Hong Kong Island Old Events

Chapter 379 The Governor’s Apology (Wish Brothers a Happy Dragon Boat Festival)

"Thank you, sir."

The Governor has given a top commendation.

Sir He and Sir Jian are very satisfied. The number of six medals of valor may not seem like a lot, but it is enough to reward the brothers who have done their best. The police force can also take the opportunity to promote Chinese police officers.

"Sir He, what's the situation outside?" The Governor then asked: "Can the Military Intelligence Department take over the security of the Governor's Mansion?"


He Dingxian replied aloud: "The street thugs have been completely eliminated, but it is recommended that the Military Intelligence Department take over the Governor's Mansion after the negotiations are officially concluded and the state of martial law is lifted."


Ge Hongliang nodded slightly, knowing that Sir He was a master who never saw rabbits and never let go of hawks.

"Where are the 100,000 firecrackers?"

He Dingxian asked aloud.

Ge Hongliang's expression was stunned: "We are getting ready."

"Sir." He Dingxian said: "The Chinese representatives are already waiting for the meeting at the Chiu Fook Restaurant in Central. I suggest that the firecrackers be prepared and sent to the Chinese representatives immediately. It can also be considered a good luck and show the Governor's sincerity."

Ge Hongliang was a little trembling: "Should I personally deliver firecrackers to the Chinese representatives?"

This move will undoubtedly make the governor fall off the altar and lose the deepest awe in the hearts of the Chinese at the bottom.

Hearing this, the Governor's Secretary said: "Sir, according to the terms, you only need to send firecrackers in the name of the Governor's Mansion. The current social situation is unstable and it is not appropriate for the Governor to leave the Mansion."

He Dingxian glared at his secretary and said solemnly: "The Governor personally delivers firecrackers to show his sincerity. More than a dozen Chinese representatives are waiting in the restaurant. Do you want to plunge Hong Kong Island into turmoil again?"

"Ah Xiong, take him out!"

After receiving the order, Yan Xiong immediately walked through the door, handcuffed the hands of the governor's secretary, and dragged him out of the office. The Secretary to the Governor twisted his shoulders, struggled hard, and shouted: "Sir!"

"Ge sir"

Ge Hongliang had a calm face and a gloomy expression, but he was indifferent to his subordinate being dragged away.

This is the Governor's Palace!

The official residence that symbolizes British colonial power!

But now it is occupied by a group of Chinese police officers. The very high-ranking Governor-General will arrest him whenever he wants. This shows that the Chinese police officers no longer take the Governor's authority seriously. Although the governor holds the greatest administrative power, he has lost control of the largest military department.

He understood that the police force was deliberately trying to establish its power!


Ge Hong said: "I will immediately have people prepare firecrackers and deliver them to the restaurant personally for the Chinese representatives."

"Thank you sir."

He Dingxian put down his tea cup and agreed solemnly.

Later, the governor once again summoned a department official to handle the purchase of firecrackers.

A string of 100,000 firecrackers can be said to be long red, spread on the ground thick and long, and can stretch more than ten meters. Unless it is an important celebration or festival, very few people will set off fireworks. Fortunately, every fireworks shop will put two or three boxes at the bottom.

Each one sells for fifty yuan, and if you have the chance to sell one or two, the profit will be more than ten strings of thousand-headed cannons.

About ten minutes later, an upright-looking official in a suit returned to the official residence, bowed and said, "Sir, the firecrackers have been placed in the car."


Ge Hongliang turned to look at the Chinese man.

He Dingxian stood up with a smile: "Sir, please go."

Ge Hongliang nodded lightly and took the lead to walk out of the Governor's Mansion. He then took two assistants with him to get into the Governor's car with a crown license plate, and then drove down Victoria Peak with five police cars and drove straight to Chaofu Restaurant.

Five Mounted Police motorcycles opened the road ahead with their police lights flashing.

Although the governor is already under the control of others, there must be no lack of pomp and etiquette.

Bai Fanyu, Jiang Tiansheng, Chaozhou Porridge, Ge Zhixiong, Dabi Deng and others were on the second floor, changing glasses and feasting. Suddenly someone saw the mounted police clearing the way and heading towards the restaurant. He stood up in disbelief and said, "Sheng Jiang."

"Sir He is back?"

Jiang Tiansheng lowered his glass and took two steps toward the window. When he saw the car at the head, he said blankly: "The governor is here."

Crooked Chicken swallowed his saliva.

Everyone had stopped thinking about drinking, and it was difficult to guess why the governor came to the restaurant. They are just the bosses of the triad society. No matter how powerful they are in the world, they are just dogs in front of the boss of the chamber of commerce and the police captain.

What's more, the Governor-General is the ruler of Hong Kong!

The motorcade stopped at the entrance of the restaurant in front of everyone's shocked eyes. Immediately, a group of plainclothes detectives got out of the car first and guarded the entrance of the restaurant. Sir He and Sir Jian got off the bus together and followed the governor and two assistants to the restaurant.

When the big bosses saw the governor coming up in person, they suddenly realized that Sir He's intention in making them wait was to invite the governor to come to the scene in person to make peace.

Baifanyu, Ge Zhixiong, Datou Lin, Waiji and others looked at each other. It was unclear whether their faces were flushed due to drinking too much wine, or whether they were excited. Many people's fingers were trembling slightly.

After Ge Hongliang climbed to the second floor, he didn't hesitate at all. He stepped forward to shake hands with Bai Fanyu, showing his very sophisticated political ability, and said in English: "It's a pleasure to meet you. Thank you for your efforts in maintaining security on Hong Kong Island."

