Hong Kong Island Old Events

Chapter 388 The battle between the old and the new

The top businessmen in the world use politics as business and politicians as goods. To be able to do this is to break the system and become a wealthy businessman. Being able to control the structure of a region and reap benefits is considered a wealthy businessman.

There is no doubt that He Dingxian has begun to dabble in top-level business, but he is still far from being a real wealthy businessman. First of all, Nanyang's business is not big enough, and it is considered medium-sized at best. Secondly, Li Guangyao has more than one boss behind the scenes, and there are many local wealthy families who have made big bets.

He Dingxian is not a sole proprietor, but has formed a joint chamber of commerce to lead everyone to develop in Nanyang, and the interests must be equally shared.

Correspondingly, the risk will be reduced a lot.

In fact, He Dingxian is very satisfied with this, because he does not have enough chips in Nanyang to be able to take it by himself. He uses the Nanyang Handicap to establish the overall situation of the Guangdong Chamber of Commerce in Hong Kong Island, in exchange for the future prospects of the Chinese in Hong Kong Island.


Subsequently, the Dongguan Chamber of Commerce, the Guangfu Chamber of Commerce, and the Wuyi Chamber of Commerce held successive board meetings to formally discuss the establishment of the Guangdong Provincial United Chamber of Commerce.

"Hong Kong Island is connected to the province and Nanyang. Guangdong Province and Hong Kong Island are already connected. The four major chambers of commerce have merged into one. The development of Hong Kong Island will benefit both the province and Hong Kong."

"The Joint Chamber of Commerce is just a trial operation. There are advantages and disadvantages. You will know once you try it."

"Encourage each other to compete, go small to win big, and unite as one, so that we can hope to eat more from the ghost's bowl in the future."

Within the four chambers of commerce, there are leaders organized by chamber presidents, and most of the directors agreed.

Firstly, the rotating chairman system is relatively soft and widely accepted by everyone. Secondly, the strong rise of the Shanghai Chamber of Commerce has also made bosses in Guangdong Province feel uneasy. It has to be said that sectarianism is a natural thing in the eyes of many people. Hong Kong Island has always been regarded as their own territory by the people of Guangdong Province. How can people from Shanghai be allowed to become bigger?

When businessmen from Guangdong Province make money on Hong Kong Island, they either buy property on Hong Kong Island or send it back to the province for development. A few go to Nanyang. But where do people from Shanghai send their money? Not to mention sending it to Taiwan, Europe and the United States, but sending it to Shanghai makes them feel bad!

After all, these big bosses know that Shanghai's geographical location, with the Yangtze River outlet, and 11 provinces and 22 cities along the way, could develop into a ten-mile foreign market during the Anti-Japanese War, and is destined to become a megacity in the future.

Hong Kong Island is unable to radiate the entire Guangdong Province. How about moving the capital from Hong Kong Island to Shanghai?

Don't blame the bosses in Guangdong Province for being petty, they can't give you all the benefits in the world!

Brothers have to be divided into the eldest and the second.

At the same time, the news that the Guangdong Provincial United Chamber of Commerce was about to be established spread like wildfire throughout the business world, immediately giving a blow to the heads of Chinese-owned bosses from other provinces.

Once the Guangdong Provincial United Chamber of Commerce is established, it will immediately become the largest chamber of commerce organization on Hong Kong Island, with more than 10,000 members, covering all industries in Hong Kong. The political forces behind the scenes include not only the four major families, but also the police force, Department of Justice, L Dharma Assembly, Government Affairs Bureau.

With a little more integration of Jianghu clubs, more than 200,000 club brothers can be recruited.

This is not Hong Kong Island when it had a population of five million, but when it had a population of more than two million. There are 200,000 community brothers, who already occupy nearly one-tenth of Hong Kong Island.

