Hong Kong Island Old Events

Chapter 360 Two Years

Using banana companies to suck the blood of the Chinese is the sharpest move in the British post-colonial era.

In essence, it is the use of financial tools to control the market. The old capitalist method has benefited from the influence of British policies in the former colonies and was laid out in advance, from the judiciary, to education, to the police force, and penetrated at all levels.

This trick is really good on Hong Kong Island!

At the same time, we also learned from the rebellion experience in Southeast Asia and India, improved and updated it, and carried out a large-scale layout of Hong Kong Island. It can be said that Great Britain has heavily invested in Hong Kong Island. If it loses Hong Kong Island and cannot absorb the blood of the mainland, the imperial flag will really come to an end.

In a city that is already controlled by ghosts, it is difficult for He Dingxian to detect the secret plans of ghosts. What he has to do now is to fight, first to gain power, and then to get rid of the influence of ghosts. If the basic rights of the Chinese cannot be guaranteed, how can we talk about the rise of Chinese capital, legal justice, and financial security?

Even in the eyes of most Chinese bosses, when Gui Lao makes some kind of request to them, it is not considered a conspiracy, but a naked conspiracy! The ghost guys have no intention of hiding it, they are already the rulers of Hong Kong Island.


"Sir Qian wants to see you." At this time, Yan Xiong came to the door of the office and reported aloud.

Ho Dingxian is reading a crime rate report. In the third and fourth quarters, the crime rate in Hong Kong Island increased significantly, 30% more than last year.

"Please come in."

He put down the report.

Qian Weishan, wearing military uniform, opened the door and raised his hand at the corner of the door to salute: "Sir."

"Come in and sit down."

He Dingxian waved his hand and said: "Try the tea sent by the Guest Chamber of Commerce. The Silver Needle from Taimu Mountain tastes pretty good."

He took out a box of tea leaves from the drawer, sat down next to the coffee table, and listened to his subordinate's report while making tea.

Qian Weishan was also a regular customer in the office, and he was not formal in his behavior. After sitting down, he said with a smile: "Sir, Xinji has opened two more saunas on Wellington Street and Stanley Street. In the morning, people from Hutchison Go deliver flower baskets and copy license plates to passing police officers.”

"Jinya Company asked me to ask you, has the matter of Xinji passed?"

He Dingxian was pouring tea, his expression was stunned, and he asked aloud: "Who sent someone to support Xinji?"

"They are two British inspectors from the Equipment Department of Tai Kwun."

Qian Weishan whispered: "It is said that they happened to be passing by, but they all had their guns drawn at that time, as if they were there specifically to support Xinji."

"Xin Ji can really endure."

He Dingxian picked up the tea cup and drank it in one gulp, with a somewhat uneasy expression on his face: "We have been fighting for more than half a year, but several major societies have not defeated Xinji. They have also allowed Xinji to make a name for himself and brought in the ghost guy. It seems that someone in the police force is uneasy. I want to support Xinji to take over."

"Brother Xian."

Qian Weishan looked surprised.

He Dingxian said: "Don't worry, Xinji has been directly classified as a third-rate society from a big society. In addition to making money from the horse stable business, the docks, powder stalls, and gambling stalls have all been eaten up, and they can't even collect rent. money."

"No future."

Qian Weishan put down his tea cup: "We still can't let the ghost guys meddle in the world. If the ghost guys can directly control the association, we Chinese will have nothing to do with it in the future."


"Can Gui Lao control the Chinese?" He Dingxian said in a contemptuous tone and laughed twice: "Most of the societies develop under the banner of expelling the Tartar slaves and protecting the nation. It is impossible for brothers to be submissive to Gui Lao. What's more, Gui Lao There are not that many employment positions for brothers in the community to work."

"However, they do know how to choose people. Xinji has just finished losing weight and is the easiest society to control. And the timing is very good. In the past six months, the crime rate has increased a lot because of the Xinji crackdown. It's hard for me to do it on the streets. Big news.”

"This matter can only be put aside for a while."

Qian Weishan sighed: "Hutchison, Lao Fu, and Yi Qun were too slow to start."

"Can't blame them."

He Dingxian sighed: "Xiang Yandu sold the house to pay for the soup and medicine to the brothers. The Lin brothers, Su Long, and Lian Kui are all ruthless characters. Lao Fu and his group are here to eat cake, so they must consider it. revenue ratio.”

"Sometimes the fight is too brutal. I would rather have fewer stalls and fight peacefully. Half a year will pass."

A desperate effort.

One wants to be rich.

How to compare?

Jiang Tiansheng led Yiqun to fight fiercely, but after beating Xinji out of Wan Chai, he could no longer interfere in the territory of other societies.

Qian Weishan scolded: "A bunch of brainless people are rushing to the street, they deserve to be young and Dangerous for the rest of their lives!"

"Forget it, Xinji has been abolished. The key is to find out who is pulling Xinji behind the scenes." He Dingxian waved his hand and said: "Be mentally prepared. It may be a Chinese or a ghost. .”

Qian Weishan nodded: "I understand."

"Brother Xian."

He Dingxian said: "Keep an eye on Xinji's movements and see if there is any reason why the big boss started working. If you follow the clues, you can find out the person behind the scenes."

Qian Weishan took another sip of tea, put down the cup, stood up and said goodbye: "I understand."

After he left, He Dingxian picked up the documents on the table and frowned in thought. Just as he was about to modify the data, he heard someone shouting at the door: "Sir He, please come over, Director."


