Hong Kong Island Old Events

Chapter 351: The following offense (will be updated later)

A week later.


Military building.

"The eldest son."


A subordinate wearing a military uniform and a military cap, carrying a black briefcase, put the briefcase under his arm, bent down and opened the car door with his right hand, and then gently blocked the frame with his left hand, and opened the door respectfully. Send him to the car respectfully.

I saw the eldest son wearing a black tunic suit and glasses, leaning over and sitting in the back seat of the car.

Just as the subordinate closed the door tightly and was about to go around to the passenger seat, an alarm suddenly sounded from the bottom of the car: "Beep, beep, beep."

The subordinate looked stunned.


A violent burst of fire exploded in front of the building, and the car flew directly into the sky, rolled around with flames, and crashed to the ground. There were crowds of people in front of the windows upstairs, looking at the scene downstairs with expressions of disbelief.

"This license plate!"

"It's over!"

"Something happened to the eldest son!"

With a crash, guards in military uniforms carrying rifles rushed out of the building. Some held water pipes in their hands and quickly put out the fire on the car. Some carried stretchers and dragged the injured young people out of the car. The people at the scene were busy and nervous, praying that nothing would happen to the young master.

Some of the bystanders upstairs were frowning, holding cigarettes in their mouths, while others were panicking and making phone calls.

Everyone knows that Taiwan will once again be in a bloody storm. No one is easy to deal with, either careerists or those in power. Anyone who is involved even a little bit may be torn into pieces by the storm, and huge risks represent huge benefits. .

"Who did it?"

Conjectures arose in many people's minds, and many people were quick-thinking and had already planned to call Mao's bureau chief to ask.

"Niang Xipi!"

"Dare to use the means of dealing with the enemy on the owner? The dog doesn't teach him a lesson, he doesn't know how high the sky is, and he doesn't know who gives him food! Investigate, get to the bottom of it, and shoot all those involved!" Someone ordered.


Several big guys stood at attention and saluted with solemn expressions.

Hong Kong Island.

Tai Kwun.

Operations Department, Superintendent's Office.

He Dingxian held a copy of the "United Daily News" in his hand and looked at the news on it. While holding a cigar, he exclaimed: "Well done, you are brave! You can even use remote control bombs. The Bureau of Secrecy is worthy of being the leader. To produce talents, everyone dares to think and do what they do.”

"He is ruthless."

"United Daily News" is a new publication founded three years ago in Taiwan. It is the newspaper with the largest circulation in Taiwan. It has published breaking news about the young master. The news made it very clear that the assassination of Mr. Gongzi, who was also the political director, was suspected to have been carried out by hostile forces.

The political director is actually a high-level position with the authority to manage the subordinate confidentiality bureau.

Hu Linying, Du Changjiang and others from the Secrecy Bureau have been arrested on charges of colluding with enemy forces.

They were charged with "treason", "murder", "malfeasance in duty" and other crimes.

All sentenced to death!

"It seems that the matter has been investigated. That's right. After all, the bald man is a smart man. The group he represents is not strong enough and his ideas are solidified. But he can easily deal with them using old methods and pinch a small island. In hand."

"With him, no one can turn the world upside down. After all, he lives a wonderful life. The ghosts only like him!" He Dingxian pinched his cigar and exhaled: "What a pity, Mao Zedong suffered a big disaster! Of course! , this guy whose hands are stained with blood, it’s all an advantage to him if he dies.”

"Besides, he's not dead at all."

According to the newspaper, the head of the Security Bureau was dismissed due to incompetence and incompetence, the entire Security Bureau was suspended, and all personnel will undergo a long-term investigation.

It seems that "Green Turtle" will officially withdraw from the stage and die in depression.

The 17 people involved in the incident, including Hu Linying and Du Changjiang, were shot one after another that night without trial. The charges in the newspapers were all filed later.

"The results of this battle are greater than expected. According to the old man's character, the entire Secrecy Bureau must be cleaned. At least one-tenth of the tens of thousands of people in the Secrecy Bureau must be killed, and the remaining people must be reorganized."

"This department will not exist in the future."

He Dingxian put down the newspaper with a smile: "This can be considered to have achieved the desired effect. Those who should bear the responsibility and pay the price have paid their due price. As for the quality of other aspects, I am not qualified to comment so much."

"However, young people have good health and bones, so they can still leave the ICU? The medical skills of experts from the United States are really good. According to the disclosure, the car chassis has a professional mine-proof design. Hu Linying and others should also know this, but the dosage calculation was wrong."

"I didn't expect it. It was harder than expected."


"One is hard and the other is ruthless, which is quite interesting."

He Dingxian chewed his cigar.

"Da da da."

There was a knock on the door.


Yan Xiong shouted.

"Come in." He Dingxian took off his cigar, placed it on the glass ashtray, turned it twice to remove the ashes, raised his eyes to look at the subordinate in front of him who was wearing a shirt and stood at attention in salute, and asked aloud: "Ah Xiong ,What's wrong?"

"Brother Xian."

"The deportation order from the Governor's Office has been issued. Xiang Qian will be deported by the Immigration Department in the evening and will take a ship to Taiwan." Yan Xiong lowered his right hand, straightened his waist, and said solemnly.

He Dingxian nodded: "I understand. We have arranged for two police boats to send Xiang Sheng off. As for Xiang Bo, I remember he was sentenced to twelve years in prison?"


Yan Xiong said: "For the crime of hiring a murderer, the crime of participating in a triad organization, and the crime of harboring, the three crimes will be punished concurrently, for a total of twelve years."