He Dingxian followed and introduced: "Everyone, this is the British Governor-General in the UK, Sir Henry Graham. Sir George made a special trip to the restaurant to thank the Chinese representatives for their efforts in calming the social situation. He specially sent a string of ten Thousands of firecrackers to express my gratitude.”

"At the same time, we also apologize for the inappropriate handling of Hong Kong government officials on Double Eleven."

Ge Zhixiong, Waiji, Jiang Tiansheng and others quickly stepped forward and shook hands with fear.

Don't look at this group of people who curse the governor and greet the whole family all day long. When they really see the governor, they should bend down and bow. People live in a world full of worldliness, as if they were not the ones who cursed the governor before.

Ge Hongliang also had no pretensions. Regardless of whether there were wine or oil stains on the hands of the Chinese representatives, they all clenched their hands to express respect.

After a group of big guys shook hands with Ge Hongliang, their minds didn't even turn around, but after listening to Chief He's explanation, they understood that the police force was behind the scenes.

The Governor is here to bow and apologize!

The governor wanted to get things done quickly. After shaking hands, he immediately turned around and asked his subordinates to bring out 100,000 firecrackers. After obtaining Sir He's consent, the firecrackers were hung on bamboo poles outside the restaurant on the second floor. The Governor personally took out a lighter, lit one end of the firecrackers and threw them out.



The firecrackers exploded immediately, sending up a cloud of gray mist and splashing red confetti, hitting many people. However, except for taking a few steps back, the Chinese people present were all in high spirits and looked at the firecrackers with faces full of joy. .

Half a day ago, they were prisoners of the military. A few hours later, the governor came to apologize in person. This honor undoubtedly made the big guys feel that it was worth every penny. Jiang Tiansheng, Chaozhou Zhou and others even felt moved that a scholar would die for his bosom friend.

He Dingxian has no practical benefits to share with the club bosses. Only by sharing the honor of the winner can he win the hearts of the brothers. Various major societies have suffered casualties among their brothers, and a bow and apology from the Governor is enough to repay them.

Two minutes later.

The sound of firecrackers gradually stopped, the Governor finished his apology, turned around and went downstairs to leave. He Dingxian asked Jian Baoning to accompany him, and he stayed in the restaurant to have two more drinks with the club bosses. After seeing the Governor's bowed look, the bosses were afraid of the power of the Hong Kong government and were naturally afraid of ghosts. ,Disappear.

The authority of the Governor's Palace in the Jianghu community has completely collapsed. In the future, the community will only be afraid of the police with guns, and will no longer be afraid of the Governor who lives on Taiping Mountain. If He Dingxian still needs to rely on the power of the community, it will become simple and easy.

The Double Ten Festival is gone in the future, but until Hong Kong Island returns, there are still many major events that have yet to happen.

The next day.


The Governor officially announced the lifting of martial law, and the police withdrew from Victoria Peak and handed it over to the Military Intelligence Department. Governor Ge Hongliang published a signed letter in the South China Daily, apologizing to all Chinese citizens in Hong Kong for the inappropriate handling of the Hong Kong government during the Double Ten Festival.

The Tuchi District Affairs Director of Lei Cheng Uk Estate and several staff came to kneel and kowtow to Sun's statue in front of the Tuchi District building, while thousands of citizens watched. This incident of kneeling and kowtowing was not reported by any foreign-language newspapers. However, newspapers such as Oriental Daily News, Wen Wei Po, and Sing Tao Daily not only reprinted the Governor's letter from the South China Daily News, but also published the story of the staff kneeling. Photo of apology.

Once the news was published, it became headlines across Hong Kong.

While the citizens were shocked, they were also very happy that the turmoil that lasted for five days was finally over.

Many countries in Southeast Asia, Taiwan, Europe and the United States also reprinted this incident. Although the incident did not develop into an international incident after all, Hong Kong Island is geographically important, and local incidents will be amplified and become a small influential international news.

Among them, Taiwan Island is the most popular. When Hong Kong Island is held accountable, Taiwan Island tries to distance itself from the relationship. When Hong Kong Island bows its head, Taiwan Island vigorously boasts about the patriotism of the Chinese in Hong Kong Island. This move seems to be a hot topic for Taiwan, but in fact it has caused dissatisfaction among many citizens and associations in Hong Kong. The centrifugal force is real!

The Nanyang region firmly supports the Hong Kong Island Chinese. As long as the Hong Kong Island Chinese confront the ghosts and aggravate the ghosts' concerns about the situation, the Nanyang Chinese will support them from the bottom of their hearts. On the contrary, many newspapers in the north did not report the incident extensively except for a few mentions.

Ho Ting-hsien's behavior of encircling the Hong Kong Island Police Force as a territory and engaging in Chinese mountaineering has actually had the effect of elevating the status of the Chinese and actively striving for national independence and Chinese rights. However, the method is full of blood and self-interest is the main purpose, which is very unfair. Suitable for publicity.

Historically, the three-day Double Ten operation expanded to five days, with 443 people injured and 59 killed. The police force's 107 injured became 2,129 injured, 230 killed, and 328 public officials were injured.

Among them, most of the public officials were from the Marine Police Department, Affairs Office and other departments, and 12 people from the police force were injured.

Among the overall injured data, only 30% were Chinese, while 70% were foreigners or people related to British capital. The death toll even included the Hong Kong Island garrison. This battle completely wiped out the achievements of Ge Hongliang's ten years in power, and forcefully interrupted the governor's decision to intervene in the disciplinary forces.

Brothers, remember to eat rice dumplings. When eating rice dumplings, eat egg yolk roasted pork rice dumplings. Long live the Salty Party! ! !

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