Although there is the Chinese Chamber of Commerce and Industry in Hong Kong established during the Boxer Rebellion, since the end of World War II, the Chinese Chamber of Commerce and Industry has become a symbolic organization. First of all, small bosses cannot join. Secondly, they are directly subject to domestic jurisdiction. Once they officially join, they will publicly express their stance. Business on Hong Kong Island will be strictly restricted by the Hong Kong government.

Therefore, the China Chamber of Commerce and Industry has long lost its ambition to make waves and support the national crisis during World War II, and has become an honorary title.

The most dynamic chambers of commerce on Hong Kong Island are these hometown associations.

Some people have already said that the future chairman of the Guangdong Joint Chamber of Commerce will be the most powerful Chinese on Hong Kong Island.

This statement is not false.

"The blueprint for establishing the Guangdong Provincial United Chamber of Commerce is very good, but can it be realized with your ability?" When he went to the Shanghai Guild Hall, after reading a document, Shao Yifu sneered, picked up the tea cup and took a sip, but did not say anything more. if.

Li Huili shook his head from the side: "This matter will not be resolved in a year or two. It will give us an opportunity to conquer Nanyang and develop the Chamber of Commerce."

Dong Haoyun expressed solemnly: "It is a good thing to be able to unite the Chinese people."

"I have long seen that He Dingxian is very ambitious. He always likes to set rules, collect power, and make people all over the world listen to him. But the greater the power, the greater the responsibility." Shao Yifu said: "He can't spend his whole life Neither made the wrong choice.”

Maybe he was getting carried away, or maybe he was trying to find a way out of his words, but he cursed at the end: "Young little red guy."

Dong Haoyun's expression changed and he felt bad, but he didn't contradict him.

Li Huili smiled in agreement, obviously agreeing very much.

However, as soon as the proposal of the Guangdong Provincial United Chamber of Commerce came out, regardless of whether it could be established, it brought a strong sense of crisis to the Shanghai Chamber of Commerce. Under this sense of crisis, the Shanghai Chamber of Commerce passed a decision to raise 5 million Hong Kong dollars to the Chamber of Commerce Director Shen Jiongming, inject capital into Fengde Bank under the name of Boss Ke, and let Fengde Bank be registered as an official bank. The gang's capital pool entered the banking industry to confront the Chaoshan Gang.

In the past, people from Shanghai were the most influential people in the domestic banking industry, but Hong Kong Island was mostly controlled by British-owned banks, and most of the Chinese-funded banks that were deployed in the past were people from Guangdong Province. As a result, the Shanghai-Shanghai Chamber of Commerce was extremely weak in the banking industry.

Shao Yifu has always wanted to cultivate a local bank for the Shanghai Chamber of Commerce, but due to the large scale of financing and the newly established chamber of commerce, there was considerable resistance, so he just used his strength to complete a layout.

One month later.

Fung Tak Bank was established and its banks were converted into offices. There are 13 branches in Hong Kong, which is at the third-rate level in the banking industry.

But Shen Jiongming is a foreign exchange expert who has served as a bank executive in China. He has launched a number of foreign exchange products and caused quite a stir in the banking industry.

When He Dingxian received the news of the establishment of Fengde Bank, he was neither happy nor angry. After all, it is normal for a chamber of commerce to launch a representative of the banking industry. The banking industry is such a big market, and everyone wants to get in and get a piece of the pie.

But Fengde Company did not innovate new business methods, and always followed the path of high-risk speculators. Sooner or later it would go bankrupt in the face of the financial crisis.

In the reckless era of the domestic banking industry, many people blindly pursue returns, not knowing that the most important thing in the banking industry is to prevent risks!

After more than ten days, the collective vote of the four chambers of commerce in Guangdong Province was finally passed. Most members of the four chambers of commerce supported the merger. The interim board of directors of the Guangdong Province United Chamber of Commerce was established. The former presidents and vice presidents of the four chambers of commerce were automatically appointed as interim directors. , responsible for preparing for the official establishment of the Chamber of Commerce.

