next to you. Just say something to Sir Du and the ship can be pulled out."

Du Yihua knew in his heart that the meat show was coming.

He quickly said: "Sir Jian, I have contacted Huo Sheng before. The ship and cargo can be picked up at any time."

Huo Guantai nodded and said: "Yes, Sir Jian, Sir Du has contacted me before, but Xinde Shipping has always been on the water, including current engineering companies and construction companies. If they want to develop, they need shipping to deliver goods."

"So, this is not just a problem of a cargo ship, but I want to know where did Sindh Shipping offend Sir Du?"

Jian Baoning looked at Du Yihua. Du Yihua was frightened and felt that something was wrong. We can't tell Sir Tongjian directly that it was Sir Mai who detained the ship in order to suppress the Chinese, right? As the director of customs, he knew that the Chinese in the police force had gained power, and Jian Baoning was the pro-China faction pushed to power by the Chinese.

Saying this will greatly offend Sir Jian and lay hidden dangers for his future career.

He Dingxian smiled and said: "Of course it's the tariff, Brother Tai, I have to talk about you. It's natural for the goods to enter the port to pay tariffs. If Sir Du is asked to charge less, of course Sir Du will be unhappy."


Lardboy immediately came forward with a suitcase, placed it on a chair and opened it, revealing rolls of Hong Kong dollars.

"Seven hundred thousand."

He Dingxian took a puff of cigarette and asked aloud: "Sir Du, is it enough to pay for the tariff?"

Du Yihua looked at a box of Hong Kong dollars and felt that it was very hot to his hands. He pretended to be stupid and laughed twice: "Haha, Sir He is joking. The customs duties are collected by the Hong Kong government and are not paid into our customs account."

Huo Guantai said: "Sir, although I did not pay taxes to the Hong Kong government, I paid money to the police force, and the Customs Department collected fees from the police force. So, does the Customs Department collect my money, but it is checked Where is my boat?"

"Sir, this is not how the police force does things!"

Jian Baoning frowned and said in a deep voice: "If you pay money to the police force, the police force will take care of it, otherwise the police force will not have to collect the money. Sir He, you are the most familiar with the rules on fees. This kind of How should things be handled?”

He Dingxian looked at Du Yihua's nervous expression and said with a smile: "It's simple. Whoever seizes the boat will stand up and take responsibility."

"Which hand holds the boat, which hand will be chopped off."

Du Yihua's brows jumped, his expression suddenly became very ugly, and he said in a deep voice: "Sir, it's not good."

"The Customs Department is also responsible for anti-smuggling. Occasionally there are some misunderstandings. It is normal to search one or two wrong ships. Since the Customs Department has agreed to release the ships, why bother the people below?"

When he started working for McIntosh, it was largely because the police force paid customs fees. Now the police force is using rules as an excuse to punish people from the Customs Department. After all, the two departments have no jurisdiction over each other. Why should the police force's internal purge be brought to the customs department?

His original intention was also to work for the police force!

However, Sir Jian had a tough attitude, with murderous intent in his tone, and took the initiative to answer: "Rules are rules. If you can cover it up with misunderstanding, who will take the rules seriously? Detain a ship today, and search another one tomorrow. Boat, how can the police collect fees at the dock!"

"Sir Du, call someone here!"

Du Yihua opened his mouth in disbelief.

Sir Jian’s attitude is too tough!

Even Huo Guantai was a little distracted. It was unexpected, but after thinking about it, it made sense, because Jian Baoning had just become the police chief and finally got the cake. Naturally, no one was allowed to break the rules. You know, now that the police dock and river and lake regulations have been handed over to the military department, wouldn't breaking the rules just hit him?

Moreover, Sir Jian also wanted to take the opportunity to teach the people at the Customs Department a lesson. It is OK for everyone to make money together, but the Customs Department must not interfere in the internal affairs of the police force. Otherwise, the police force will also return it. Sir Mai had no choice but to use the power of the Customs Department, but in fact he had committed a political taboo.

He Dingxian chuckled and said: "Sir Du, if you are so afraid, you can't possibly arrest the ship yourself, right?"

Du Yihua turned to look at him and sneered at the corner of his mouth: "Sir, if I personally seize the ship, do you want to chop off my hand? Everyone is working for the Hong Kong government, so don't bully others too much."


He Dingxian said calmly: "Those who do not follow the rules have another option, which is to not charge any fees. If the Customs Department does not charge a penny in the future, this matter will be treated as if it never happened. If you still want to collect money , I bullied you, what do you want?"

Du Yihua took a deep breath. As the Director of Customs, he represented the interests of all the Customs Department and could not give up his power to share fees with the police force in vain. If he dares to do this, his people will not be willing to accept it, and the Customs Department will most likely change a director to talk to the police force.

The original use of fees to control customs, fire protection and other departments undoubtedly gave the police a special status and absolute dominance among the disciplinary forces.


"I'm going to make a call!"

Du Yihua held his breath, turned and left. Huo Guantai felt uneasy when he saw this, and asked in a low voice: "Sir He, will something happen?"

"If you step on the dog that eats your food, what will happen to it?" He Dingxian said in a disdainful tone: "Be more cruel to the ghost, and pay it back ten times or a hundred times, and the ghost will respect you in the future. .”

"Besides, what are you afraid of when Sir Jian is by your side?"

Jian Baoning finished smoking a cigarette and picked up the cue again: "Mr. Huo, want to play again?"

Huo Guantai quickly followed up: "I'm happy to accompany you."

Half an hour later.

Du Yihua returned to the court with seven confused customs police officers and said to Sir Jian who was playing ball: "Sir Jian, everyone has been brought here."

"Mr. Huo, go and meet him." After Jian Baoning finished playing a round of golf, he had no intention of meeting the minions from the Customs Department. Huo Guantai returned to the rest area with his cue stick, and happened to see He Dingxian pointing his cue stick at seven people and asking, "Huo Sheng, were you trying to steal your boat?"

Huo Guantai smiled bitterly and said, "Sir, I was not on the boat at the time."

"It doesn't matter, just pick anyone you don't like." He Dingxian glanced at the seven ghost guys. I saw the ghost guys looking flustered and looking at each other, looking very funny, while Du Yihua walked out of the rest area to play with Jian Baoning.

Among the seven people, there is a customs captain, and the remaining six are customs squad captains. Among them, the customs captain is a "supervisory level", equivalent to the director of the police force, and is responsible for the inspection of a terminal. The Customs Squad Captain is a senior inspector and the commander of an action team, which is exactly the same rank as the police force. However, due to the small number of Customs personnel, senior inspectors are promoted to assistant inspectors, and those above them are supervisors and senior supervisors. Senior Superintendent is equivalent to the Superintendent level.

"Whatever." Huo Guantai gave an interesting answer, leaving the decision-making power to He Dingxian. He Dingxian readily agreed, turned the club to the customs captain and cursed: "What are you looking at? Damn it, if you look like that, I'll hit you." you!"

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