He Dingxian sighed, threw the documents on the table, picked up the hanging police hat, and strode out of the office area. When he met Yan Xiong on the road, he whispered: "Inform the police stations in each district that no police records will be made starting tomorrow. "


Yan Xiong nodded and accepted the order.

"I really don't know what the significance of looking at the crime rate is." He Dingxian shook his head.

However, Gui Lao cares most about the crime rate and crime detection rate.

The lower the former, the better, and the higher the latter, the better.

Office of the Director.

Jian Baoning sat on the chair, shook his head and sighed: "Sir, the Governor held a meeting this morning and specifically pointed out that street crimes have occurred frequently in Hong Kong Island in the past six months, which has exceeded the average data of the previous two years. Hong Kong Island is now prosperous and the economy is rising. Crime rates should go down."

"The renewed increase in the crime rate represents the failure of the police force."

He Dingxian felt a little uncomfortable, but the Governor personally held him to account, and could not transfer his emotions to Sir Jian, so he could only sigh: "Sorry, sir."

"The data has been changed."

Jian Baoning handed one over and said solemnly: "It's useless to rely on changes. The Governor has set up a special investigation team to investigate the crime rate next year. I'm afraid some things have to be stopped, otherwise the Governor will care about me and I won't be able to do it." It’s not worth the loss.”

He Dingxian took the cigarette and narrowed his eyes. For a moment, he felt a lot of hostility towards Sir Jian, but it soon turned into a smile. He chuckled and said: "No problem, I've had enough. I'll let the brothers go when I get back. Let me spread the word that business on the street will continue as it is now, and no one is allowed to show off horses without applying to the police station."


Jian Baoning breathed a sigh of relief and smiled brightly: "I know Sir He is a person who talks about the overall situation."

"Are you free to play ball tonight?"

He Dingxian blew out smoke.


Jian Baoning nodded and said, "Okay."

After He Dingxian left the office, he frowned tightly and said to himself: "You almost fell out with me over a new reporter? This is not the investigation team I want to set up. Sir He doesn't look like that."

He Dingxian paused in the corridor and thought to himself: "If Sir Jian cooperates with the Governor on this matter, the traces will be too obvious. It seems that there is a high chance that it is Yifu. But Yifu can still use the Governor's order as an excuse. , it will be really difficult to have an attack for a while."

"However, Xinji's Xiang Bo is still in my hand. At worst, I can let Xiang Bo go out to fight Xiang Yan in the ring. I'm not afraid of any trouble caused by Xinji."

"The key is Ifu, tsk tsk, Gui Lao has already thought of meddling in Jianghu. It seems that he is going to split the Chinese people. Ruling Hong Kong with Hong Kong is nothing more than using China to control China."

He Dingxian continues to move forward.

In the past half a year, on the one hand, as the vice president of the Chaoshan Chamber of Commerce, he took care of all the affairs of the association, especially approving loans and supporting Chinese companies to start businesses. On the other hand, he was busy running "Taixing Dongfang" with Fu Laorong and Gao Kening.

Taixing Dongfang obtained the auction license from Haojiang four months ago and officially opened its doors a month ago. The Fu family, the Gao family, and the He family all took out some of their collections, showed them at the auction house, and asked their business partners to sell them at high prices.

Except for a few that were indeed bought by overseas collectors, most of the collections went from left hand to right hand. However, the auction record has been set repeatedly, and more than a dozen national treasures leaked from Taiwanese blogs have also appeared in the auction.

Mr. Huo took the stage instead, pocketing all the national treasures at a price of millions per piece, and as the owner of Huo Xiantang Real Estate, donated the national treasures to Beibo for free. He Dingxian lost some taxes and fees through this operation, but he avoided political risks and safely returned a batch of cultural relics to Beibo, which was a thank you to Jin Weiguo for his help.

If something happens in the future and you need to sacrifice your family's heritage, you can use this method to express your sincerity in a very beautiful way. Mainland newspapers also reported on it, and Huo Guantai suddenly became famous and stole the show.

He also didn’t expect that he would make headlines in newspapers without spending a dime, even in Hong Kong and Macao.

And he gradually became more proficient in managing matters within the Chamber of Commerce. It is not easy to set up a Chinese-funded bank on Hong Kong Island, because enterprises with capital injection from Chinese-funded banks are truly Chinese-funded enterprises. Currently, there are only a handful of purely Chinese-funded banks on Hong Kong Island. Now that Oriental Bank has the funds, it must increase its support for the development of Chinese-funded banks.

Two years later.

Peninsula Hotel.

Taixing Oriental, Tung Wah Group of Hospitals Charity Auction.

Celebrities such as He Dingxian, Yi Fu, Jian Baoning, Huo Guantai, Xu Aizhou, Chu Weinan, Bao Yugang, Zheng Yu and other celebrities almost all came to the scene.



He Dingxian was wearing a custom-made suit, holding Chu Yunnan, who was dignified and elegant in a red dress, on his arm. He raised a glass with his right hand as a host, welcoming the guests who arrived one after another.

"Mr. He."

Li Jiacheng and his wife Zhuang Mingyue stepped into the door, bowed and extended their hands: "I have admired you for a long time."


He Dingxian smiled and his eyes stayed on Miss Zhuang's face for a moment. As the vice president of the Chaoshan Chamber of Commerce, he had no reason to show off to Li Jiacheng on the spot, not to mention that he was also the representative of the organizer.

But when his eyes were fixed on Li Jiacheng, he still looked puzzled and asked doubtfully: "Excuse me, who are you?"

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