However, the smooth progress does not mean that there are no whirlpools under the water. On the contrary, apart from the Luo Wenjin and Xian Defen families, the four major families have expressed their agreement, while the Zhou Junnian and Jian Leqiang families have remained silent.

He Dingxian just did not sit still and waited for death, and seized the opportunity to establish the Chamber of Commerce as soon as possible. However, the two big officials, Zhou Junnian and Jian Leqiang, have remained silent, which is not a good sign in itself.

Friday, evening.

As soon as He Tingxian walked out of the Tai Kwun office building and came to the parking lot, he saw two cars parked aside. A clerk wearing a gray suit and tie with a briefcase under his right arm bowed immediately when he saw him coming: "Hello, Mr. He."

Lan Gang and two plainclothes men stood behind the boss, staring at him with unkind eyes.

He Dingxian was looking at the staff when the car door was suddenly pushed open. Luo Wenjin stood beside the car and waved: "Axian, there is a dinner party tonight. I want you to accompany me."

"Uncle Jin."

He Dingxian quickly called someone and smiled politely: "No problem, where are you going?"

"Get in the car and chat."

Luo Wenjin looked kind and got into the car first. He Dingxian handed the car keys to his men and sat in the car. Lan Gang and others naturally drove the boss's car to follow. The three cars quickly drove out of the gate of Tai Kwun and headed for Taiping District.

At this time, citizens were not allowed to enter Taiping Mountain. Unlike the parks of later generations, they could be visited at will.

Luo Wenjing took the convoy up the mountain after showing a card, but the one-time card was also confiscated.

Finally, the convoy arrived outside the door of a villa halfway up the mountain.

The door was not locked, but the car was parked by the mountain road. Luo Wenjin, He Dingxian, Lan Gang and others got out of the car one after another and walked into the villa. If there was actually a trace of curiosity in the eyes of Lan Gang and others, He Dingxian already knew that the person he was going to see tonight was Sir Zhou Junnian.


"I did everything I could."

Luo Wenjin Tower stood on the stone slab and whispered: "Sir Zhou has been refusing to let go, and Jian Dazhuang is not optimistic about the Guangdong Chamber of Commerce."

"Half and half?"

He Dingxian adjusted his tie: "It can be done."


Luo Wenjin shook his head with a wry smile: "It's different from Jianghu. Since the four major families have their own positions, the conflicts have always been sharp. The principle of equal votes has always been invalidated."

"Whoever breaks this tacit understanding will not be able to survive in the Legislative Council. The next step will only be to look at yourself."

He Dingxian calmed down his expression.


Establishing a business association is different from fighting with the police. It is a project to expand cooperation, and everything must be negotiated.

Can't do anything.

Taking action will cause instability in people's hearts.

Give people a basis for continuous attack and annihilation.

All negotiation results may be in vain.

This is the most difficult and most fascinating part of politics.

At this time, Mr. Zhou Junnian's brother, Mr. Zhou Xinian, dressed in a suit, walked out of the building and came forward to welcome him: "Sir Luo and Sir He, welcome. The house has not been so lively for a long time. Mr. Luo, Mr. Jian Dazhuang and Mr. Xian are all already in the house. "

"Thank you."

Luo Wenjin held Zhou Xinian's hand and smiled lightly, while He Dingxian bowed slightly to show the courtesy of a junior, and then followed his father-in-law into the living room. Zhou Xinian was about to close the door, but Lan Gang blocked the door with his hand: "Sorry, Councilor Zhou."

Zhou Xinian's face suddenly darkened. He turned back to look at He Dingxian who had just taken two steps, but saw He Dingxian turning his head and saying, "Whenever I meet people, I like to have people following me. These people are all my brothers and sisters."

"Sir Ho."

"The people in the room are either congressmen, knights or justices of the peace." Zhou Xinian's implication was obvious. He felt that the mud-legged man was not even qualified to stand guard, but He Dingxian waved: "Gangzi, come in."

"Yes, sir."

Lan Gang nodded, pushed the door open, and led people into the house.

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