Hong Kong Island Old Events

Chapter 401 Want sovereignty!

Jiang Tianyang watched the First Minister's motorcade hurriedly flee the scene, and he felt proud in his heart: "No matter how big an official is, what can he do? If he says he is against you, he will be against you. Don't go against the people!"

Lin Youfu returned to his official residence amidst the overwhelming wave of opposition. He put the documents in his hands on the table with a very troubled expression: "How can public opinion be so boiling?"

"Minister, the right choice is often in the hands of a few people." Zhang Jiangde, secretary of the Action Front, stood aside and brought a cup of coffee and placed it next to the chief. Lin Youfu picked up the coffee cup and put it to his mouth, but did not drink it: "Next year's election will be very difficult."

His eyes were full of worry.

Zhang Dejiang bowed deeply at the right time: "Minister Lin."

"Commissioner Liu is handling matters."

"It is guaranteed that Lee Kwong Yew, Goh Chok Tong and others will not win the election next year, and the Labor Front will definitely get a majority of seats."

After Singapore becomes an autonomous state, it will still belong to the Commonwealth and will operate in accordance with the Commonwealth system.

Lim Yew Hock needs to resign from the position of First Minister and then run for the top minister. At the same time, he must ensure that the Labor Front gets a majority of seats in the parliament and becomes a majority. Otherwise, laws and regulations will not be passed in the parliament.

Lim Yew Hock does not want to become a cripple governor, but the quota of parliamentary seats and the support rate of the Action Front may give him a chance to defeat the Labor Front. As the current talkative faction, the Labor Front is in an anxious state with the opposition faction, which is essentially a sign of losing the support of the people.


Lin Youfu nodded and said: "Next year, once I win, I will appoint you as my deputy."

"Thank you, Minister."

Zhang Dejiang knelt down in a very low posture.

Half an hour later.

Zhang Dejiang left the First Minister's Residence and took a car to a bungalow in the South District. Immediately, a white-skinned guy in a suit and tie came up to him. He bowed and shook hands and said, "Secretary Zhang."

"Thanks for your hard work."

Zhang Dejiang smiled: "Everything is for peace."

"Ha ha."

"Secretary Zhang is right, come on, please come inside." White stepped aside and raised his hand to invite Zhang Dejiang into the room first, giving him full courtesy. Zhang Dejiang also enjoyed Gui Lao's service. He nodded slightly and said, "Thank you."

But he strode in.

White followed closely and saw Zhang Dejiang come to the sofa and sit down naturally, and skillfully opened the cigar box, took out a high-end cigar, and enjoyed the appearance of a fifteen-year-old British girl kneeling on the ground to help cut the hat and light the fire. , a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

I saw that the British girl had fair skin and beautiful appearance. She was wearing a red camisole and had a very plump figure. She was professionally trained in trimming cigars. She was meticulous and slow. After trimming the cap, she placed the cigar on her thigh. Roll up and down to touch.

Would such a cigar be better to smoke?

not necessarily.

But it will make guests enjoy it more.

Sure enough, Zhang Dejiang squinted his eyes, leaned against the sofa, tapped the seat with his fingers, and glanced directly at the girl, looking very comfortable. Although this Chinese politician who is nearly 50 years old can no longer play physically, he is mentally very strong.

"Men are very fond of each other." White understands this truth well and always serves his guests very well. When Zhang Dejiang was already leaning on the sofa, holding the girl in his arms and puffing away, he sat on the chair next to him, took out a cigar, sniffed and said: "Secretary Zhang, Malaysia Airlines is 100% Five shares have been transferred to your son’s name.”

Zhang Dejiang said with a smile: "Okay."

White waved his hand and motioned to the waiter to open a bottle of red wine.

In fact, in the early days, Lin Youfu was very hesitant about the "Christmas Island Act" and did not know how to choose. In the end, a group of subordinate officials headed by Zhang Jiangde firmly adhered to the policy of "cutting land in exchange for autonomy", which influenced Lin Youfu's decision.

After all, Lin Youfu's ability to sit on the position of First Minister is inseparable from the support of the gentry class such as Zhang Jiangde. Every speaker is a representative of a class. If Ma Shaohua represents the real labor collective, Lin Youfu has actually already Begun to represent the gentry class.

The position of a speaker does not depend on what he said, but on who he worked for and what he did. After Zhang Jiangde and others took over Lin Youfu, their subordinate family businesses naturally expanded rapidly, and their political power also developed. Very big.

Although Lin Youfu did not take the initiative to initiate internal purges, Zhang Jiangde and others had actually completed the purge activities and occupied the entire top management. They built an information wall around Zhang Jiangde and interfered with policies at all times.

Lin Youfu may be aware of this, but Lin Youfu has long been inseparable from them. As the saying goes, success is the same as failure, and no one can escape the law of cause and effect. Zhang Dejiang is very clear about the consequences of ceding land, but for them, if Lin Youfu falls, the next one can be pushed to power. The banker takes turns, and the shareholders will always be them. The interests of the Labor Front are not as important as the interests of the family. When the family's tentacles extend to all aspects of society and people's livelihood, it actually no longer matters whether the Labor Front or the Action Front is in power.

