Hong Kong Island Old Events

Chapter 407 The battle for candidates (there is some activity in the comment area)

Mr. Jian, sir from the Operations Department is looking for you. "The director's secretary opened the door and announced. Jian Baoning immediately stood up and said with a smile: "Sir, please come in." "

He Dingxian walked into the office, stood at attention, saluted, and said respectfully: "Sir, good afternoon!"

"Sir, you're welcome, please take a seat." Jian Baoning walked out of the desk and came to a sofa. With a habitual polite word, he took out his cigar and said: "New goods from Cuba, handmade by masters. "

"Thank you, sir!"

He Dingxian sat on the sofa, crossed his legs, took the cigar, nodded, and took a puff.

Jian Baoning dropped the lighter and said with a smile: "You don't have to go to the police academy to attend the graduation ceremony today?"

"Sir Kun has gone, so I won't go." He Dingxian has attended the graduation ceremony as a commander for several consecutive years and personally presented awards to outstanding graduates. However, this year coincides with the change of director, and he is so busy that he has no time to go again. Play house with the kids.

Anyway, those young men who join the police force will have to work under him.

Jian Baoning nodded thoughtfully: "Oh, why are you looking for me, sir?"

"Let's discuss the change of leadership in the police force."

He Dingxian took out a puff of cigarette and spoke very directly. Jian Baoning's expression became serious and he said solemnly: "The police force is in the development stage, and I want to work for another term."

"The Governor will not agree."

He Dingxian said coldly: "Sir Bai wants to be transferred to your Security Bureau as the deputy director. It is considered a promotion to the leadership of the Third Division and the Twelve Bureau. The purpose is to strip away your power in the police force." This set of Third Division The system of twelve bureaus was the political system that has been followed by Hong Kong Island ever since.

In fact, the responsibilities of the departments are much the same as before, and they are divided into the Secretary for Administrative Affairs, the Secretary for Finance, and the Department of Justice.

Public Affairs Bureau, Commerce Bureau, Constitutional Affairs Bureau, Development Bureau, Education Bureau, Environment Bureau, Finance and Economics Bureau, Health Bureau, Civil Affairs Bureau, Welfare Bureau, Security Bureau, Transport Bureau, and Housing Bureau.

The functions and powers of each bureau correspond to those in the former Government House system. However, a new set of arrangements and divisions were made to split the Colonial Secretary who had too much power, and to divide all disciplinary forces in Hong Kong such as the Police Force, Customs, and Correctional Services Department. Everything is placed under the management of the Security Bureau.

It can be regarded as a layer of lock on the disciplinary forces with excessive power, leaving political space.

This restructuring has promoted many people and is very popular, but it is not very friendly to the previous departments with real power, such as the Financial Secretary, who not only did the accounts but also managed the treasury, but now the foreign exchange reserves, gold, etc. are transferred to the Finance Bureau.

In addition to giving the Finance Bureau the nickname of a warehouse, the Financial Secretary has also been reduced to an accounting department, with only the power to sign and no keys to manage money.

The Commissioner of Police is also greatly affected, because the Security Bureau can comprehensively coordinate the disciplinary departments and sow dissension among the disciplinary departments. In recent years, there have been several policy frictions between the Correctional Services Department, Customs, and Fire Forces, but Ho Ting-hsien intervened in them all. It can be said that the Security Bureau has eroded the underground authority.

However, Jian Baoning refused to give up: "If the governor had the final say at all times, I would not be able to sit in the position I am today. Sir, as long as the Chinese are willing to support me, I will definitely be able to stay in my position. You also know The situation is grim and the trust between us is very important. How can another person ensure cooperation with the Chinese?"

"As far as I know, the Governor is very dissatisfied with Hong Kong Island's money empire. He believes that fee income has greatly corroded the economic development of Hong Kong Island and allowed labor benefits to fall into the pockets of a few people."

"It's not good for his political performance."

He Dingxian was slightly silent, because what Jian Baoning said was the truth. At that time, he thought that the "corruption storm" in history was just to cleanse the Chinese. Now it seems that it also has the purpose of narrowing the gap between the rich and the poor and opening up the consumer market. .

My eyelids are shallow

However, Gui Lao did not dare to purge the British people and wanted to keep direct descendants to ensure their rule. Therefore, under targeted actions, there was an illusion that he was doing things to wipe out the Chinese. This move was indeed beneficial to the development of the city. Later, Hong Kong Island did usher in a golden age. This can also be seen from the public's support for the Independent Commission Against Corruption. Unfortunately, if the revolution is not thorough, it means there is no revolution at all. Simply purging the Chinese will not help at all. The seeds left behind will still take root and sprout, and within ten years they will start to counterattack.

As a result, during that time, all the Chinese bosses went to the mainland to hunt for gold, and British-owned foreign companies continued to survive in Hong Kong Island. The money eventually flowed into the hands of a few people, but most of those few people were ghosts. On the surface, Gui Lao has tried his best, but in fact, Gui Lao still does not have the courage to launch a self-revolution.

Of course, neither did He Dingxian. Human nature cannot be eliminated. Admitting one's greed is a sign of caution. Since money will always remain in the hands of a few people, then why are the few not him, his brothers, and friends?

Why not Chinese?

At least the Chinese are willing to spend money in China, and at least Hong Kong Island is regarded as foreign exchange and can support domestic economic development. The economic circulation rate is better than falling into the hands of ghosts. But it is impossible to support Baoning's position with the lives of his brothers!