This sentence is already a long one.


"The two fathers and sons cannot take over Xinji. The inheritance of the father's business will be interrupted at the root. In the future, there will no longer be Xinji on Hong Kong Island. You can share this cake." He Dingxian said with a smile on his face. Very satisfied with the result.

Of course, there are many powerful people in Xinji. Just relying on the strength of their respective halls, they can build a territory and continue to maintain the brand name. However, as the Secrecy Bureau fell into trouble, Xinji also lost its political backing, and it was impossible to maintain its development speed in the future.

Lin Jing, Lin Jiang, Su Long and others all have their own disciples. When Xinji becomes a mess and each of them goes their own way, and then let other societies eat them up one by one, Xinji will disappear from history.

You know, for a large society with tens of thousands of people, the nominal legitimacy is very important, and there is no system that can convince the people below.

There is no strong enough backer.

No power to back it up.

It falls apart easily.

As for Su Long, after his cargo fell into the water that night, he returned to Xiang's home the next evening, but he was burdened with the suspicion of a traitor, and his life was very difficult. Fortunately, Xiang Sheng didn't say anything about getting rid of him, and he still managed to maintain his status as a red stick.

There is no need to be surprised that Taipei’s Hu Linying, Du Changjiang and others will make shocking decisions. Because the political struggle between the two hills itself is very fierce. Historically, Hu Linying, Du Changjiang and others did not have pressure and inducement from Sir, and in the end, they also adopted similar assassination plans. However, their planning was leaked, and they all ended up being shot. The Secrecy Bureau was disbanded and reorganized into the Intelligence Bureau. The Intelligence Bureau has roughly the same responsibilities as the Security Bureau, but it has canceled its "spyware" and "security" authority. It no longer has internal law enforcement capabilities and only has external special intelligence and internal intelligence capabilities.

The three functions of "anti-espionage", "security" and "anti-corruption" were replaced by the newly formed Bureau of Investigation. The era when the East Factory was dominant was over, and the East and West factories stood side by side, creating a new situation of mutual checks and balances. When Yan Xiong saw that the boss had no new orders, he said: "Okay, boss, I will go and arrange the boat for the evening."

"Go ahead."

He Dingxian waved his hand.

Yan Xiong opened the door and turned around to leave.

He Dingxian took another puff of his cigar and thought to himself: "My identity has probably been sold by Lin, Du and others. There may be retaliation in the near future, but there is no need to worry too much. After all, the general ledger is not blamed on me."

"Furthermore, the Secrecy Bureau is being reorganized, and people must be panicking. How many people can be mobilized to kill me?"


"It doesn't surprise him at all!"



"We can no longer stay on the island."

In a secret room.

Several senior officials in the bureau who were wearing military uniforms and looking nervous faced the superiors on the chairs and said anxiously: "Since ancient times, those who commit crimes will inevitably die. Lin, Du and others are just the beginning. Now they are taken away and isolated by the investigation team of the Political Department. There were hundreds of colleagues under review, and the other side was just using a delaying tactic to prevent the brothers from causing more serious consequences."

"The cunning rabbit dies and the lackey is cooked."

"If we don't make a decisive decision immediately, Han Xin Lanyu's fate will be recorded in the history books and is still before our eyes!"

A certain scene in history is always played out under the same circumstances. The charm of history books is that they span time.

"Learn from history."

"Knowing the rise and fall!"

These senior executives were knowledgeable and sharp in their words. They got to the point right away. Even the bureau chief could not argue with them and could only sigh: "Anyone can leave, but I can't. I have too much blood on my hands. I have done evil things." Do it all.”

"No one in the world will understand me except the boss, and I have already clarified with the boss that Hu and Du were caught in the matter this time, and the smuggling of cultural relics has been archived."

"As long as I hand over all my overseas assets, I can keep my retirement benefits and assets in Taiwan and continue to stay and provide for my retirement."

"The boss will never pursue it again."

A subordinate sighed: "Boss, if you don't hold me accountable, how can I let you go if you inherit the family business?"

"I prepared a special plane at the airport to escape to North America with us. Our brothers from back then were taking care of us, and they couldn't reach out. The money was enough for us to live happily for several lifetimes, so why bother being afraid here."

The director shook his head: "In order to apologize to the young master, I can only give Mr. He from Hong Kong Island as a thank you gift, hoping to dispel the young master's bad breath. Besides, I am also old and have only a few years to live, so I probably can't see it. Until then.”

"According to the character of the young master, one code will be the same. If you hate me, you may not attack my family. Moreover, I have strictly prohibited future generations from entering politics. I hope my old brothers can take more care of me."

The expressions of several subordinates suddenly changed: "Seat down."

"Are you going to Hong Kong for action?"

Madman Mao nodded: "Yes!"

"Strictly investigate to the end and serve as a warning to others!"

This is really brave!

Everything is fine at home. I can’t elaborate on the specific reasons. The power of the Internet is still great. I will update another chapter before twelve o'clock, and two chapters in the past two days. Because the writing state has been interrupted for two days, writing is not so smooth. I feel like I am back to the state of three chapters in two days. Fortunately, I didn't take too long a leave. Thank you for your understanding. I hope I can take less leave before finishing this book. Junzai feels guilty every time he asks for leave, feeling lazy and let down. However, the older he gets, the more focused he is at home. Sometimes if he doesn’t spend time at home, the family will be in chaos. There is nothing he can do. Thank you for your support.

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