What's more, they don't put their eggs in one basket. They work in Singapore, but their family members have children developing in Malaysia. They belong to two different places, but they can communicate with each other from afar.



The two men clinked their glasses together with smiles on their lips. Throughout history, what cannot be obtained at the negotiation table can only be obtained on the battlefield. This month, Singapore officially announced the "Articles of Autonomy", announcing that the Governor will leave office at the end of the year and Singapore will become an autonomous state.

The coalition government will temporarily handle government affairs until the general election is held in May next year to elect Singapore's first autonomous team. All major political groups are gearing up for the start of the general election next year. In November, Lee Kwong Yew went on a canvassing tour in Chinatown and held a speech at a teahouse. He targeted First Minister Lim Yew Hock and shouted shocking slogans: "Singapore does not want autonomy, the Lion City does not want to be a federation, we want sovereignty." !”

"Ask for sovereignty!"

This sentence directly defines Li Guangyao's campaign slogan. This slogan not only conforms to the current public opinion and ideological trends, but also fundamentally overturns Lin Yew Hock's policies. As the first minister on stage, under the effect of power, Lin Youfu is in the middle of the stage, and every move he makes will be infinitely amplified by the public. If the correct decision is made, the probability of winning the election will be extremely high. If the wrong decision is made, the people would rather vote for a pig than for him.

At the same time, Lee Guangyao played the anti-corruption card and took the initiative to expose the corruption inside the Labor Front after he came to power. Although no direct evidence of core officials was found and he could not blackmail the government to launch an investigation, it led to the arrest of many Labor Front MPs, which will give the Labor Front next year election has cast a shadow.

However, Li Guangyao's concept of striving for complete sovereignty is completely opposite to Gui Lao. Gui Lao has no way of letting Li Guangyao come to power. Not only has he temporarily dispersed the gatherings of the Action Front many times, but he has also begun to exaggerate Li Guangyao's ambitious family character and build him up. For a disturber of the peace.

Historically, Li Guangyao did overturn Singapore's autonomy law as soon as he came to power. He never wanted Singapore to work for ghosts, but wanting to leave the Commonwealth cannot be solved with just a few words. Firstly, he took the initiative to deepen economic cooperation with Malaysia. Secondly, he promoted the national enthusiasm in Malaysia, Brunei and Singapore. Thirdly, he eliminated huge resistance and held a referendum. First, Singapore voted to enter the Federation of Malay, and then from the Federation of Malay. separated from it and became a separate sovereign state.

"Ask for sovereignty!"

"Ask for sovereignty!"

End of the year.

Pre-election period.

Li Guangyao and his wife rode a float to the North District to canvass for votes. They saw that he was wearing a red ribbon with the words "Action Front Li Guangyao" printed on it. Mrs. Li was wearing a red women's suit, with elegant makeup, and she was also dressed up in a festive and friendly manner.

At this time, the two stood in the car holding hands and bowed to express their gratitude to the supporters.

There were huge crowds of people on both sides of the street, and everyone shouted: "We want sovereignty!"

"Ask for sovereignty!"

Li Guangyao was affected by his emotions. He stood in front of the car, raised his arms and shouted: "Down with the puppets, win, the Chinese are not afraid of bloodshed, the Chinese are not slaves, drive the ghosts out of Malacca!"

"Down with the puppet!"

“Drive the ghost guys out of Malacca!”

The crowd immediately echoed with roars like landslides and tsunamis. Jiang Tianyang, wearing sunglasses, stood very sternly behind Li Guangyao. Looking down from above, the raised heads on the side of the road and the eyes full of expectation formed the superiority of the superior. .

He used to be excited even when he was in a crowd, but now in a different position, he seemed calm and even alert when standing on top. Suddenly, he noticed a few ghost guys sneaking out of the alley ahead. He immediately picked up the walkie-talkie and said loudly: "Little Bird, there are a few ghost guys at the entrance of the alley on the left in front. Come up and keep an eye on them."


Several men in suits immediately walked out of the crowd, surrounded a few ghost guys in a corner, and used their eyes to check whether the other party was in danger. Most people would immediately choose to retreat after finding themselves surrounded by bodyguards.

While Jiang Tianyang was looking at the ghost guy, a middle-aged man wearing a peaked cap and jeans suddenly took out a military pistol from the backpack on his waist, aimed at Li Guangyao on the stage, raised the gun and shot: "Bang!"


Two loud gunshots rang out, and the crowd did not react for a moment, but as several bodyguards pushed Li Guangyao down, the scene immediately erupted into loud screams. Some people fled in a hurry, some tried to climb into the car, and some were pushed to the corner.

Jiang Tianyang was stunned at first, and then heard the gunfire. When he came to Boss Li, Boss Li was already sitting in the car and being protected. Except for some scratches on his arms, he was not seriously injured. Jiang Tianyang breathed a sigh of relief when he saw this, but looked at Li Guangyao with more complicated eyes. After ambulances and police cars arrived at the scene, the crowd was gradually evacuated and a road was opened to send the boss away. Jiang Tianyang asked his returning men, "When did the gunman leave?"

"I don't know." Several of the men shook their heads in unison. They also thought it was incredible that the gunman could escape. They were really confused.

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