The reason why he has maintained a tacit understanding with the governor is that he wants to trade time for space and will never take the initiative to start a war again.

"Sir Jian, in eight years, you should be able to get tens of millions, right?" He Dingxian smoked a cigar and said calmly: "100 million or 200 million? It's up to you to share the money, Gui Lao. To be honest, I don’t even understand how much you can make.”

"But you are already the richest police commissioner in history. Not to mention honorable retirement in the Security Bureau, this money alone will be enough for you to be rich for generations. Aren't you satisfied?"

Jian Baoning had not seen such a wild look for a long time. Hearing this, his heart suddenly jumped. His brain quickly calmed down. After a full half-minute of silence, he sighed: "Sir He, I understand what you mean."

"Now, it's not about whether I can continue to sit as Commissioner of Police, but who will sit as Commissioner of Police for the next term."

He Dingxian nodded: "Yes, if I want to fight, why should I let my brothers fight for you? I can promote myself to the top, but the lives of brothers and sisters are also lives, and you can't play like this. Brothers follow me to make money. happy."

"Even if you die, you have to be willing to do so, rather than just throw it away as a bargaining chip. I think Kunxian is more suitable for the position of the next Commissioner of Police. He not only served as the person in charge of the Kowloon District, but also served as the Senior Assistant Commissioner. Over the years, he has managed multiple departments including the Criminal Division, Operations Division, and Personnel Division, and has profound management experience.”

Jian Baoning frowned: "Why not let Sir Barton take over the position? As deputy director of operations, Barton is the most suitable regardless of qualifications and abilities, just because Barton is my person?"

"Which one of these two is not yours?" He Dingxian sneered. Although he could intervene in the appointment of the Commissioner of Police, he could only make choices among a limited number of candidates. Not to mention those from the colonial faction, Yifu was welded to death. In the position of Deputy Director of Management.

One wrong move back then completely ruined his political career, and he would have to retire after a few more years of service. The colonial faction has grown in strength in recent years, and after cooperating with Chinese capital, they actually used the police union funds to acquire shares in several Chinese-owned companies.

Although those shares are under the management of the police union, as the actual operators, the reputation of the Ifu group has greatly increased, especially Senior Assistant Director Shi Keming, who actually became the vice chairman of the Police Fund based on his political performance votes.

It's a pity that they still can't compete for the position of police commissioner.

Because He Dingxian, Jian Baoning and others are not blind. While they are in the limelight, they also expose their own strength.

Many specially recruited Chinese police officers had close relationships with the colonialists. Most of these people are well-educated people with good backgrounds. They have become obsessed with drinking foreign ink and drinking demons. They talk about freedom for the people, completely forgetting who invaded the nation and how their parents climbed out of the quagmire of war. On the contrary, I feel that the world is getting better day by day under the leadership of Europe and the United States, and I believe deeply in the West. He Dingxian sees it very clearly, but he cannot change others at all, because people will be confused by their own vision. Those highly educated people are smart people, how can they be stupid? Because when they grew up, the world they saw and the news they heard was that the West was really good!

Who can see who is not evil?

If He Dingxian hadn't traveled through it and seen his face, he would have been possessed by demons!

But this does not mean that those people can sell out the interests of the Chinese people. The colonial ghosts clearly do not have the support of He Dingxian and want to cultivate a "He Dingxian" of their own. Are Chinese representatives really so good? He Dingxian didn't feel it in his heart, but he couldn't help but pay attention to it. Opposing political banners had emerged and there was no clear leader to carry the banner. It was simply that the time was not ripe and the cultivation of gu was not over. If the failure to prepare for the "corruption storm" leads to widespread collapse of Chinese police officers, then the Chinese representatives of the colonial faction will undoubtedly take advantage of the situation and take the place of the old forces as a new force.

He Dingxian selected Kun Xian as the next director of the department, not because he had any private deal with Kun Xian, but simply because he did not have a deep foundation in Tai Kwun and would need to rely on Chinese help after taking office. This is the same as the original choice of Jian Baoning to cooperate. On the contrary, Barton has real power and is the designated successor of the pro-China faction. He has the support of the entire faction of British police officers.

"My last line."

Jian Baoning said in a deep voice: "The next seat will be given to Barton."


He Dingxian sighed, his expression suddenly softened, he stood up and left the sofa, and said regretfully: "You can sit on whoever you say, without my consent, so why are you waiting for my news? You have the position of Police Commissioner. Come and make a reservation.”

Jian Baoning looked at Sir He's leaving figure with a very ugly expression on his face. He pinched his cigar and said loudly: "Invite Kunxian and Barton to have dinner together tonight. The four of us will sit together and chat."

"No, I've made soup at home."

He Dingxian carried him on his back, raised his hand and waved.

Jian Baoning gritted his teeth and said: "Let Sir Barton take the position, and we will work together to push you to the position of Assistant Director."

He Dingxian still didn't look back, he just clicked his tongue in the corridor and said disdainfully: "What does the pro-China ghost guy mean? I don't know?"

"Only obedient ghosts deserve to be called pro-China faction."

There is an activity in the comment area where you can vote for points in exchange for monthly votes. A monthly ticket costs 100 points. You must first leave a message on a post in the comment area and then vote to get rewards. It lasted for a week and ended tomorrow, and only a few people participated. There are still a lot of coins waiting for everyone to collect, go for it! Bros!

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